예제 #1
        public IntMatrix SimulateToMatrix(int iEndTime)
            IntMatrix im = new IntMatrix(pnd.GroupedPlaces.Count, iEndTime + 1);

                if (resultDataFromSimulation != null)
                    for (int idx = 0; idx < iEndTime; idx++)
                        int k = idx;

                        if (k < resultDataFromSimulation.Count)
                            List <int> row = resultDataFromSimulation[k];
                            for (int i = 0; i < row.Count; i++)
                                im[i, idx] = (int)row[i];
            catch (Exception ex)
예제 #2
        public static IntMatrix operator *(IntMatrix lhs, IntMatrix rhs)
            if (lhs.Dimensions.Width != rhs.Dimensions.Height)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid parameters dimensions.");
                IntMatrix m = new IntMatrix(lhs.Dimensions.Height, rhs.Dimensions.Width);

                for (int i = 0; i < m.Dimensions.Height; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < m.Dimensions.Width; j++)
                        int iValue = 0;
                        for (int u = 0; u < lhs.Dimensions.Width; u++)
                            iValue += (int)lhs[i, u] * (int)rhs[u, j];

                        m[i, j] = iValue;

예제 #3
        public new IntMatrix Transpose()
            IntMatrix im = new IntMatrix(this.Dimensions.Width, this.Dimensions.Height);

            for (int i = 0; i < this.Dimensions.Height; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < this.Dimensions.Width; j++)
                    im[j, i] = this[i, j];

예제 #4
        public void Fire()
            PetriNetDocument pnd = ((PetriNetEditor)this.Parent).Document;
            IntMatrix        imF = pnd.F;
            IntMatrix        imS = pnd.S;

            // Get all tokens in parents
            foreach (Place p in this.PlaceParents)
                p.Tokens -= imF[pnd.Transitions.IndexOf(this), pnd.GroupedPlaces.IndexOf(p)];

            // And put them in childs
            foreach (Place p in this.PlaceChilds)
                p.Tokens += imS[pnd.GroupedPlaces.IndexOf(p), pnd.Transitions.IndexOf(this)];
예제 #5
        public static IntMatrix operator +(IntMatrix lhs, IntMatrix rhs)
            if (lhs.Dimensions != rhs.Dimensions)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid parameters dimensions.");
                IntMatrix m = new IntMatrix(lhs.Dimensions.Height, lhs.Dimensions.Width);

                for (int i = 0; i < m.Dimensions.Height; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < m.Dimensions.Width; j++)
                        m[i, j] = (int)lhs[i, j] + (int)rhs[i, j];

예제 #6
        public bool CanFire()
            PetriNetDocument pnd = ((PetriNetEditor)this.Parent).Document;
            IntMatrix        imF = pnd.F;

            int iCountMetConditions = 0;

            foreach (Place p in this.PlaceParents)
                if (p.Tokens >= imF[pnd.Transitions.IndexOf(this), pnd.GroupedPlaces.IndexOf(p)])

            if (iCountMetConditions == this.PlaceParents.Count && this.PlaceParents.Count != 0)

예제 #7
        public Oscillogram(PetriNetDocument pnd, IntMatrix im)
            // This call is required by the Windows.Forms Form Designer.

            this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint | ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);

            this.im  = im;
            this.pnd = pnd;

            this.iGraphHeight       = this.pnd.ResponseOptions.GraphHeight;
            this.iGraphDistance     = this.pnd.ResponseOptions.GraphDistance;
            this.iSectionWidth      = this.pnd.ResponseOptions.SectionWidth;
            this.iNumbersPerSection = this.pnd.ResponseOptions.NumbersPerSection;
            this.szSelection        = pnd.ResponseOptions.Selection;
            this.szRange            = new Size(0, pnd.ResponseOptions.EndTime);

            this.Height = iTopMargin + iGraphHeight * this.pnd.ResponseOptions.Places.Length + iGraphDistance * (this.pnd.ResponseOptions.Places.Length - 1) + iBottomMargin;
            this.Width  = iLeftMargin + iSectionWidth * (this.szRange.Height - this.szRange.Width) / (this.iNumbersPerSection) + iRightMargin;

            this.alGroupedPlaces = pnd.GroupedPlaces;
            this.aResponsePlaces = pnd.ResponseOptions.Places;
예제 #8
        private void Simulate()
            #region if (this.pnd.PetriNetType == PetriNetType.TimeInvariant)
            if (this.pnd.PetriNetType == PetriNetType.TimeInvariant)
                // TODO : Deselect all selected controls in pnd

                while (true)


                    // Find is there any transition that can fire

                    if (this.pnd.FireableTransitions.Count != 0 ||
                        Thread.Sleep(this.sleepBetweenStep);    // 1000 by default..

                this.bRunning = false;

                // Raise SimulationFinished event
                if (this.SimulationFinished != null)
                    this.SimulationFinished(this, new EventArgs());

            #region else if (this.pnd.PetriNetType == PetriNetType.PTimed)
            else if (this.pnd.PetriNetType == PetriNetType.PTimed)
                // TODO : Deselect all selected controls in pnd

                // Initialize
                IntMatrix imk = new IntMatrix(this.pnd.GroupedPlaces.Count, 1);

                IntMatrix imF = this.pnd.F;
                IntMatrix Ft  = this.pnd.F.Transpose();
                IntMatrix Wt  = this.pnd.W.Transpose();

                ArrayList alInputPlaces     = this.pnd.InputPlaces;
                ArrayList alOperationPlaces = this.pnd.OperationPlaces;
                ArrayList alResourcePlaces  = this.pnd.ResourcePlaces;
                ArrayList alControlPlaces   = this.pnd.ControlPlaces;
                ArrayList alOutputPlaces    = this.pnd.OutputPlaces;
                ArrayList alGroupedPlaces   = this.pnd.GroupedPlaces;
                ArrayList alTransitions     = this.pnd.Transitions;

                IntMatrix Sv = this.pnd.Sv;
                IntMatrix Sr = this.pnd.Sr;
                IntMatrix Sd = this.pnd.Sd;
                IntMatrix Sy = this.pnd.Sy;

                IntMatrix Tv0 = this.pnd.Tv0;
                IntMatrix Tr0 = this.pnd.Tr0;
                IntMatrix Td0 = this.pnd.Td0;
                IntMatrix Ty0 = this.pnd.Ty0;

                IntMatrix[] Tv = new IntMatrix[1];
                Tv[0] = new IntMatrix(Tv0.Dimensions.Height, Tv0.Dimensions.Width);

                IntMatrix[] Tr = new IntMatrix[1];
                Tr[0] = new IntMatrix(Tr0.Dimensions.Height, Tr0.Dimensions.Width);

                IntMatrix[] Td = new IntMatrix[1];
                Td[0] = new IntMatrix(Td0.Dimensions.Height, Td0.Dimensions.Width);

                IntMatrix[] Ty = new IntMatrix[1];
                Ty[0] = new IntMatrix(Ty0.Dimensions.Height, Ty0.Dimensions.Width);

                // Initial condition
                for (int i = 0; i < alGroupedPlaces.Count; i++)
                    if (ht.Count != 0)
                        imk[i, 0] = (int)ht[alGroupedPlaces[i]];
                        imk[i, 0] = ((Place)alGroupedPlaces[i]).Tokens;

                // Get mks
                IntMatrix imks = imk;

                // Get index of first control place
                int iIndexOfFirstControlPlace = -1;
                if (alControlPlaces.Count != 0)
                    iIndexOfFirstControlPlace = alGroupedPlaces.IndexOf(alControlPlaces[0]);

                #region Set inputs
                // Set inputs
                Hashtable htInputTokens = new Hashtable();
                foreach (PlaceInput pi in pnd.InputPlaces)
                    if (pi.InputType == InputType.Periodic)
                        ArrayList alInputTimes = new ArrayList();

                        int iTime = 0;
                        while (iTime < this.pnd.EndTime / this.pnd.Td)
                            iTime += pi.Interval;

                        htInputTokens.Add(pi, alInputTimes);
                    else if (pi.InputType == InputType.Stohastic)
                        ArrayList alInputTimes = new ArrayList();
                        Random    r            = new Random(Environment.TickCount);
                        int       iTime        = 0;
                        while (iTime < this.pnd.EndTime / this.pnd.Td)
                            int i = r.Next(1, pi.RandomInterval);
                            iTime += i;

                        htInputTokens.Add(pi, alInputTimes);

                // Simulate
                for (int k = 1; k <= this.pnd.EndTime / this.pnd.Td; k++)
                    foreach (Transition t in alTransitions)


                    #region Set control vector
                    // Set control vector

                    bool isPhytonExecutedOK = script.ScriptSingleStep();
                    Tv0 = this.pnd.Tv0; // Refresh duration information..

                    if (alControlPlaces.Count != 0)
                        if (isPhytonExecutedOK)
                            for (int i = 0; i < alControlPlaces.Count; i++)
                                imk[iIndexOfFirstControlPlace + i, 0] = ((Place)alControlPlaces[i]).Tokens;
                            // Set all control places tokens to 1 if they don't have parents
                            for (int i = 0; i < alControlPlaces.Count; i++)
                                if (((Place)alControlPlaces[i]).Parents.Count == 0)
                                    imk[iIndexOfFirstControlPlace + i, 0] = 1;


                        foreach (Rule r in this.pnd.Rules)
                            int[] iaTokensVector = new int[alGroupedPlaces.Count];

                            for (int i = 0; i < iaTokensVector.Length; i++)
                                iaTokensVector[i] = (int)imk[i, 0];

                            char[] ca = r.ControlVector(alGroupedPlaces, alControlPlaces, iaTokensVector);

                            if (ca != null)
                                for (int i = 0; i < ca.Length; i++)
                                    if (ca[i] != 'x')
                                        if (((Place)this.pnd.ControlPlaces[i]).Parents.Count == 0)
                                            imk[iIndexOfFirstControlPlace + i, 0] = int.Parse(ca[i].ToString());

                    #region Find transitions that can fire
                    // Find transitions that can fire
                    IntMatrix imT = new IntMatrix(alTransitions.Count, 1);

                    for (int i = 0; i < alTransitions.Count; i++)
                        Transition t = (Transition)alTransitions[i];
                        ArrayList  alPlaceParents = t.PlaceParents;

                        int iCountMetConditions = 0;
                        for (int j = 0; j < alPlaceParents.Count; j++)
                            Place p = (Place)alPlaceParents[j];

                            if ((int)imk[alGroupedPlaces.IndexOf(p), 0] >= imF[i, alGroupedPlaces.IndexOf(p)])

                        if (iCountMetConditions == alPlaceParents.Count && alPlaceParents.Count != 0)
                            imT[i, 0] = 1;

                    // Calculate mks+1
                    imks = imks + Wt * imT;

                    #region Determine maximum tokens in one place
                    // Determine maximum tokens in one place
                    int       iMaxTokens  = 0;
                    IntMatrix imOpsAndRes = new IntMatrix(this.pnd.OperationPlaces.Count + this.pnd.ResourcePlaces.Count, 1);
                    for (int z = 0; z < this.pnd.OperationPlaces.Count; z++)
                        imOpsAndRes[z, 0] = imks[this.pnd.InputPlaces.Count + z, 0];
                    for (int z = 0; z < this.pnd.ResourcePlaces.Count; z++)
                        imOpsAndRes[this.pnd.OperationPlaces.Count + z, 0] = imks[this.pnd.InputPlaces.Count + this.pnd.OperationPlaces.Count + z, 0];

                    iMaxTokens = imOpsAndRes.Max();

                    #region Adjust sizes of Tx matrixes
                    // Adjust sizes of Tx matrixes
                    if (iMaxTokens > Tv.Length)
                        IntMatrix[] Tvx = new IntMatrix[iMaxTokens];
                        for (int i = 0; i < iMaxTokens; i++)
                            Tvx[i] = new IntMatrix(Tv0.Dimensions.Height, Tv0.Dimensions.Width);
                        Tv.CopyTo(Tvx, 0);
                        Tv = Tvx;

                        IntMatrix[] Trx = new IntMatrix[iMaxTokens];
                        for (int i = 0; i < iMaxTokens; i++)
                            Trx[i] = new IntMatrix(Tr0.Dimensions.Height, Tr0.Dimensions.Width);
                        Tr.CopyTo(Trx, 0);
                        Tr = Trx;

                        IntMatrix[] Tdx = new IntMatrix[iMaxTokens];
                        for (int i = 0; i < iMaxTokens; i++)
                            Tdx[i] = new IntMatrix(Td0.Dimensions.Height, Td0.Dimensions.Width);
                        Td.CopyTo(Tdx, 0);
                        Td = Tdx;

                        IntMatrix[] Tyx = new IntMatrix[iMaxTokens];
                        for (int i = 0; i < iMaxTokens; i++)
                            Tyx[i] = new IntMatrix(Ty0.Dimensions.Height, Ty0.Dimensions.Width);
                        Ty.CopyTo(Tyx, 0);
                        Ty = Tyx;

                    if (this.pnd.Editor.PauseBeforeFiring == true && k != 1)
                        if (imT.Max() == 1)
                            if (this.SimulationProcessFinished != null)
                                this.SimulationProcessFinished(this, EventArgs.Empty);

                    // Calculate Tx_temp matrixes
                    IntMatrix Tv_temp = IntMatrix.MulTim(Tv0, imT);
                    IntMatrix Tr_temp = IntMatrix.MulTim(Tr0, imT);
                    IntMatrix Td_temp = IntMatrix.MulTim(Td0, imT);
                    IntMatrix Ty_temp = IntMatrix.MulTim(Ty0, imT);

                    // Adjust all Connections
                    foreach (Connection cn in this.pnd.ConnectionsAll)
                        cn.TokenPositions = new ArrayList(Tv.Length);
                        for (int h = 0; h < Tv.Length; h++)

                        #region Adjust Tv matrix
                        // Put new values in table
                        for (int m = 0; m < Tv0.Dimensions.Height; m++)
                            for (int l = 0; l < Tv0.Dimensions.Width; l++)
                                if (Tv_temp[m, l] > 0)
                                    // Find first available position in Tv matrix
                                    int iAvailable = -1;
                                    for (int z = 0; z < Tv.Length; z++)
                                        if (Tv[z][m, l] == 0)
                                            iAvailable = z;

                                    if (iAvailable == -1)
                                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("No free layer. Max tokens number in one place has been exceeded.");

                                    Tv[iAvailable][m, l] = Tv_temp[m, l];
                                    Tv_temp[m, l]        = 0;

                                    ((PlaceOperation)alOperationPlaces[m]).MaxFillAngle = Tv[iAvailable][m, l];
                                    ((PlaceOperation)alOperationPlaces[m]).FillAngle    = Tv[iAvailable][m, l];

                        // Decrement all values by 1
                        for (int ctn = 0; ctn < Tv.Length; ctn++)
                            for (int m = 0; m < Tv0.Dimensions.Height; m++)
                                for (int l = 0; l < Tv0.Dimensions.Width; l++)
                                    if (Tv[ctn][m, l] > 0)
                                        if (Tv[ctn][m, l] == 1)
                                            imk[m + alInputPlaces.Count, 0] = imk[m + alInputPlaces.Count, 0] + Sv[m, l];

                                        Tv[ctn][m, l] = Tv[ctn][m, l] - 1;

                                        if (Tv[ctn][m, l] < ((PlaceOperation)alOperationPlaces[m]).FillAngle || ((PlaceOperation)alOperationPlaces[m]).FillAngle == 0)
                                            ((PlaceOperation)alOperationPlaces[m]).FillAngle = Tv[ctn][m, l];

                                        if (this.pnd.TokenGameAnimation == true)
                                            // Get connection
                                            Connection cn = Connection.GetConnectionBetweenControls((ConnectableControl)alTransitions[l], (ConnectableControl)alOperationPlaces[m]);

                                            int i = (int)((((PlaceOperation)alOperationPlaces[m]).MaxFillAngle - Tv[ctn][m, l]) * 100f / (float)((PlaceOperation)alOperationPlaces[m]).MaxFillAngle);

                                            if (i < 100)
                                                cn.TokenPositions[ctn] = i;
                                                cn.TokenPositions[ctn] = 0;


                        #region Adjust Tr matrix
                        // Put new values in table
                        for (int m = 0; m < Tr0.Dimensions.Height; m++)
                            for (int l = 0; l < Tr0.Dimensions.Width; l++)
                                if (Tr_temp[m, l] > 0)
                                    // Find first available position in Tr matrix
                                    int iAvailable = -1;
                                    for (int z = 0; z < Tr.Length; z++)
                                        if (Tr[z][m, l] == 0)
                                            iAvailable = z;

                                    if (iAvailable == -1)
                                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("No free layer. Max tokens number in one place has been exceeded.");

                                    Tr[iAvailable][m, l] = Tr_temp[m, l];
                                    Tr_temp[m, l]        = 0;

                                    ((PlaceResource)alResourcePlaces[m]).MaxFillAngle = Tr[iAvailable][m, l];
                                    ((PlaceResource)alResourcePlaces[m]).FillAngle    = Tr[iAvailable][m, l];

                        // Decrement all values by 1
                        for (int ctn = 0; ctn < Tr.Length; ctn++)
                            for (int m = 0; m < Tr0.Dimensions.Height; m++)
                                for (int l = 0; l < Tr0.Dimensions.Width; l++)
                                    if (Tr[ctn][m, l] > 0)
                                        if (Tr[ctn][m, l] == 1)
                                            imk[m + alInputPlaces.Count + alOperationPlaces.Count, 0] = imk[m + alInputPlaces.Count + alOperationPlaces.Count, 0] + Sr[m, l];

                                        Tr[ctn][m, l] = Tr[ctn][m, l] - 1;

                                        if (Tr[ctn][m, l] < ((PlaceResource)alResourcePlaces[m]).FillAngle || ((PlaceResource)alResourcePlaces[m]).FillAngle == 0)
                                            ((PlaceResource)alResourcePlaces[m]).FillAngle = Tr[ctn][m, l];

                                        if (this.pnd.TokenGameAnimation == true)
                                            // Get connection
                                            Connection cn = Connection.GetConnectionBetweenControls((ConnectableControl)alTransitions[l], (ConnectableControl)alResourcePlaces[m]);

                                            int i = (int)((((PlaceResource)alResourcePlaces[m]).MaxFillAngle - Tr[ctn][m, l]) * 100f / (float)((PlaceResource)alResourcePlaces[m]).MaxFillAngle);

                                            if (i < 100)
                                                cn.TokenPositions[ctn] = i;
                                                cn.TokenPositions[ctn] = 0;

                        #region Adjust Td matrix
                        for (int ctn = 0; ctn < iMaxTokens; ctn++)
                            for (int m = 0; m < Td0.Dimensions.Height; m++)
                                for (int l = 0; l < Td0.Dimensions.Width; l++)
                                    if (Td_temp[m, l] > 0)
                                        if (Td[ctn][m, l] > 0)
                                            Td[ctn + 1][m, l] = Td_temp[m, l];
                                            Td_temp[m, l]     = 0;
                                            Td[ctn][m, l] = Td_temp[m, l];
                                            Td_temp[m, l] = 0;

                                    if (Td[ctn][m, l] == 1)
                                        imk[m + alInputPlaces.Count + alOperationPlaces.Count + alResourcePlaces.Count, 0] = imk[m + alInputPlaces.Count + alOperationPlaces.Count + alResourcePlaces.Count, 0] + Sd[m, l];
                                        Td[ctn][m, l] = Td[ctn][m, l] - 1;

                        #region Adjust Ty matrix
                        for (int ctn = 0; ctn < iMaxTokens; ctn++)
                            for (int m = 0; m < Ty0.Dimensions.Height; m++)
                                for (int l = 0; l < Ty0.Dimensions.Width; l++)
                                    if (Ty_temp[m, l] > 0)
                                        if (Ty[ctn][m, l] > 0)
                                            Ty[ctn + 1][m, l] = Ty_temp[m, l];
                                            Ty_temp[m, l]     = 0;
                                            Ty[ctn][m, l] = Ty_temp[m, l];
                                            Ty_temp[m, l] = 0;

                                    if (Ty[ctn][m, l] > 0)
                                        imk[m + alInputPlaces.Count + alOperationPlaces.Count + alResourcePlaces.Count + alControlPlaces.Count, 0] = imk[m + alInputPlaces.Count + alOperationPlaces.Count + alResourcePlaces.Count + alControlPlaces.Count, 0] + Sy[m, l];
                                        Ty[ctn][m, l] = Ty[ctn][m, l] - 1;
                    catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException e)

                    // Calculate mk+1
                    imk = imk - Ft * imT;

                    #region Set Inputs
                    // Set Inputs
                    if (pnd.InputPlaces.Count != 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < pnd.InputPlaces.Count; i++)
                            PlaceInput pi = (PlaceInput)pnd.InputPlaces[i];
                            if (pi.InputType != InputType.Fixed)
                                if (((ArrayList)htInputTokens[pi]).Contains(k))
                                    imk[i, 0]  += 1;
                                    imks[i, 0] += 1;


                    // Raise SimulationStepFinished event
                    if (this.SimulationStepFinished != null)
                        this.SimulationStepFinished(this, new EventArgs());

                    for (int j = 0; j < this.pnd.Places.Count; j++)
                        ((Place)this.pnd.GroupedPlaces[j]).Tokens = imk[j, 0];
                    SaveDataForCharting(this.pnd.StepCounter + 1);

                this.bRunning = false;

                // Raise SimulationFinished event
                if (this.SimulationFinished != null)
                    this.SimulationFinished(this, new EventArgs());