/// <summary> /// Add a new component to a Plugg /// Existing PluggComponents must be in p.TheComponents /// newComponentData is of type PHText, PHLatex or YouTube /// newComponent must have ComponentOrder and ComponentType set /// </summary> /// <param name="p"></param> /// <param name="newComponent"></param> /// <param name="newComponentData"></param> public void AddComponent(PluggContainer p, PluggComponent newComponent, object newComponentData = null) { List <PluggComponent> cmps = p.GetComponentList(); if (newComponent.ComponentOrder < 1 || newComponent.ComponentOrder > cmps.Count + 1) { throw new Exception("ComponentOrder is out of range"); } if (newComponent.ComponentType == EComponentType.NotSet) { throw new Exception("You must set ComponentType"); } PluggComponent pcToUpdate; for (int order = newComponent.ComponentOrder; order <= cmps.Count; order++) { pcToUpdate = rep.GetPluggComponent(cmps[order - 1].PluggComponentId); pcToUpdate.ComponentOrder += 1; rep.UpdatePluggComponent(pcToUpdate); } newComponent.PluggId = p.ThePlugg.PluggId; rep.CreatePluggComponent(newComponent); }
public void CreatePluggComponent(PluggComponent t) { using (IDataContext ctx = DataContext.Instance()) { var rep = ctx.GetRepository <PluggComponent>(); rep.Insert(t); } }
public void CreatePluggComponent(PluggComponent t) { using (IDataContext ctx = DataContext.Instance()) { var rep = ctx.GetRepository<PluggComponent>(); rep.Insert(t); } }
public void UpdatePluggComponent(PluggComponent pc) { using (IDataContext db = DataContext.Instance()) { var rep = db.GetRepository <PluggComponent>(); rep.Update(pc); } }
protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BaseHandler plugghandler = new BaseHandler(); PluggComponent pc = new PluggComponent(); pc.ComponentOrder = Order + 1; pc.ComponentType = (EComponentType)Enum.Parse(typeof(EComponentType), ddCoponentList.SelectedValue); plugghandler.AddComponent(this.PluggContainer, pc); //Response.Redirect(DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(this.TabID, "", new string[] { "edit=1", "language=" + this.CurrentLanguage })); }
protected void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PluggContainer pc = new PluggContainer("en-us", PluggId); pc.GetComponentList(); PluggComponent cmp = new PluggComponent(); cmp.ComponentOrder = ComponentOrder; cmp.ComponentType = (EComponentType)(ddNewComponent.SelectedIndex+1); cmp.PluggId = PluggId; BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); bh.AddComponent(pc, cmp); Response.Redirect(DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(TabId, "", "edit=0")); }
/// <summary> /// Deletes the PluggComponent at position "delOrder". /// Existing PluggComponents must be in p.TheComponents /// Deletes ComponenData as well if exist /// </summary> /// <param name="p"></param> /// <param name="order"></param> public void DeleteComponent(PluggContainer p, int delOrder) { List <PluggComponent> cmps = p.GetComponentList(); if (delOrder < 1 || delOrder > cmps.Count) { throw new Exception("order is out of range"); } PluggComponent pcToDelete = cmps[delOrder - 1]; if (pcToDelete.PluggComponentId != 0) { switch (pcToDelete.ComponentType) { case EComponentType.Label: rep.DeleteAllPhTextForItem(pcToDelete.PluggComponentId, ETextItemType.PluggComponentLabel); break; case EComponentType.RichText: rep.DeleteAllPhTextForItem(pcToDelete.PluggComponentId, ETextItemType.PluggComponentRichText); break; case EComponentType.RichRichText: rep.DeleteAllPhTextForItem(pcToDelete.PluggComponentId, ETextItemType.PluggComponentRichRichText); break; case EComponentType.Latex: rep.DeleteAllLatexForItem(pcToDelete.PluggComponentId, ELatexItemType.PluggComponentLatex); break; case EComponentType.YouTube: rep.DeleteYouTube(new YouTube() { YouTubeId = pcToDelete.PluggComponentId }); break; } } rep.DeletePluggComponent(pcToDelete); PluggComponent pcToUpdate; for (int order = delOrder + 1; order <= cmps.Count; order++) { pcToUpdate = rep.GetPluggComponent(cmps[order - 1].PluggComponentId); pcToUpdate.ComponentOrder -= 1; rep.UpdatePluggComponent(pcToUpdate); } }
/// <summary> /// Add a new component to a Plugg /// Existing PluggComponents must be in p.TheComponents /// newComponentData is of type PHText, PHLatex or YouTube /// newComponent must have ComponentOrder and ComponentType set /// </summary> /// <param name="p"></param> /// <param name="newComponent"></param> /// <param name="newComponentData"></param> public void AddComponent(PluggContainer p, PluggComponent newComponent, object newComponentData = null) { List<PluggComponent> cmps = p.GetComponentList(); if (newComponent.ComponentOrder < 1 || newComponent.ComponentOrder > cmps.Count + 1) throw new Exception("ComponentOrder is out of range"); if (newComponent.ComponentType == EComponentType.NotSet) throw new Exception("You must set ComponentType"); PluggComponent pcToUpdate; for (int order = newComponent.ComponentOrder; order <= cmps.Count; order++ ) { pcToUpdate = rep.GetPluggComponent(cmps[order-1].PluggComponentId); pcToUpdate.ComponentOrder += 1; rep.UpdatePluggComponent(pcToUpdate); } newComponent.PluggId = p.ThePlugg.PluggId; rep.CreatePluggComponent(newComponent); }
private void CallLatFun(int ltorderid, PluggComponent comp, PHLatex lat, string p) { hdnlabel.Value = Convert.ToString(comp.PluggComponentId); if (comp.ComponentType == EComponentType.Latex) { pnlRRT.Visible = true; pnllabel.Visible = false; pnlletex.Visible = false; richtextbox.Visible = false; pnlYoutube.Visible = false; richrichtext.Text = lat.Text; } pnlPluggCom.Visible = false; }
private void LoadControl(int IntCompOrder, bool isLastComp, PluggComponent comp) { ControlViewModel viewModel = new ControlViewModel(); viewModel.ComponentType = comp.ComponentType; viewModel.ComponentID = comp != null ? comp.PluggComponentId : 0; viewModel.UserID = this.UserId; viewModel.Order = IntCompOrder; viewModel.TabID = TabId; viewModel.isLastComp = isLastComp; viewModel._this = this; Control_Case _control = new Control_Case(this._Case); _control.RunComponentType(comp.ComponentType, viewModel); }
private void YouTubeEdit(int ytorderid, PluggComponent comp, YouTube yt) { string ytcode = ""; if (yt == null) ytcode = ""; else ytcode = yt.YouTubeCode; hdnlabel.Value = Convert.ToString(comp.PluggComponentId); if (comp.ComponentType == EComponentType.YouTube) { pnlYoutube.Visible = true; pnlRRT.Visible = false; pnllabel.Visible = false; pnlletex.Visible = false; richtextbox.Visible = false; txtYouTube.Text = ytcode; } pnlPluggCom.Visible = false; }
private void ImpGoogleTrans(PluggComponent comp, PHText CulTxt) { hdnlabel.Value = Convert.ToString(comp.PluggComponentId); string text = CulTxt.Text; switch (comp.ComponentType) { case EComponentType.Label: CompHide(); txtlabel.Text = text; pnllabel.Visible = true; break; case EComponentType.RichText: CompHide(); richtextbox.Visible = true; ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "", " $(document).ready(function () {$('#editor').html('" + text.Replace("\r\n", "<br />") + "')});", true); break; case EComponentType.RichRichText: CompHide(); pnlRRT.Visible = true; richrichtext.Text = text; break; } pnlPluggCom.Visible = false; }
private void LoadRichRich(PluggComponent c, int controlOrder) { RichRichControl ucRR = (RichRichControl)this.LoadControl("/DesktopModules/PlugghestControls/RichRichControl.ascx"); if ((ucRR != null)) { ucRR.ModuleConfiguration = this.ModuleConfiguration; ucRR.ItemId = c.PluggComponentId; ucRR.CultureCode = CultureCode; ucRR.CreatedInCultureCode = pc.ThePlugg.CreatedInCultureCode; ucRR.ControlOrder = controlOrder; ucRR.ItemType = ETextItemType.PluggComponentRichRichText; ucRR.Case = EControlCase.View; if (InCreationLanguage && IsAuthorized && Edit > -1) ucRR.Case = EControlCase.ViewAllowEdit; if (InCreationLanguage && IsAuthorized && Edit == controlOrder) ucRR.Case = EControlCase.Edit; if (!InCreationLanguage && UserId > -1 && Translate > -1) ucRR.Case = EControlCase.ViewAllowTranslate; if (!InCreationLanguage && UserId > -1 && Translate == controlOrder) ucRR.Case = EControlCase.Translate; ucRR.LocalResourceFile = "/DesktopModules/PlugghestControls/App_LocalResources/RichRichControl.ascx"; phComponents.Controls.Add(ucRR); } }
public void UpdatePluggComponent(PluggComponent pc) { using (IDataContext db = DataContext.Instance()) { var rep = db.GetRepository<PluggComponent>(); rep.Update(pc); } }
private void callingAddPlugg(int orderid) { var id = hdnDDLtxt.Value; BaseHandler plugghandler = new BaseHandler(); PluggComponent pc = new PluggComponent(); pc.ComponentOrder = orderid + 1; pc.ComponentType = (EComponentType)Enum.Parse(typeof(EComponentType), id); plugghandler.AddComponent(p, pc); Response.Redirect(DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.NavigateURL(TabId, "", new string[] { "edit=1", "language=" + curlan })); }
protected void btnTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BaseHandler bh = new BaseHandler(); PluggContainer p = new PluggContainer("en-US", 31); PluggComponent pc = new PluggComponent(); pc.ComponentType = EComponentType.YouTube; pc.ComponentOrder = 3; //bh.AddComponent(p, pc); bh.DeleteComponent(p, 3); //List<PluggComponent> comps = pc.GetComponentList(); //foreach(PluggComponent comp in comps) //{ // switch (comp.ComponentType) // { // case EComponentType.Label: // PHText lbl = bh.GetCurrentVersionText(pc.CultureCode, comp.PluggComponentId, ETextItemType.PluggComponentLabel); // Handle label // break; // case EComponentType.RichText: // PHText rt = bh.GetCurrentVersionText(pc.CultureCode, comp.PluggComponentId, ETextItemType.PluggComponentRichText); // Handle rich text // break; // case EComponentType.RichRichText: // PHText rrt = bh.GetCurrentVersionText(pc.CultureCode, comp.PluggComponentId, ETextItemType.PluggComponentRichRichText); // Handle richrich text // break; // case EComponentType.Latex: // PHLatex lt = bh.GetCurrentVersionLatexText(pc.CultureCode, comp.PluggComponentId, ELatexItemType.PluggComponentLatex); // Handle Latex text // break; // case EComponentType.YouTube: // YouTube yt = bh.GetYouTubeByComponentId(comp.PluggComponentId); // Handle YouTube // break; // } //} //PHText rrText = bh.GetCurrentVersionText(pc.CultureCode, comps[0].PluggComponentId, ETextItemType.PluggComponentRichRichText); //string myText = rrText.Text; //int x; //PluggComponent vv = comps[0]; //foreach(PluggComponent c in comps) //{ // x = c.PluggComponentId; //} //pc.ThePlugg.CreatedByUserId = 1; //pc.ThePlugg.ModifiedByUserId = 1; //pc.ThePlugg.WhoCanEdit = EWhoCanEdit.Anyone; //pc.SetTitle("This is my Title"); //pc.SetDescription("This is my description"); //List<object> cmpData = new List<object>(); //YouTube v = new YouTube(); //v.YouTubeAuthor = ""; //v.YouTubeCode = "asdasdasdas"; //v.YouTubeComment = ""; //v.YouTubeCreatedOn = DateTime.Now; //v.YouTubeDuration = 100; //v.YouTubeTitle = "This is my Title"; //cmpData.Add(v); //PHText htmlText = new PHText(); //htmlText.Text = "This is my Html text"; //htmlText.ItemType = ETextItemType.PluggComponentRichRichText; //cmpData.Add(htmlText); //bh.SavePlugg(pc, cmpData); //PHLatex latexText = new PHLatex(); //latexText.Text = "This is my Latex text"; //latexText.ItemType = ELatexItemType.PluggComponentLatex; //cmpData.Add(latexText); //pc.LoadComponents(); //switch (pc.TheComponents.GetType().Name) //{ // case "Aba": // break; //} //pc.ThePlugg = bh.GetPlugg(1); //pc.LoadComponents(); //foreach (var c in pc.TheComponents) //{ // switch (c.GetType().Name) // { // case "PHText": // PHText xx = (PHText)c; // string x = theTitle; // break; // } //} }
public void SavePlugg(PluggContainer p, List <object> cs) { if (p.ThePlugg.CreatedInCultureCode != null && p.CultureCode != p.ThePlugg.CreatedInCultureCode) { throw new Exception("Cannot use SavePlugg unless you are saving it in the creation language."); } p.ThePlugg.CreatedInCultureCode = p.CultureCode; try { bool isNew = p.ThePlugg.PluggId == 0; //Temporary - to avoid login - remove soon p.ThePlugg.CreatedByUserId = 1; p.ThePlugg.ModifiedByUserId = 1; //Save Plugg entity p.ThePlugg.ModifiedOnDate = DateTime.Now; if (isNew) { p.ThePlugg.CreatedOnDate = DateTime.Now; rep.CreatePlugg(p.ThePlugg); } else { rep.UpdatePlugg(p.ThePlugg); } //Save Title if (p.TheTitle == null || p.TheTitle.Text == null) { throw new Exception("Cannot Save Plugg. TheTitle cannot be null"); } if (p.TheTitle.TextId == 0) { p.TheTitle.ItemId = p.ThePlugg.PluggId; p.TheTitle.ItemType = ETextItemType.PluggTitle; p.TheTitle.CultureCodeStatus = ECultureCodeStatus.InCreationLanguage; p.TheTitle.CreatedByUserId = p.ThePlugg.CreatedByUserId; p.TheTitle.ModifiedByUserId = p.ThePlugg.ModifiedByUserId; } SavePhTextInAllCc(p.TheTitle); //Save or Update if (p.TheDescription != null && p.TheDescription.Text != null) { if (p.TheDescription.TextId == 0) { p.TheDescription.ItemId = p.ThePlugg.PluggId; p.TheDescription.ItemType = ETextItemType.PluggDescription; p.TheDescription.CultureCodeStatus = ECultureCodeStatus.InCreationLanguage; p.TheDescription.CreatedByUserId = p.ThePlugg.CreatedByUserId; p.TheDescription.ModifiedByUserId = p.ThePlugg.ModifiedByUserId; } SavePhTextInAllCc(p.TheDescription); } int cmpOrder = 1; PluggComponent pc = new PluggComponent(); pc.PluggId = p.ThePlugg.PluggId; foreach (object cmp in cs) { pc.ComponentOrder = cmpOrder; switch (cmp.GetType().Name) { case "PHText": PHText theText = (PHText)cmp; switch (theText.ItemType) { case ETextItemType.PluggComponentRichRichText: pc.ComponentType = EComponentType.RichRichText; break; case ETextItemType.PluggComponentRichText: pc.ComponentType = EComponentType.RichText; break; case ETextItemType.PluggComponentLabel: pc.ComponentType = EComponentType.Label; break; } rep.CreatePluggComponent(pc); theText.ItemId = pc.PluggComponentId; theText.CultureCode = p.ThePlugg.CreatedInCultureCode; theText.CreatedByUserId = p.ThePlugg.CreatedByUserId; SavePhTextInAllCc(theText); break; case "PHLatex": PHLatex theLatex = (PHLatex)cmp; pc.ComponentType = EComponentType.Latex; rep.CreatePluggComponent(pc); theLatex.ItemId = pc.PluggComponentId; theLatex.CultureCode = p.ThePlugg.CreatedInCultureCode; theLatex.CreatedByUserId = p.ThePlugg.CreatedByUserId; SaveLatexTextInAllCc(theLatex); break; case "YouTube": pc.ComponentType = EComponentType.YouTube; rep.CreatePluggComponent(pc); YouTube theVideo = (YouTube)cmp; theVideo.CreatedByUserId = p.ThePlugg.CreatedByUserId; theVideo.PluggComponentId = pc.PluggComponentId; SaveYouTube(theVideo); break; } cmpOrder++; } //Create PluggPage DNNHelper d = new DNNHelper(); string pageUrl = p.ThePlugg.PluggId.ToString(); string pageName = pageUrl + ": " + p.TheTitle.Text; TabInfo newTab = d.AddPluggPage(pageName, pageUrl); p.ThePlugg.TabId = newTab.TabID; rep.UpdatePlugg(p.ThePlugg); } catch (Exception) { //Todo: Update //DeletePlugg(p.ThePlugg); throw; } }
private void LoadYouTube(PluggComponent c, int controlOrder) { YouTubeControl ucYT = (YouTubeControl)this.LoadControl("/DesktopModules/PlugghestControls/YouTubeControl.ascx"); if (ucYT != null) { ucYT.ModuleConfiguration = this.ModuleConfiguration; ucYT.PluggComponentId = c.PluggComponentId; ucYT.CultureCode = CultureCode; ucYT.ControlOrder = controlOrder; ucYT.Case = EControlCase.View; if (InCreationLanguage & IsAuthorized & Edit > -1) ucYT.Case = EControlCase.ViewAllowEdit; if (InCreationLanguage & IsAuthorized & Edit == controlOrder) ucYT.Case = EControlCase.Edit; ucYT.LocalResourceFile = "/DesktopModules/PlugghestControls/App_LocalResources/YouTubeControl.ascx"; phComponents.Controls.Add(ucYT); } }
public void CreateBasicPlugg(PluggContainer p) { if (p.CultureCode == null || p.CultureCode == "") throw new Exception("Cannot Create Plugg. CutureCode cannot be null"); if (p.TheTitle == null || p.TheTitle.Text == null || p.TheTitle.Text == "") throw new Exception("Cannot Save Plugg. Title cannot be null"); p.ThePlugg.CreatedInCultureCode = p.CultureCode; p.ThePlugg.CreatedOnDate = DateTime.Now; p.ThePlugg.ModifiedByUserId = p.ThePlugg.CreatedByUserId; p.ThePlugg.ModifiedOnDate = p.ThePlugg.CreatedOnDate; p.ThePlugg.IsDeleted = false; p.ThePlugg.IsListed = true; rep.CreatePlugg(p.ThePlugg); //Save Title p.TheTitle.ItemId = p.ThePlugg.PluggId; p.TheTitle.ItemType = ETextItemType.PluggTitle; p.TheTitle.CultureCode = p.CultureCode; p.TheTitle.CultureCodeStatus = ECultureCodeStatus.InCreationLanguage; p.TheTitle.CreatedByUserId = p.ThePlugg.CreatedByUserId; p.TheTitle.ModifiedByUserId = p.ThePlugg.ModifiedByUserId; SavePhTextInAllCc(p.TheTitle); //Save or Update //Save Description if (p.TheDescription != null && p.TheDescription.Text != null && p.TheDescription.Text != "") { p.TheDescription.ItemId = p.ThePlugg.PluggId; p.TheDescription.ItemType = ETextItemType.PluggDescription; p.TheDescription.CultureCode = p.CultureCode; p.TheDescription.CultureCodeStatus = ECultureCodeStatus.InCreationLanguage; p.TheDescription.CreatedByUserId = p.ThePlugg.CreatedByUserId; p.TheDescription.ModifiedByUserId = p.ThePlugg.ModifiedByUserId; SavePhTextInAllCc(p.TheDescription); } PluggComponent video = new PluggComponent(); video.ComponentOrder = 1; video.ComponentType = EComponentType.YouTube; AddComponent(p, video); PluggComponent rrText = new PluggComponent(); rrText.ComponentOrder = 2; rrText.ComponentType = EComponentType.RichRichText; p.TheComponents = null; AddComponent(p, rrText); //Create PluggPage DNNHelper d = new DNNHelper(); string pageUrl = p.ThePlugg.PluggId.ToString(); string pageName = pageUrl + ": " + p.TheTitle.Text; TabInfo newTab = d.AddPluggPage(pageName, pageUrl); p.ThePlugg.TabId = newTab.TabID; rep.UpdatePlugg(p.ThePlugg); }
private void CreateBtnEdit(PluggComponent comp, PHText lbl, string CssClass, string ID) { Button editbtn = new Button(); editbtn.CssClass = CssClass; editbtn.ID = ID; editbtn.Text = BtnEditTxt; editbtn.Click += (s, e) => { ImpGoogleTrans(comp, lbl); }; divTitle.Controls.Add(editbtn); }
public void SavePlugg(PluggContainer p, List<object> cs) { if (p.ThePlugg.CreatedInCultureCode != null && p.CultureCode != p.ThePlugg.CreatedInCultureCode) throw new Exception("Cannot use SavePlugg unless you are saving it in the creation language."); p.ThePlugg.CreatedInCultureCode = p.CultureCode; try { bool isNew = p.ThePlugg.PluggId == 0; //Temporary - to avoid login - remove soon p.ThePlugg.CreatedByUserId = 1; p.ThePlugg.ModifiedByUserId = 1; //Save Plugg entity p.ThePlugg.ModifiedOnDate = DateTime.Now; if (isNew) { p.ThePlugg.CreatedOnDate = DateTime.Now; rep.CreatePlugg(p.ThePlugg); } else rep.UpdatePlugg(p.ThePlugg); //Save Title if (p.TheTitle == null || p.TheTitle.Text == null) throw new Exception("Cannot Save Plugg. TheTitle cannot be null"); if (p.TheTitle.TextId == 0) { p.TheTitle.ItemId = p.ThePlugg.PluggId; p.TheTitle.ItemType = ETextItemType.PluggTitle; p.TheTitle.CultureCodeStatus = ECultureCodeStatus.InCreationLanguage; p.TheTitle.CreatedByUserId = p.ThePlugg.CreatedByUserId; p.TheTitle.ModifiedByUserId = p.ThePlugg.ModifiedByUserId; } SavePhTextInAllCc(p.TheTitle); //Save or Update if (p.TheDescription != null && p.TheDescription.Text != null) { if (p.TheDescription.TextId == 0) { p.TheDescription.ItemId = p.ThePlugg.PluggId; p.TheDescription.ItemType = ETextItemType.PluggDescription; p.TheDescription.CultureCodeStatus = ECultureCodeStatus.InCreationLanguage; p.TheDescription.CreatedByUserId = p.ThePlugg.CreatedByUserId; p.TheDescription.ModifiedByUserId = p.ThePlugg.ModifiedByUserId; } SavePhTextInAllCc(p.TheDescription); } int cmpOrder = 1; PluggComponent pc = new PluggComponent(); pc.PluggId = p.ThePlugg.PluggId; foreach (object cmp in cs) { pc.ComponentOrder = cmpOrder; switch (cmp.GetType().Name) { case "PHText": PHText theText = (PHText)cmp; switch (theText.ItemType) { case ETextItemType.PluggComponentRichRichText: pc.ComponentType = EComponentType.RichRichText; break; case ETextItemType.PluggComponentRichText: pc.ComponentType = EComponentType.RichText; break; case ETextItemType.PluggComponentLabel: pc.ComponentType = EComponentType.Label; break; } rep.CreatePluggComponent(pc); theText.ItemId = pc.PluggComponentId; theText.CultureCode = p.ThePlugg.CreatedInCultureCode; theText.CreatedByUserId = p.ThePlugg.CreatedByUserId; SavePhTextInAllCc(theText); break; case "PHLatex": PHLatex theLatex = (PHLatex)cmp; pc.ComponentType = EComponentType.Latex; rep.CreatePluggComponent(pc); theLatex.ItemId = pc.PluggComponentId; theLatex.CultureCode = p.ThePlugg.CreatedInCultureCode; theLatex.CreatedByUserId = p.ThePlugg.CreatedByUserId; SaveLatexTextInAllCc(theLatex); break; case "YouTube": pc.ComponentType = EComponentType.YouTube; rep.CreatePluggComponent(pc); YouTube theVideo = (YouTube)cmp; theVideo.CreatedByUserId = p.ThePlugg.CreatedByUserId; theVideo.PluggComponentId = pc.PluggComponentId; SaveYouTube(theVideo); break; } cmpOrder++; } //Create PluggPage DNNHelper d = new DNNHelper(); string pageUrl = p.ThePlugg.PluggId.ToString(); string pageName = pageUrl + ": " + p.TheTitle.Text; TabInfo newTab = d.AddPluggPage(pageName, pageUrl); p.ThePlugg.TabId = newTab.TabID; rep.UpdatePlugg(p.ThePlugg); } catch (Exception) { //Todo: Update //DeletePlugg(p.ThePlugg); throw; } }
private void CreateBtnImproveHumGoogleTrans(PluggComponent comp, PHText lbl, string css, string id,string BtnText) { Button btnImpHumTras = new Button(); btnImpHumTras.CssClass = css; btnImpHumTras.ID = id; btnImpHumTras.Text = BtnText; btnImpHumTras.Click += (s, e) => { ImpGoogleTrans(comp, lbl); }; divTitle.Controls.Add(btnImpHumTras); }
private void CreateBtnYTEdit(PluggComponent comp, YouTube yt, int ytorderid, string CssClass, string ID) { Button editbtn = new Button(); editbtn.CssClass = CssClass; editbtn.ID = ID; editbtn.Text = BtnEditTxt; editbtn.Click += (s, e) => { YouTubeEdit(ytorderid, comp, yt); }; divTitle.Controls.Add(editbtn); }
private void LoadLabel(PluggComponent c, int controlOrder) { LabelControl ucLC = (LabelControl)this.LoadControl("/DesktopModules/PlugghestControls/LabelControl.ascx"); if (ucLC != null) { ucLC.ModuleConfiguration = this.ModuleConfiguration; ucLC.ItemId = c.PluggComponentId; ucLC.CultureCode = CultureCode; //ucRR.CreatedInCultureCode = pc.ThePlugg.CreatedInCultureCode; ucLC.ControlOrder = controlOrder; ucLC.ItemType = ETextItemType.PluggComponentLabel; ucLC.Case = EControlCase.View; if (InCreationLanguage & IsAuthorized & Edit > -1) ucLC.Case = EControlCase.ViewAllowEdit; if (InCreationLanguage & IsAuthorized & Edit == controlOrder) ucLC.Case = EControlCase.Edit; ucLC.LocalResourceFile = "/DesktopModules/PlugghestControls/App_LocalResources/LabelControl.ascx"; phComponents.Controls.Add(ucLC); } }