public void AddToScoreBoard() // IS LAUNCHED AFTER SELECT TEAM OR NO TEAM FOR ADD OBJECT IN SCOREBOARD { foreach (MPPlayer entry in playerListEntries) { Destroy(entry.ObjForScorepanel); // DESTROY ALL OBJECT IN SCOREBOARD FOR REFRESH } playerListEntries.Clear(); // DESTROY ALL PLAYERS IN LIST FOR REFRESH foreach (Player p in PhotonNetwork.PlayerList.ToArray()) // CREATE NEW LIST PLAYERS AND NEW OBJECT IN SCOREBOARD { GameObject entry = Instantiate(PlayerListEntryPrefab); // CREATE NEW OBJECT if (IsTeam) // IF TEAM GAME { UIGlobal.instance.ScoreBoardPanelTeam.SetActive(true); // ACTIVE TEAM SCOREBOARD PANEL if ((string)p.CustomProperties[ScoreBoard.PLAYER_TEAM] == "red") // IF TEAM OF PLAYER IN "PhotonNetwork.PlayerList" IS "RED" { entry.transform.SetParent(InsideScoreTeamRed.transform); // ADJUST PARENT OF OBJECT IN CORRECTLY TEAM } else if ((string)p.CustomProperties[ScoreBoard.PLAYER_TEAM] == "blue") // IF TEAM OF PLAYER IN "PhotonNetwork.PlayerList" IS "BLUE" { entry.transform.SetParent(InsideScoreTeamBlue.transform); // ADJUST PARENT OF OBJECT IN CORRECTLY TEAM } } else // IF NO TEAM GAME { UIGlobal.instance.ScoreBoardPanelSolo.SetActive(true); // ACTIVE SOLO SCOREBOARD PANEL entry.transform.SetParent(InsideScoreSolo.transform); // ADJUST PARENT OF OBJECT IN SCOREBOARD } entry.transform.localScale =; // RESIZE SCALE entry.GetComponent <InitPlayerEntry>().Initialize(p.ActorNumber, p.NickName); //ADD IN OBJECT ACTOR ID AND PSEUDO OF PLAYER entry.GetComponent <InitPlayerEntry>().PlayerNameText.text = string.Format(p.IsLocal ? "<color=#000000>{0}</color>" : "{0}", p.NickName); //ADD IN OBJECT TEXT THE PSEUDO OF PLAYER AND CHANGE COLOR IF IS LOCAL PLAYER entry.GetComponent <InitPlayerEntry>().PlayerRankText.text = string.Format("{0}", p.CustomProperties[ScoreBoard.PLAYER_RANK]); //ADD IN OBJECT TEXT THE LEVEL OF PLAYER entry.GetComponent <InitPlayerEntry>().PlayerDeathText.text = string.Format(p.IsLocal ? "<color=#000000>{0}</color>" : "{0}", p.CustomProperties[ScoreBoard.PLAYER_DEATHS]); //ADD IN OBJECT TEXT THE DEATHS OF PLAYER AND CHANGE COLOR IF IS LOCAL PLAYER entry.GetComponent <InitPlayerEntry>().PlayerKillText.text = string.Format(p.IsLocal ? "<color=#000000>{0}</color>" : "{0}", p.CustomProperties[ScoreBoard.PLAYER_KILLS]); //ADD IN OBJECT TEXT THE KILLS OF PLAYER AND CHANGE COLOR IF IS LOCAL PLAYER entry.GetComponent <InitPlayerEntry>().ImageRank.sprite = entry.GetComponent <InitPlayerEntry>().imgRank[(int)p.CustomProperties[ScoreBoard.PLAYER_RANK]]; // ADJUST IMAGE RANK IN OBJECT IN FUCNTION OF LEVEL entry.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = p.IsLocal ? entry.GetComponent <InitPlayerEntry>().imgBg[0] : entry.GetComponent <InitPlayerEntry>().imgBg[1]; // ADJUST BACKGROUND IF IS LOCAL PLAYER MPPlayer ply = new MPPlayer(); // ADD PLAYER TO LIST ply.pseudo = p.NickName; // ADD PSEUDO ply.ObjForScorepanel = entry; // ADD OBJECT ply.level = (int)p.CustomProperties[ScoreBoard.PLAYER_RANK]; // ADD LEVEL ply.Kills = (int)p.CustomProperties[ScoreBoard.PLAYER_KILLS]; // ADD KILLS ply.Deaths = (int)p.CustomProperties[ScoreBoard.PLAYER_DEATHS]; // ADD DEATHS = (string)p.CustomProperties[ScoreBoard.PLAYER_TEAM]; // ADD TEAM IF TEAM ply.ActorID = p.ActorNumber; // ADD ACTOR ID playerListEntries.Add(ply); // ADD TO LIST AddCountingPlayer(); // ADJUST COUNT TOTAL PLAYER } }
public override void OnPlayerLeftRoom(Player otherPlayer) // IS LAUNCHED AUTOMATICALLY WHEN PLAYER LEFT ROOM. { MPPlayer temp = null; foreach (MPPlayer entry in playerListEntries.ToArray()) // CHECK IN LIST PLAYER { if (entry.ActorID == otherPlayer.ActorNumber) // IF ACTOR ID IS EQUAL AT ACTOR ID OF PLAYER WHO QUIT THE ROOM { temp = entry; Destroy(entry.ObjForScorepanel); // SO DELETE GAMEOBJECT IN SCOREBOARD AT PLAYER WHO QUIT THE ROOM } } if (temp != null) { playerListEntries.Remove(temp); // AND REMOVE IN LIST PLAYER } AddCountingPlayer(); //REFRESH COUNT TOTAL PLAYERS }