public static void Main()
            IPhonebookRepository data = new AdvancedRepository();
            IPrinter printer = new StringBuilderPrinter();
            IPhoneNumberSanitizer sanitizer = new PhonebookSanitizer();
            ICommandFactory commandFactory = new CommandFactoryWithLazyLoading(data, printer, sanitizer);

            while (true)
                string currentCommand = Console.ReadLine();
                if (currentCommand == "End" || currentCommand == null)

                int openingBracketIndex = currentCommand.IndexOf('('); 
                if (openingBracketIndex == -1) 
                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid command. The command must have an opening bracket.");

                if (!currentCommand.EndsWith(")"))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid command. The command must end with a closing bracket.");

                string commandText = currentCommand.Substring(0, openingBracketIndex);
                string parametersString = currentCommand.Substring(openingBracketIndex + 1, currentCommand.Length - openingBracketIndex - 2);

                string[] parameters = parametersString.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                for (int j = 0; j < parameters.Length; j++)
                    parameters[j] = parameters[j].Trim();

                IPhoneBookCommand command = commandFactory.CreateCommand(commandText, parameters.Length);

        internal static void Main()
            IDeletablePhonebookRepository data = new PhonebookRepositoryWithDictionary();
            IPrinter printer = new StringBuilderPrinter();
            IPhoneNumberSanitizer sanitizer = new PhonebookSanitizer();
            ICommandFactory commandFactory = new CommandFactoryWithLazyLoading(data, printer, sanitizer);
            ICommandParser commandParser = new CommandParser();

            while (true)
                string userLine = Console.ReadLine();

                if (userLine == "End" || userLine == null)

                var commandInfo = commandParser.Parse(userLine);
                IPhonebookCommand command = commandFactory.CreateCommand(commandInfo.CommandName, commandInfo.Arguments.Count());

            printer.Accept(new ConsolePrinterVisitorWithNewLine());