예제 #1
        //public CamPlanStep(IOperator groundAction, CamSchema camObject, List<CamTargetSchema> targets) : base(groundAction)
        //    // make a clone
        //    var camObjectClone = GameObject.Instantiate(camObject.gameObject);
        //    CamObject = camObjectClone.GetComponent<CamAttributesStruct>();


        public new CamPlanStep Clone()
            //var baseClone = base.Clone() as PlanStep;
            var newstep = new CamPlanStep(base.Clone() as PlanStep);

            //if (CamObject != null && CamObject != "")
            //    var parent = GameObject.Find("Cameras");
            //    var camPlanStepsObject = GameObject.Find("CamPlanSteps").gameObject;
            //    var possibleCamObj = FindUnderParent(parent.gameObject, CamObject);
            //    if (possibleCamObj == null)
            //    {
            //        possibleCamObj = FindUnderParent(camPlanStepsObject, CamObject);
            //    }

            //    GameObject newGO = GameObject.Instantiate(possibleCamObj);
            //    newGO.transform.parent = camPlanStepsObject.transform;
            //    newstep.CamObject = newGO.name;

            if (CamDetails != null)
                newstep.CamDetails = CamDetails.Clone();
            if (TargetDetails != null)
                newstep.TargetDetails = TargetDetails.Clone();

예제 #2
        public CamPlanStep ReadCamStepVariable(ClipSchema <DiscourseAsset> discClip)
            /* Input: the ClipSchema<DiscourseAsset>
             * Output: A camera plan step (type CamPlanStep) representing a single durative camera action/shot
             * CamPlanStep references
             *      A specific Camera GameObject (cloned)
             *      A specific target transform to focus on
             *      A set of action segments which can be used to specify duration

            // Now doing this in Read()

            // The Terms of the camera plan step are just its scale, hangle, vangle, and the location of the target.
            var termList = new List <ITerm>()
                new Term(discClip.asset.camSchema.scale.ToString(), true) as ITerm,
                new Term(discClip.asset.camSchema.hangle.ToString(), true) as ITerm,
                new Term(discClip.asset.camSchema.vangle.ToString(), true) as ITerm,
                new Term(discClip.asset.camSchema.targetLocation.ToString(), true) as ITerm

            // include here, other constraints that can be tacked on, like horizontal and vertical damping, amount of lead time, etc. Can we just display the entire cinemachine camera body?

            // Since there's a list of action segments, specifying just one is not good.
            //    new Term(actionSeg.actionVarName.ToString(), true) as ITerm,
            //    new Term(actionSeg.startPercent.ToString(), true) as ITerm,
            //    new Term(actionSeg.endPercent.ToString(), true) as ITerm

            foreach (var constraint in discClip.asset.Constraints)
                var constraintParts = constraint.Split(' ');
                // depreciated - specific object targets would be specified in target details (CamTargetSchema)
                //if (constraintParts[0].Equals("target"))
                //    termList.Add(new Term(constraintParts[1], true) as ITerm);

                // special constraints for different kinds of targets? Here, would create a new target and perhaps merge 2 targets?
                if (constraintParts[0].Equals("2-shot"))
                    // create new target here?
                // TODO: do something with them. so far, unneeded...

            // Create the CameraPlanStep
            CamPlanStep ps;
            var         root = new Operator(new Predicate("", termList, true), new List <IPredicate>(), new List <IPredicate>());

            ps = new CamPlanStep(root as IOperator);

            // Assign updated target Schemata
            ps.TargetDetails = discClip.asset.targetSchema;

            // Assign CamSchema, will be used to filter valid camera objects (CamAttributesStruct)
            ps.CamDetails = discClip.asset.camSchema;
