public static PinboardFileV1 Load(ParsedPath pinboardFileName) { PinboardFileV1 data = null; if (pinboardFiles == null) { pinboardFiles = new Dictionary <ParsedPath, PinboardFileV1>(); } if (pinboardFiles.TryGetValue(pinboardFileName, out data)) { return(data); } try { data = PinboardFileReaderV1.ReadFile(pinboardFileName); } catch { throw new ContentFileException("Unable to read pinboard file '{0}'".CultureFormat(pinboardFileName)); } pinboardFiles.Add(pinboardFileName, data); return(data); }
private RectanglesContent CreateRectangleData(IEnumerable <ParsedPath> distinctPinboardFiles, Dictionary <ParsedPath, PinboardFileV1> pinboards) { RectanglesContent rectData = new RectanglesContent(); rectData.Namespace = this.Namespace; rectData.Classes = new List <RectanglesContent.Class>(); foreach (var pinboardFile in distinctPinboardFiles) { PinboardFileV1 pinboard = pinboards[pinboardFile]; RectanglesContent.Class rectClass = new RectanglesContent.Class(); rectClass.ClassNamePrefix = pinboardFile.File; List <string> names = new List <string>(); names.Add("Screen"); foreach (var rectInfo in pinboard.RectInfos) { names.Add(rectInfo.Name); } rectClass.RectangleNames = names; rectData.Classes.Add(rectClass); } return(rectData); }
private static void WritePinboardXml(XmlWriter writer, PinboardFileV1 data) { writer.WriteStartElement("Pinboard"); writer.WriteAttributeString("Format", "1"); WriteRectangleXml(writer, data.ScreenRectInfo); WriteRectanglesXml(writer, data); writer.WriteEndElement(); }
private static void WriteRectanglesXml(XmlWriter writer, PinboardFileV1 data) { writer.WriteStartElement("Rectangles"); foreach (var rectInfo in data.RectInfos) { WriteRectangleXml(writer, rectInfo); } writer.WriteEndElement(); }
private PinboardFileV1 ReadPinboardXml() { PinboardFileV1 data = new PinboardFileV1(); reader.ReadStartElement("Pinboard"); reader.MoveToContent(); data.ScreenRectInfo = ReadRectangleXml(); data.RectInfos = ReadRectanglesXml(); reader.ReadEndElement(); reader.MoveToContent(); return(data); }
private PinboardFileV1 ReadPinboardXml() { PinboardFileV1 data = new PinboardFileV1(); reader.ReadStartElement("Pinboard"); reader.MoveToContent(); data.ScreenRectInfo = ReadRectangleXml(); data.RectInfos = ReadRectanglesXml(); reader.ReadEndElement(); reader.MoveToContent(); return data; }
private void ReconcilePinboards( IEnumerable <ParsedPath> pinboardFiles, IEnumerable <ParsedPath> distinctPinboardFiles, Dictionary <ParsedPath, PinboardFileV1> pinboards) { foreach (var distinctPinboardFile in distinctPinboardFiles) { PinboardFileV1 goldPinboard = null; ParsedPath goldPinboardFile = null; foreach (var pinboardFile in pinboardFiles.Where(p => p.File == distinctPinboardFile.File)) { if (goldPinboard == null) { goldPinboard = pinboards[pinboardFile]; goldPinboardFile = pinboardFile; } else { PinboardFileV1 pinboard = pinboards[pinboardFile]; if (goldPinboard.RectInfos.Count != pinboard.RectInfos.Count) { throw new ContentFileException("Pinboard '{0}' and '{1}' have a different number of rectangles".CultureFormat( goldPinboardFile, pinboardFile)); } for (int i = 0; i < goldPinboard.RectInfos.Count; i++) { if (goldPinboard.RectInfos[i].Name != pinboard.RectInfos[i].Name) { throw new ContentFileException("RectangleInfo named {0} at depth {1} in pinboard '{2}' is different from pinboard '{3}'".CultureFormat( goldPinboard.RectInfos[i].Name, i, goldPinboardFile, pinboardFile)); } } } } } }
private Dictionary <ParsedPath, PinboardFileV1> ReadPinboardFiles(IEnumerable <ParsedPath> pinboardFiles) { Dictionary <ParsedPath, PinboardFileV1> pinboards = new Dictionary <ParsedPath, PinboardFileV1>(); foreach (var pinboardFile in pinboardFiles) { Context.WriteMessage("Reading pinboard file '{0}'", pinboardFile); PinboardFileV1 pinboard = null; try { pinboard = PinboardFileReaderV1.ReadFile(pinboardFile); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ContentFileException("Unable to read pinboard file '{0}'".CultureFormat(pinboardFile), e); } pinboards.Add(pinboardFile, pinboard); } return(pinboards); }
private void SetPinboardData(PinboardFileV1 data) { = data; this.pinboardControl.Data = data; this.pinboardControl.Visible = true; if (!this.propertiesForm.Visible) this.propertiesForm.Show(this); }
private void OpenFile(string fileName) { PinboardFileV1 data = null; try { data = PinboardFileReaderV1.ReadFile(new ParsedPath(fileName, PathType.File)); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Unable to load pinboard file", "Error Loading File", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } this.fileName = fileName; SetPinboardData(data); SetPinboardSize(); }
public void Compile() { IEnumerable <ParsedPath> svgPaths = Target.InputPaths.Where(f => f.Extension == ".svg"); ParsedPath pinboardPath = Target.InputPaths.Where(f => f.Extension == ".pinboard").First(); ParsedPath pngPath = Target.OutputPaths.Where(f => f.Extension == ".png").First(); PinboardFileV1 pinboardFile = PinboardFileCache.Load(pinboardPath); List <ImagePlacement> placements = new List <ImagePlacement>(); string[] rectangleNames = this.Rectangle.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (svgPaths.Count() != rectangleNames.Length) { throw new ContentFileException("Number of .svg files ({0}) does match number of RectangleNames ({1})" .CultureFormat(svgPaths.Count(), rectangleNames.Length)); } ImageRotation rotation; if (!Enum.TryParse(this.Rotation, out rotation)) { throw new ContentFileException("Invalid value '{0}' for given for rotation. Valid are None, Left, Right, UpsideDown".CultureFormat(this.Rotation)); } int i = 0; try { if (!Directory.Exists(pngPath.VolumeAndDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(pngPath.VolumeAndDirectory); } foreach (var svgPath in svgPaths) { PinboardFileV1.RectangleInfo rectInfo = pinboardFile.GetRectangleInfoByName(rectangleNames[i]); ParsedPath tempPngPath = pngPath.WithFileAndExtension(String.Format("{0}_{1}.png", pngPath.File, i)); if (rectInfo == null) { throw new ContentFileException("Rectangle '{0}' not found in pinboard file '{1}'" .CultureFormat(rectangleNames[i], pinboardFile)); } ImageTools.SvgToPngWithInkscape(svgPath, tempPngPath, rectInfo.Width, rectInfo.Height); placements.Add(new ImagePlacement( tempPngPath, new Cairo.Rectangle(rectInfo.X, rectInfo.Y, rectInfo.Width, rectInfo.Height))); i++; } ImageTools.CombinePngs(placements, pngPath); ImageTools.RotatePng(pngPath, rotation); } finally { foreach (var placement in placements) { if (File.Exists(placement.ImageFile)) { File.Delete(placement.ImageFile); } } } }
public static void WriteXml(XmlWriter writer, PinboardFileV1 data) { WritePinboardXml(writer, data); }
private void DrawPinboardFile(Graphics g, PinboardFileV1.RectangleInfo rectInfo, bool selected) { using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(rectInfo.Color)) { g.FillRectangle(brush, rectInfo.Rectangle); } float penWidth = 1.0f; using (Pen blackPen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(rectInfo.Color.A, Color.Black), penWidth)) { Rectangle rect = rectInfo.Rectangle; if (selected) { using (Pen whitePen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(rectInfo.Color.A, Color.White), penWidth)) { using (Pen blackDottedPen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(rectInfo.Color.A, Color.Black), penWidth)) { DrawExactRectangle(g, whitePen, ref rect); blackDottedPen.DashStyle = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.Dot; DrawExactRectangle(g, blackDottedPen, ref rect); Rectangle expandedRect = rectInfo.Rectangle; expandedRect.Inflate(2, 2); DrawExactRectangle(g, blackDottedPen, ref expandedRect); if (selectedIndex != -1) { Point[] points = GetCornerPoints(rect); g.FillPolygon(Brushes.White, points); g.DrawPolygon(Pens.Black, points); } } } } else { DrawExactRectangle(g, blackPen, ref rect); } int margin = 5; RectangleF textRect = new Rectangle( rectInfo.X + margin, rectInfo.Y + margin, Math.Max(rectInfo.Width - margin, 0), Math.Max(rectInfo.Height - margin, 0)); if (!textRect.IsEmpty) { using (StringFormat format = new StringFormat(StringFormatFlags.NoWrap)) { g.DrawString(rectInfo.Name, this.Font, Brushes.Black, textRect, format); } } } }