예제 #1
파일: Polygon.cs 프로젝트: gleblebedev/toe
		public void AddTriangle(DelaunayTriangle t)
예제 #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Update neighbor pointers
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="p1">Point 1 of the shared edge</param>
		/// <param name="p2">Point 2 of the shared edge</param>
		/// <param name="t">This triangle's new neighbor</param>
		private void MarkNeighbor(TriangulationPoint p1, TriangulationPoint p2, DelaunayTriangle t)
			int i = this.EdgeIndex(p1, p2);
			if (i == -1)
				throw new Exception("Error marking neighbors -- t doesn't contain edge p1-p2!");
			this.Neighbors[i] = t;
예제 #3
		/// <summary>
		/// Exhaustive search to update neighbor pointers
		/// </summary>
		public void MarkNeighbor(DelaunayTriangle t)
			// Points of this triangle also belonging to t
			bool a = t.Contains(this.Points[0]);
			bool b = t.Contains(this.Points[1]);
			bool c = t.Contains(this.Points[2]);

			if (b && c)
				this.Neighbors[0] = t;
				t.MarkNeighbor(this.Points[1], this.Points[2], this);
			else if (a && c)
				this.Neighbors[1] = t;
				t.MarkNeighbor(this.Points[0], this.Points[2], this);
			else if (a && b)
				this.Neighbors[2] = t;
				t.MarkNeighbor(this.Points[0], this.Points[1], this);
				throw new Exception("Failed to mark neighbor, doesn't share an edge!");
예제 #4
		/// <param name="t">Opposite triangle</param>
		/// <param name="p">The point in t that isn't shared between the triangles</param>
		public TriangulationPoint OppositePoint(DelaunayTriangle t, TriangulationPoint p)
			Debug.Assert(t != this, "self-pointer error");
			return this.PointCWFrom(t.PointCWFrom(p));
예제 #5
		public void MarkEdge(DelaunayTriangle triangle)
			for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
				if (this.EdgeIsConstrained[i])
					triangle.MarkConstrainedEdge(this.Points[(i + 1) % 3], this.Points[(i + 2) % 3]);