예제 #1
        public async Task Given_Valid_Request_And_Remote_Server_Listening_When_Sending_Then_Remote_Accepts()
            var messageReceivedEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
            string content = null;

            var serverBaseUri = new UriBuilder
                Scheme = "http",
                Host = "localhost",
                Port = 52180,
                Path = "/platibus.test/"

            var configuration = new HttpServerConfiguration
                BaseUri = serverBaseUri

            configuration.AddHandlingRule<string>(".*", (c, ctx) =>
                content = c;

            bool messageReceived;
            using (var server = await HttpServer.Start(configuration))
                var endpoint = serverBaseUri;
                var message = new Message(new MessageHeaders
                    {HeaderName.ContentType, "text/plain"},
                    {HeaderName.MessageId, Guid.NewGuid().ToString()},
                    {HeaderName.Destination, endpoint.ToString()},
                    {HeaderName.MessageName, typeof (string).FullName},
                }, "Hello, world!");

                var transportService = await server.GetTransportService();
                await transportService.SendMessage(message);

                messageReceived = await messageReceivedEvent

            // Sanity check.  We're really testing the transport to ensure
            // that it doesn't throw.  But if it does throw, then it would
            // be nice to get some info about how the server behaved.
            Assert.That(messageReceived, Is.True);
            Assert.That(content, Is.EqualTo("Hello, world!"));
예제 #2
        private static async Task <HttpServer> StartAsync(
            string configSectionName,
            Func <HttpServerConfiguration, Task> configure,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
            var configManager = new HttpServerConfigurationManager();
            var configuration = new HttpServerConfiguration();
            await configManager.Initialize(configuration, configSectionName);

#pragma warning disable 612
            await configManager.FindAndProcessConfigurationHooks(configuration);

#pragma warning restore 612
            if (configure != null)
                await configure(configuration);

            var server = await StartAsync(configuration, cancellationToken);
