/// <summary>
 /// If Checked, Alerter will monitor the table if buttons will appear => Player has options
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void AlertCheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (this.Checked)
         TableHandler.alerter[TableHandle] = true;
         Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Scanning: {0}", WinAPI.GetWindowTitle((int)TableHandle)));
         TableHandler.alerter[TableHandle] = false;
         Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Stopped: {0}", WinAPI.GetWindowTitle((int)TableHandle)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Attach ScanButton to Emulator instances
        /// </summary>
        public void attachScanControls()
            updateSession(); // check for new emulator instances
            foreach (IntPtr emulator in emulatorList)
                if (scanButtonList == null)
                    scanButtonList = new Dictionary <IntPtr, ScanButton>();

                // check if ScanButton for this emulator is already getting tracked
                if (scanButtonList.ContainsKey(emulator))
                //else Console.WriteLine("new emulator found");     // Debug

                // Check & Set Emulator Window Size

                // Init ScanButton with all necessary components (ComboBox for chosing tablesize, custom context menu, etc)
                ScanButton    scanButton         = new ScanButton();
                ScanComboBox  scanButtonComboBox = new ScanComboBox();
                AlertCheckBox box = new AlertCheckBox();
                ScanButtonContextMenuStrip scanButtonCMS = new ScanButtonContextMenuStrip();

                scanButton.ContextMenuStrip = scanButtonCMS;
                scanButton.scanComboBox     = scanButtonComboBox;
                scanButton.checkBox         = box;
                scanButton.TableName        = WinAPI.GetWindowTitle((int)emulator);
                scanButton.Click           += ControlButton_Click;


                // Add Emulator/Button to tracking
                scanButtonList[emulator] = scanButton;