public void GenerateQuest(QuestEntity entity, StringField group, DomainType domainType, WorldModel worldModel, bool requireReturnToComplete, List <QuestContent> rewardsUIContents, List <RewardSystem> rewardSystems, List <Quest> existingQuests, GeneratedQuestDelegate generatedQuest, UrgentFactSelectionMode goalSelectionMode) { if (entity == null || domainType == null || worldModel == null) { return; } coroutine = entity.StartCoroutine(GenerateQuestCoroutine(entity, group, domainType, worldModel, requireReturnToComplete, rewardsUIContents, rewardSystems, existingQuests, generatedQuest, goalSelectionMode)); }
private IEnumerator GenerateQuestCoroutine(QuestEntity entity, StringField group, DomainType domainType, WorldModel worldModel, bool requireReturnToComplete, List <QuestContent> rewardsUIContents, List <RewardSystem> rewardSystems, List <Quest> existingQuests, GeneratedQuestDelegate generatedQuest, UrgentFactSelectionMode goalSelectionMode) { this.cancel = false; this.entity = entity; = group; this.domainType = domainType; this.worldModel = worldModel; this.requireReturnToComplete = requireReturnToComplete; this.rewardsUIContents = rewardsUIContents; this.rewardSystems = rewardSystems; this.ignoreList = GenerateIgnoreList(existingQuests); this.goalSelectionMode = goalSelectionMode; masterStepList = new List <PlanStep>(); goal = null; plan = null; Quest quest = null; = new Fact(domainType, entity.entityType, 1); yield return(DetermineGoal()); if (!(cancel || goal == null)) { yield return(GeneratePlan()); if (!(cancel || plan == null)) { BackfillMinimumCounterValues(); if (detailedDebug) { LogPlan(plan); } quest = planToQuestBuilder.ConvertPlanToQuest(entity, group, goal, motive, plan, requireReturnToComplete, rewardsUIContents, rewardSystems); } } generatedQuest(quest); }
/// <summary> /// Computes the world model's urgency. /// </summary> /// <param name="factSelectionMode">Method by which to compute fact urgency.</param> /// <param name="mostUrgentFacts">Gets set to a list of most-urgent facts in the world model.</param> /// <param name="ignoreList">Ignore entities named in this list when computing urgency.</param> /// <param name="numTopFactsToChoose">Maximum number of most-urgent facts to return in mostUrgentFacts.</param> /// <param name="debug">If true, logs details of this function's operation.</param> /// <returns>The cumulative urgency of all facts in the world model.</returns> public float ComputeUrgency(UrgentFactSelectionMode factSelectionMode, out Fact[] mostUrgentFacts, string[] ignoreList = null, bool debug = false) { var mostUrgentFactsList = new List <Fact>(); // Maintained in ascending urgency, up to factionSelectMode.max facts. Fact mostUrgentFact = null; int maxUrgentFacts = factSelectionMode.max; float cumulativeUrgency = 0; float minTopUrgency = Mathf.NegativeInfinity; // Urgency of least-urgent fact in mostUrgentFacts[]. var debugInfo = QuestMachine.debug ? "WORLD MODEL: (observer:" + + ")\n" : string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < facts.Count; i++) { var fact = facts[i]; if (fact == null || fact.entityType == null) { continue; } if (ShouldIgnore(, ignoreList)) { continue; } observed = fact; var urgency = GetFactUrgency(fact); urgency = factSelectionMode.AdjustUrgency(urgency); fact.urgency = urgency; cumulativeUrgency += urgency; if (urgency > 0 && (mostUrgentFactsList.Count < maxUrgentFacts || urgency > minTopUrgency)) { if (mostUrgentFactsList.Count >= maxUrgentFacts) { mostUrgentFactsList.RemoveAt(0); } var added = false; for (int j = 0; j < mostUrgentFactsList.Count; j++) { if (mostUrgentFactsList[j].urgency > urgency) { mostUrgentFactsList.Insert(j, fact); added = true; break; } } if (!added) { mostUrgentFactsList.Add(fact); } mostUrgentFact = fact; minTopUrgency = mostUrgentFactsList[0].urgency; } if (debug) { debugInfo += string.Format("Domain:{0}, EntityType:{1}, Count:{2}\n", new object[] {,, fact.count }); debugInfo += string.Format(" Urgency:{0}\n", new object[] { urgency }); } } mostUrgentFact = (mostUrgentFactsList.Count > 0) ? mostUrgentFactsList[mostUrgentFactsList.Count - 1] : null; if (debug) { if (mostUrgentFact != null) { debugInfo += string.Format("MOST URGENT: Domain:{0}, EntityType:{1}, Count:{2}, Urgency:{3}\n", new object[] {,, mostUrgentFact.count, minTopUrgency }); } debugInfo += string.Format("CUMULATIVE URGENCY: {0}", new object[] { cumulativeUrgency }); Debug.Log(debugInfo); } mostUrgentFacts = mostUrgentFactsList.ToArray(); return(cumulativeUrgency); }