private void SerializeDynamic(JsonWriter writer, IDynamicMetaObjectProvider value, JsonDynamicContract contract, JsonProperty member, JsonContainerContract collectionContract, JsonProperty containerProperty) { OnSerializing(writer, contract, value); _serializeStack.Add(value); WriteObjectStart(writer, value, contract, member, collectionContract, containerProperty); int initialDepth = writer.Top; for (int index = 0; index < contract.Properties.Count; index++) { JsonProperty property = contract.Properties[index]; // only write non-dynamic properties that have an explicit attribute if (property.HasMemberAttribute) { try { object memberValue; JsonContract memberContract; if (!CalculatePropertyValues(writer, value, contract, member, property, out memberContract, out memberValue)) continue; property.WritePropertyName(writer); SerializeValue(writer, memberValue, memberContract, property, contract, member); } catch (Exception ex) { if (IsErrorHandled(value, contract, property.PropertyName, null, writer.ContainerPath, ex)) HandleError(writer, initialDepth); else throw; } } } foreach (string memberName in value.GetDynamicMemberNames()) { object memberValue; if (contract.TryGetMember(value, memberName, out memberValue)) { try { JsonContract valueContract = GetContractSafe(memberValue); if (!ShouldWriteDynamicProperty(memberValue)) continue; if (CheckForCircularReference(writer, memberValue, null, valueContract, contract, member)) { string resolvedPropertyName = (contract.PropertyNameResolver != null) ? contract.PropertyNameResolver(memberName) : memberName; writer.WritePropertyName(resolvedPropertyName); SerializeValue(writer, memberValue, valueContract, null, contract, member); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (IsErrorHandled(value, contract, memberName, null, writer.ContainerPath, ex)) HandleError(writer, initialDepth); else throw; } } } writer.WriteEndObject(); _serializeStack.RemoveAt(_serializeStack.Count - 1); OnSerialized(writer, contract, value); }
private void SerializeDynamic(JsonWriter writer, IDynamicMetaObjectProvider value, JsonDynamicContract contract, JsonProperty member, JsonContainerContract collectionContract, JsonProperty containerProperty) { OnSerializing(writer, contract, value); _serializeStack.Add(value); WriteObjectStart(writer, value, contract, member, collectionContract, containerProperty); int initialDepth = writer.Top; for (int index = 0; index < contract.Properties.Count; index++) { JsonProperty property = contract.Properties[index]; // only write non-dynamic properties that have an explicit attribute if (property.HasMemberAttribute) { try { object memberValue; JsonContract memberContract; if (!CalculatePropertyValues(writer, value, contract, member, property, out memberContract, out memberValue)) { continue; } property.WritePropertyName(writer); SerializeValue(writer, memberValue, memberContract, property, contract, member); } catch (Exception ex) { if (IsErrorHandled(value, contract, property.PropertyName, null, writer.ContainerPath, ex)) { HandleError(writer, initialDepth); } else { throw; } } } } foreach (string memberName in value.GetDynamicMemberNames()) { object memberValue; if (contract.TryGetMember(value, memberName, out memberValue)) { try { JsonContract valueContract = GetContractSafe(memberValue); if (!ShouldWriteDynamicProperty(memberValue)) { continue; } if (CheckForCircularReference(writer, memberValue, null, valueContract, contract, member)) { string resolvedPropertyName = (contract.PropertyNameResolver != null) ? contract.PropertyNameResolver(memberName) : memberName; writer.WritePropertyName(resolvedPropertyName); SerializeValue(writer, memberValue, valueContract, null, contract, member); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (IsErrorHandled(value, contract, memberName, null, writer.ContainerPath, ex)) { HandleError(writer, initialDepth); } else { throw; } } } } writer.WriteEndObject(); _serializeStack.RemoveAt(_serializeStack.Count - 1); OnSerialized(writer, contract, value); }
private object CreateDynamic(JsonReader reader, JsonDynamicContract contract, JsonProperty member, string id) { IDynamicMetaObjectProvider newObject; if (!contract.IsInstantiable) throw JsonSerializationException.Create(reader, "Could not create an instance of type {0}. Type is an interface or abstract class and cannot be instantiated.".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, contract.UnderlyingType)); if (contract.DefaultCreator != null && (!contract.DefaultCreatorNonPublic || Serializer._constructorHandling == ConstructorHandling.AllowNonPublicDefaultConstructor)) newObject = (IDynamicMetaObjectProvider) contract.DefaultCreator(); else throw JsonSerializationException.Create(reader, "Unable to find a default constructor to use for type {0}.".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, contract.UnderlyingType)); if (id != null) AddReference(reader, id, newObject); OnDeserializing(reader, contract, newObject); int initialDepth = reader.Depth; bool finished = false; do { switch (reader.TokenType) { case JsonToken.PropertyName: string memberName = reader.Value.ToString(); try { if (!reader.Read()) throw JsonSerializationException.Create(reader, "Unexpected end when setting {0}'s value.".FormatWith(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, memberName)); // first attempt to find a settable property, otherwise fall back to a dynamic set without type JsonProperty property = contract.Properties.GetClosestMatchProperty(memberName); if (property != null && property.Writable && !property.Ignored) { if (property.PropertyContract == null) property.PropertyContract = GetContractSafe(property.PropertyType); JsonConverter propertyConverter = GetConverter(property.PropertyContract, property.MemberConverter, null, null); if (!SetPropertyValue(property, propertyConverter, null, member, reader, newObject)) reader.Skip(); } else { Type t = (JsonReader.IsPrimitiveToken(reader.TokenType)) ? reader.ValueType : typeof (IDynamicMetaObjectProvider); JsonContract dynamicMemberContract = GetContractSafe(t); JsonConverter dynamicMemberConverter = GetConverter(dynamicMemberContract, null, null, member); object value; if (dynamicMemberConverter != null && dynamicMemberConverter.CanRead) value = DeserializeConvertable(dynamicMemberConverter, reader, t, null); else value = CreateValueInternal(reader, t, dynamicMemberContract, null, null, member, null); contract.TrySetMember(newObject, memberName, value); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (IsErrorHandled(newObject, contract, memberName, reader as IJsonLineInfo, reader.Path, ex)) HandleError(reader, true, initialDepth); else throw; } break; case JsonToken.EndObject: finished = true; break; default: throw JsonSerializationException.Create(reader, "Unexpected token when deserializing object: " + reader.TokenType); } } while (!finished && reader.Read()); if (!finished) ThrowUnexpectedEndException(reader, contract, newObject, "Unexpected end when deserializing object."); OnDeserialized(reader, contract, newObject); return newObject; }