예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes Groebner basis for the polynomial basis. Based on Theorem 2 of sectin 2.7, CLO. Not very efficient.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A polynomial basis that is the reduced Groebner basis.</returns>
        public PolynomialBasis SimplifiedBuchberger()
            PolynomialBasis groebner     = this;
            PolynomialBasis groebnerTemp = this;

                groebnerTemp = new PolynomialBasis(groebner); // G' := G

                List <Polynomial> groebnerTempList = groebnerTemp.polynomialData.ToList();
                for (int i = 0; i < groebnerTemp.polynomialData.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = (i + 1); j < groebnerTemp.polynomialData.Count; j++)
                        Polynomial s = groebnerTempList[i].GetSPolynomial(groebnerTempList[j]).GetRemainder(groebnerTemp);
                        if (!s.IsZero)
                            groebner.polynomialData.Add(s); // G := G ∪ {S}
            }while (!groebner.Equals(groebnerTemp));

            groebner.MakeMinimal(); // First minimal and then reduced.
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Optimized Buchberger implementation based on Theorem 11 of section 2.9.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="basis">An array of polynomials that are going to form the basis.</param>
        /// <returns>A polynomial basis that wraps the polynomials that make up the Groebner basis.</returns>
        public PolynomialBasis OptimizedBuchberger(params Polynomial[] basis)
            int t = basis.Length - 1;
            HashSet <Tuple <int, int> > b = new HashSet <Tuple <int, int> >();

            for (int i = 0; i <= t; i++)
                for (int j = i + 1; j <= t; j++)
                    b.Add(Tuple.Create(i, j)); // i will always be less than j.

            PolynomialBasis   groebner  = new PolynomialBasis(basis);
            List <Polynomial> listBasis = basis.ToList();

            while (b.Count > 0)
                List <Tuple <int, int> > bList = b.ToList();
                foreach (Tuple <int, int> ij in bList)
                    int i = ij.Item1;
                    int j = ij.Item2;

                    if ( // First, is the combination relatively prime (see propositions 4 of section 2.9, CLO)? If so, we know the remainder by G will be zero.
                         // So, just skip the if condition and remove it.
                        listBasis[i].GetLeadingTerm().LCM(listBasis[j].GetLeadingTerm()) != listBasis[i].GetLeadingTerm() * (listBasis[j].GetLeadingTerm())
                        // Next, is it possible to remove this combination? If so, skip the if and remove ij.
                        && !this.Criterion(i, j, b, listBasis)
                        Polynomial s = listBasis[i].GetSPolynomial(listBasis[j]).GetRemainder(new PolynomialBasis(listBasis)); // TODO: Implement remainder method that takes list. It will be more efficient.
                        if (!s.IsZero)

                            for (int l = 0; l < t; l++)
                            {                              // We need to consider all combinations with this new polynomial that was introduced.
                                b.Add(Tuple.Create(l, t)); // l will always be smaller than t.

                    b.Remove(ij); // ij has already been considered and its S-polynomial (if non-zero) added. So, we don't need to consider it again.

            PolynomialBasis grb = new PolynomialBasis(listBasis);

            grb.MakeMinimal(); // First minimal and then reduced.