예제 #1
 public BarCodeRenderInfo(XGraphics gfx, XBrush brush, XFont font, XPoint position)
   Gfx = gfx;
   Brush = brush;
   Font = font;
   Position = position;
예제 #2
파일: GraphicsHelper.cs 프로젝트: mnisl/OD
		///<summary>The pdfSharp version of drawstring.  g is used for measurement.  scaleToPix scales xObjects to pixels.</summary>
		public static void DrawStringX(XGraphics xg,Graphics g,double scaleToPix,string str,XFont xfont,XBrush xbrush,XRect xbounds, XStringAlignment sa) {
			//There are two coordinate systems here: pixels (used by us) and points (used by PdfSharp).
			//MeasureString and ALL related measurement functions must use pixels.
			//DrawString is the ONLY function that uses points.
			Rectangle bounds=new Rectangle((int)(scaleToPix*xbounds.Left),
			FontStyle fontstyle=FontStyle.Regular;
			if(xfont.Style==XFontStyle.Bold) {
			//pixels: (except Size is em-size)
			Font font=new Font(xfont.Name,(float)xfont.Size,fontstyle);
			SizeF fit=new SizeF((float)(bounds.Width-rightPad),(float)(font.Height));
			StringFormat format=StringFormat.GenericTypographic;
			float pixelsPerLine=LineSpacingForFont(font.Name) * (float)font.Height;
			float lineIdx=0;
			int chars;
			int lines;
			RectangleF layoutRectangle;
			for(int ix=0;ix<str.Length;ix+=chars) {
				if(bounds.Y+topPad+pixelsPerLine*lineIdx>bounds.Bottom) {
				g.MeasureString(str.Substring(ix),font,fit,format,out chars,out lines);
				//PdfSharp isn't smart enough to cut off the lower half of a line.
				//if(bounds.Y+topPad+pixelsPerLine*lineIdx+font.Height > bounds.Bottom) {
				//	layoutH=bounds.Bottom-(bounds.Y+topPad+pixelsPerLine*lineIdx);
				//else {
				//	layoutH=font.Height+2;
				//use points here:
				float adjustTextDown=10f;//this value was arrived at by trial and error.
				layoutRectangle=new RectangleF(
					(float)xbounds.Width+50,//any amount of extra padding here will not cause malfunction
				XStringFormat sf=XStringFormats.Default;
				//sf.LineAlignment= XLineAlignment.Near;
예제 #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Renders the OMR code.
    /// </summary>
    protected internal override void Render(XGraphics gfx, XBrush brush, XFont font, XPoint position)
      XGraphicsState state = gfx.Save();

      switch (this.direction)
        case CodeDirection.RightToLeft:
          gfx.RotateAtTransform(180, position);

        case CodeDirection.TopToBottom:
          gfx.RotateAtTransform(90, position);

        case CodeDirection.BottomToTop:
          gfx.RotateAtTransform(-90, position);

      //XPoint pt = center - this.size / 2;
      XPoint pt = position - CodeBase.CalcDistance(AnchorType.TopLeft, this.anchor, this.size);
      uint value;
      uint.TryParse(this.text, out value);
#if true
      // HACK: Project Wallenwein: set LK
      value |= 1;
      this.synchronizeCode = true;
      if (this.synchronizeCode)
        XRect rect = new XRect(pt.x, pt.y, this.makerThickness, this.size.height);
        gfx.DrawRectangle(brush, rect);
        pt.x += 2 * this.makerDistance;
      for (int idx = 0; idx < 32; idx++)
        if ((value & 1) == 1)
          XRect rect = new XRect(pt.x + idx * this.makerDistance, pt.y, this.makerThickness, this.size.height);
          gfx.DrawRectangle(brush, rect);
        value = value >> 1;
예제 #4
 void ElliottsDiagramCalculation()
     //Decide Zone for both figures from this calculation
     zone = "Non-Explosive Zone";
     brush = XBrushes.Green;
예제 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws the specified bar code.
 /// </summary>
 public void DrawBarCode(BarCodes.BarCode barcode, XBrush brush, XFont font, XPoint position)
   barcode.Render(this, brush, font, position);
예제 #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws the specified text string.
 /// </summary>
 public void DrawString(string s, XFont font, XBrush brush, RectangleF layoutRectangle, XStringFormat format)
   DrawString(s, font, brush, new XRect(layoutRectangle), format);
예제 #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws the specified text string.
 /// </summary>
 public void DrawString(string s, XFont font, XBrush brush, double x, double y, XStringFormat format)
   DrawString(s, font, brush, new XRect(x, y, 0, 0), format);
예제 #8
    // ----- DrawString ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

#if GDI
    /// <summary>
    /// Draws the specified text string.
    /// </summary>
    public void DrawString(string s, XFont font, XBrush brush, PointF point)
      DrawString(s, font, brush, new XRect(point.X, point.Y, 0, 0), XStringFormats.Default);
예제 #9
    // ----- fill -----

    /// <summary>
    /// Draws a graphical path.
    /// </summary>
    public void DrawPath(XBrush brush, XGraphicsPath path)
      if (brush == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("brush");
      if (path == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("path");

      if (this.drawGraphics)
#if GDI
        if (this.targetContext == XGraphicTargetContext.GDI)
          this.gfx.FillPath(brush.RealizeGdiBrush(), path.gdipPath);
#if WPF
        if (this.targetContext == XGraphicTargetContext.WPF)
          this.dc.DrawGeometry(brush.RealizeWpfBrush(), null, path.pathGeometry);

      if (this.renderer != null)
        this.renderer.DrawPath(null, brush, path);
예제 #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws a closed cardinal spline defined by an array of points.
 /// </summary>
 public void DrawClosedCurve(XBrush brush, System.Windows.Point[] points)
   DrawClosedCurve(null, brush, MakeXPointArray(points), XFillMode.Alternate, 0.5);
예제 #11
    /// <summary>
    /// Draws a pie defined by an ellipse.
    /// </summary>
    public void DrawPie(XPen pen, XBrush brush, double x, double y, double width, double height, double startAngle, double sweepAngle)
      if (pen == null && brush == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("pen", PSSR.NeedPenOrBrush);

      if (this.drawGraphics)
#if GDI
        if (this.targetContext == XGraphicTargetContext.GDI)
          this.gfx.FillPie(brush.RealizeGdiBrush(), (float)x, (float)y, (float)width, (float)height, (float)startAngle, (float)sweepAngle);
          this.gfx.DrawPie(pen.RealizeGdiPen(), (float)x, (float)y, (float)width, (float)height, (float)startAngle, (float)sweepAngle);
#if WPF
        if (this.targetContext == XGraphicTargetContext.WPF)
          System.Windows.Media.Brush wpfBrush = brush != null ? brush.RealizeWpfBrush() : null;
          System.Windows.Media.Pen wpfPen = pen != null ? pen.RealizeWpfPen() : null;
          System.Windows.Point center = new System.Windows.Point(x + width / 2, y + height / 2);
          System.Windows.Point startArc;
          ArcSegment arc = GeometryHelper.CreateArcSegment(x, y, width, height, startAngle, sweepAngle, out startArc);
          PathFigure figure = new PathFigure();
          figure.StartPoint = center;
          figure.Segments.Add(new LineSegment(startArc, true));
          figure.IsClosed = true;
          PathGeometry geo = new PathGeometry();
          this.dc.DrawGeometry(wpfBrush, wpfPen, geo);
          // AGHACK

      if (this.renderer != null)
        this.renderer.DrawPie(pen, brush, x, y, width, height, startAngle, sweepAngle);
예제 #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws a pie defined by an ellipse.
 /// </summary>
 public void DrawPie(XPen pen, XBrush brush, int x, int y, int width, int height, int startAngle, int sweepAngle)
   DrawPie(pen, brush, (double)x, (double)y, (double)width, (double)height, (double)startAngle, (double)sweepAngle);
예제 #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws a pie defined by an ellipse.
 /// </summary>
 public void DrawPie(XPen pen, XBrush brush, XRect rect, double startAngle, double sweepAngle)
   DrawPie(pen, brush, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height, startAngle, sweepAngle);
예제 #14
    /// <summary>
    /// Draws a pie defined by an ellipse.
    /// </summary>
    public void DrawPie(XBrush brush, double x, double y, double width, double height, double startAngle, double sweepAngle)
      if (brush == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("brush", PSSR.NeedPenOrBrush);

      if (this.drawGraphics)
#if GDI
        if (this.targetContext == XGraphicTargetContext.GDI)
          this.gfx.FillPie(brush.RealizeGdiBrush(), (float)x, (float)y, (float)width, (float)height, (float)startAngle, (float)sweepAngle);
#if WPF
        if (this.targetContext == XGraphicTargetContext.WPF)
          DrawPie(null, brush, x, y, width, height, startAngle, sweepAngle);

      if (this.renderer != null)
        this.renderer.DrawPie(null, brush, x, y, width, height, startAngle, sweepAngle);
예제 #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws a pie defined by an ellipse.
 /// </summary>
 public void DrawPie(XBrush brush, RectangleF rect, double startAngle, double sweepAngle)
   DrawPie(brush, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height, startAngle, sweepAngle);
예제 #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws a closed cardinal spline defined by an array of points.
 /// </summary>
 public void DrawClosedCurve(XPen pen, XBrush brush, PointF[] points, XFillMode fillmode, double tension)
   DrawClosedCurve(pen, brush, MakeXPointArray(points), fillmode, tension);
예제 #17
    /// <summary>
    /// Draws a closed cardinal spline defined by an array of points.
    /// </summary>
    public void DrawClosedCurve(XPen pen, XBrush brush, XPoint[] points, XFillMode fillmode, double tension)
      if (pen == null && brush == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("pen and brush", PSSR.NeedPenOrBrush);

      int count = points.Length;
      if (count == 0)
      if (count < 2)
        throw new ArgumentException("Not enough points.", "points");

      if (this.drawGraphics)
#if GDI
        if (this.targetContext == XGraphicTargetContext.GDI)
          if (brush != null)
            this.gfx.FillClosedCurve(brush.RealizeGdiBrush(), MakePointFArray(points), (FillMode)fillmode, (float)tension);
          if (pen != null)
            // The fillmode is not used by DrawClosedCurve
            this.gfx.DrawClosedCurve(pen.RealizeGdiPen(), MakePointFArray(points), (float)tension, (FillMode)fillmode);
#if WPF
        if (this.targetContext == XGraphicTargetContext.WPF)
          tension /= 3; // Simply tried out. Not proofed why it is correct.

          PathFigure figure = new PathFigure();
          figure.IsClosed = true;
          figure.StartPoint = new System.Windows.Point(points[0].x, points[0].y);
          if (count == 2)
            figure.Segments.Add(GeometryHelper.CreateCurveSegment(points[0], points[0], points[1], points[1], tension));
            figure.Segments.Add(GeometryHelper.CreateCurveSegment(points[count - 1], points[0], points[1], points[2], tension));
            for (int idx = 1; idx < count - 2; idx++)
              figure.Segments.Add(GeometryHelper.CreateCurveSegment(points[idx - 1], points[idx], points[idx + 1], points[idx + 2], tension));
            figure.Segments.Add(GeometryHelper.CreateCurveSegment(points[count - 3], points[count - 2], points[count - 1], points[0], tension));
            figure.Segments.Add(GeometryHelper.CreateCurveSegment(points[count - 2], points[count - 1], points[0], points[1], tension));
          PathGeometry geo = new PathGeometry();
          geo.FillRule = fillmode == XFillMode.Alternate ? FillRule.EvenOdd : FillRule.Nonzero;
          System.Windows.Media.Brush wpfBrush = brush != null ? brush.RealizeWpfBrush() : null;
          System.Windows.Media.Pen wpfPen = pen != null ? pen.RealizeWpfPen() : null;
          this.dc.DrawGeometry(wpfBrush, wpfPen, geo);
          // AGHACK

      if (this.renderer != null)
        this.renderer.DrawClosedCurve(pen, brush, points, tension, fillmode);
예제 #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws a closed cardinal spline defined by an array of points.
 /// </summary>
 public void DrawClosedCurve(XBrush brush, PointF[] points, XFillMode fillmode)
   DrawClosedCurve(null, brush, MakeXPointArray(points), fillmode, 0.5);
예제 #19
    // ----- stroke and fill -----

    /// <summary>
    /// Draws a graphical path.
    /// </summary>
    public void DrawPath(XPen pen, XBrush brush, XGraphicsPath path)
      if (pen == null && brush == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("pen and brush", PSSR.NeedPenOrBrush);
      if (path == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("path");

      if (this.drawGraphics)
#if GDI
        if (this.targetContext == XGraphicTargetContext.GDI)
          if (brush != null)
            this.gfx.FillPath(brush.RealizeGdiBrush(), path.gdipPath);
          if (pen != null)
            this.gfx.DrawPath(pen.RealizeGdiPen(), path.gdipPath);
#if WPF
        if (this.targetContext == XGraphicTargetContext.WPF)
          System.Windows.Media.Brush wpfBrush = brush != null ? brush.RealizeWpfBrush() : null;
          System.Windows.Media.Pen wpfPen = pen != null ? pen.RealizeWpfPen() : null;
          this.dc.DrawGeometry(wpfBrush, wpfPen, path.pathGeometry);

      if (this.renderer != null)
        this.renderer.DrawPath(pen, brush, path);
예제 #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws a closed cardinal spline defined by an array of points.
 /// </summary>
 public void DrawClosedCurve(XBrush brush, System.Windows.Point[] points, XFillMode fillmode, double tension)
   DrawClosedCurve(null, brush, MakeXPointArray(points), fillmode, tension);
예제 #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws the specified text string.
 /// </summary>
 public void DrawString(string s, XFont font, XBrush brush, XPoint point, XStringFormat format)
   DrawString(s, font, brush, new XRect(point.X, point.Y, 0, 0), format);
예제 #22
    /// <summary>
    /// Draws a closed cardinal spline defined by an array of points.
    /// </summary>
    public void DrawClosedCurve(XBrush brush, XPoint[] points, XFillMode fillmode, double tension)
      DrawClosedCurve(null, brush, points, fillmode, tension);
      //      if (brush == null)
      //        throw new ArgumentNullException("brush");

      //      if (this.drawGraphics)
      //      {
      //#if GDI
      //        if (this.targetContext == XGraphicTargetContext.GDI)
      //          this.gfx.FillClosedCurve(brush.RealizeGdiBrush(), MakePointFArray(points), (FillMode)fillmode, (float)tension);
      //#if WPF
      //        if (this.targetContext == XGraphicTargetContext.WPF)
      //        {
      //          // throw new NotImplementedException("TODO");
      //        }
      //      }

      //      if (this.renderer != null)
      //        this.renderer.DrawClosedCurve(null, brush, points, tension, fillmode);
예제 #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws the specified text string.
 /// </summary>
 public void DrawString(string s, XFont font, XBrush brush, XRect layoutRectangle)
   DrawString(s, font, brush, layoutRectangle, XStringFormats.Default);
예제 #24
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws a closed cardinal spline defined by an array of points.
 /// </summary>
 public void DrawClosedCurve(XPen pen, XBrush brush, PointF[] points)
   DrawClosedCurve(pen, brush, MakeXPointArray(points), XFillMode.Alternate, 0.5);
예제 #25
    /// <summary>
    /// Draws the specified text string.
    /// </summary>
    public void DrawString(string text, XFont font, XBrush brush, XRect layoutRectangle, XStringFormat format)
      if (text == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("text");
      if (font == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("font");
      if (brush == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException("brush");

      if (format != null && format.LineAlignment == XLineAlignment.BaseLine && layoutRectangle.Height != 0)
        throw new InvalidOperationException("DrawString: With XLineAlignment.BaseLine the height of the layout rectangle must be 0.");

      if (text.Length == 0)

      if (format == null)
        format = XStringFormats.Default;

      if (this.drawGraphics)
#if GDI
        if (this.targetContext == XGraphicTargetContext.GDI)
          RectangleF rect = layoutRectangle.ToRectangleF();
          if (format.LineAlignment == XLineAlignment.BaseLine)
            double lineSpace = font.GetHeight(this);
            int cellSpace = font.FontFamily.GetLineSpacing(font.Style);
            int cellAscent = font.FontFamily.GetCellAscent(font.Style);
            int cellDescent = font.FontFamily.GetCellDescent(font.Style);
            double cyAscent = lineSpace * cellAscent / cellSpace;
            cyAscent = lineSpace * font.cellAscent / font.cellSpace;
            rect.Offset(0, (float)-cyAscent);
          this.gfx.DrawString(text, font.RealizeGdiFont(), brush.RealizeGdiBrush(), rect,
            format != null ? format.RealizeGdiStringFormat() : null);
#if WPF
        if (this.targetContext == XGraphicTargetContext.WPF)
          double x = layoutRectangle.X;
          double y = layoutRectangle.Y;

          double lineSpace = font.GetHeight(this);
          double cyAscent = lineSpace * font.cellAscent / font.cellSpace;
          double cyDescent = lineSpace * font.cellDescent / font.cellSpace;

          bool bold = (font.Style & XFontStyle.Bold) != 0;
          bool italic = (font.Style & XFontStyle.Italic) != 0;
          bool strikeout = (font.Style & XFontStyle.Strikeout) != 0;
          bool underline = (font.Style & XFontStyle.Underline) != 0;

          //FormattedText formattedText = new FormattedText(text, new CultureInfo("en-us"), // WPFHACK
          //  FlowDirection.LeftToRight, font.typeface, font.Size, brush.RealizeWpfBrush());
          FormattedText formattedText = FontHelper.CreateFormattedText(text, font.typeface, font.Size, brush.RealizeWpfBrush());

          switch (format.Alignment)
            case XStringAlignment.Near:
              // nothing to do, this is the default
              //formattedText.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Left;

            case XStringAlignment.Center:
              x += layoutRectangle.Width / 2;
              formattedText.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center;

            case XStringAlignment.Far:
              x += layoutRectangle.Width;
              formattedText.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right;
          if (PageDirection == XPageDirection.Downwards)
            switch (format.LineAlignment)
              case XLineAlignment.Near:
                //y += cyAscent;

              case XLineAlignment.Center:
                // TODO use CapHeight. PDFlib also uses 3/4 of ascent
                y += -formattedText.Baseline + (cyAscent * 1 / 3) + layoutRectangle.Height / 2;
                //y += -formattedText.Baseline + (font.Size * font.Metrics.CapHeight / font.unitsPerEm / 2) + layoutRectangle.Height / 2;

              case XLineAlignment.Far:
                y += -formattedText.Baseline - cyDescent + layoutRectangle.Height;

              case XLineAlignment.BaseLine:
                y -= formattedText.Baseline;
            // TODOWPF: make unit test
            switch (format.LineAlignment)
              case XLineAlignment.Near:
                //y += cyDescent;

              case XLineAlignment.Center:
                // TODO use CapHeight. PDFlib also uses 3/4 of ascent
                //y += -(cyAscent * 3 / 4) / 2 + rect.Height / 2;

              case XLineAlignment.Far:
                //y += -cyAscent + rect.Height;

              case XLineAlignment.BaseLine:
                // nothing to do

          //if (bold && !descriptor.IsBoldFace)
          //  // TODO: emulate bold by thicker outline

          //if (italic && !descriptor.IsBoldFace)
          //  // TODO: emulate italic by shearing transformation

          if (underline)
            //double underlinePosition = lineSpace * realizedFont.FontDescriptor.descriptor.UnderlinePosition / font.cellSpace;
            //double underlineThickness = lineSpace * realizedFont.FontDescriptor.descriptor.UnderlineThickness / font.cellSpace;
            //DrawRectangle(null, brush, x, y - underlinePosition, width, underlineThickness);

          if (strikeout)
            //double strikeoutPosition = lineSpace * realizedFont.FontDescriptor.descriptor.StrikeoutPosition / font.cellSpace;
            //double strikeoutSize = lineSpace * realizedFont.FontDescriptor.descriptor.StrikeoutSize / font.cellSpace;
            //DrawRectangle(null, brush, x, y - strikeoutPosition - strikeoutSize, width, strikeoutSize);

          //this.dc.DrawText(formattedText, layoutRectangle.Location.ToPoint());
          this.dc.DrawText(formattedText, new System.Windows.Point(x, y));
          dc.DrawString(this, text, font, brush, layoutRectangle, format);

      if (this.renderer != null)
        this.renderer.DrawString(text, font, brush, layoutRectangle, format);
예제 #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws a closed cardinal spline defined by an array of points.
 /// </summary>
 public void DrawClosedCurve(XPen pen, XBrush brush, XPoint[] points)
   DrawClosedCurve(pen, brush, points, XFillMode.Alternate, 0.5);
예제 #27
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws the specified data matrix code.
 /// </summary>
 public void DrawMatrixCode(BarCodes.MatrixCode matrixcode, XBrush brush, XPoint position)
   matrixcode.Render(this, brush, position);
예제 #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws a closed cardinal spline defined by an array of points.
 /// </summary>
 public void DrawClosedCurve(XPen pen, XBrush brush, System.Windows.Point[] points, XFillMode fillmode)
   DrawClosedCurve(pen, brush, MakeXPointArray(points), fillmode, 0.5);
예제 #29
 /// <summary>
 /// When defined in a derived class renders the code.
 /// </summary>
 protected internal abstract void Render(XGraphics gfx, XBrush brush, XFont font, XPoint position);
예제 #30
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws a closed cardinal spline defined by an array of points.
 /// </summary>
 public void DrawClosedCurve(XPen pen, XBrush brush, XPoint[] points, XFillMode fillmode)
   DrawClosedCurve(pen, brush, points, fillmode, 0.5);