void PluginCommandScriptDecorator_ScriptExecuted(object sender, ScriptScopeEventArgs e)
            //get name of subclass python-type from PluginCommandBase
            var pluginTypes = (from item in e.Scope.GetItems()
                               let @type = item.Value as PythonType
                               where @type != null
                               let clrType = (Type)@type
                               where clrType.IsAbstract == false
                               where clrType.IsInterface == false
                               let @interfaces = clrType.GetInterfaces()
                               where @interfaces.Contains(typeof(IScriptCommand))
                               select item.Key);

            ObjectOperations op = e.Scope.Engine.Operations;

            foreach (var pluginType in pluginTypes)
                object @class = e.Scope.GetVariable(pluginType); // get the class object
                object @instance = op.Call(@class); // create the instance
                //object method = op.GetMember(instance, "Execute"); // get a method
                //op.Call(method); // call method and get the result

                var cmd =  @instance as IScriptCommand;
                OnCommandCreated (cmd);
 void PluginCommandScriptDecorator_RegisterGlobals(object sender, ScriptScopeEventArgs e)
     e.Scope.SetVariable("Commands", container.Resolve<ICommandRepository>());
     e.Scope.SetVariable("IoC", container);