public static bool trySwapToMoreAccurateRangedWeapon(Pawn pawn, LocalTargetInfo target, bool dropCurrent, bool skipManualUse, bool skipDangerous = true, bool skipEMP = true) { CompSidearmMemory pawnMemory = CompSidearmMemory.GetMemoryCompForPawn(pawn); if (pawn == null || pawn.Dead || pawnMemory == null || == null || pawn.inventory == null) { return(false); } if (pawnMemory.IsCurrentWeaponForced(false)) { return(false); } (ThingWithComps weapon, float dps, float averageSpeed)bestWeapon = GettersFilters.findBestRangedWeapon(pawn, target, skipManualUse, skipDangerous, skipEMP, true); if (bestWeapon.weapon == null) { return(false); } CellRect cellRect = (!target.HasThing) ? CellRect.SingleCell(target.Cell) : target.Thing.OccupiedRect(); float range = cellRect.ClosestDistSquaredTo(pawn.Position); float currentDPS = StatCalculator.RangedDPS(, Settings.SpeedSelectionBiasRanged, bestWeapon.averageSpeed, range); if (bestWeapon.dps < currentDPS + MiscUtils.ANTI_OSCILLATION_FACTOR) { return(false); } equipSpecificWeaponFromInventory(pawn, bestWeapon.weapon, dropCurrent, false); return(true); }
public static bool findBestMeleeWeapon(Pawn pawn, out ThingWithComps result, bool includeEquipped = true, bool includeRangedWithBash = true, Pawn target = null) { result = null; if (pawn == null || pawn.Dead || == null || pawn.inventory == null) { return(false); } IEnumerable <ThingWithComps> options = pawn.getCarriedWeapons(includeEquipped).Where(t => { return (t.def.IsMeleeWeapon || (includeRangedWithBash && t.def.IsWeapon && !; }); if (!Settings.AllowBlockedWeaponUse) { options = options.Where(t => StatCalculator.canUseSidearmInstance(t, pawn, out _)); } if (options.Count() < 1) { return(false); } float averageSpeed = AverageSpeedMelee(options, pawn); /*if (target != null) * { * //handle DPS vs. armor? * } * else*/ { float resultDPS = options.Max(t => StatCalculator.getMeleeDPSBiased(t, pawn, Settings.SpeedSelectionBiasMelee, averageSpeed)); result = options.MaxBy(t => StatCalculator.getMeleeDPSBiased(t, pawn, Settings.SpeedSelectionBiasMelee, averageSpeed)); //check if pawn is better when punching //if (pawn.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.MeleeDPS) > resultDPS) // result = null; return(true); } }
public static float AverageSpeedMelee(IEnumerable <Thing> options, Pawn pawn) { int i = 0; float total = 0; foreach (Thing thing in options) { total += StatCalculator.MeleeSpeed(thing as ThingWithComps, pawn); i++; } if (i > 0) { return(total / i); } else { return(0); } }
public static IEnumerable <ThingDefStuffDefPair> getValidSidearms() { return(getValidWeapons().Where(w => StatCalculator.isValidSidearm(w, out _))); }
public static (ThingWithComps weapon, float dps, float averageSpeed) findBestRangedWeapon(Pawn pawn, LocalTargetInfo?target = null, bool skipManualUse = true, bool skipDangerous = true, bool skipEMP = true, bool includeEquipped = true) { if (pawn == null || pawn.Dead || == null || pawn.inventory == null) { return(null, -1, 0); } IEnumerable <ThingWithComps> options = pawn.getCarriedWeapons(includeEquipped).Where(t => t.def.IsRangedWeapon); if (!Settings.AllowBlockedWeaponUse) { options = options.Where(t => StatCalculator.canUseSidearmInstance(t, pawn, out _)); } options = options.Where(t => !pawn.IsColonistPlayerControlled || !isManualUse(t)); if (skipManualUse) { options = options.Where(t => (!isManualUse(t))); } if (skipDangerous) { options = options.Where(t => (!isDangerousWeapon(t))); } if (skipEMP) { options = options.Where(t => !isEMPWeapon(t)); } if (options.Count() == 0) { return(null, -1, 0); } float averageSpeed = AverageSpeedRanged(options); if (target.HasValue) { CellRect cellRect = (!target.Value.HasThing) ? CellRect.SingleCell(target.Value.Cell) : target.Value.Thing.OccupiedRect(); float targetDistance = cellRect.ClosestDistSquaredTo(pawn.Position); options = options.Where(t => { VerbProperties atkProps = (t.GetComp <CompEquippable>())?.PrimaryVerb?.verbProps; if (atkProps == null) { return(false); } return(atkProps.range >= targetDistance); }); if (options.Count() == 0) { return(null, -1, 0); } //TODO: handle DPS vs. armor? (ThingWithComps thing, float dps, float averageSpeed)best = (null, -1, averageSpeed); foreach (ThingWithComps candidate in options) { float dps = StatCalculator.RangedDPS(candidate, Settings.SpeedSelectionBiasRanged, averageSpeed, targetDistance); if (dps > best.dps) { best = (candidate, dps, averageSpeed); } } return(best); } else { (ThingWithComps thing, float dps, float averageSpeed)best = (null, -1, averageSpeed); foreach (ThingWithComps candidate in options) { float dps = StatCalculator.RangedDPSAverage(candidate, Settings.SpeedSelectionBiasRanged, averageSpeed); if (dps > best.dps) { best = (candidate, dps, averageSpeed); } } return(best); } }
public static bool equipSpecificWeapon(Pawn pawn, ThingWithComps weapon, bool dropCurrent, bool intentionalDrop) { if (!pawn.IsValidSidearmsCarrier()) { return(false); } CompSidearmMemory pawnMemory = CompSidearmMemory.GetMemoryCompForPawn(pawn); if (pawnMemory == null) { return(false); } if (weapon == //attepmpting to equip already-equipped weapon { Log.Warning("attepmpting to equip already-equipped weapon"); return(false); } if (!Settings.AllowBlockedWeaponUse && !StatCalculator.canUseSidearmInstance(weapon, pawn, out string reason)) { Log.Warning($"blocked equip of {weapon.Label} at equip-time because of: {reason}"); return(false); } var currentPrimary =; //drop current on the ground if (dropCurrent && != null) { if (!intentionalDrop) { DoFumbleMote(pawn); } pawnMemory.InformOfDroppedSidearm(weapon, intentionalDrop); Pawn_EquipmentTracker_TryDropEquipment.dropEquipmentSourcedBySimpleSidearms = true;, out ThingWithComps droppedItem, pawn.Position, false); Pawn_EquipmentTracker_TryDropEquipment.dropEquipmentSourcedBySimpleSidearms = false; } //or put it in inventory else if ( != null) { ThingWithComps oldPrimary =; bool addedToInventory = pawn.inventory.innerContainer.TryAddOrTransfer(oldPrimary, true); //; //bool addedToInventory = pawn.inventory.innerContainer.TryAdd(oldPrimary, true); if (!addedToInventory) { Log.Warning(String.Format("Failed to place primary equipment {0} (initially was {1}) into inventory when swapping to {2} on pawn {3} (colonist: {4}) (dropping: {5}, current drop mode: {6}). Aborting swap. Please report this!", != null ? : "NULL", currentPrimary != null ? currentPrimary.LabelCap : "NULL", weapon != null ? weapon.LabelCap : "NULL", pawn?.LabelCap, pawn?.IsColonist, dropCurrent, Settings.FumbleMode )); } } if ( != null) { Log.Warning(String.Format("Failed to remove current primary equipment {0} (initially was {1}) when swapping to {2} on pawn {3} (colonist: {4}) (dropping: {5}, current drop mode: {6}). Aborting swap. Please report this!", != null ? : "NULL", currentPrimary != null ? currentPrimary.LabelCap : "NULL", weapon != null ? weapon.LabelCap : "NULL", pawn?.LabelCap, pawn?.IsColonist, dropCurrent, Settings.FumbleMode )); return(false); } if (weapon == null) { } else { if (weapon.stackCount > 1) { weapon = weapon.SplitOff(1) as ThingWithComps; //if this cast doesnt work the world has gone mad } if (weapon.holdingOwner != null) { weapon.holdingOwner.Remove(weapon); } Pawn_EquipmentTracker_AddEquipment.addEquipmentSourcedBySimpleSidearms = true; as ThingWithComps); Pawn_EquipmentTracker_AddEquipment.addEquipmentSourcedBySimpleSidearms = false; if (weapon.def.soundInteract != null) { weapon.def.soundInteract.PlayOneShot(new TargetInfo(pawn.Position, pawn.Map, false)); } } //avoid hunting stackoverflowexception if ( != null && != null && == JobDefOf.Hunt) {, true); } return(true); }
public static void equipBestWeaponFromInventoryByPreference(Pawn pawn, DroppingModeEnum dropMode, PrimaryWeaponMode?modeOverride = null, Pawn target = null) { if (!pawn.IsValidSidearmsCarrier()) { return; } CompSidearmMemory pawnMemory = CompSidearmMemory.GetMemoryCompForPawn(pawn); if (pawnMemory == null) { return; } PrimaryWeaponMode mode = modeOverride == null ? pawnMemory.primaryWeaponMode : modeOverride.Value; if ((pawn.CombinedDisabledWorkTags & WorkTags.Violent) != 0) { if ( != null) { bool success = equipSpecificWeapon(pawn, null, MiscUtils.shouldDrop(pawn, dropMode, false), false); if (success) { return; } } else { return; } } if (pawn.Drafted && (pawnMemory.ForcedUnarmedWhileDrafted || pawnMemory.ForcedUnarmed && pawnMemory.ForcedWeaponWhileDrafted == null)) { if ( != null) { bool success = equipSpecificWeapon(pawn, null, MiscUtils.shouldDrop(pawn, dropMode, false), false); if (success) { return; } } else { return; } } if (pawn.Drafted && pawnMemory.ForcedWeaponWhileDrafted != null) { if ( == null || != pawnMemory.ForcedWeaponWhileDrafted.Value) { var requiredWeapon = pawnMemory.ForcedWeaponWhileDrafted.Value; if (!Settings.AllowBlockedWeaponUse && StatCalculator.canCarrySidearmType(requiredWeapon, pawn, out _)) { //clear invalid pawnMemory.ForcedWeaponWhileDrafted = null; return; } bool success = equipSpecificWeaponTypeFromInventory(pawn, requiredWeapon, MiscUtils.shouldDrop(pawn, dropMode, false), false); if (success) { return; } } else { return; } } if (pawnMemory.ForcedUnarmed) { if ( != null) { bool success = equipSpecificWeapon(pawn, null, MiscUtils.shouldDrop(pawn, dropMode, false), false); if (success) { return; } } else { return; } } if (pawnMemory.ForcedWeapon != null) { if ( == null || != pawnMemory.ForcedWeapon.Value) { var requiredWeapon = pawnMemory.ForcedWeapon.Value; if (!Settings.AllowBlockedWeaponUse && StatCalculator.canCarrySidearmType(requiredWeapon, pawn, out _)) { //clear invalid pawnMemory.ForcedWeapon = null; return; } bool success = equipSpecificWeaponTypeFromInventory(pawn, requiredWeapon, MiscUtils.shouldDrop(pawn, dropMode, false), false); if (success) { return; } } else { return; } } if (mode == PrimaryWeaponMode.Ranged || ((mode == PrimaryWeaponMode.BySkill) && (pawn.getSkillWeaponPreference() == PrimaryWeaponMode.Ranged))) { if (pawnMemory.DefaultRangedWeapon != null && pawn.hasWeaponType(pawnMemory.DefaultRangedWeapon.Value)) { if ( == null || != pawnMemory.DefaultRangedWeapon.Value) { var requiredWeapon = pawnMemory.DefaultRangedWeapon.Value; if (!Settings.AllowBlockedWeaponUse && StatCalculator.canCarrySidearmType(requiredWeapon, pawn, out _)) { //clear invalid pawnMemory.DefaultRangedWeapon = null; return; } bool success = equipSpecificWeaponTypeFromInventory(pawn, requiredWeapon, MiscUtils.shouldDrop(pawn, dropMode, false), false); if (success) { return; } } else { return; } } else { bool skipManualUse = true; bool skipDangerous = pawn.IsColonistPlayerControlled && Settings.SkipDangerousWeapons; bool skipEMP = true; (ThingWithComps weapon, float dps, float averageSpeed)bestWeapon = GettersFilters.findBestRangedWeapon(pawn, null, skipManualUse, skipDangerous, skipEMP); if (bestWeapon.weapon != null) { if ( != bestWeapon.weapon) { bool success = equipSpecificWeaponFromInventory(pawn, bestWeapon.weapon, MiscUtils.shouldDrop(pawn, dropMode, false), false); if (success) { return; } } else { return; } } } } //all that's left is either melee preference or no ranged weapon found - so in either case, we want to equip a melee weapon. /*if (mode == GoldfishModule.PrimaryWeaponMode.Melee || * ((mode == GoldfishModule.PrimaryWeaponMode.BySkill) && (pawn.getSkillWeaponPreference() == GoldfishModule.PrimaryWeaponMode.Melee)))*/ { //Log.Message("melee mode"); //prefers melee if (pawnMemory.PreferredUnarmed) { if ( != null) { bool success = equipSpecificWeapon(pawn, null, MiscUtils.shouldDrop(pawn, dropMode, false), false); if (success) { return; } } else { return; } } else { if (pawnMemory.PreferredMeleeWeapon != null && pawn.hasWeaponType(pawnMemory.PreferredMeleeWeapon.Value)) { if ( == null || != pawnMemory.PreferredMeleeWeapon.Value) { var requiredWeapon = pawnMemory.PreferredMeleeWeapon.Value; if (!Settings.AllowBlockedWeaponUse && StatCalculator.canCarrySidearmType(requiredWeapon, pawn, out _)) { //clear invalid pawnMemory.PreferredMeleeWeapon = null; return; } bool success = equipSpecificWeaponTypeFromInventory(pawn, requiredWeapon, MiscUtils.shouldDrop(pawn, dropMode, false), false); if (success) { return; } } else { return; } } else { ThingWithComps result; bool foundAlternative = GettersFilters.findBestMeleeWeapon(pawn, out result, includeRangedWithBash: false); if (foundAlternative) { if ( != result) { bool success = equipSpecificWeaponFromInventory(pawn, result, MiscUtils.shouldDrop(pawn, dropMode, false), false); if (success) { return; } } else { return; } } } } } return; }