public SimpleMembershipInitializer() { Database.SetInitializer<UsersContext>(null); try { using (var context = new UsersContext()) { if (!context.Database.Exists()) { // Create the SimpleMembership database without Entity Framework migration schema ((IObjectContextAdapter)context).ObjectContext.CreateDatabase(); } } WebSecurity.InitializeDatabaseConnection("DefaultConnection", "User", "User_Id", "User_Name", autoCreateTables: false); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The ASP.NET Simple Membership database could not be initialized. For more information, please see", ex); } }
public ActionResult DetailsUserProfile() { using (UsersContext db = new UsersContext()) { int id = 0; if (Request.IsAuthenticated) { id = (int)Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey; } else { return HttpNotFound(); } UserProfile userProfile = db.UserProfiles.Find(id); if (userProfile == null) { return HttpNotFound(); } return View(userProfile); } }
public ActionResult Details() { using (UsersContext db = new UsersContext()) { int id = 0; if (Request.IsAuthenticated) { id = (int)Session["UserID"]; } else { return HttpNotFound(); } UserProfile userProfile = db.UserProfiles.Find(id); if (userProfile == null) { return HttpNotFound(); } return View(userProfile); } }
public ActionResult ExternalLoginConfirmation(RegisterExternalLoginModel model, string returnUrl) { string provider = null; string providerUserId = null; if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated || !OAuthWebSecurity.TryDeserializeProviderUserId(model.ExternalLoginData, out provider, out providerUserId)) { return RedirectToAction("Manage"); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { // Insert a new user into the database using (UsersContext db = new UsersContext()) { UserProfile user = db.UserProfiles.FirstOrDefault(u => u.User_Name.ToLower() == model.UserName.ToLower()); // Check if user already exists if (user == null) { // Insert name into the profile table db.UserProfiles.Add(new UserProfile { User_Name = model.UserName }); db.SaveChanges(); OAuthWebSecurity.CreateOrUpdateAccount(provider, providerUserId, model.UserName); OAuthWebSecurity.Login(provider, providerUserId, createPersistentCookie: false); return RedirectToLocal(returnUrl); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("UserName", "User name already exists. Please enter a different user name."); } } } ViewBag.ProviderDisplayName = OAuthWebSecurity.GetOAuthClientData(provider).DisplayName; ViewBag.ReturnUrl = returnUrl; return View(model); }
public ActionResult EditUserProfile(UserProfile userProfile) { using (UsersContext db = new UsersContext()) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(userProfile).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return PartialView("DetailsUserProfile", userProfile); } else { return Content("Please review your form"); } } }
public ActionResult EditUserProfile(int id = 0) { using (UsersContext db = new UsersContext()) { UserProfile userProfile = db.UserProfiles.Find(id); if (userProfile == null) { return HttpNotFound(); } return PartialView(userProfile); } }