/// <summary> /// Inserts an end point for a marker start point at the appropriate place (the end). /// </summary> public static void InsertEndPointForMarkerStartPoint(ActivityPoint MarkerStartPoint, ActivityPointStack InputPointStack) { ActivityPointStack TempStack = new ActivityPointStack(); // // EMPTY THE INPUT STACK. // while (InputPointStack.Count > 0) { TempStack.Push(InputPointStack.Pop()); } // // PUSH AN ARTIFICIAL MARKER END POINT ON TO THE INPUT STACK. // NOTE THAT WE DO NOT SET THE POINT DATE/TIME - THIS KEEPS IT NULL. // ActivityPoint ArtificialEndPoint = new ActivityPoint(); ArtificialEndPoint.ActivityName = MarkerStartPoint.ActivityName; ArtificialEndPoint.PointType = ActivityPointType.End; InputPointStack.Push(ArtificialEndPoint); // // PUT EVERYTHING BACK ON TO THE INPUT STACK. // THE MARKER NOW HAS AN END POINT, ALBEIT - AN ARTIFICIAL END, BUT AT LEAST WE CAN ALERT THE USER ABOUT THIS. // while (TempStack.Count > 0) { InputPointStack.Push(TempStack.Pop()); } }
public void EmptyIntoStack(ActivityPointStack TargetStack) { while (IsNotEmpty) { TargetStack.Push(Pop()); } }
/// <summary> /// Flips the stack. /// </summary> public ActivityPointStack Flip() { ActivityPointStack FlippedStack = new ActivityPointStack(); while (Count > 0) { FlippedStack.Push(Pop()); } return(FlippedStack); }
public static ActivityReportItem CreateReportItemTree(ActivityPointStack NormalizedPointStackParam) { // // WE CAN'T DO ANYTHING IF THERE ARE NO POINTS. // if (NormalizedPointStackParam.IsEmpty) { return(null); } // // THE TOP ITEM ON THE STACK IS A START POINT. // SPECIFICALLY, IT IS THE MARKER START POINT. // return(CreateReportItemForStartPoint(NormalizedPointStackParam.Pop(), NormalizedPointStackParam)); }
public static ActivityPoint PullActivityPointEnd(ActivityPoint StartPoint, ActivityPointStack NormalizedPointStackParam) { // // CREATE THE TEMP STACK SO WE DON'T LOSE ANY POINTS. // ActivityPointStack TempStack = new ActivityPointStack(); try { while (NormalizedPointStackParam.IsNotEmpty) { // // GET THE NEXT POINT. // ActivityPoint PotentialEndPoint = NormalizedPointStackParam.Pop(); if (PotentialEndPoint.PointType == ActivityPointType.End && PotentialEndPoint.ActivityName.Equals(StartPoint.ActivityName)) { // // THIS IS AN END POINT. // IF THIS IS THE CORRESPONDING END POINT FOR THE START POINT THEN RETURN IT. // BY DOING THIS WE REMOVE IT FROM THE STACK. // return(PotentialEndPoint); } // // THIS IS NOT A MATCH. SAVE IT TO THE TEMP STACK. // TempStack.Push(PotentialEndPoint); } // // IF WE COULD NOT FIND AN END POINT THEN THIS IS A MAJOR ISSUE. // WE ASSUME THAT EVERY START POINT HAS A CORRESPONDING END. // THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN FOR A NORMALIZED POINT STACK. // throw new EndPointNotFoundException("Could not find a corresponding end point for the activity start point.", StartPoint); } finally { // // PUT EVERYTHING BACK ON TO THE INPUT STACK. // TempStack.EmptyIntoStack(NormalizedPointStackParam); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the corresponding end point for the specified start point, if any. /// Returns null if no end point was found. /// </summary> public static ActivityPoint GetEndPoint(ActivityPoint StartPoint, ActivityPointStack InputPointStack) { ActivityPointStack TempStack = new ActivityPointStack(); try { while (InputPointStack.IsNotEmpty) { // // GET THE END POINT CANDIDATE. // ActivityPoint EndPointCandidate = InputPointStack.Pop(); // // SAVE IT TO THE TEMP STACK. // TempStack.Push(EndPointCandidate); // // CHECK TO SEE IF THIS MATCHES. // if (EndPointCandidate.PointType == ActivityPointType.End && EndPointCandidate.ActivityName.Equals(StartPoint.ActivityName)) { return(EndPointCandidate); } } // // NO END POINT FOUND. RETURN NULL. // return(null); } finally { // // PUT EVERYTHING BACK. // while (TempStack.Count > 0) { InputPointStack.Push(TempStack.Pop()); } } }
/// <summary> /// Inserts an end point for a start point at the appropriate place. /// This is for non-marker start points. /// </summary> public static void InsertEndPointForStartPoint(ActivityPoint StartPoint, ActivityPointStack InputPointStack) { // // WE KNOW THAT THIS START POINT HAS NO EXPLICIT END POINT. // THEREFORE, WE MUST FIND WHERE THE END POINT IS IMPLIED AND CREATE AN EXPLICIT END POINT FOR IT. // THERE ARE 2 CASES WHERE THE END POINT IS IMPLIED: // 1. THE START OF AN ACTIVITY. // 2. THE END OF THE MARKER ACTIVITY. THIS IS THE VERY LAST POINT ON THE INPUT STACK AND IS GUARANTEED TO EXIST. // // // CREATE THE TEMP STACK SO WE DON'T LOSE ANY POINTS. // ActivityPointStack TempStack = new ActivityPointStack(); try { while (InputPointStack.IsNotEmpty) { // // GET THE NEXT POINT. // ActivityPoint PotentialEndPoint = InputPointStack.Pop(); if (PotentialEndPoint.PointType == ActivityPointType.Start) { // // WE HAVE FOUND A START OF ANOTHER ACTIVITY. // THIS IS AN IMPLIED END POINT OF THE START POINT PARAMETER. // CREATE AN EXPLICIT, CORRESPONDING END POINT FOR THE START POINT PARAMETER. // ActivityPoint ExplicitEndPoint = new ActivityPoint(); ExplicitEndPoint.ActivityName = StartPoint.ActivityName; ExplicitEndPoint.PointDateTime = PotentialEndPoint.PointDateTime; ExplicitEndPoint.PointType = ActivityPointType.End; // // PUSH THE IMPLIED END POINT BACK ONTO THE INPUT STACK. // InputPointStack.Push(PotentialEndPoint); // // PUSH THE EXPLICIT END POINT ONTO THE INPUT STACK. // InputPointStack.Push(ExplicitEndPoint); // // THE INSERT IS COMPLETE. // return; } // // THIS IS NOT AN IMPLIED END POINT. // SAVE THE POINT BY PUSHING IT ONTO THE TEMP STACK. // TempStack.Push(PotentialEndPoint); } // // WE HAVE EMPTIED THE INPUT STACK TRYING TO FIND AN IMPLIED END POINT. // WE USE THE MARKER EXPLICIT END POINT. // THE MARKER EXPLICIT END POINT IS AT THE TOP OF THE TEMP STACK. // ActivityPoint MarkerEndPoint = TempStack.Pop(); // // CREATE AN EXPLICIT END POINT FOR THE START POINT. // ActivityPoint CreatedEndPoint = new ActivityPoint(); CreatedEndPoint.ActivityName = StartPoint.ActivityName; CreatedEndPoint.PointDateTime = MarkerEndPoint.PointDateTime; CreatedEndPoint.PointType = ActivityPointType.End; // // PUSH THE MARKER END POINT BACK ONTO THE INPUT STACK SO IT REMAINS ON THE BOTTOM OF THE STACK. // InputPointStack.Push(MarkerEndPoint); // // PUSH THE EXPLICIT END POINT ONTO THE INPUT STACK. // InputPointStack.Push(CreatedEndPoint); } finally { // // PUT EVERYTHING BACK ON TO THE INPUT STACK. // THE MARKER NOW HAS AN END POINT, ALBEIT - AN ARTIFICIAL END, BUT AT LEAST WE CAN ALERT THE USER ABOUT THIS. // while (TempStack.Count > 0) { InputPointStack.Push(TempStack.Pop()); } } }
public static ActivityPointStack Normalize(ActivityPoint[] ActivityPoints) { // // CREATE THE INPUT STACK. // ActivityPointStack SourcePointStack = new ActivityPointStack(); foreach (ActivityPoint CurrentPoint in ActivityPoints) { SourcePointStack.Push(CurrentPoint); } // // IF THE STACK IS EMPTY THEN WE ARE DONE. // if (SourcePointStack.IsEmpty) { return(SourcePointStack); } // // FLIP THE STACK TO CREATE OUR INPUT POINT STACK. // ActivityPointStack InputPointStack = SourcePointStack.Flip(); // // THE FIRST POINT IS THE MARKER START POINT. // THIS IS GUARANTEED BY THE MARKER. // ActivityPoint MarkerStartPoint = InputPointStack.Pop(); // // FIND THE CORRESPONDING END POINT FOR THE START POINT. // ActivityPoint MarkerEndPoint = GetEndPoint(MarkerStartPoint, InputPointStack); if (MarkerEndPoint == null) { // // NO MARKER END POINT FOUND. INSERT IT. // InsertEndPointForMarkerStartPoint(MarkerStartPoint, InputPointStack); } // // PUSH THE MARKER START POINT ONTO THE PROCESSED STACK. // ActivityPointStack ProcessedPointStack = new ActivityPointStack(); ProcessedPointStack.Push(MarkerStartPoint); while (InputPointStack.IsNotEmpty) { // // GET THE CURRENT POINT. // ActivityPoint CurrentPoint = InputPointStack.Pop(); // // IF THIS IS AN END POINT, DO NOT LOOK FOR ANOTHER END POINT. // INSTEAD, PUSH IT DIRECTLY ONTO THE PROCESSED STACK AND MOVE ON TO THE NEXT POINT. // if (CurrentPoint.PointType == ActivityPointType.End) { ProcessedPointStack.Push(CurrentPoint); continue; } // // NOW WE KNOW THAT THE CURRENT POINT IS A START POINT. // GET ITS CORRESPONDING END POINT. // ActivityPoint CurrentEndPoint = GetEndPoint(CurrentPoint, InputPointStack); if (CurrentEndPoint == null) { // // NO END POINT FOUND. // INSERT IT AND // InsertEndPointForStartPoint(CurrentPoint, InputPointStack); } // // PUSH THE CURRENT POINT ONTO THE PROCESSED STACK. // ProcessedPointStack.Push(CurrentPoint); } // // THE ACTIVITY POINTS LIST IS NOW NORMALIZED. // RETURN A STACK WHERE EACH POINT HAS AN ASSIGNED SEQUENCE NUMBER. // ActivityPointStack NormalizedPointStack = new ActivityPointStack(); int PointSequenceNumber = ProcessedPointStack.Count - 1; while (ProcessedPointStack.IsNotEmpty) { ActivityPoint ProcessedPoint = ProcessedPointStack.Pop(); ProcessedPoint.SequenceNumber = PointSequenceNumber--; NormalizedPointStack.Push(ProcessedPoint); } return(NormalizedPointStack); }
public static ActivityReportItem CreateReportItemForStartPoint(ActivityPoint CurrentStartPoint, ActivityPointStack NormalizedPointStackParam) { // // PULL THE CURRENT END POINT FROM THE STACK. // ActivityPoint EndPoint = PullActivityPointEnd(CurrentStartPoint, NormalizedPointStackParam); // // CREATE THE REPORT ITEM. // ActivityReportItem CurrentReportItem = new ActivityReportItem(); CurrentReportItem.ActivityName = CurrentStartPoint.ActivityName; CurrentReportItem.StartPoint = CurrentStartPoint; CurrentReportItem.EndPoint = EndPoint; CurrentReportItem.Duration = DurationCalculator.CalcDuration(CurrentStartPoint, EndPoint); // // CREATE THE ARRAY OF CHILD REPORT ITEMS. // List <ActivityReportItem> ChildReportItemList = new List <ActivityReportItem>(); while (NormalizedPointStackParam.IsNotEmpty) { // // THE NEXT POINT WILL ALWAYS BE A START POINT. // ActivityPoint NextStartPoint = NormalizedPointStackParam.Pop(); // // CHECK IF THE NEXT START POINT OCCURS AFTER THE END POINT OF THIS REPORT ITEM. // if (CurrentReportItem.EndPoint.SequenceNumber < NextStartPoint.SequenceNumber) { // // THE NEXT START POINT OCCURS AFTER THE CURRENT REPORT ITEM ENDS. // WE ARE DONE BUILDING THE LIST OF CHILD ACTIVITY ITEMS. // // // PUT THE NEXT START POINT BACK ON THE STACK. // NormalizedPointStackParam.Push(NextStartPoint); // // THE LIST OF CHILD ACTIVITY ITEMS IS NOW COMPLETE. GET OUT OF HERE. // break; } // // BUILD THE REPORT ITEM FOR THE NEXT START POINT. // THIS IS ALWAYS A CHILD REPORT ITEM. // ActivityReportItem NextReportItem = CreateReportItemForStartPoint(NextStartPoint, NormalizedPointStackParam); ChildReportItemList.Add(NextReportItem); } CurrentReportItem.ChildReportItems = ChildReportItemList.ToArray(); // // NOW THAT THIS REPORT ITEM HAS ALL OF ITS CHILDREN WE CAN CALCULATE THE HIDDEN PROCESSING TIME. // CurrentReportItem.HiddenDuration = ActivityReportItemCalculator.HiddenDuration(CurrentReportItem); CurrentReportItem.HiddenDurationPercent = ActivityReportItemCalculator.HiddenDurationPercent(CurrentReportItem); return(CurrentReportItem); }