예제 #1
        public void LoadImageToCanvas(CropWindow window, string imagePath)
            // Get the Actual Height and Width of the Image
            using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(imagePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                BitmapFrame frame = BitmapFrame.Create(fileStream, BitmapCreateOptions.DelayCreation, BitmapCacheOption.None);
                ImageHeight = frame.PixelHeight;
                ImageWidth  = frame.PixelWidth;
                ImageRatio  = ImageWidth / ImageHeight;

            // To Load the selected image to the Crop Canvas Background
            ImageBrush ib = new ImageBrush();

            ib.ImageSource = new BitmapImage(new Uri(imagePath, UriKind.Relative));
            window.CropCanvas.Background = ib;

            //Get the Image Width , Height and Aspect Ratio
            double imgWidth  = ib.ImageSource.Width;
            double imgHeight = ib.ImageSource.Height;
            double imgRatio  = imgHeight / imgWidth;

            if (imgWidth > 1250)  //Resize the image if it is too Big
                imgWidth  = 1250;
                imgHeight = imgWidth * imgRatio;
            else if (imgWidth < 600)  //Resize the image if it is too Small
                imgWidth  = 600;
                imgHeight = imgWidth * imgRatio;

            //To Set the Scale Factor from Actual Image Size and the Canvas Size
            ScaleRatio      = ImageWidth / imgWidth;
            window.FileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(imagePath);

            //To Set the Canvas Size relative to the image
            window.CropCanvas.Width  = imgWidth;
            window.CropCanvas.Height = imgHeight;

            //To Set the Canvas Size relative to the Canvas/Image
            window.Width  = imgWidth;
            window.Height = (window.CropCanvas.Height);
예제 #2
        private void Start_btn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (stopped)
                if (InputFileName_TB.Text == "" && OutputFilePath_TB.Text == "")
                    MessageBoxResult boxResult = MessageBox.Show("Please select the Photo and the Output Folder!", "Missing Fields",
                                                                 MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
                else if (InputFileName_TB.Text == "")
                    MessageBoxResult boxResult = MessageBox.Show("Please select the Photo!", "Missing Field",
                                                                 MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
                else if (OutputFilePath_TB.Text == "")
                    MessageBoxResult boxResult = MessageBox.Show("Please select the Output Folder!", "Missing Field",
                                                                 MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
                if (OutputFilePath_TB.Text == System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(InputFileText))
                    MessageBoxResult boxResult = MessageBox.Show("Please select different Output Folder!", "Choosing the same folder conflict",
                                                                 MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
                else if (InputFileName_TB.Text != "" && OutputFilePath_TB.Text != "")
                    Start_btn.Content = "■  Stop";
                    stopped           = false;
                    // Disable all Browse Butons in the Main Window
                    InputBrowse_btn.IsEnabled   = false;
                    OutputBrowse_btn.IsEnabled  = false;
                    InputFileName_TB.IsEnabled  = false;
                    OutputFilePath_TB.IsEnabled = false;
                    ImageIcon.IsEnabled         = false;
                    None_RB.IsEnabled           = false;
                    Plan_RB.IsEnabled           = false;
                    WhitePaper_RB.IsEnabled     = false;

                    CropWindow cropWindow = new CropWindow();
                    cropWindow.MainWindowProperty = this;

                    // Load the Image to the Canvas
                    LoadImageToCanvas(cropWindow, InputFileName_TB.Text);

                //Close All C# Windows except the 'MainWindow'
                //for (int intCounter = App.Current.Windows.Count - 1; intCounter >= 1; intCounter--)
                //    App.Current.Windows[intCounter].Close();

                //Close All C++ Windows

                Start_btn.Content = "Start";
                stopped           = true;

                //Enable all Browse Butons in the Main Window
                InputBrowse_btn.IsEnabled   = true;
                OutputBrowse_btn.IsEnabled  = true;
                InputFileName_TB.IsEnabled  = true;
                OutputFilePath_TB.IsEnabled = true;
                ImageIcon.IsEnabled         = true;
                None_RB.IsEnabled           = true;
                Plan_RB.IsEnabled           = true;
                WhitePaper_RB.IsEnabled     = true;