예제 #1
        private void AddToList()
                PersonData person = new PersonData();
                //Declare an object from PersonData, in terms of PersonData Class, it could be store what user enters into TextBox Control and offer some methods.

                //Get what user enters from UI and store it into properties of Class.

                if (Check_TextBox(person.index, 3, "Employee ID") && Check_TextBox(person.name, 0, "Name") && Check_TextBox(person.payrate, 1, "Pay rate") && Check_TextBox(person.email, 2, "Email"))
                //Check context what user enters is vaild through Check_TextBox method.

                    string[] person_desc = { person.index, person.name, person.payrate, person.email };
                    //Declare an array as a value for add or change data to List .

                    PersonList list = new PersonList();
                    //Declare an object from PersonList Class,this class offer some methods to control List in UI and store some global variables

                    Waga_Tax Rate_Data = new Waga_Tax();
                    //Declare an object from Wage_Tax Class,this class offer some methods to set and get value in its properties and store some global variables.

                    if (!list.Check_Key(person.index))
                    //According to Employment ID to decide whether to add new data to list or only change an existing data
                        list.Add_NewDataArrary(person.index, person_desc);
                        // Add new data to List array.
                        employee_list.ItemsSource = list.getArrayForList();
                        //Update data for the list through set the ItemSource of the list.

                        //******Part 2 solution******
                        Rate_Data.AddRateToDictionary(person.index, person.payrate);
                        //Add new rate into Dictionary.
                        list.Change_Data(person.index, person_desc);
                        employee_list.ItemsSource = list.getArrayForList();
                        //******Part 2 solution******
                        Rate_Data.ChangeRateToDictionary(person.index, person.payrate);
                        //Change new rate into Dictionary.
                    MessageBox.Show("Success!", "Great!");

            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show($"Sorry,seems something wrong:{Environment.NewLine}{e}", "Error");