unsafe void BuildGlyph(FontGlyph fontGlyph, ExportGlyph *exportTypeFace, int pxsize) { //------------------------------------------ //copy font metrics fontGlyph.exportGlyph = *(exportTypeFace); //------------------------------------------ //copy raw image NativeFontGlyphBuilder.CopyGlyphBitmap(fontGlyph, exportTypeFace); //outline version //------------------------------------------ if (px64Font != null) { if (pxsize < 64) { NativeFontGlyphBuilder.BuildGlyphOutline(fontGlyph, exportTypeFace); } else { NativeFontGlyphBuilder.BuildGlyphOutline(fontGlyph, exportTypeFace); } } else { NativeFontGlyphBuilder.BuildGlyphOutline(fontGlyph, exportTypeFace); } }
public override void GetGlyphPos(char[] buffer, int start, int len, ProperGlyph[] properGlyphs) { //find proper position for each glyph int j = buffer.Length; for (int i = 0; i < j; ++i) { FontGlyph f = this.GetGlyph(buffer[i]); properGlyphs[i].x_advance = f.horiz_adv_x >> 6; //64 properGlyphs[i].codepoint = (uint)buffer[i]; } }
public void ReadSVG(string svgContent) { int startIndex = 0; String fontElementString = GetSubString(svgContent, "<font", ">", ref startIndex); fontId = GetStringValue(fontElementString, "id"); GetIntValue(fontElementString, "horiz-adv-x", out horiz_adv_x); String fontFaceString = GetSubString(svgContent, "<font-face", "/>", ref startIndex); fontFamily = GetStringValue(fontFaceString, "font-family"); GetIntValue(fontFaceString, "font-weight", out font_weight); font_stretch = GetStringValue(fontFaceString, "font-stretch"); GetIntValue(fontFaceString, "units-per-em", out unitsPerEm); panose_1 = new Panos_1(GetStringValue(fontFaceString, "panose-1")); GetIntValue(fontFaceString, "ascent", out ascent); GetIntValue(fontFaceString, "descent", out descent); GetIntValue(fontFaceString, "x-height", out x_height); GetIntValue(fontFaceString, "cap-height", out cap_height); String bboxString = GetStringValue(fontFaceString, "bbox"); String[] valuesString = bboxString.Split(' '); int.TryParse(valuesString[0], out boundingBox.Left); int.TryParse(valuesString[1], out boundingBox.Bottom); int.TryParse(valuesString[2], out boundingBox.Right); int.TryParse(valuesString[3], out boundingBox.Top); GetIntValue(fontFaceString, "underline-thickness", out underline_thickness); GetIntValue(fontFaceString, "underline-position", out underline_position); unicode_range = GetStringValue(fontFaceString, "unicode-range"); String missingGlyphString = GetSubString(svgContent, "<missing-glyph", "/>", ref startIndex); missingGlyph = CreateGlyphFromSVGGlyphData(missingGlyphString); String nextGlyphString = GetSubString(svgContent, "<glyph", "/>", ref startIndex); while (nextGlyphString != null) { // get the data and put it in the glyph dictionary FontGlyph newGlyph = CreateGlyphFromSVGGlyphData(nextGlyphString); if (newGlyph.unicode > 0) { originalGlyphs.Add(newGlyph.unicode, newGlyph); } nextGlyphString = GetSubString(svgContent, "<glyph", "/>", ref startIndex); } }
public void Print(CanvasPainter painter, char[] buffer, double x, double y) { int j = buffer.Length; int buffsize = j * 2; //get kerning list ProperGlyph[] properGlyphs = new ProperGlyph[buffsize]; currentFont.GetGlyphPos(buffer, 0, buffsize, properGlyphs); double xpos = x; for (int i = 0; i < buffsize; ++i) { uint codepoint = properGlyphs[i].codepoint; if (codepoint == 0) { break; } //------------------------------------------------------------- FontGlyph glyph = this.currentFont.GetGlyphByIndex(codepoint); var left = glyph.exportGlyph.img_horiBearingX; //-------------------------------------------------------- //render with vector //var mat = Agg.Transform.Affine.NewMatix( //Agg.Transform.AffinePlan.Scale(0.30), //Agg.Transform.AffinePlan.Translate(xpos, y)); //var vxs1 = mat.TransformToVxs(glyph.flattenVxs); VertexStore vxs1 = Agg.Transform.Affine.TranslateToVxs( glyph.flattenVxs, (float)(xpos), (float)(y)); painter.Fill(vxs1); //-------------------------------------------------------- ////render with bitmap //this.painter.DrawImage(glyph.glyphImage32, // (float)(xpos + (left >> 6)), // (float)(y + (glyph.exportGlyph.bboxYmin >> 6))); int w = (glyph.exportGlyph.advanceX) >> 6; xpos += (w); //------------------------------------------------------------- } }
internal FontGlyph ReloadGlyphFromChar(char unicodeChar, int pixelSize) { if (currentFacePixelSize != pixelSize) { currentFacePixelSize = pixelSize; NativeMyFontsLib.MyFtSetPixelSizes(this.ftFaceHandle, pixelSize); } //-------------------------------------------------- unsafe { ExportGlyph exportTypeFace = new ExportGlyph(); NativeMyFontsLib.MyFtLoadChar(ftFaceHandle, unicodeChar, ref exportTypeFace); FontGlyph fontGlyph = new FontGlyph(); BuildGlyph(fontGlyph, &exportTypeFace, pixelSize); return(fontGlyph); } }
public override FontGlyph GetGlyph(char c) { FontGlyph glyph; if (!cachedGlyphs.TryGetValue(c, out glyph)) { //create font glyph for this font size var originalGlyph = fontface.GetGlyphForCharacter(c); VertexStore characterGlyph = scaleTx.TransformToVxs(originalGlyph.originalVxs); glyph = new FontGlyph(); glyph.horiz_adv_x = originalGlyph.horiz_adv_x; glyph.originalVxs = characterGlyph; //then flatten it characterGlyph = curveFlattner.MakeVxs(characterGlyph); glyph.flattenVxs = characterGlyph; cachedGlyphs.Add(c, glyph); } return(glyph); }
public override FontGlyph GetGlyph(char c) { FontGlyph found; if (!this.cachedGlyphs.TryGetValue(c, out found)) { //if not found then create new one found = new FontGlyph(); //------------------------ //create vector version, using Path VertexStore vxs = new VertexStore(); PixelFarm.Agg.GdiPathConverter.ConvertCharToVertexGlyph(gdiFont, c, vxs); found.originalVxs = vxs; //create flatten version found.flattenVxs = curveFlattener.MakeVxs(vxs);//? //------------------------- //create bmp version //find vxs bound this.cachedGlyphs.Add(c, found); } return(found); }
public VertexStore CreateVxs(char[] buffer, double x = 0, double y = 0) { int j = buffer.Length; int buffsize = j * 2; //get kerning list ProperGlyph[] properGlyphs = new ProperGlyph[buffsize]; currentFont.GetGlyphPos(buffer, 0, buffsize, properGlyphs); VertexStore resultVxs = new VertexStore(); double xpos = x; for (int i = 0; i < buffsize; ++i) { uint codepoint = properGlyphs[i].codepoint; if (codepoint == 0) { break; } //------------------------------------------------------------- FontGlyph glyph = this.currentFont.GetGlyphByIndex(codepoint); var left = glyph.exportGlyph.img_horiBearingX; //-------------------------------------------------------- VertexStore vxs1 = Agg.Transform.Affine.TranslateToVxs( glyph.flattenVxs, (float)(xpos), (float)(y)); //-------------------------------------------------------- resultVxs.AddSubVertices(vxs1); int w = (glyph.exportGlyph.advanceX) >> 6; xpos += (w); //------------------------------------------------------------- } return(resultVxs); }
unsafe internal static void CopyGlyphBitmap(FontGlyph fontGlyph, ExportGlyph *exportTypeFace) { FT_Bitmap *ftBmp = (FT_Bitmap *)exportTypeFace->bitmap; //image is 8 bits grayscale int h = ftBmp->rows; int w = ftBmp->width; int stride = ftBmp->pitch; int size = stride * h; //copy it to array //bmp glyph is bottom up //so .. invert it... byte[] buff = new byte[size]; //------------------------------------------------ byte *currentSrc = ftBmp->buffer; int srcpos = size; int targetpos = 0; for (int r = 1; r <= h; ++r) { srcpos -= stride; currentSrc = ftBmp->buffer + srcpos; for (int c = 0; c < stride; ++c) { buff[targetpos] = *(currentSrc + c); targetpos++; } } ////------------------------------------------------ //IntPtr bmpPtr = (IntPtr)ftBmp->buffer; //Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)ftBmp->buffer, buff, 0, size); ////------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------ fontGlyph.glyImgBuffer8 = buff; //convert to 32bpp //make gray value as alpha channel color value ActualImage actualImage = new ActualImage(w, h, Agg.Image.PixelFormat.Rgba32); int newstride = stride * 4; byte[] newBmp32Buffer = actualImage.GetBuffer(); int src_p = 0; int target_p = 0; for (int r = 0; r < h; ++r) { for (int c = 0; c < w; ++c) { byte srcColor = buff[src_p + c]; //expand to 4 channel newBmp32Buffer[target_p] = 0; //R newBmp32Buffer[target_p + 1] = 0; //G newBmp32Buffer[target_p + 2] = 0; //B newBmp32Buffer[target_p + 3] = srcColor; //A target_p += 4; } src_p += stride; } fontGlyph.glyphImage32 = actualImage; ////------------------------------------------------ //{ // //add System.Drawing to references // //save image for debug*** // // byte[] buffer = new byte[size]; // Marshal.Copy((IntPtr)ftBmp->buffer, buffer, 0, size); // ////save to // System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(w, h, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed); // var bmpdata = bmp.LockBits(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, w, h), // System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, // bmp.PixelFormat); // Marshal.Copy(buffer, 0, bmpdata.Scan0, size); // bmp.UnlockBits(bmpdata); // bmp.Save("d:\\WImageTest\\glyph.png"); //} }
unsafe internal static void BuildGlyphOutline(FontGlyph fontGlyph, ExportGlyph *exportTypeFace) { FT_Outline outline = (*(FT_Outline *)exportTypeFace->outline); //outline version //------------------------------ int npoints = outline.n_points; List <PixelFarm.VectorMath.Vector2> points = new List <PixelFarm.VectorMath.Vector2>(npoints); int startContour = 0; int cpoint_index = 0; int todoContourCount = outline.n_contours; PixelFarm.Agg.VertexSource.PathWriter ps = new Agg.VertexSource.PathWriter(); fontGlyph.originalVxs = ps.Vxs; const int resize = 64; int controlPointCount = 0; while (todoContourCount > 0) { int nextContour = outline.contours[startContour] + 1; bool isFirstPoint = true; FT_Vector secondControlPoint = new FT_Vector(); FT_Vector thirdControlPoint = new FT_Vector(); bool justFromCurveMode = false; //FT_Vector vpoint = new FT_Vector(); for (; cpoint_index < nextContour; ++cpoint_index) { FT_Vector vpoint = outline.points[cpoint_index]; byte vtag = outline.tags[cpoint_index]; bool has_dropout = (((vtag >> 2) & 0x1) != 0); int dropoutMode = vtag >> 3; if ((vtag & 0x1) != 0) { //on curve if (justFromCurveMode) { switch (controlPointCount) { case 1: { ps.Curve3(secondControlPoint.x / resize, secondControlPoint.y / resize, vpoint.x / resize, vpoint.y / resize); } break; case 2: { ps.Curve4(secondControlPoint.x / resize, secondControlPoint.y / resize, thirdControlPoint.x / resize, thirdControlPoint.y / resize, vpoint.x / resize, vpoint.y / resize); } break; default: { throw new NotSupportedException(); } } controlPointCount = 0; justFromCurveMode = false; } else { if (isFirstPoint) { isFirstPoint = false; ps.MoveTo(vpoint.x / resize, vpoint.y / resize); } else { ps.LineTo(vpoint.x / resize, vpoint.y / resize); } if (has_dropout) { //printf("[%d] on,dropoutMode=%d: %d,y:%d \n", mm, dropoutMode, vpoint.x, vpoint.y); } else { //printf("[%d] on,x: %d,y:%d \n", mm, vpoint.x, vpoint.y); } } } else { switch (controlPointCount) { case 0: { //bit 1 set=> off curve, this is a control point //if this is a 2nd order or 3rd order control point if (((vtag >> 1) & 0x1) != 0) { //printf("[%d] bzc3rd, x: %d,y:%d \n", mm, vpoint.x, vpoint.y); thirdControlPoint = vpoint; } else { //printf("[%d] bzc2nd, x: %d,y:%d \n", mm, vpoint.x, vpoint.y); secondControlPoint = vpoint; } } break; case 1: { if (((vtag >> 1) & 0x1) != 0) { //printf("[%d] bzc3rd, x: %d,y:%d \n", mm, vpoint.x, vpoint.y); thirdControlPoint = vpoint; } else { //we already have prev second control point //so auto calculate line to //between 2 point var mid = GetMidPoint(secondControlPoint, vpoint); //---------- //generate curve3 ps.Curve3(secondControlPoint.x / resize, secondControlPoint.y / resize, mid.x / resize, mid.y / resize); //------------------------ controlPointCount--; //------------------------ //printf("[%d] bzc2nd, x: %d,y:%d \n", mm, vpoint.x, vpoint.y); secondControlPoint = vpoint; } } break; default: { throw new NotSupportedException(); } break; } controlPointCount++; justFromCurveMode = true; } } //-------- //close figure //if in curve mode if (justFromCurveMode) { switch (controlPointCount) { case 0: break; case 1: { ps.Curve3(secondControlPoint.x / resize, secondControlPoint.y / resize, ps.LastMoveX, ps.LastMoveY); } break; case 2: { ps.Curve4(secondControlPoint.x / resize, secondControlPoint.y / resize, thirdControlPoint.x / resize, thirdControlPoint.y / resize, ps.LastMoveX, ps.LastMoveY); } break; default: { throw new NotSupportedException(); } } justFromCurveMode = false; controlPointCount = 0; } ps.CloseFigure(); //-------- startContour++; todoContourCount--; } fontGlyph.flattenVxs = curveFlattener.MakeVxs(fontGlyph.originalVxs); }
FontGlyph CreateGlyphFromSVGGlyphData(string svgGlyphData) { FontGlyph newGlyph = new FontGlyph(); if (!GetIntValue(svgGlyphData, "horiz-adv-x", out newGlyph.horiz_adv_x)) { newGlyph.horiz_adv_x = horiz_adv_x; } newGlyph.glyphName = GetStringValue(svgGlyphData, "glyph-name"); String unicodeString = GetStringValue(svgGlyphData, "unicode"); if (unicodeString != null) { if (unicodeString.Length == 1) { newGlyph.unicode = (int)unicodeString[0]; } else { if (unicodeString.Split(';').Length > 1 && unicodeString.Split(';')[1].Length > 0) { throw new NotImplementedException("We do not currently support glyphs longer than one character. You need to wirite the seach so that it will find them if you want to support this"); } if (int.TryParse(unicodeString, NumberStyles.Number, null, out newGlyph.unicode) == false) { // see if it is a unicode String hexNumber = GetSubString(unicodeString, "&#x", ";"); int.TryParse(hexNumber, NumberStyles.HexNumber, null, out newGlyph.unicode); } } } String dString = GetStringValue(svgGlyphData, "d"); //if (newGlyph.glyphName == "a") //{ //} int parseIndex = 0; int polyStartVertexSourceIndex = 0; Vector2 lastXY = new Vector2(0, 0); double px = 0; double py = 0; PathWriter gyphPath = new PathWriter(); newGlyph.originalVxs = gyphPath.Vxs; if (dString == null || dString.Length == 0) { return(newGlyph); } while (parseIndex < dString.Length) { char command = dString[parseIndex]; switch (command) { case 'M': { parseIndex++; // svg fonts are stored cw and agg expects its shapes to be ccw. cw shapes are holes. // so we store the position of the start of this polygon so we can flip it when we colse it. polyStartVertexSourceIndex = gyphPath.Count; px = GetNextNumber(dString, ref parseIndex); py = GetNextNumber(dString, ref parseIndex); gyphPath.MoveTo(px, py); } break; case 'v': { parseIndex++; py = GetNextNumber(dString, ref parseIndex); gyphPath.VerticalLineToRel(py); } break; case 'V': { parseIndex++; py = GetNextNumber(dString, ref parseIndex); gyphPath.VerticalLineTo(py); } break; case 'h': { parseIndex++; px = GetNextNumber(dString, ref parseIndex); gyphPath.HorizontalLineToRel(px); } break; case 'H': { parseIndex++; px = GetNextNumber(dString, ref parseIndex); gyphPath.HorizontalLineTo(px); } break; case 'l': { parseIndex++; px = GetNextNumber(dString, ref parseIndex); py = GetNextNumber(dString, ref parseIndex); gyphPath.LineToRel(px, py); } break; case 'L': { parseIndex++; px = GetNextNumber(dString, ref parseIndex); py = GetNextNumber(dString, ref parseIndex); gyphPath.LineTo(px, py); } break; case 'q': { //Curve3 parseIndex++; double p2x = GetNextNumber(dString, ref parseIndex); double p2y = GetNextNumber(dString, ref parseIndex); px = GetNextNumber(dString, ref parseIndex); py = GetNextNumber(dString, ref parseIndex); gyphPath.Curve3Rel(p2x, p2y, px, py); } break; case 'Q': { //Curve3 parseIndex++; double p2x = GetNextNumber(dString, ref parseIndex); double p2y = GetNextNumber(dString, ref parseIndex); px = GetNextNumber(dString, ref parseIndex); py = GetNextNumber(dString, ref parseIndex); gyphPath.Curve3(p2x, p2y, px, py); } break; case 't': { //svg smooth curve3 parseIndex++; px = GetNextNumber(dString, ref parseIndex); py = GetNextNumber(dString, ref parseIndex); gyphPath.SmoothCurve3Rel(px, py); } break; case 'T': { parseIndex++; px = GetNextNumber(dString, ref parseIndex); py = GetNextNumber(dString, ref parseIndex); gyphPath.SmoothCurve3(px, py); } break; case 'z': case 'Z': { parseIndex++; //curXY = lastXY; // value not used this is to remove an error. //newGlyph.glyphData.ClosePathStorage(); gyphPath.CloseFigure(); // svg fonts are stored cw and agg expects its shapes to be ccw. cw shapes are holes. // We stored the position of the start of this polygon, no we flip it as we colse it. //newGlyph.glyphData.InvertPolygon(polyStartVertexSourceIndex); // VertexHelper.InvertPolygon(gyphPath.Vxs, polyStartVertexSourceIndex); } break; case ' ': case '\n': // some white space we need to skip case '\r': { parseIndex++; } break; default: throw new NotImplementedException("unrecognized d command '" + command + "'."); } } return(newGlyph); }