private void ViewAnotherUsersAlbum(string albumPin) { Album album = new Album(); string albumUserId = album.GetAlbumUserId(albumPin); string albumUserFolder = rootDir + albumUserId + "/"; RadFileExplorerAlbum.Configuration.MaxUploadFileSize = GetUploadLimit(albumUserId); RadFileExplorerAlbum.Configuration.SearchPatterns = new string[] { "*.jpg", "*.jpeg", "*.gif", "*.png" }; RadFileExplorerAlbum.Configuration.ViewPaths = new string[] { albumUserFolder + albumPin }; RadFileExplorerAlbum.Configuration.UploadPaths = new string[] { albumUserFolder + albumPin }; RadFileExplorerAlbum.Configuration.DeletePaths = new string[] { albumUserFolder + albumPin }; RadFileExplorerAlbum.InitialPath = Page.ResolveUrl(albumUserFolder + albumPin); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Album album = new Album(); userFolder = rootDir; albumPin = Request.QueryString["pin"]; if (!IsPostBack) { LabelAlbumPin.Text = albumPin; if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { string userId = User.Identity.GetUserId(); userFolder += userId + "/"; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(albumPin)) { string albumUserId = album.GetAlbumUserId(albumPin); if (albumUserId == userId) { //This album pin belongs to the current users //RadFileExplorerAlbum.InitialPath = Page.ResolveUrl(userFolder); RadFileExplorerAlbum.Configuration.MaxUploadFileSize = GetUploadLimit(userId); RadFileExplorerAlbum.Configuration.ViewPaths = getFolderArray(Request.MapPath(userFolder)); RadFileExplorerAlbum.Configuration.UploadPaths = new string[] { userFolder }; RadFileExplorerAlbum.Configuration.DeletePaths = new string[] { userFolder }; } else // The user is logged in but its not their album. ViewAnotherUsersAlbum(albumPin); LabelAlbumPin.Text = albumPin; RadTextBoxAlbumName.Text = album.GetAlbumName(albumPin); } else { // Load users root folder. RadFileExplorerAlbum.Configuration.MaxUploadFileSize = GetUploadLimit(userId); RadFileExplorerAlbum.Configuration.ViewPaths = getFolderArray(Request.MapPath(userFolder)); RadFileExplorerAlbum.Configuration.UploadPaths = new string[] { userFolder }; RadFileExplorerAlbum.Configuration.DeletePaths = new string[] { userFolder }; } } else { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(albumPin)) { // The user is not logged in therefor its another users pin. ViewAnotherUsersAlbum(albumPin); LabelAlbumPin.Text = albumPin; RadTextBoxAlbumName.Text = album.GetAlbumName(albumPin); } else { // The user is not logged in and no pin is given. Redirect. Response.Redirect("~/Default.aspx"); } } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Album album = new Album(); userFolder = rootDir; albumPin = Request.QueryString["pin"]; if (!IsPostBack) { LabelAlbumPin.Text = albumPin; if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { string userId = User.Identity.GetUserId(); userFolder += userId + "/"; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(albumPin)) { string albumUserId = album.GetAlbumUserId(albumPin); if (albumUserId == userId) { //This album pin belongs to the current users //RadFileExplorerAlbum.InitialPath = Page.ResolveUrl(userFolder); RadFileExplorerAlbum.Configuration.MaxUploadFileSize = GetUploadLimit(userId); RadFileExplorerAlbum.Configuration.ViewPaths = getFolderArray(Request.MapPath(userFolder)); RadFileExplorerAlbum.Configuration.UploadPaths = new string[] { userFolder }; RadFileExplorerAlbum.Configuration.DeletePaths = new string[] { userFolder }; } else { // The user is logged in but its not their album. ViewAnotherUsersAlbum(albumPin); } LabelAlbumPin.Text = albumPin; RadTextBoxAlbumName.Text = album.GetAlbumName(albumPin); } else { // Load users root folder. RadFileExplorerAlbum.Configuration.MaxUploadFileSize = GetUploadLimit(userId); RadFileExplorerAlbum.Configuration.ViewPaths = getFolderArray(Request.MapPath(userFolder)); RadFileExplorerAlbum.Configuration.UploadPaths = new string[] { userFolder }; RadFileExplorerAlbum.Configuration.DeletePaths = new string[] { userFolder }; } } else { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(albumPin)) { // The user is not logged in therefor its another users pin. ViewAnotherUsersAlbum(albumPin); LabelAlbumPin.Text = albumPin; RadTextBoxAlbumName.Text = album.GetAlbumName(albumPin); } else { // The user is not logged in and no pin is given. Redirect. Response.Redirect("~/Default.aspx"); } } } }