예제 #1
        private static void addSimpleRowCell(PdfGrid table, Action<CellRowData, CellBasicProperties> cellDataItem)
            var cellBasicProperties = new CellBasicProperties
                BorderColor = BaseColor.BLACK,
                HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
                RunDirection = PdfRunDirection.LeftToRight,
                FontColor = new BaseColor(Color.Black.ToArgb()),
                BackgroundColor = BaseColor.WHITE,
                PdfFontStyle = DocumentFontStyle.Normal
            var cellData = new CellRowData { Value = string.Empty, FormattedValue = string.Empty };

            if (cellDataItem != null)
                cellDataItem(cellData, cellBasicProperties);

            if (cellData.CellTemplate == null)
                cellData.CellTemplate = new TextBlockField();

            var cellAttributes = new CellAttributes
                BasicProperties = cellBasicProperties,
                RowData = cellData
예제 #2
        // Public Methods (7)
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a new PdfPCell to the MainTable
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="backgroundColor"></param>
        /// <param name="foreColor"></param>        
        /// <param name="rawData"></param>
        /// <param name="columnNumber"></param>
        /// <param name="pdfRowType"></param>
        /// <param name="pdfCellType"></param>
        /// <param name="rowValues"></param>
        /// <param name="horizontalAlignment"></param>
        /// <param name="pdfFontStyle"></param>
        /// <param name="rotation"></param>
        /// <param name="setItemTemplate"></param>
        /// <param name="colSpan"></param>         
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CellAttributes AddGeneralCell(
                    BaseColor backgroundColor,
                    BaseColor foreColor,
                    object rawData,
                    int columnNumber,
                    RowType pdfRowType,
                    CellType pdfCellType,
                    IList<CellData> rowValues = null,
                    HorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.None,
                    DocumentFontStyle pdfFontStyle = DocumentFontStyle.None,
                    int rotation = 0,
                    bool setItemTemplate = false,
                    int colSpan = 1)
            var col = SharedData.PdfColumnsAttributes[columnNumber];

            var cellData = new CellAttributes
                RowData = new CellRowData
                    TableRowData = rowValues,
                    Value = rawData,
                    PdfRowType = pdfRowType,
                    ColumnNumber = columnNumber
                SharedData = new CellSharedData
                    PdfColumnAttributes = col,
                    DataRowNumber = CurrentRowInfoData.LastOverallDataRowNumber,
                    GroupNumber = CurrentRowInfoData.LastGroupRowNumber,
                    PdfDoc = SharedData.PdfDoc,
                    PdfWriter = SharedData.PdfWriter,
                    SummarySettings = SharedData.SummarySettings,
                    Template = SharedData.Template
                ItemTemplate = setItemTemplate ? col.ColumnItemsTemplate : null,
                BasicProperties = new CellBasicProperties
                    PdfFont = SharedData.PdfFont,
                    Rotation = rotation,
                    PdfFontStyle = (pdfFontStyle == DocumentFontStyle.None) ? DocumentFontStyle.Normal : pdfFontStyle,
                    BackgroundColor = backgroundColor,
                    BorderColor = SharedData.Template.CellBorderColor,
                    FontColor = foreColor,
                    RunDirection = SharedData.PageSetup.PagePreferences.RunDirection,
                    ShowBorder = SharedData.Template.ShowGridLines,
                    HorizontalAlignment = (horizontalAlignment == HorizontalAlignment.None) ? col.CellsHorizontalAlignment : horizontalAlignment,
                    FixedHeight = pdfRowType == RowType.DataTableRow ? col.FixedHeight : 0,
                    MinimumHeight = pdfRowType == RowType.DataTableRow ? col.MinimumHeight : 0

            if (SharedData.MainTableEvents != null) SharedData.MainTableEvents.CellCreated(new EventsArguments { PdfDoc = SharedData.PdfDoc, PdfWriter = SharedData.PdfWriter, Cell = cellData, CellType = pdfCellType, RowType = pdfRowType, ColumnNumber = columnNumber, ColumnCellsSummaryData = SharedData.ColumnCellsSummaryData, PreviousTableRowData = CurrentRowInfoData.PreviousTableRowData, PageSetup = SharedData.PageSetup, PdfFont = SharedData.PdfFont, PdfColumnsAttributes = SharedData.PdfColumnsAttributes });
            var cell = cellData.CreateSafePdfPCell(new TextBlockField());
            cell.CellEvent = new MainTableCellsEvent(cellData)
                SummaryCellsData = SharedData.ColumnCellsSummaryData,
                IsGroupingEnabled = SharedData.IsGroupingEnabled,
                CurrentRowInfoData = CurrentRowInfoData

            if (colSpan > 1) cell.Colspan = colSpan;

            if (SharedData.MainTableEvents != null) SharedData.MainTableEvents.CellAdded(new EventsArguments { PdfDoc = SharedData.PdfDoc, PdfWriter = SharedData.PdfWriter, Cell = cellData, CellType = pdfCellType, RowType = pdfRowType, ColumnNumber = columnNumber, ColumnCellsSummaryData = SharedData.ColumnCellsSummaryData, PreviousTableRowData = CurrentRowInfoData.PreviousTableRowData, PageSetup = SharedData.PageSetup, PdfFont = SharedData.PdfFont, PdfColumnsAttributes = SharedData.PdfColumnsAttributes });

            return cellData;
예제 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a SummaryRow to an existing PdfGrid
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="table">An existing PdfGrid</param>
 /// <param name="pdfColumnsDefinitions">List of the PdfColumnAttributes</param>
 /// <param name="summaryProperty">Sets the location of summary cell's data</param>
 /// <param name="labelProperty">Sets the location of summary cell's label</param>
 /// <param name="summaryCell">SummaryCell's Attributes</param>
 /// <param name="labelCell">LabelCell's Attributes</param>
 /// <param name="emptyCell">The other not in use cell's Attributes</param>
 /// <param name="itemsTemplate">Default ItemsTemplate</param>         
 public static void AddSummaryRow(this PdfGrid table,
                                  IList<ColumnAttributes> pdfColumnsDefinitions,
                                  string summaryProperty,
                                  string labelProperty,
                                  CellAttributes summaryCell,
                                  CellAttributes labelCell,
                                  CellAttributes emptyCell,
                                  IColumnItemsTemplate itemsTemplate)
     foreach (var col in pdfColumnsDefinitions)
         if (col.PropertyName == summaryProperty)
         else if (col.PropertyName == labelProperty)