public void ThenTableAddedSuccessfully() { var excelTableFormatter = Container.Resolve<ExcelTableFormatter>(); var table = new Table(); table.HeaderRow = new TableRow("Var1", "Var2", "Var3", "Var4"); table.DataRows = new List<TableRow>(new[] {new TableRow("1", "2", "3", "4"), new TableRow("5", "6", "7", "8")}); using (var workbook = new XLWorkbook()) { IXLWorksheet worksheet = workbook.AddWorksheet("SHEET1"); int row = 6; excelTableFormatter.Format(worksheet, table, ref row); worksheet.Cell("D6").Value.ShouldEqual("Var1"); worksheet.Cell("E6").Value.ShouldEqual("Var2"); worksheet.Cell("F6").Value.ShouldEqual("Var3"); worksheet.Cell("G6").Value.ShouldEqual("Var4"); worksheet.Cell("D7").Value.ShouldEqual(1.0); worksheet.Cell("E7").Value.ShouldEqual(2.0); worksheet.Cell("F7").Value.ShouldEqual(3.0); worksheet.Cell("G7").Value.ShouldEqual(4.0); worksheet.Cell("D8").Value.ShouldEqual(5.0); worksheet.Cell("E8").Value.ShouldEqual(6.0); worksheet.Cell("F8").Value.ShouldEqual(7.0); worksheet.Cell("G8").Value.ShouldEqual(8.0); row.ShouldEqual(9); } }
public void ThenCanFormatScenarioOutlineWithMissingNameCorrectly() { var table = new Table { HeaderRow = new TableRow("Var1", "Var2", "Var3", "Var4"), DataRows = new List<TableRow>(new[] { new TableRow("1", "2", "3", "4"), new TableRow("5", "6", "7", "8") }) }; var example = new Example { Name = "Some examples", Description = "An example", TableArgument = table }; var examples = new List<Example>(); examples.Add(example); var scenarioOutline = new ScenarioOutline { Description = "We need to make sure that scenario outlines work properly", Examples = examples }; var htmlScenarioOutlineFormatter = Container.Resolve<HtmlScenarioOutlineFormatter>(); var output = htmlScenarioOutlineFormatter.Format(scenarioOutline, 0); output.ShouldContainGherkinScenario(); output.ShouldContainGherkinTable(); }
public XElement Format(Table table) { if (table == null) return null; return new XElement(this.xmlns + "div", new XAttribute("class", "table_container"), new XElement(this.xmlns + "table", new XAttribute("class", "datatable"), new XElement(this.xmlns + "thead", new XElement(this.xmlns + "tr", table.HeaderRow.Select( cell => new XElement(this.xmlns + "th", cell)) ) ), new XElement(this.xmlns + "tbody", table.DataRows.Select(row => new XElement(this.xmlns + "tr", row.Select( cell => new XElement( this.xmlns + "td", cell))) ) ) )); }
public void Format(IXLWorksheet worksheet, Table table, ref int row) { int startRow = row; int headerColumn = TableStartColumn; foreach (string cell in table.HeaderRow) { worksheet.Cell(row, headerColumn).Style.Font.SetBold(); worksheet.Cell(row, headerColumn).Style.Font.SetItalic(); worksheet.Cell(row, headerColumn).Style.Fill.SetBackgroundColor(XLColor.AliceBlue); worksheet.Cell(row, headerColumn++).Value = cell; } row++; foreach (TableRow dataRow in table.DataRows) { int dataColumn = TableStartColumn; foreach (string cell in dataRow) { worksheet.Cell(row, dataColumn++).Value = cell; } row++; } int lastRow = row - 1; int lastColumn = headerColumn - 1; worksheet.Range(startRow, TableStartColumn, lastRow, lastColumn).Style.Border.TopBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin; worksheet.Range(startRow, TableStartColumn, lastRow, lastColumn).Style.Border.LeftBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin; worksheet.Range(startRow, TableStartColumn, lastRow, lastColumn).Style.Border.BottomBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin; worksheet.Range(startRow, TableStartColumn, lastRow, lastColumn).Style.Border.RightBorder = XLBorderStyleValues.Thin; }
public void ThenCanFormatNormalTableSuccessfully() { var table = new Table { HeaderRow = new TableRow("Var1", "Var2", "Var3", "Var4"), DataRows = new List<TableRow>(new[] { new TableRow("1", "2", "3", "4"), new TableRow("5", "6", "7", "8") }) }; var htmlTableFormatter = Container.Resolve<HtmlTableFormatter>(); var output = htmlTableFormatter.Format(table); output.ShouldNotBeNull(); output.ShouldHaveAttribute("class", "table_container"); output.ShouldHaveElement("table"); var tableElement = output.Element(XName.Get("table", HtmlNamespace.Xhtml.NamespaceName)); tableElement.ShouldHaveElement("thead"); tableElement.ShouldHaveElement("tbody"); }
public void ThenSingleScenarioOutlineWithStepsAddedSuccessfully() { var excelScenarioFormatter = Container.Resolve<ExcelScenarioOutlineFormatter>(); var exampleTable = new Table(); exampleTable.HeaderRow = new TableRow("Var1", "Var2", "Var3", "Var4"); exampleTable.DataRows = new List<TableRow>(new[] {new TableRow("1", "2", "3", "4"), new TableRow("5", "6", "7", "8")}); var example = new Example {Name = "Examples", Description = string.Empty, TableArgument = exampleTable}; var examples = new List<Example>(); examples.Add(example); var scenarioOutline = new ScenarioOutline { Name = "Test Feature", Description = "In order to test this feature,\nAs a developer\nI want to test this feature", Examples = examples }; var given = new Step {NativeKeyword = "Given", Name = "a precondition"}; var when = new Step {NativeKeyword = "When", Name = "an event occurs"}; var then = new Step {NativeKeyword = "Then", Name = "a postcondition"}; scenarioOutline.Steps = new List<Step>(new[] {given, when, then}); using (var workbook = new XLWorkbook()) { IXLWorksheet worksheet = workbook.AddWorksheet("SHEET1"); int row = 3; excelScenarioFormatter.Format(worksheet, scenarioOutline, ref row); worksheet.Cell("B3").Value.ShouldEqual(scenarioOutline.Name); worksheet.Cell("C4").Value.ShouldEqual(scenarioOutline.Description); worksheet.Cell("B9").Value.ShouldEqual("Examples"); worksheet.Cell("D10").Value.ShouldEqual("Var1"); worksheet.Cell("E10").Value.ShouldEqual("Var2"); worksheet.Cell("F10").Value.ShouldEqual("Var3"); worksheet.Cell("G10").Value.ShouldEqual("Var4"); worksheet.Cell("D11").Value.ShouldEqual(1.0); worksheet.Cell("E11").Value.ShouldEqual(2.0); worksheet.Cell("F11").Value.ShouldEqual(3.0); worksheet.Cell("G11").Value.ShouldEqual(4.0); worksheet.Cell("D12").Value.ShouldEqual(5.0); worksheet.Cell("E12").Value.ShouldEqual(6.0); worksheet.Cell("F12").Value.ShouldEqual(7.0); worksheet.Cell("G12").Value.ShouldEqual(8.0); row.ShouldEqual(13); } }
public void ThenSingleScenarioOutlineAddedSuccessfully() { var excelScenarioFormatter = Container.Resolve<ExcelScenarioOutlineFormatter>(); var exampleTable = new Table(); exampleTable.HeaderRow = new TableRow("Var1", "Var2", "Var3", "Var4"); exampleTable.DataRows = new List<TableRow>(new[] {new TableRow("1", "2", "3", "4"), new TableRow("5", "6", "7", "8")}); var example = new Example {Name = "Examples", Description = string.Empty, TableArgument = exampleTable}; var examples = new List<Example>(); examples.Add(example); var scenarioOutline = new ScenarioOutline { Name = "Test Feature", Description = "In order to test this feature,\nAs a developer\nI want to test this feature", Examples = examples }; using (var workbook = new XLWorkbook()) { IXLWorksheet worksheet = workbook.AddWorksheet("SHEET1"); int row = 3; excelScenarioFormatter.Format(worksheet, scenarioOutline, ref row); worksheet.Cell("B3").Value.ShouldEqual(scenarioOutline.Name); worksheet.Cell("C4").Value.ShouldEqual(scenarioOutline.Description); worksheet.Cell("B6").Value.ShouldEqual("Examples"); worksheet.Cell("D7").Value.ShouldEqual("Var1"); worksheet.Cell("E7").Value.ShouldEqual("Var2"); worksheet.Cell("F7").Value.ShouldEqual("Var3"); worksheet.Cell("G7").Value.ShouldEqual("Var4"); worksheet.Cell("D8").Value.ShouldEqual(1.0); worksheet.Cell("E8").Value.ShouldEqual(2.0); worksheet.Cell("F8").Value.ShouldEqual(3.0); worksheet.Cell("G8").Value.ShouldEqual(4.0); worksheet.Cell("D9").Value.ShouldEqual(5.0); worksheet.Cell("E9").Value.ShouldEqual(6.0); worksheet.Cell("F9").Value.ShouldEqual(7.0); worksheet.Cell("G9").Value.ShouldEqual(8.0); row.ShouldEqual(10); } }
public void Format(XElement parentElement, Table table) { var simpletable = new XElement("simpletable"); var headerRow = new XElement("sthead"); foreach (string cell in table.HeaderRow) { headerRow.Add(new XElement("stentry", cell)); } simpletable.Add(headerRow); foreach (TableRow row in table.DataRows) { var strow = new XElement("strow"); foreach (string cell in row) { strow.Add(new XElement("stentry", cell)); } simpletable.Add(strow); } parentElement.Add(simpletable); }
public void Tables_are_formatted_as_list_items_with_tables_internal() { var table = new Table { HeaderRow = new TableRow("Column 1", "Column 2"), DataRows = new List<TableRow> {new TableRow("Value 1", "Value 2")} }; var step = new Step { Keyword = Keyword.Given, NativeKeyword = "Given ", Name = "a simple step", TableArgument = table, DocStringArgument = null, }; var formatter = Container.Resolve<HtmlStepFormatter>(); XElement actual = formatter.Format(step); XNamespace xmlns = XNamespace.Get(""); var expected = new XElement(xmlns + "li", new XAttribute("class", "step"), new XElement(xmlns + "span", new XAttribute("class", "keyword"), EXPECTED_GIVEN_HTML), new XText("a simple step"), new XElement(xmlns + "div", new XAttribute("class", "table_container"), new XElement(xmlns + "table", new XAttribute("class", "datatable"), new XElement(xmlns + "thead", new XElement(xmlns + "tr", new XElement(xmlns + "th", "Column 1"), new XElement(xmlns + "th", "Column 2") ) ), new XElement(xmlns + "tbody", new XElement(xmlns + "tr", new XElement(xmlns + "td", "Value 1"), new XElement(xmlns + "td", "Value 2") ) ) ) ) ); expected.ShouldDeepEquals(actual); }