/// <summary>
        /// Adds cards to local user's hand.
        /// </summary>
        private void OnStartingHandReceived(MatchMessageStartingHand message)
            if (message.PlayerId == _connection.Session.UserId)
                for (int i = 0; i < message.Cards.Count; i++)
                    _localHandPanel.DrawCard(message.Cards[i], i);

        /// <summary>
        /// Selects a number of cards equal to <see cref="Hand._cardIdsInHand"/> from players deck
        /// and sends them to that player.
        /// </summary>
        private void SendStartingHand(string userId)
            Hand        hand  = userId == _connection.BattleConnection.HostId ? _localHand : _opponentHand;
            List <Card> cards = hand.DrawInitialCards();
            MatchMessageStartingHand message = new MatchMessageStartingHand(userId, cards);

            if (userId == _connection.BattleConnection.HostId)
                _stateManager.SendMatchStateMessageSelf(MatchMessageType.StartingHand, message);
                _stateManager.SendMatchStateMessage(MatchMessageType.StartingHand, message);