public List<string> ImportReferral(string serverPath, Stream stream, string destinationPath, string filename, int campaignId, int userId, string ip_address, out ImportReferralHistory history) { try { history = new ImportReferralHistory(); List<Tuple<string, string>> listUsers = new List<Tuple<string, string>>(); string savedFile = destinationPath + filename; List<string> builderErrors = new List<string>(); ; List<Tuple<int, string>> listValidUsername = new List<Tuple<int, string>>(); List<string> listInValidUsername = new List<string>(); using (CsvFileReader reader = new CsvFileReader(stream)) { CsvRow row = new CsvRow(); int rowNumber = 1; List<string> username = new List<string>(); using (CsvFileWriter writer = new CsvFileWriter(savedFile)) { while (!reader.EndOfStream) { var errorMsg = reader.CheckValidRow(row, rowNumber == 1, ref username); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMsg)) builderErrors.Add(string.Format("Line {0}: {1}", rowNumber, errorMsg)); else if (username != null && username.Any()) { foreach (var item in username) { if (!listValidUsername.Select(t => t.Item2).Contains(item) && !listInValidUsername.Contains(item)) { var id = GetIdByUsername(item); if (id > 0) listValidUsername.Add(new Tuple<int, string>(id, item)); else { listInValidUsername.Add(item); builderErrors.Add(string.Format("Line {0}: {1} is invalid username", rowNumber, item)); } } } listUsers.Add(new Tuple<string, string>(username[0], username[1])); } else if (rowNumber != 1 && !username.Any()) { builderErrors.Add(string.Format("Line {0}: This row is empty", rowNumber)); } rowNumber++; reader.ReadRow(row); writer.WriteRow(row); } } } if (builderErrors != null && builderErrors.Any()) return builderErrors; string filePath = savedFile.Replace(serverPath, "\\"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath)) { builderErrors.Add(ErrorCodes.SAVE_FILE_ERROR.ToErrorMessage()); return builderErrors; } #region Save data to DB var repo = Repo.Instance; using (var db = repo.OpenConnectionFromPool()) { ReferralCampaign referralCampaign = repo.GetReferralCampaign(db , new List<int>() { (int)ReferralCampaignStatus.Running, (int)ReferralCampaignStatus.Finished } , campaignId); if (referralCampaign == null) { builderErrors.Add(ErrorCodes.INVALID_REFERRAL_CAMPAIGN.ToErrorMessage()); return builderErrors; } //if (repo.CountRecordDownloadHistory(db, + listUsers.Count() > referralCampaign.quantity) //{ // builderErrors.Add(ErrorCodes.REFERRAL_CAMPAIGN_QUANTITY_IS_OVER.ToErrorMessage()); // return builderErrors; //} List<Tuple<string, string, string>> listFail = new List<Tuple<string, string, string>>(); foreach (var row in listUsers) { var uid = listValidUsername.FirstOrDefault(u => string.Compare(u.Item2, row.Item1, true) == 0).Item1; string error = ImportUserRerralCampaigns(repo, db, uid, referralCampaign.game_id, row.Item1, row.Item2, ip_address, referralCampaign); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { listFail.Add(new Tuple<string, string, string>(row.Item1, row.Item2, error)); } } string failData = string.Empty; if (listFail.Any()) { failData = SaveFailedImportResult(destinationPath, filename, listFail); } ImportReferralResult importResult = new ImportReferralResult { failed = listFail.Count(), file_path = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(failData) ? failData.Replace(serverPath, "\\") : string.Empty, pass = listUsers.Count() - listFail.Count(), total = listUsers.Count() }; //TODO: need to consider about the case when 100% is fail from VV api CustomerAccount creator = repo.GetCustomerById(db, userId).Data; history = new ImportReferralHistory { file_name = filename, file_path = filePath, game_id = referralCampaign.game_id, //TODO: can remove importer_username = creator.username, result = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(importResult), referral_campaign_id = campaignId }; = repo.CreateImportReferralHistory(db, history); return null; } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Fatal("ImportReferral: " + ex.ToString()); history = null; return new List<string>() { ErrorCodes.SYSTEM_ERROR.ToErrorMessage() }; } }
public int CreateImportReferralHistory(ImportReferralHistory importReferral) { var repo = Repo.Instance; using (var db = repo.OpenConnectionFromPool()) { return repo.CreateImportReferralHistory(db, importReferral); } }