private Class122 method_7(Class122 class122_1) { Class122 class2 = class122_1; if (class122_1.method_12() != null) { Class122 class3 = class122_1.method_12(); if ((class3.method_8() == class122_1) && (class3.method_10().method_2() == class122_1.method_2())) { class2 = class3.method_10(); } if (class3.method_12() == null) { return(class2); } Class122 class4 = class3.method_12(); if ((class4.method_8() == class3) && (class4.method_10().method_2() == class122_1.method_2())) { return(class4.method_10()); } if ((class4.method_10() == class3) && (class4.method_8().method_2() == class122_1.method_2())) { class2 = class4.method_8(); } } return(class2); }
private void method_5(Class122 class122_1, Class122 class122_2) { if ((class122_1.method_12() == null) || (class122_2.method_12() == null)) { throw new ApplicationException("Can't swap root nodes."); } int num = class122_1.method_0(); class122_1.method_1(class122_2.method_0()); class122_2.method_1(num); Class122 class2 = class122_1.method_12().method_8(); Class122 class3 = class122_2.method_12().method_8(); if (class2 == class122_1) { class122_1.method_12().method_9(class122_2); } else { class122_1.method_12().method_11(class122_2); } if (class3 == class122_2) { class122_2.method_12().method_9(class122_1); } else { class122_2.method_12().method_11(class122_1); } Class122 class4 = class122_1.method_12(); class122_1.method_13(class122_2.method_12()); class122_2.method_13(class4); }
private int method_13(Class122 class122_1) { if (class122_1 == null) { return(0); } int num = this.method_13(class122_1.method_8()); int num2 = this.method_13(class122_1.method_10()); return(1 + ((num > num2) ? num : num2)); }
public int[] method_1(Class122 class122_1) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); while (class122_1.method_12() != null) { list.Add((class122_1.method_12().method_8() == class122_1) ? 0 : 1); class122_1 = class122_1.method_12(); } list.Reverse(); return((int[])list.ToArray(typeof(int))); }
private Class122 method_6(byte byte_0, int int_2) { Class122 class2 = this.method_3(); class2.method_7(Enum29.const_3); class2.method_9(new Class122(Enum29.const_0, 0, 0L, class2.method_0() - 2)); class2.method_8().method_13(class2); class2.method_11(new Class122(Enum29.const_2, byte_0, (long)int_2, class2.method_0() - 1)); class2.method_10().method_13(class2); this.hashtable_0["NYT"] = class2.method_8(); this.hashtable_0[byte_0] = class2.method_10(); return(class2.method_10()); }
private string method_14() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < 0x100; i++) { Class122 class2 = this.method_2((byte)i); if (class2 != null) { builder.Append(string.Concat(new object[] { "[", char.IsControl((char)class2.method_4()) ? '-' : ((char)class2.method_4()), "]: ", class2.method_2(), Environment.NewLine })); } } return(builder.ToString()); }
public byte[] Encrypt(byte[] data) { byte[] buffer2; try { using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream()) { using (BitStream bitStream = new BitStream(stream, BitStreamMode.Write)) { bitStream.method_1(false); for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { Class122 class2 = this.class121_0.method_2(data[i]); if (class2 == null) { class2 = this.class121_0.method_3(); } int[] numArray = this.class121_0.method_1(class2); bitStream.method_3(numArray, 0, numArray.Length); if (class2.method_6() == Enum29.const_0) { bitStream.WriteByte(data[i]); } this.class121_0.method_0(data[i]); } int[] numArray2 = this.class121_0.method_1(this.class121_0.method_4()); bitStream.method_3(numArray2, 0, numArray2.Length); bitStream.Close(); byte[] buffer = new byte[(int)stream.Length]; stream.Position = 0L; stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); bitStream.Dispose(); stream.Dispose(); buffer2 = buffer; } } } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } return(buffer2); }
private bool method_0(BitStream stream0_0, out byte byte_0) { Class122 class2 = this.class121_0.method_9(); if (class2 == null) { throw new ApplicationException("The tree cannot be empty."); } while (class2.method_8() != null) { int num = stream0_0.method_4(); if (num < 0) { byte_0 = 0; return(false); } if (num != 0) { if (num != 1) { throw new ApplicationException("Invalid bit in the stream."); } class2 = class2.method_10(); } else { class2 = class2.method_8(); continue; } } if (class2.method_6() == Enum29.const_1) { byte_0 = 0; return(false); } int num2 = (class2.method_6() == Enum29.const_0) ? stream0_0.ReadByte() : class2.method_4(); if (num2 < 0) { byte_0 = 0; return(false); } this.class121_0.method_0((byte)num2); byte_0 = (byte)num2; return(true); }
public void method_0(byte byte_0) { Class122 class2 = this.method_2(byte_0); if (class2 == null) { class2 = this.method_6(byte_0, 0); } do { Class122 class3 = this.method_7(class2); if ((class2 != class3) && (class2.method_12() != class3)) { this.method_5(class2, class3); } class2.method_3(class2.method_2() + 1L); class2 = class2.method_12(); }while (class2 != null); }
private string method_11(Class122 class122_1, int int_2) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append(string.Concat(new object[] { this.method_12(int_2), "Type: ", class122_1.method_6(), Environment.NewLine })); builder.Append(string.Concat(new object[] { this.method_12(int_2), "Number: ", class122_1.method_0(), Environment.NewLine })); builder.Append(string.Concat(new object[] { this.method_12(int_2), "Count: ", class122_1.method_2(), Environment.NewLine })); builder.Append(string.Concat(new object[] { this.method_12(int_2), "Value: ", class122_1.method_4(), "(", char.IsControl((char)class122_1.method_4()) ? '-' : ((char)class122_1.method_4()), ")", Environment.NewLine })); if (class122_1.method_8() != null) { builder.Append(this.method_12(int_2 + 1) + "---- Left ----" + Environment.NewLine); builder.Append(this.method_11(class122_1.method_8(), int_2 + 1)); } if (class122_1.method_10() != null) { builder.Append(this.method_12(int_2 + 1) + "---- Right ----" + Environment.NewLine); builder.Append(this.method_11(class122_1.method_10(), int_2 + 1)); } return(builder.ToString()); }
private Class122 method_8(Class122 class122_1) { long num = class122_1.method_2(); Queue queue = new Queue(); queue.Enqueue(this.class122_0); while (queue.Count > 0) { Class122 class2 = (Class122)queue.Dequeue(); if (class2.method_2() == num) { return(class2); } if (class2.method_10() != null) { queue.Enqueue(class2.method_10()); queue.Enqueue(class2.method_8()); } } return(null); }