static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Car Details Below:"); Car myCar = new Car(); myCar.Model = "F150"; myCar.Year = 2015; myCar.Make = "Ford"; myCar.NumberOfDoors = 2; Console.WriteLine(myCar.GetCarDetails()); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Drivers License Information Below:"); driversLicense myDL = new driversLicense(); myDL.FirstName = "Ben"; myDL.LastName = "Laycock"; myDL.Gender = "Male"; myDL.LicenseNumber = "10BB55G"; Console.WriteLine(myDL.GetFullDl()); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Book Information Below:"); book myBook = new book(); myBook.Title = "How to Kill a Mockingbird"; myBook.Authors = "Harper Lee"; myBook.Pages = 235; myBook.SKU = 22566; myBook.Publisher = "Penguin Books"; myBook.Price = 19.99; Console.WriteLine(myBook.GetBookDetails()); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Airplane Information Below:"); airplane myAirplane = new airplane(); myAirplane.Manufacturer = "Boeing"; myAirplane.Model = 737; myAirplane.Variant = "Convair"; myAirplane.Capacity = 400; myAirplane.Engines = 2; Console.WriteLine(myAirplane.GetPlaneDetails()); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { DriversLicense person = new DriversLicense("Cecil", "Martinez III", "Male", 31415926); Console.WriteLine("Driver license name: {0} {1}", person.firstname, person.lastname); Console.WriteLine("Gender: {0}", person.gender); Console.WriteLine("Driver License #: {0}", person.licensenumber); book b = new book("Return of the King", "J.R.R Toklein", 416, 7894545, "George Allen & Unwin", 25.99); Console.WriteLine("{0} is written by {1} and has {2} pages, SKN is {3}, publish by {4} and is price at {5}", b.title,, b.pages, b.SKU, b.publisher, b.price); airplane a = new airplane("McDonnell Douglas", "F-15", "F-15B", 1, 2); Console.WriteLine("Manufacturer of a {0} is {1}, it has {2} engines with {3} person capacity and a variant is {4}." , a.model, a.manufacturer, a.engines, a.capacity, a.variant); }