예제 #1
파일: GeneralTest.cs 프로젝트: the455/PSPM
        public void TestAreaOfHexagonIsCalculatedIncorrectly()
            General g = new General();
            Point[] p = new Point[6];

            p[0].X = 30;
            p[0].Y = 86;

            p[1].X = 58;
            p[1].Y = 38;

            p[2].X = 114;
            p[2].Y = 38;

            p[3].X = 142;
            p[3].Y = 86;

            p[4].X = 114;
            p[4].Y = 134;

            p[5].X = 58;
            p[5].Y = 134;

            int actual = g.AreaOfHexagon(p);
            int expected = 100;

            Assert.AreNotEqual(expected, actual, "The values are not equal");
예제 #2
파일: GeneralTest.cs 프로젝트: the455/PSPM
        public void TestAreaOfSquareIsCalculatedCorrectly()
            General g = new General();

            Point[] p = new Point[2];

            p[0].X = 10;
            p[0].Y = 15;

            p[1].X = 35;
            p[1].Y = 40;

            int actual = g.AreaOfSquare(p);
            int expected = 625;

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual, "The values are not equal");
예제 #3
파일: GeneralTest.cs 프로젝트: the455/PSPM
        public void TestPercentageIsCalculatedIncorrectly()
            General g = new General();

            int actual = g.CalcualtePercentage(23, 100);
            int expected = 54;

            Assert.AreNotEqual(expected, actual, "The values are not equal");
예제 #4
파일: GeneralTest.cs 프로젝트: the455/PSPM
        public void TestMidPointOfLineIsIncorrect()
            General g = new General();

            int expected = 95;
            int actual = g.FindMidPointBetweenTwoPoints(60, 100);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(expected, actual, "Correct answer is not produced");
예제 #5
파일: GeneralTest.cs 프로젝트: the455/PSPM
        public void TestAreaOfTriangleIsCalculatedIncorrectly()
            General g = new General();

            Point[] p = new Point[3];

            p[0].X = 30;
            p[0].Y = 30;

            p[1].X = 57;
            p[1].Y = 76;

            p[2].X = 84;
            p[2].Y = 30;

            int actual = g.AreaOfTriangle(p);
            int expected = 100;

            Assert.AreNotEqual(expected, actual, "The values are not equal");
예제 #6
파일: DrawShape.cs 프로젝트: the455/PSPM
        public List<Shapes> DrawTriangle(Graphics g, List<Shapes> shapeList, int Width, int Height, Sizes sizes, int[] numbers, String[] shapes)
            General general = new General();
            shapeList = new List<Shapes>();
            Shapes triangle;
            int[] xArray = new int[3];
            int[] yArray = new int[3];

            Pen myPen = new Pen(System.Drawing.Color.Black, 1);

            //Left most point to resume drawing at the level below
            Point leftMostPoint = new Point();

            //Set up general parameters
            int offset = sizes.OFFSET;
            int maxWidth = Width;
            int maxHeight = Height - sizes.STATUS_BAR - offset;

            int sliderModifier = numbers[4];

            int SizeChange = numbers[2] + sliderModifier;
            int pythagHeight = coordinateGeometry.Pythagoras(SizeChange, (SizeChange / 2));

            //first enum value
            MovingPointTriangle value = MovingPointTriangle.Point0;

            //Downward facing triangle first so you know the point will always be in the form then
            //Need to use 3 points and then drawPolygon
            //Draw the inital triangle, special case
            Point[] point = new Point[3];
            point[0].X = offset;
            point[0].Y = offset;

            point[1].X = offset + SizeChange / 2;
            point[1].Y = offset + pythagHeight;

            point[2].X = offset + SizeChange;
            point[2].Y = offset;

            Boolean up = false;
            Boolean upOuter = false;


                leftMostPoint = coordinateGeometry.CheckForLowestPoint(point);
                g.DrawPolygon(myPen, point);

                //Create shape object for triangle
                xArray = FillXArray(point, xArray);
                yArray = FillYArray(point, yArray);

                triangle = shapeFactory.getShape(shapes[0]);
                triangle.setPoints(xArray, yArray);


                    switch (value)
                        case MovingPointTriangle.Point0:

                            point[0] = coordinateGeometry.TriangleModifier(up, point[0], SizeChange, pythagHeight);
                            up = FlipBoolean(up);
                            value = MovingPointTriangle.Point1;

                        case MovingPointTriangle.Point1:

                            point[1] = coordinateGeometry.TriangleModifier(up, point[1], SizeChange, pythagHeight);
                            up = FlipBoolean(up);
                            value = MovingPointTriangle.Point2;

                        case MovingPointTriangle.Point2:
                            point[2] = coordinateGeometry.TriangleModifier(up, point[2], SizeChange, pythagHeight);
                            up = FlipBoolean(up);
                            value = MovingPointTriangle.Point0;


                    g.DrawPolygon(myPen, point);
                    xArray = FillXArray(point, xArray);
                    yArray = FillYArray(point, yArray);

                    triangle = shapeFactory.getShape(shapes[0]);
                    triangle.setPoints(xArray, yArray);
                } while (general.CheckWidth(maxWidth, SizeChange, point, sizes));

                value = MovingPointTriangle.Point0;

                if (upOuter)
                    point = coordinateGeometry.PointingDownwardsTriangle(point, leftMostPoint, pythagHeight, SizeChange, offset);

                    up = false;
                    point = coordinateGeometry.PointingUpwardsTriangle(point, leftMostPoint, pythagHeight, SizeChange);

                    up = true;
                upOuter = FlipBoolean(upOuter);
            } while (general.CheckHeight(maxHeight, SizeChange, point));

            return shapeList;
예제 #7
파일: Form1.cs 프로젝트: the455/PSPM
        private string simplicityPercentage()
            string s = "";

            General g = new General();
            MeshSettings m = new MeshSettings();
            int percentage = g.CalcualtePercentage(numbers[4], m.tb_Thickness.Maximum);

            s = String.Format("The mesh finess is at {0}%", percentage);

            return s;