void saveButtonClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (firstNameField.Text != null && lastNameField.Text != null && countryPicker.SelectedIndex != -1 && App.imagePath != null) { connection = new SQLiteConnection(App.Path); connection.CreateTable <FootballPlayer> (); string Name = firstNameField.Text + " " + lastNameField.Text; string DateOfBirth = dateOfBirth.Date.ToShortDateString(); string Country = countryList [countryPicker.SelectedIndex]; FootballPlayer footballPlayer = new FootballPlayer(Name, DateOfBirth, Country, App.imagePath, false); try { if (connection.Insert(footballPlayer) == 1) { DisplayAlert("Success", "Saved Details", "OK"); MessagingCenter.Send <CreateFootballPlayerPage> (this, "Reload"); Navigation.PopAsync(); } else { DisplayAlert("Error", "Please try again", "OK"); } } catch (SQLiteException exception) { DisplayAlert("Duplicate Entry", "Please try again", "OK"); Debug.WriteLine(exception); } } else { DisplayAlert("Warning", "Fields cannot be empty", "OK"); } }
void saveButtonClicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (firstNameField.Text != null && lastNameField.Text != null && countryPicker.SelectedIndex != -1 && App.imagePath != null) { connection = new SQLiteConnection (App.Path); connection.CreateTable<FootballPlayer> (); string Name = firstNameField.Text + " " + lastNameField.Text; string DateOfBirth = dateOfBirth.Date.ToShortDateString(); string Country = countryList [countryPicker.SelectedIndex]; FootballPlayer footballPlayer = new FootballPlayer (Name, DateOfBirth, Country, App.imagePath, false); try { if (connection.Insert (footballPlayer) == 1) { DisplayAlert ("Success", "Saved Details", "OK"); MessagingCenter.Send<CreateFootballPlayerPage> (this, "Reload"); Navigation.PopAsync (); } else { DisplayAlert ("Error", "Please try again", "OK"); } } catch(SQLiteException exception) { DisplayAlert ("Duplicate Entry", "Please try again", "OK"); Debug.WriteLine (exception); } } else { DisplayAlert ("Warning", "Fields cannot be empty", "OK"); } }