public void CreateConnectionTSLoop() { int slotID = 0; int transID = 0; int weight = 1; ConnectionType type = ConnectionType.Normal; Console.WriteLine("====="); ListTransitions(); Console.WriteLine("====="); Console.Write("Transition's ID: "); Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out transID); if (transID < 0) { Console.WriteLine("Failed"); return; } Console.WriteLine("====="); ListSlots(); Console.WriteLine("====="); Console.Write("Slot's ID: "); Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out slotID); if (slotID < 0) { Console.WriteLine("Failed"); return; } Console.Write("Connection's Weight: "); Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out weight); if (weight < 0) { Console.WriteLine("Forcing value of 1 to the connection"); weight = 1; return; } PetriConnection c = new PetriConnection(connectionsList.ToArray().Length, slotID, transID, true, weight, type); transitionsList[transID].outputs.Add(c); slotsList[slotID].inputs.Add(c); connectionsList.Add(c); PetriTransition trans = transitionsList[transID]; PetriSlot slot = slotsList[slotID]; string l = "Created a connection from the transition [" + + "(" + + ")" + "] to the slot [" + + "(" + + ")]" + "Id: " +; UpdateLogs(l); listStr = ""; }
public void CreateConnectionTS(int slot, int transition, int w = 1) { int slotID = slot; int transID = transition; int weight = w; ConnectionType type = ConnectionType.Normal; PetriConnection c = new PetriConnection(connectionsList.ToArray().Length, slotID, transID, true, weight, type); transitionsList[transID].outputs.Add(c); slotsList[slotID].inputs.Add(c); connectionsList.Add(c); PetriTransition trans = transitionsList[transID]; PetriSlot pslot = slotsList[slotID]; string l = "Created a connection from the transition [" + + "(" + + ")" + "] to the slot [" + + "(" + + ")]" + "Id: " +; UpdateLogs(l); listStr = ""; }
public void CreateConnectionSTLoop() { int slotID = 0; int transID = 0; int weight = 1; string inputType; ConnectionType type = ConnectionType.Normal; bool testing = false; while (testing == false) { Console.WriteLine("====="); ListSlots(); Console.WriteLine("====="); Console.Write("Slot's ID: "); Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out slotID); if (slotID < 0 || slotID >= slotsList.ToArray().Length) { Console.WriteLine("Failed"); } else { testing = true; } } testing = false; while (testing == false) { Console.WriteLine("====="); ListTransitions(); Console.WriteLine("====="); Console.Write("Transition's ID: "); Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out transID); if (transID < 0 || transID >= transitionsList.ToArray().Length) { Console.WriteLine("Failed"); } else { testing = true; } } testing = false; if (weight < 0) { Console.WriteLine("Forcing value of 1 to the connection"); weight = 1; return; } Console.WriteLine("====="); Console.WriteLine("Possible Types: "); Console.WriteLine("- Normal"); Console.WriteLine("- Inhibitor"); Console.WriteLine("- Reset"); Console.WriteLine("====="); while (!testing) { Console.Write("Connection Type: "); inputType = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (inputType == "normal" || inputType == "n") { type = ConnectionType.Normal; testing = true; } else if (inputType == "inhibitor" || inputType == "i") { type = ConnectionType.Inhibitor; testing = true; } else if (inputType == "reset" || inputType == "r") { type = ConnectionType.Reset; testing = true; } else { Console.WriteLine("Incorrect type"); } } if (type == ConnectionType.Normal) { Console.Write("Connection's Weight: "); Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out weight); } else { weight = 0; } PetriConnection c = new PetriConnection(connectionsList.ToArray().Length, slotID, transID, false, weight, type); transitionsList[transID].inputs.Add(c); slotsList[slotID].outputs.Add(c); connectionsList.Add(c); PetriTransition trans = transitionsList[transID]; PetriSlot slot = slotsList[slotID]; string l = "Created a connection from the slot [" + + "(" + + ")" + "] to the transition [" + + "(" + + ")]" + "Id: " +;; UpdateLogs(l); listStr = ""; }