private static void ProcessPage(SNPDatabase database, string pageTitle, string pageText) { if (pageText != null) { // Try to parse the page's SNP category properties. var snpInfo = ParseSNPPage(pageText); if (snpInfo != null) { // Skip pages with mismatched SNP ID and title. if ( == pageTitle.ToLowerInvariant()) { database.snpToInfoMap.Add(, snpInfo.Value); } } else { var genotypeCategoryText = ParsePageCategorySubstring(pageText, "Genotype"); if (genotypeCategoryText != null) { // Parse the trait summary for a SNP genotype and add it to the previously created SNPInfo. var rsid = string.Format("rs{0}", ParseCategoryProperty(genotypeCategoryText, "rsid")); var genotype = DNA.StringToDiploidGenotype(string.Format("{0};{1}", ParseCategoryProperty(genotypeCategoryText, "allele1"), ParseCategoryProperty(genotypeCategoryText, "allele2"))); var genotypeTraitSummary = ParseCategoryProperty(genotypeCategoryText, "summary"); if (database.snpToInfoMap.ContainsKey(rsid)) { var snpGenotypes = database.snpToInfoMap[rsid].genotypes; for (var genotypeIndex = 0; genotypeIndex < snpGenotypes.Length; ++genotypeIndex) { if (snpGenotypes[genotypeIndex].genotype.Equals(genotype)) { snpGenotypes[genotypeIndex].trait = genotypeTraitSummary; break; } } } } else if (ParsePageCategorySubstring(pageText, "is a \\| medical condition") != null || ParsePageCategorySubstring(pageText, "is a \\| medicine") != null || ParsePageCategorySubstring(pageText, "is a \\| gene") != null) { // If the page isn't a SNP, add it to the database as a trait with associated SNPs. var traitInfo = new TraitInfo(); traitInfo.title = pageTitle; // Parse links to associated SNPs. var associatedSNPs = new List <string>(); Utilities.ProcessDelimitedItems(pageText, "[[", "]]", delegate(string itemText) { var snpId = itemText.ToLowerInvariant(); if (snpId.StartsWith("rs")) { if (!associatedSNPs.Contains(snpId)) { associatedSNPs.Add(snpId); } } return(itemText); }); traitInfo.associatedSNPs = associatedSNPs.ToArray(); if (traitInfo.associatedSNPs.Length > 0) { // Add the trait to the database. database.traits.Add(traitInfo); } } } } }