public Enemy(EnemyType type, Level l) { this.Type = type; Health = 1; VelocityModifier = 1.0f; InitializeTimer = 0; Alpha = 1.0f; alphaIncrease = 0.03f; level = l; DashCooldown = 0; Initialized = false; TwirlRotation = 0; SlowRotation = 0; ImprintSpawn = 0; Origin = new Vector2(Type.Texture.Width / 2, Type.Texture.Height / 2); if (Type.Equals(level.DashEnemy)) { Animation = new Animation(Type.Texture, 40, 0.01f); Origin = new Vector2(Animation.FrameWidth / 2, Animation.Texture.Height / 2); } SpawnAnimation = new Animation(l.EnemySpawnTexture, 200.0f, 0.1f); SpawnAlpha = 0.01f; }
// Resets the bullet public void Reset() { Acceleration = Vector2.Zero; origin = new Vector2(Type.Texture.Width / 2, Type.Texture.Height / 2); Alpha = 1.0f; Random r = new Random(); ParticleSpawnTime = 0; MaxSpawnTime = (float)(r.Next(50) + 50); Timer = 0; rotTime = 0; Scale = 1.0f; BulletColor = Color.White; // Creates the animation Animation = new Animation(Type.Texture, Type.FrameWidth, Type.FrameRate); }