public GSellGump_OfferMenu(GSellGump owner) : base(2163, 170, 214) { this.m_Owner = owner; Mobile player = World.Player; string name; string Text; if (player != null && (name = player.Name) != null && (Text = name.Trim()).Length > 0) { this.m_Signature = new GLabel(Text, (IFont)Engine.GetFont(5), Hues.Load(1109), 72, 194); this.m_Signature.Visible = false; this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Signature); } this.m_Total = new GLabel("0", (IFont)Engine.GetFont(6), Hues.Default, 188, 167); this.m_Accept = new GSellAccept(owner); this.m_Clear = new GSellClear(owner); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Total); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Accept); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Clear); this.m_CanDrag = true; this.m_QuickDrag = true; GVSlider gvSlider = new GVSlider(2088, 237, 81, 34, 58, 0.0, 0.0, 50.0, 1.0); this.m_Slider = gvSlider; this.m_Children.Add((Gump)gvSlider); this.m_Children.Add((Gump) new GHotspot(237, 66, 34, 84, (Gump)gvSlider)); }
private void UpdateLabel(bool forceUpdate, IHue hue) { string str = this.m_String; if ((int)this.m_PassChar != 0) { str = new string(this.m_PassChar, str.Length); } if (this.m_Focus && this.ShowCaret) { str += "_"; } if (this.m_Text != null && !forceUpdate) { this.m_Text.Text = str; this.m_Text.Hue = hue; } else { if (this.m_Text != null) { Gumps.Destroy((Gump)this.m_Text); } if (this.m_MaxChars >= 0) { this.m_Text = (GLabel) new GWrappedLabel(str, this.m_Font, this.m_HNormal, 0, 0, this.m_Width); this.m_Text.Scissor(0, 0, this.m_Width, this.m_Height); } else { this.m_Text = new GLabel(str, this.m_Font, this.m_HNormal, 0, 0); } } }
public void UpdateColors() { switch (this.m_State) { case GSystemButton.ButtonState.Inactive: this.FillColor = this.m_InactiveColor.ToArgb() & 16777215; break; case GSystemButton.ButtonState.Active: this.FillColor = this.m_ActiveColor.ToArgb() & 16777215; break; case GSystemButton.ButtonState.Pressed: this.FillColor = this.m_PressedColor.ToArgb() & 16777215; break; } GLabel glabel = (GLabel)null; if (this.m_Children.Count > 0) { glabel = this.m_Children[0] as GLabel; } if (glabel == null) { return; } glabel.Hue = (IHue) new Hues.ColorFillHue(this.m_ForeColor.ToArgb() & 16777215); }
public GCategoryPanel(object obj, string category, ArrayList entries) : base(0, 0, 279, 22) { this.FillColor = GumpColors.Control; this.BorderColor = GumpColors.ControlDarkDark; this.FillAlpha = 1f; this.ShouldHitTest = false; this.m_NonRestrictivePicking = true; this.m_Label = new GLabel(category, (IFont)Engine.GetUniFont(1), GumpHues.ControlText, 0, 0); this.m_Label.X = 5 - this.m_Label.Image.xMin; this.m_Label.Y = (22 - (this.m_Label.Image.yMax - this.m_Label.Image.yMin + 1)) / 2 - this.m_Label.Image.yMin; this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Label); entries.Sort(); this.m_Entries = new GPropertyEntry[entries.Count]; int num = 21; for (int index = 0; index < entries.Count; ++index) { ObjectEditorEntry entry = entries[index] as ObjectEditorEntry; this.m_Entries[index] = new GPropertyEntry(entry.Object, entry); this.m_Entries[index].Y = num; num += 21; this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Entries[index]); } this.Height = num + 1; }
public GItemList(int serial, int menuID, string question, AnswerEntry[] answers) : base(2320, 25, 25) { this.m_Serial = serial; this.m_MenuID = menuID; this.m_EntryLabel = new GLabel("", (IFont)Engine.GetFont(1), Hues.Load(1887), 39, 106); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_EntryLabel); GLabel glabel = new GLabel(question, (IFont)Engine.GetFont(1), Hues.Load(1887), 39, 19); glabel.Scissor(0, 0, 218, 11); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)glabel); int x = 37; for (int index = 0; index < answers.Length; ++index) { GItemListEntry gitemListEntry = new GItemListEntry(x, answers[index], this); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)gitemListEntry); x += gitemListEntry.Width; } int num = x - 37; if (num < 222) { return; } this.m_xOffsetCap = (double)-(num - 222); this.m_Left = (GHitspot) new GItemListScroller(23, this, 150); this.m_Right = (GHitspot) new GItemListScroller(261, this, -150); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Left); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Right); }
public GSellGump_InventoryItem(GSellGump owner, SellInfo si, int y, bool seperate) : base(32, y, 195, 0) { this.m_Owner = owner; this.m_yBase = y; this.m_Info = si; IFont font = (IFont)Engine.GetUniFont(3); IHue hue = Hues.Load(648); this.m_Image = new GItemArt(0, 0, si.ItemID, si.Hue); this.m_Description = (GLabel) new GWrappedLabel(string.Format("{0} at {1} gp", (object)si.Name, (object)si.Price), font, hue, 58, 0, 105); this.m_Available = new GLabel(si.Amount.ToString(), font, hue, 195, 0); this.m_Height = this.m_Image.Image.yMax - this.m_Image.Image.yMin + 1; int num1 = this.m_Description.Image.yMax - this.m_Description.Image.yMin + 1; if (num1 > this.m_Height) { this.m_Height = num1; } int num2 = this.m_Available.Image.yMax - this.m_Available.Image.yMin + 1; if (num2 > this.m_Height) { this.m_Height = num2; } this.m_Image.X += (56 - (this.m_Image.Image.xMax - this.m_Image.Image.xMin + 1)) / 2; this.m_Image.Y += (this.m_Height - (this.m_Image.Image.yMax - this.m_Image.Image.yMin + 1)) / 2; this.m_Image.X -= this.m_Image.Image.xMin; this.m_Image.Y -= this.m_Image.Image.yMin; this.m_Description.X -= this.m_Description.Image.xMin; this.m_Description.Y += (this.m_Height - (this.m_Description.Image.yMax - this.m_Description.Image.yMin + 1)) / 2; this.m_Description.Y -= this.m_Description.Image.yMin; this.m_Available.X -= this.m_Available.Image.xMax + 1; this.m_Available.Y += (this.m_Height - (this.m_Available.Image.yMax - this.m_Available.Image.yMin + 1)) / 2; this.m_Available.Y -= this.m_Available.Image.yMin; this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Image); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Description); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Available); this.m_xAvailable = si.Amount; if (seperate) { this.m_Separator = new GImage[11]; this.m_Children.Add((Gump)(this.m_Separator[0] = new GImage(57, 0, this.m_Height))); for (int index = 0; index < 9; ++index) { this.m_Children.Add((Gump)(this.m_Separator[index + 1] = new GImage(58, 30 + index * 16, this.m_Height))); } this.m_Children.Add((Gump)(this.m_Separator[10] = new GImage(59, 165, this.m_Height))); } else { this.m_Separator = new GImage[0]; } if (!Engine.ServerFeatures.AOS) { return; } this.Tooltip = (ITooltip) new ItemTooltip(si.Item); }
public GWindowsButton(string text, int x, int y, int width, int height) : base(x, y) { this.m_Width = width; this.m_Height = height; this.m_Enabled = true; this.m_CaptionLabel = new GLabel(text, (IFont)Engine.GetUniFont(2), GumpHues.ControlText, 5, 5); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_CaptionLabel); this.m_CaptionLabel.Center(); }
public GPropertyEntry(object obj, ObjectEditorEntry entry) : base(0, 0, 279, 22) { this.m_Object = obj; this.m_Entry = entry; this.m_NonRestrictivePicking = true; bool flag = entry.Property.PropertyType == typeof(Volume); this.m_NameBack = new GAlphaBackground(0, 0, 140, 22); this.m_NameBack.FillColor = GumpColors.Window; this.m_NameBack.FillAlpha = 1f; this.m_NameBack.DrawBorder = false; this.m_NameBack.ShouldHitTest = false; this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_NameBack); this.m_ValueBack = new GAlphaBackground(139, 0, 140, 22); this.m_ValueBack.FillColor = GumpColors.Window; this.m_ValueBack.FillAlpha = 1f; this.m_ValueBack.BorderColor = GumpColors.Control; this.m_ValueBack.ShouldHitTest = false; this.m_ValueBack.DrawBorder = false; this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_ValueBack); this.m_Name = new GLabel(entry.Optionable.Name, (IFont)Engine.GetUniFont(2), GumpHues.WindowText, 0, 0); this.m_Name.X = 5 - this.m_Name.Image.xMin; this.m_Name.Y = (22 - (this.m_Name.Image.yMax - this.m_Name.Image.yMin + 1)) / 2 - this.m_Name.Image.yMin; this.m_NameBack.Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Name); object obj1 = entry.Property.GetValue(obj, (object[])null); string valString = this.GetValString(obj1); if (flag) { return; } IFont Font = (obj1 is ValueType ? (obj1.Equals(entry.Optionable.Default) ? 1 : 0) : (object.ReferenceEquals(obj1, entry.Optionable.Default) ? 1 : 0)) == 0 ? (IFont)Engine.GetUniFont(1) : (IFont)Engine.GetUniFont(2); this.m_Value = new GLabel(valString, Font, GumpHues.WindowText, 0, 0); if (entry.Hue != null) { GAlphaBackground galphaBackground = new GAlphaBackground(4, 4, 22, 14); galphaBackground.FillColor = Engine.C16232((int)Hues.Load((int)obj1).Pixel(ushort.MaxValue)); galphaBackground.FillAlpha = 1f; galphaBackground.ShouldHitTest = false; this.m_ValueBack.Children.Add((Gump)galphaBackground); this.m_Value.Text = "Hue"; this.m_Value.X = 30 - this.m_Value.Image.xMin; this.m_Value.Y = (22 - (this.m_Value.Image.yMax - this.m_Value.Image.yMin + 1)) / 2 - this.m_Value.Image.yMin; this.m_Hue = galphaBackground; } else { this.m_Value.X = 5 - this.m_Value.Image.xMin; this.m_Value.Y = (22 - (this.m_Value.Image.yMax - this.m_Value.Image.yMin + 1)) / 2 - this.m_Value.Image.yMin; } this.m_ValueBack.Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Value); }
public GPartyHealthBar(Mobile m, int x, int y) : base(x, y) { this.m_CanDrag = true; this.m_QuickDrag = true; this.m_CanDrop = true; this.m_Mobile = m; this.m_Name = new GLabel("", (IFont)Engine.GetUniFont(0), m.Visible ? Hues.GetNotoriety(m.Notoriety) : Hues.Grayscale, 4, 4); this.SetName(m.Name); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Name); }
public GSkillIcon(Skill skill) : base(0, 0, 100, 20) { this.m_Skill = skill; GLabel glabel = (GLabel) new GSkillIcon.GSkillIconName(skill); this.m_Width = glabel.Image.xMax - glabel.Image.xMin + 9; this.m_Height = glabel.Image.yMax - glabel.Image.yMin + 9; this.m_Children.Add((Gump)glabel); this.m_DragClipX = this.m_Width - 1; this.m_DragClipY = this.m_Height - 1; }
public GPaperdoll(Mobile m, int ID, int X, int Y, bool allowItemLift) : base(m.Player ? 2000 : 2001, X, Y) { this.m_Mobile = m; this.m_CanDrop = true; this._allowItemLift = allowItemLift; this._bodyImages = new List <GImage>(); this.Children.Add((Gump) new GVirtueTrigger(m)); this.Children.Add((Gump) new GProfileScroll(m)); this.Children.Add((Gump)(this._titleLabel = (GLabel) new GWrappedLabel("", (IFont)Engine.GetFont(1), Hues.Load(1897), 39, 264, 184))); this.OnAgentUpdated(); }
public GItemCounter(ItemIDValidator v) : base(0, 0, 100, 20) { this.m_Validator = (IItemValidator)v; this.m_Image = new GItemArt(3, 3, v.List[0]); this.m_Label = new GLabel("", Engine.DefaultFont, Hues.Bright, 0, 0); this.m_Image.X -= this.m_Image.Image.xMin; this.m_Image.Y -= this.m_Image.Image.yMin; this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Image); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Label); this.m_LastAmount = int.MinValue; }
public void SetHue(IHue hue) { GLabel glabel = (GLabel)null; if (this.m_Children.Count > 0) { glabel = this.m_Children[0] as GLabel; } if (glabel == null) { return; } glabel.Hue = hue; }
public GSystemButton(int x, int y, int width, int height, Color backColor, Color foreColor, string text, IFont font) : base(x, y, width, height) { this.m_InactiveColor = backColor; this.m_ActiveColor = ControlPaint.Dark(backColor, -this.Darkness); this.m_PressedColor = ControlPaint.Light(backColor); this.m_ForeColor = foreColor; this.m_CanDrag = false; GLabel glabel = new GLabel(text, font, Hues.Default, 0, 0); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)glabel); glabel.Center(); this.FillAlpha = 1f; this.UpdateColors(); }
public GMenuItem(string text) : base(0, 50, 120, 24) { this.m_Text = text; this.m_DefaultColor = Color.FromArgb(192, 192, 192); this.m_OverColor = Color.FromArgb(32, 64, 128); this.m_ExpandedColor = Color.FromArgb(32, 64, 128); this.FillAlpha = 0.25f; this.m_CanDrag = false; GLabel glabel = new GLabel(text, Engine.DefaultFont, Hues.Load(1153), 0, 0); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)glabel); glabel.Center(); glabel.X = 4 - glabel.Image.xMin; this.m_NonRestrictivePicking = true; }
public GHealthBar(Mobile m, int X, int Y) : base(m.Player ? (m.Flags[MobileFlag.Warmode] ? 2055 : 2051) : 2052, X, Y) { this.m_Mobile = m; this.m_CanDrop = true; this.m_QuickDrag = false; this.m_Player = m.Player; if (!this.m_Player) { this.Hue = Hues.GetNotoriety(m.Notoriety); } if (Engine.ServerFeatures.AOS) { this.Tooltip = (ITooltip) new MobileTooltip(m); } if (this.m_Player) { this.m_HP = new GImageClip(this.GetHealthGumpID(m.Flags), 34, 12, m.CurrentHitPoints, m.MaximumHitPoints); this.m_Mana = new GImageClip(2054, 34, 25, m.CurrentMana, m.MaximumMana); this.m_Stam = new GImageClip(2054, 34, 38, m.CurrentStamina, m.MaximumStamina); this.m_Children.Add((Gump) new GImage(2053, 34, 12)); this.m_Children.Add((Gump) new GImage(2053, 34, 25)); this.m_Children.Add((Gump) new GImage(2053, 34, 38)); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_HP); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Mana); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Stam); this.m_xHPCur = m.CurrentHitPoints; this.m_xHPMax = m.MaximumHitPoints; this.m_xStamCur = m.CurrentStamina; this.m_xStamMax = m.MaximumStamina; this.m_xManaCur = m.CurrentMana; this.m_xManaMax = m.MaximumMana; } else { this.m_Name = new GLabel(m.Name, (IFont)Engine.GetFont(1), Hues.Load(1109), 16, 0); this.m_Name.Y = 11 + (24 - this.m_Name.Height) / 2; this.m_Name.Scissor(0, 0, 122, this.m_Name.Height); this.m_HP = new GImageClip(this.GetHealthGumpID(m.Flags), 34, 38, m.CurrentHitPoints, m.MaximumHitPoints); this.m_Children.Add((Gump) new GImage(2053, 34, 38)); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Name); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_HP); this.m_xName = m.Name; this.m_xHPCur = m.CurrentHitPoints; this.m_xHPMax = m.MaximumHitPoints; } }
public GVirtueItem(GServerGump owner, int x, int y, int gumpID, IHue hue) : base(owner, x, y, gumpID, hue) { this.m_QuickDrag = false; int num1 = hue.HueID() - 1; int num2 = -1; int num3 = 0; int index1 = 0; while (index1 < GVirtueItem.m_Table.Length) { if (GVirtueItem.m_Table[index1] == gumpID) { num2 = index1 / 4; for (int index2 = 1; index2 < 4; ++index2) { if (GVirtueItem.m_Table[index1 + index2] == num1) { num3 = index2; goto label_9; } } } index1 += 4; } label_9: if (num2 < 0) { return; } this.m_Title = new GAlphaBackground(30 - x, 40 - y, 0, 0); GLabel glabel = new GLabel(Localization.GetString(1051000 + num3 * 8 + num2), (IFont)Engine.GetUniFont(0), hue, 3, 3); this.m_Title.Children.Add((Gump)glabel); glabel.X -= glabel.Image.xMin; glabel.Y -= glabel.Image.yMin; this.m_Title.Width = glabel.Image.xMax - glabel.Image.xMin + 7; this.m_Title.Height = glabel.Image.yMax - glabel.Image.yMin + 7; Size size = Engine.m_Gumps.Measure(104); this.m_Title.X += (size.Width - this.m_Title.Width) / 2; this.m_Title.Y += (size.Height - this.m_Title.Height) / 2; this.m_Title.Visible = false; this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Title); }
public GWindowsForm(int x, int y, int width, int height) : base(x, y) { this.m_CanDrag = true; this.m_QuickDrag = true; this.m_Width = width; this.m_Height = height; this.m_CaptionLabel = new GLabel("Form", (IFont)Engine.GetUniFont(1), Hues.Default, 7, 3); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_CaptionLabel); this.m_Client = (Gump) new GEmpty(0, 0, 0, 0); this.m_Children.Add(this.m_Client); this.m_CloseButton = new GWindowsButton("", 0, 0, 16, 14); this.m_CloseButton.ImageColor = 0; this.m_CloseButton.Image = Engine.m_FormX; this.m_CloseButton.Clicked += new EventHandler(this.CloseButton_Clicked); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_CloseButton); this.ResizeClient(); }
private GTextBox AddTextBox(string name, int index, string initialText, char pc) { int Y = 30 + index * 25; GLabel glabel = new GLabel(name, (IFont)Engine.GetUniFont(2), GumpHues.ControlText, 0, 0); glabel.X = 10 - glabel.Image.xMin; glabel.Y = Y + (22 - (glabel.Image.yMax - glabel.Image.yMin + 1)) / 2 - glabel.Image.yMin; this.m_Children.Add((Gump)glabel); this.m_Children.Add((Gump) new GAlphaBackground(60, Y, 200, 22) { ShouldHitTest = false, FillColor = GumpColors.Window, FillAlpha = 1f }); IHue windowText = GumpHues.WindowText; GTextBox gtextBox = new GTextBox(0, false, 64, Y, 196, 22, initialText, (IFont)Engine.GetUniFont(2), windowText, windowText, windowText, pc); this.Client.Children.Add((Gump)gtextBox); return(gtextBox); }
private GContextMenu(object owner, PopupEntry[] list) : base(100, 100) { this.m_Owner = owner; this.m_GUID = "MobilePopup"; int num1 = 0; int num2 = 0; int length = list.Length; IFont font = (IFont)Engine.GetUniFont(3); IHue bright = Hues.Bright; IHue focusHue = Hues.Load(53); IHue @default = Hues.Default; OnClick onClick = new OnClick(this.Entry_OnClick); for (int index = 0; index < length; ++index) { PopupEntry popupEntry = list[index]; GLabel glabel; if (popupEntry.Flags == 1) { glabel = new GLabel(popupEntry.Text, font, @default, 7, 7 + num2); } else { glabel = (GLabel) new GTextButton(popupEntry.Text, font, bright, focusHue, 7, 7 + num2, onClick); glabel.SetTag("EntryID", (object)popupEntry.EntryID); } glabel.X -= glabel.Image.xMin; glabel.Y -= glabel.Image.yMin; num2 += glabel.Image.yMax - glabel.Image.yMin + 4; if (glabel.Image.xMax - glabel.Image.xMin + 1 > num1) { num1 = glabel.Image.xMax - glabel.Image.xMin + 1; } this.m_Children.Add((Gump)glabel); } int num3 = num2 - 3; this.m_Width = num1 + 14; this.m_Height = num3 + 14; }
public GSkills() : base(50, 50, 250, 125) { this.m_Children.Add((Gump) new GVResizer((IResizable)this)); this.m_Children.Add((Gump) new GHResizer((IResizable)this)); this.m_Children.Add((Gump) new GLResizer((IResizable)this)); this.m_Children.Add((Gump) new GTResizer((IResizable)this)); this.m_Children.Add((Gump) new GHVResizer((IResizable)this)); this.m_Children.Add((Gump) new GLTResizer((IResizable)this)); this.m_Children.Add((Gump) new GHTResizer((IResizable)this)); this.m_Children.Add((Gump) new GLVResizer((IResizable)this)); this.m_ShowReal = false; this.m_Total = new GLabel(string.Format("Total: {0:F1}", (object)this.GetTotalSkillCount()), (IFont)Engine.GetUniFont(1), Hues.Bright, 0, 0); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Total); this.m_ValueType = new GTextButton("Used Values", (IFont)Engine.GetUniFont(1), Hues.Bright, Hues.Load(53), 0, 0, new OnClick(this.ValueType_OnClick)); this.m_ValueType.X = 4 - this.m_ValueType.Image.xMin; this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_ValueType); this.m_SkillList = new GSkillList(this); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_SkillList); this.Width = 250; this.Height = 125; }
public GMacroEditorForm() : base(0, 0, 269, 283) { Gumps.Focus = (Gump)this; this.m_NonRestrictivePicking = true; this.Client.m_NonRestrictivePicking = true; this.Text = "Macro Editor"; GAlphaBackground galphaBackground = this.m_Sunken = new GAlphaBackground(1, 2, 259, 230); galphaBackground.ShouldHitTest = false; galphaBackground.FillAlpha = 1f; galphaBackground.FillColor = GumpColors.AppWorkspace; galphaBackground.DrawBorder = false; this.Client.Children.Add((Gump)galphaBackground); this.m_KeyboardFlipper = new GSystemButton(71, 236, 120, 20, SystemColors.Control, SystemColors.ControlText, "Show Keyboard", (IFont)Engine.GetUniFont(2)); this.m_KeyboardFlipper.OnClick = new OnClick(this.KeyboardFlipper_OnClick); this.Client.Children.Add((Gump)this.m_KeyboardFlipper); GSystemButton gsystemButton1 = new GSystemButton(240, 236, 20, 20, SystemColors.Control, SystemColors.ControlText, "→", (IFont)Engine.GetUniFont(2)); gsystemButton1.Tooltip = (ITooltip) new Tooltip("Advance to the next macro", true); gsystemButton1.OnClick = new OnClick(this.Next_OnClick); this.Client.Children.Add((Gump)gsystemButton1); GSystemButton gsystemButton2 = new GSystemButton(1, 236, 20, 20, SystemColors.Control, SystemColors.ControlText, "←", (IFont)Engine.GetUniFont(2)); gsystemButton2.Tooltip = (ITooltip) new Tooltip("Go back to the previous macro", true); gsystemButton2.OnClick = new OnClick(this.Prev_OnClick); this.Client.Children.Add((Gump)gsystemButton2); this.Center(); this.Y -= 92; if (Macros.List.Count > 0) { this.Current = Macros.List[0]; } else { this.m_NoSel = new GLabel("No macro is currently selected", (IFont)Engine.GetUniFont(1), Hues.Load(1153), 16, 18); this.Client.Children.Add((Gump)this.m_NoSel); } }
public GSkillList(GSkills owner) : base(4, 4, 250, 50) { this.m_Owner = owner; this.m_CanDrag = false; Skills skills = Engine.Skills; this.m_SkillGumps = new GSkillGump[256]; int num = 4; for (int index1 = 0; index1 < skills.Groups.Length; ++index1) { SkillGroup skillGroup = skills.Groups[index1]; GLabel glabel = new GLabel(skillGroup.Name, (IFont)Engine.GetUniFont(1), Hues.Bright, 4, num); glabel.X -= glabel.Image.xMin; glabel.Y -= glabel.Image.yMin; glabel.SetTag("yBase", (object)glabel.Y); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)glabel); num += 4 + (glabel.Image.yMax - glabel.Image.yMin); for (int index2 = 0; index2 < skillGroup.Skills.Count; ++index2) { Skill skill = (Skill)skillGroup.Skills[index2]; GSkillGump gskillGump = new GSkillGump(skill, num, this.m_Width - 20, this.m_Owner.ShowReal); this.m_SkillGumps[skill.ID] = gskillGump; this.m_Children.Add((Gump)gskillGump); num += 4 + gskillGump.Height; } } this.m_SliderBorder = new GSingleBorder(0, 0, 16, 100); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_SliderBorder); this.m_Slider = new GAlphaVSlider(0, 6, 16, 100, 0.0, 0.0, (double)(num + 1), 1.0); this.m_Slider.SetTag("Max", (object)(num + 1)); this.m_Slider.OnValueChange += new OnValueChange(this.Slider_OnValueChange); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Slider); this.m_Hotspot = new GHotspot(0, 0, 16, 100, (Gump)this.m_Slider); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Hotspot); }
public GSkillGump(Skill skill, int y, int width, bool showReal) : base(4, y) { this.m_yBase = y; this.m_Skill = skill; this.m_Name = !skill.Action ? new GLabel(skill.Name, (IFont)Engine.GetUniFont(1), Hues.Bright, 20, 0) : (GLabel) new GSkillGump.GUsableSkillName(skill); this.m_Name.X -= this.m_Name.Image.xMin; this.m_Name.Y -= this.m_Name.Image.yMin; this.m_Width = width; this.m_Height = this.m_Name.Image.yMax - this.m_Name.Image.yMin; this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Name); this.m_Value = new GLabel((showReal ? this.m_Skill.Real : this.m_Skill.Value).ToString("F1"), (IFont)Engine.GetUniFont(1), Hues.Bright, 0, 0); this.m_Value.X = this.m_Width - 24 - this.m_Value.Image.xMax; this.m_Value.Y -= this.m_Value.Image.yMin; if (this.m_Value.Image.yMax - this.m_Value.Image.yMin > this.m_Height) { this.m_Height = this.m_Value.Image.yMax - this.m_Value.Image.yMin; } this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Value); this.m_Lock = new GThreeToggle(Engine.m_SkillUp, Engine.m_SkillDown, Engine.m_SkillLocked, (int)this.m_Skill.Lock, this.m_Width - 4, 0); this.m_Lock.OnStateChange = new OnStateChange(this.Lock_OnStateChange); this.UpdateLock(); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Lock); }
public void Update(string text, UnicodeFont initialFont, int initialColor) { int width1 = this.m_Width; Stack stack1 = new Stack(); FontInfo fontInfo1 = new FontInfo(initialFont, initialColor); int num1 = 0; int num2 = 0; Stack stack2 = new Stack(); Stack stack3 = new Stack(); text = text.Replace("\r", ""); text = text.Replace("\n", "<br>"); HtmlElement[] elements = HtmlElement.GetElements(text); int num3 = 0; int num4 = 0; for (int index1 = 0; index1 < elements.Length; ++index1) { HtmlElement htmlElement = elements[index1]; FontInfo fontInfo2 = stack1.Count > 0 ? (FontInfo)stack1.Peek() : fontInfo1; HtmlAlignment htmlAlignment = stack2.Count > 0 ? (HtmlAlignment)stack2.Peek() : HtmlAlignment.Normal; string url = stack3.Count > 0 ? (string)stack3.Peek() : (string)null; switch (htmlElement.Type) { case ElementType.Text: string text1 = htmlElement.Name; bool flag = false; while (text1.Length > 0) { int num5 = num3; switch (htmlAlignment & (HtmlAlignment)255) { case HtmlAlignment.Center: int stringWidth1 = fontInfo2.Font.GetStringWidth(text1); if (stringWidth1 > width1) { string[] strArray = Engine.WrapText(text1, width1, (IFont)fontInfo2.Font).Split('\n'); stringWidth1 = fontInfo2.Font.GetStringWidth(strArray[0]); } num5 = (width1 - (stringWidth1 - 1) + 1) / 2; break; case HtmlAlignment.Left: num5 = (int)htmlAlignment >> 8; break; case HtmlAlignment.Right: int stringWidth2 = fontInfo2.Font.GetStringWidth(text1); if (stringWidth2 > width1) { string[] strArray = Engine.WrapText(text1, width1, (IFont)fontInfo2.Font).Split('\n'); stringWidth2 = fontInfo2.Font.GetStringWidth(strArray[0]); } num5 = ((int)htmlAlignment >> 8) - stringWidth2; break; } string[] strArray1 = text1.Split(' '); int width2 = width1 - num5; if (!flag && fontInfo2.Font.GetStringWidth(strArray1[0]) > width2) { flag = true; num3 = 0; num4 += 18; } else { flag = false; string[] strArray2 = Engine.WrapText(text1, width2, (IFont)fontInfo2.Font).Split('\n'); string str = strArray2[0]; if (strArray2.Length > 1) { str = str.TrimEnd(); } GLabel glabel = url == null ? new GLabel(str, (IFont)fontInfo2.Font, fontInfo2.Hue, num5, num4) : (GLabel) new GHyperLink(url, str, (IFont)fontInfo2.Font, num5, num4); if (url == null) { glabel.Underline = num1 > 0; } this.m_Children.Add((Gump)glabel); if (strArray2.Length > 1) { text1 = text1.Remove(0, strArray2[0].Length); num3 = 0; num4 += 18; } else { num3 = glabel.X + glabel.Width - 1; break; } } } break; case ElementType.Start: switch (htmlElement.Name.ToLower()) { case "br": num3 = 0; num4 += 18; continue; case "u": ++num1; continue; case "i": ++num2; continue; case "a": string attribute1 = htmlElement.GetAttribute("href"); if (attribute1 != null && !attribute1.StartsWith("?")) { stack3.Push((object)attribute1); continue; } continue; case "basefont": string attribute2 = htmlElement.GetAttribute("color"); if (attribute2 != null) { int color = 0; if (attribute2.StartsWith("#")) { color = Convert.ToInt32(attribute2.Substring(1), 16); } else { for (int index2 = 0; index2 < GHtmlLabel.m_ColorTable.GetLength(0); ++index2) { if (attribute2.ToLower() == (string)GHtmlLabel.m_ColorTable[index2, 0]) { color = (int)GHtmlLabel.m_ColorTable[index2, 1]; break; } } } stack1.Push((object)new FontInfo(fontInfo2.Font, color)); continue; } continue; case "center": stack2.Push((object)HtmlAlignment.Center); continue; case "div": string attribute3 = htmlElement.GetAttribute("align"); if (attribute3 == null) { string attribute4 = htmlElement.GetAttribute("alignleft"); if (attribute4 != null) { try { int num5 = int.Parse(attribute4); stack2.Push((object)(HtmlAlignment)(2 | num5 << 8)); } catch { } } string attribute5 = htmlElement.GetAttribute("alignright"); if (attribute5 != null) { try { int num5 = int.Parse(attribute5); stack2.Push((object)(HtmlAlignment)(3 | num5 << 8)); continue; } catch { continue; } } else { continue; } } else { switch (attribute3.ToLower()) { case "center": stack2.Push((object)HtmlAlignment.Center); continue; case "right": stack2.Push((object)(HtmlAlignment)(3 | width1 << 8)); continue; case "left": stack2.Push((object)HtmlAlignment.Left); continue; default: continue; } } default: continue; } case ElementType.End: switch (htmlElement.Name.ToLower()) { case "u": --num1; if (num1 < 0) { num1 = 0; continue; } continue; case "i": --num2; if (num2 < 0) { num2 = 0; continue; } continue; case "a": if (stack3.Count > 0) { stack3.Pop(); continue; } continue; case "basefont": if (stack1.Count > 0) { stack1.Pop(); continue; } continue; case "div": case "center": if (stack2.Count > 0) { stack2.Pop(); continue; } continue; default: continue; } } } this.m_Height = num4 + 18; }
public GSecureTrade(int serial, Gump container, string myName, string theirName) : base(50, 50, 281, 116) { this.m_Serial = serial; this.m_Container = container; this.m_CanDrop = true; this.FillAlpha = 0.5f; this.FillColor = 6324479; GBorder3D gborder3D1 = new GBorder3D(false, 0, 0, this.Width, this.Height); gborder3D1.FillAlpha = 0.0f; gborder3D1.ShouldHitTest = false; this.m_Children.Add((Gump)gborder3D1); GBorder3D gborder3D2 = new GBorder3D(true, 6, 6, 132, 104); gborder3D2.FillAlpha = 0.0f; gborder3D2.ShouldHitTest = false; this.m_Children.Add((Gump)gborder3D2); GBorder3D gborder3D3 = new GBorder3D(false, 7, 7, 130, 20); gborder3D3.ShouldHitTest = false; GLabel glabel1 = new GLabel(this.Truncate(myName, (IFont)Engine.GetUniFont(1), gborder3D3.Width - 28), (IFont)Engine.GetUniFont(1), Hues.Load(1), 0, 0); gborder3D3.Children.Add((Gump)glabel1); glabel1.Center(); glabel1.X = 28 - glabel1.Image.xMin; this.m_Children.Add((Gump)gborder3D3); GBorder3D gborder3D4 = new GBorder3D(true, 143, 6, 132, 104); gborder3D4.FillAlpha = 0.0f; gborder3D4.ShouldHitTest = false; this.m_Children.Add((Gump)gborder3D4); GBorder3D gborder3D5 = new GBorder3D(false, 144, 7, 130, 20); gborder3D5.ShouldHitTest = false; GLabel glabel2 = new GLabel(this.Truncate(theirName, (IFont)Engine.GetUniFont(1), gborder3D5.Width - 28), (IFont)Engine.GetUniFont(1), Hues.Load(1), 0, 0); gborder3D5.Children.Add((Gump)glabel2); glabel2.Center(); glabel2.X = gborder3D5.Width - 28 - glabel2.Image.xMax; this.m_Children.Add((Gump)gborder3D5); this.m_Children.Add((Gump) new GAlphaBackground(1, 1, 5, 114) { ShouldHitTest = false, BorderColor = 12632256, FillColor = 12632256, FillAlpha = 1f }); this.m_Children.Add((Gump) new GAlphaBackground(275, 1, 5, 114) { ShouldHitTest = false, BorderColor = 12632256, FillColor = 12632256, FillAlpha = 1f }); this.m_Children.Add((Gump) new GAlphaBackground(6, 1, 269, 5) { ShouldHitTest = false, BorderColor = 12632256, FillColor = 12632256, FillAlpha = 1f }); this.m_Children.Add((Gump) new GAlphaBackground(6, 110, 269, 5) { ShouldHitTest = false, BorderColor = 12632256, FillColor = 12632256, FillAlpha = 1f }); this.m_Children.Add((Gump) new GAlphaBackground(138, 6, 5, 104) { ShouldHitTest = false, BorderColor = 12632256, FillColor = 12632256, FillAlpha = 1f }); }
public void SetList(int number, ObjectPropertyList propList) { this.m_List = propList; this.m_Children.Clear(); int Y = 5; int num1 = 10; ObjectProperty[] objectPropertyArray = propList.Properties; if (objectPropertyArray.Length == 0 && number != -1) { objectPropertyArray = new ObjectProperty[1] { new ObjectProperty(number, "") } } ; int num2 = 0; int index1 = -1; int num3 = 0; int num4 = 0; int num5 = 0; int num6 = 0; int num7 = 0; int num8 = 0; int num9 = 0; for (int index2 = 0; index2 < objectPropertyArray.Length; ++index2) { if (objectPropertyArray[index2].Number >= 1060445 && objectPropertyArray[index2].Number <= 1060449) { int num10 = 0; try { num10 = int.Parse(objectPropertyArray[index2].Arguments.Trim()); } catch { } switch (objectPropertyArray[index2].Number) { case 1060445: num5 += num10; break; case 1060446: num7 += num10; break; case 1060447: num4 += num10; break; case 1060448: num3 += num10; break; case 1060449: num6 += num10; break; } if (index1 == -1) { index1 = index2; } num2 += num10; } else if (objectPropertyArray[index2].Number == 1060486) { try { num9 = int.Parse(objectPropertyArray[index2].Arguments.Trim()); } catch { } } else if (objectPropertyArray[index2].Number == 1061167) { try { num8 = int.Parse(objectPropertyArray[index2].Arguments.Trim()); } catch { } } } if (num8 > 0) { num8 = num8 * (100 + num9) / 100; } ResistInfo resistInfo1 = (ResistInfo)null; ResistInfo resistInfo2 = (ResistInfo)null; if (index1 != -1) { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList((ICollection)objectPropertyArray); arrayList.Insert(index1, (object)new ObjectProperty(1042971, string.Format("total resist {0}%", (object)num2))); objectPropertyArray = (ObjectProperty[])arrayList.ToArray(typeof(ObjectProperty)); resistInfo1 = ResistInfo.Find(objectPropertyArray[0].Text, ResistInfo.m_Armor); resistInfo2 = ResistInfo.Find(objectPropertyArray[0].Text, ResistInfo.m_Materials); } int num11 = -1; if (this.m_Object is Mobile) { Mobile mobile = (Mobile)this.m_Object; int num10 = 0; int num12 = 0; int num13 = 0; int num14 = 0; int num15 = 0; int num16 = 0; int num17 = 0; foreach (Item obj in mobile.Items) { ObjectPropertyList propertyList = obj.PropertyList; if (propertyList == null) { obj.QueryProperties(); } else { foreach (ObjectProperty property in propertyList.Properties) { if (property.Number >= 1060445 && property.Number <= 1060449) { int num18 = 0; try { num18 = int.Parse(property.Arguments.Trim()); } catch { } switch (property.Number) { case 1060445: num13 += num18; continue; case 1060446: num15 += num18; continue; case 1060447: num12 += num18; continue; case 1060448: num10 += num18; continue; case 1060449: num14 += num18; continue; default: continue; } } else if (property.Number == 1060413) { try { num16 += int.Parse(property.Arguments.Trim()); } catch { } } else if (property.Number == 1060412) { try { num17 += int.Parse(property.Arguments.Trim()); } catch { } } } } } num11 = num10; if (num12 < num11) { num11 = num12; } if (num13 < num11) { num11 = num13; } if (num14 < num11) { num11 = num14; } if (num15 < num11) { num11 = num15; } if (num10 != 0 || num12 != 0 || (num13 != 0 || num14 != 0) || (num15 != 0 || num16 != 0 || num17 != 0)) { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList((ICollection)objectPropertyArray); if (num16 != 0 || num17 != 0) { arrayList.Add((object)new ObjectProperty(1042971, string.Format("FC {0}, FCR {1}", (object)num16, (object)num17))); } arrayList.Add((object)new ObjectProperty(1060448, num10.ToString())); arrayList.Add((object)new ObjectProperty(1060447, num12.ToString())); arrayList.Add((object)new ObjectProperty(1060445, num13.ToString())); arrayList.Add((object)new ObjectProperty(1060449, num14.ToString())); arrayList.Add((object)new ObjectProperty(1060446, num15.ToString())); objectPropertyArray = (ObjectProperty[])arrayList.ToArray(typeof(ObjectProperty)); } } if (this.m_Object is Item && ((Item)this.m_Object).Container != null && ((Item)this.m_Object).Container.m_TradeContainer) { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList((ICollection)objectPropertyArray); if (arrayList.Count > 0) { arrayList[0] = (object)new ObjectProperty(1042971, "Their Offer"); } Item obj = (Item)this.m_Object; Item[] items1 = obj.FindItems((IItemValidator) new ItemIDValidator(new int[3] { 3821, 3820, 3822 })); int num10 = 0; for (int index2 = 0; index2 < items1.Length; ++index2) { num10 += items1[index2].Amount; } Item[] items2 = obj.FindItems((IItemValidator) new ItemIDValidator(new int[2] { 5359, 5360 })); for (int index2 = 0; index2 < items2.Length; ++index2) { ObjectPropertyList propertyList = items2[index2].PropertyList; if (propertyList == null) { items2[index2].QueryProperties(); } else { bool flag = false; for (int index3 = 0; index3 < propertyList.Properties.Length; ++index3) { if (propertyList.Properties[index3].Number == 1041361) { flag = true; } else if (propertyList.Properties[index3].Number == 1060738) { if (flag) { try { num10 += int.Parse(propertyList.Properties[index3].Arguments.Trim()); break; } catch { break; } } } } } } arrayList.Add((object)new ObjectProperty(1042971, string.Format("Total Gold: {0:N0}", (object)num10))); objectPropertyArray = (ObjectProperty[])arrayList.ToArray(typeof(ObjectProperty)); } for (int index2 = 0; index2 < objectPropertyArray.Length; ++index2) { ObjectProperty objectProperty = objectPropertyArray[index2]; GLabel glabel = new GLabel(Engine.MakeProperCase(objectProperty.Text), Engine.DefaultFont, index2 == 0 ? this.GetDefaultHue() : Hues.Bright, 5, Y); if (objectProperty.Number == 1061170) { int num10 = 0; try { num10 = int.Parse(objectProperty.Arguments.Trim()); } catch { } Mobile player = World.Player; if (player != null && num10 > player.Strength) { glabel.Hue = Hues.Load(34); } } else if (objectProperty.Number == 1061682) { glabel.Hue = Hues.Load(89); glabel.Text = "Insured"; } else if (num11 >= 0 && objectProperty.Number >= 1060445 && objectProperty.Number <= 1060449) { int num10 = 0; try { num10 = int.Parse(objectProperty.Arguments.Trim()); } catch { } if (num10 == num11) { if (objectProperty.Number == 1060445) { glabel.Hue = Hues.Load(95); } else if (objectProperty.Number == 1060446) { glabel.Hue = Hues.Load(26); } else if (objectProperty.Number == 1060447) { glabel.Hue = Hues.Load(45); } else if (objectProperty.Number == 1060448) { glabel.Hue = Hues.Load(1154); } else if (objectProperty.Number == 1060449) { glabel.Hue = Hues.Load(70); } } } else if (resistInfo1 != null && objectProperty.Number >= 1060445 && objectProperty.Number <= 1060449) { int num10 = 0; try { num10 = int.Parse(objectProperty.Arguments.Trim()); } catch { } int num12 = 0; switch (objectProperty.Number) { case 1060445: num12 = resistInfo1.m_Cold + (resistInfo2 == null ? 0 : resistInfo2.m_Cold); break; case 1060446: num12 = resistInfo1.m_Energy + (resistInfo2 == null ? 0 : resistInfo2.m_Energy); break; case 1060447: num12 = resistInfo1.m_Fire + (resistInfo2 == null ? 0 : resistInfo2.m_Fire); break; case 1060448: num12 = resistInfo1.m_Physical + (resistInfo2 == null ? 0 : resistInfo2.m_Physical); break; case 1060449: num12 = resistInfo1.m_Poison + (resistInfo2 == null ? 0 : resistInfo2.m_Poison); break; } int num13 = num10 - num12; if (num13 > 0) { glabel.Text += string.Format(" (+{0}%)", (object)num13); } else if (num13 < 0) { glabel.Text += string.Format(" (-{0}%)", (object)Math.Abs(num13)); } } else if (objectProperty.Number == 1061167) { Mobile player = World.Player; if (player != null) { double num10 = Math.Floor(40000.0 / (double)((player.CurrentStamina + 100) * num8)) / 2.0; glabel.Text += string.Format(" ({0:F1}s)", (object)num10); } } glabel.Y -= glabel.Image.yMin; glabel.X -= glabel.Image.xMin; Y = glabel.Y + glabel.Image.yMax + 5; if (10 + (glabel.Image.xMax - glabel.Image.xMin + 1) > num1) { num1 = 10 + (glabel.Image.xMax - glabel.Image.xMin + 1); } this.m_Children.Add((Gump)glabel); if (index2 == 0) { this.m_CompactHeight = Y; } } this.m_TotalWidth = num1; this.m_TotalHeight = Y; if (this.m_Timer == null) { this.Width = num1; this.Height = Y; } foreach (GLabel glabel in this.m_Children.ToArray()) { glabel.X = (num1 - (glabel.Image.xMax - glabel.Image.xMin + 1)) / 2 - glabel.Image.xMin; glabel.Scissor(1 - glabel.X, 1 - glabel.Y, this.Width - 2, this.Height - 2); } }
private void ProcessLayout(LayoutEntry[] list, string[] text) { int num1 = 0; int num2 = 0; bool flag = false; for (int index = 0; index < list.Length; ++index) { LayoutEntry le = list[index]; switch (le.Name) { case "nodispose": case "noresize": goto case "nodispose"; case "checkertrans": this.Pages(num1).Add((Gump) new GTransparentRegion(this, le[0], le[1], le[2], le[3])); goto case "nodispose"; case "page": num1 = le[0]; if (num1 == 0) { flag = false; num2 = 0; goto case "nodispose"; } else if (!flag || num1 < num2) { num2 = num1; flag = true; goto case "nodispose"; } else { goto case "nodispose"; } case "noclose": this.m_CanClose = false; goto case "nodispose"; case "nomove": this.m_CanMove = false; goto case "nodispose"; case "resizepic": this.Pages(num1).Add((Gump) new GServerBackground(this, le[0], le[1], le[3], le[4], le[2] + 4, true)); goto case "nodispose"; case "gumppictiled": this.Pages(num1).Add((Gump) new GServerBackground(this, le[0], le[1], le[2], le[3], le[4], false)); goto case "nodispose"; case "gumppic": string attribute = le.GetAttribute("hue"); IHue hue; if (attribute != null) { try { hue = Hues.Load(Convert.ToInt32(attribute) + 1); } catch { hue = Hues.Default; } } else { hue = Hues.Default; } if (le.GetAttribute("class") == "VirtueGumpItem") { this.Pages(num1).Add((Gump) new GVirtueItem(this, le[0], le[1], le[2], hue)); goto case "nodispose"; } else { this.Pages(num1).Add((Gump) new GServerImage(this, le[0], le[1], le[2], hue)); goto case "nodispose"; } case "textentry": this.Pages(num1).Add((Gump) new GServerTextBox(text[le[6]], le)); goto case "nodispose"; case "tilepic": this.Pages(num1).Add((Gump) new GItemArt(le[0], le[1], le[2])); goto case "nodispose"; case "tilepichue": this.Pages(num1).Add((Gump) new GItemArt(le[0], le[1], le[2], Hues.GetItemHue(le[2], le[3] + 1))); goto case "nodispose"; case "button": this.Pages(num1).Add((Gump) new GServerButton(this, le)); goto case "nodispose"; case "radio": this.Pages(num1).Add((Gump) new GServerRadio(this, le)); goto case "nodispose"; case "checkbox": this.Pages(num1).Add((Gump) new GServerCheckBox(this, le)); goto case "nodispose"; case "text": int num3 = le[2]; this.Pages(num1).Add((Gump) new GLabel(text[le[3]], (IFont)Engine.GetUniFont(1), Hues.Load(num3 + 1), le[0] - 1, le[1])); goto case "nodispose"; case "croppedtext": int num4 = le[4]; string str = text[le[5]]; int xWidth = le[2]; IFont Font = (IFont)Engine.GetUniFont(1); if (Font.GetStringWidth(str) > xWidth) { while (str.Length > 0 && Font.GetStringWidth(str + "...") > xWidth) { str = str.Substring(0, str.Length - 1); } str += "..."; } GLabel glabel = new GLabel(str, Font, Hues.Load(num4 + 1), le[0] - 1, le[1]); glabel.Scissor(0, 0, xWidth, le[3]); this.Pages(num1).Add((Gump)glabel); goto case "nodispose"; case "xmfhtmlgump": this.ProcessHtmlGump(num1, le[0], le[1], le[2], le[3], Localization.GetString(le[4]), le[5] != 0, le[6] != 0, le[5] != 0 || le[6] == 0 ? 0 : 16777215); goto case "nodispose"; case "xmfhtmlgumpcolor": this.ProcessHtmlGump(num1, le[0], le[1], le[2], le[3], Localization.GetString(le[4]), le[5] != 0, le[6] != 0, Engine.C16232(le[7])); goto case "nodispose"; case "htmlgump": this.ProcessHtmlGump(num1, le[0], le[1], le[2], le[3], text[le[4]], le[5] != 0, le[6] != 0, le[5] != 0 || le[6] == 0 ? 0 : 16777215); goto case "nodispose"; default: Engine.AddTextMessage(le.Name); goto case "nodispose"; } } this.Page = num2 == 0 ? 1 : num2; }
public GStatusBar(Mobile m, int X, int Y) : base(0.25f, 0.25f, 0.6f, 10860, X, Y) { this.m_Mobile = m; this.m_CanDrop = true; this.m_QuickDrag = true; IFont font = (IFont)Engine.GetFont(9); IHue hue = Hues.Load(1109); this.m_Name = new GLabel("", font, hue, 38, 50); this.m_Str = new GLabel("0", font, hue, 88, 77); this.m_Hits = new GAttributeCurMax(146, 72, 34, 21, this.m_Mobile.CurrentHitPoints, this.m_Mobile.MaximumHitPoints, font, hue); this.m_Dex = new GLabel("0", font, hue, 88, 105); this.m_Stam = new GAttributeCurMax(146, 100, 34, 21, this.m_Mobile.CurrentStamina, this.m_Mobile.MaximumStamina, font, hue); this.m_Int = new GLabel("0", font, hue, 88, 133); this.m_Mana = new GAttributeCurMax(146, 128, 34, 21, this.m_Mobile.CurrentMana, this.m_Mobile.MaximumMana, font, hue); this.m_Armor = new GLabel("0", font, hue, 355, 74); this.m_Fire = new GLabel("0", font, hue, 355, 91); this.m_Cold = new GLabel("0", font, hue, 355, 106); this.m_Poison = new GLabel("0", font, hue, 355, 119); this.m_Energy = new GLabel("0", font, hue, 355, 133); this.m_Luck = new GLabel("0", font, hue, 220, 105); this.m_Damages = new GLabel("0-0", font, hue, 280, 77); this.m_Gold = new GLabel("0", font, hue, 280, 105); this.m_Weight = new GAttributeCurMax(216, 128, 34, 21, this.m_Mobile.Weight, this.GetMaxWeight(this.m_Mobile.Strength), font, hue); this.m_StatCap = new GLabel("0", font, hue, 220, 77); this.m_Followers = new GLabel("0/0", font, hue, 285, 133); this.m_Name.X = 39 + (352 - (this.m_Name.Image.xMax - this.m_Name.Image.xMin + 1)) / 2; this.m_Name.X -= this.m_Name.Image.xMin; this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Name); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Str); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Hits); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Dex); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Stam); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Int); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Mana); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Armor); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Fire); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Cold); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Poison); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Energy); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Luck); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Damages); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Gold); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Weight); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_StatCap); this.m_Children.Add((Gump)this.m_Followers); this.m_Children.Add((Gump) new GStatusBar.GMinimizer(this)); this.AddTooltip(55, 70, 64, 26, 1061146); this.AddTooltip(55, 98, 64, 26, 1061147); this.AddTooltip(55, 126, 64, 26, 1061148); this.AddTooltip(121, 70, 63, 26, 1061149); this.AddTooltip(121, 98, 63, 26, 1061150); this.AddTooltip(121, 126, 63, 26, 1061151); this.AddTooltip(186, 70, 69, 26, 1061152); this.AddTooltip(186, 98, 69, 26, 1061153); this.AddTooltip(186, 126, 69, 26, 1061154); this.AddTooltip(257, 70, 72, 26, 1061155); this.AddTooltip(257, 98, 72, 26, 1061156); this.AddTooltip(257, 126, 72, 26, 1061157); this.AddTooltip(333, 74, 46, 14, 1061158); this.AddTooltip(333, 91, 46, 14, 1061159); this.AddTooltip(333, 106, 46, 13, 1061160); this.AddTooltip(333, 120, 46, 11, 1061161); this.AddTooltip(333, 133, 46, 16, 1061162); this.OnRefresh(); if (!Engine.ServerFeatures.AOS) { return; } this.Tooltip = (ITooltip) new MobileTooltip(m); }