private void pushBullet(Vector2 position, float direction) { for (int i = 0; i < bulletCount; i++) { if (!bullets[i].active) { bullets[i] = new GunBullet(position, direction + (float)(Math.PI / 9 * Game1.rand.NextDouble() - (Math.PI / 18))); AudioLib.playSoundEffect(machineGunSoundEffect); return; } } }
public void update(LevelState parentWorld, GameTime currentTime) { if (!active) { return; } timePassed += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; bool hitWall = false; if (timePassed > maxWaveMotionBulletTime || (hitWall = parentWorld.Map.hitTestWall(position))) { if (hitWall) { AudioLib.playSoundEffect("waveHit"); parentWorld.Particles.pushImpactEffect(position, Color.Lerp(new Color(224, 255, 255, 127), new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f), (float)(Math.Sin(timePassed / 1000f + colorSpinOffset)))); } active = false; return; } //calculate directional velocity by taking d/dt of a predefined parametric path (Dan just did some calc on a rotation matrix and tweaked the values until it looked good) Vector2 velocity = new Vector2((float)(Math.Cos(direction) - (15 * 2 * (Math.PI / 100) * Math.Sin(direction) * Math.Cos(2 * Math.PI / 13 * timePassed / 20))), (float)(Math.Sin(direction) + (15 * 2 * (Math.PI / 100) * Math.Cos(direction) * Math.Cos(2 * Math.PI / 13 * timePassed / 20)))); position += motionBulletSpeed * velocity * currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; for (int i = 0; i < parentWorld.EntityList.Count; i++) { if (parentWorld.EntityList[i] is Player) { continue; } if (hitTestEntity(parentWorld.EntityList[i])) { parentWorld.EntityList[i].knockBack(Vector2.Normalize(velocity), 1.5f, 12); AudioLib.playSoundEffect("waveHit"); parentWorld.Particles.pushImpactEffect(position, Color.Lerp(new Color(224, 255, 255, 127), new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f), (float)(Math.Sin(timePassed / 1000f + colorSpinOffset)))); if (parentWorld.EntityList[i].Death == false) { = false; } } } prevPosition2 = prevPosition1; prevPosition1 = position; }
public override void knockBack(Vector2 direction, float magnitude, int damage, Entity attacker) { if (knockBackTimer > knockBackDuration) { parentWorld.Particles.pushBloodParticle(CenterPoint); parentWorld.Particles.pushBloodParticle(CenterPoint); parentWorld.Particles.pushBloodParticle(CenterPoint); parentWorld.Particles.pushBloodParticle(CenterPoint); parentWorld.Particles.pushBloodParticle(CenterPoint); parentWorld.Particles.pushBloodParticle(CenterPoint); parentWorld.Particles.pushBloodParticle(CenterPoint); parentWorld.Particles.pushBloodParticle(CenterPoint); parentWorld.Particles.pushBloodParticle(CenterPoint); enemy_life -= damage; if (deadCushySoundTimer > 500f) { AudioLib.playSoundEffect("fleshyKnockBack"); deadCushySoundTimer = 0; } if (enemy_life < 1) { broodState = BroodLordState.Dying; AudioLib.playSoundEffect("alienChaserDie"); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { parentWorld.Particles.pushExplosiveGib(CenterPoint); } for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { parentWorld.Particles.pushGib(CenterPoint); } parentWorld.pushCoin(this); } knockBackTimer = 0; } }
public override void update(GameTime currentTime) { switch (dropItem) { case DropItemType.CoinDrop: if (state == DropState.Active) { animationTime += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; for (int i = 0; i < parentWorld.EntityList.Count; i++) { if (parentWorld.EntityList[i] is Player) { if (hitTest(parentWorld.EntityList[i])) { GameCampaign.Player_Coin_Amount = GameCampaign.Player_Coin_Amount + (int)value; LevelState.ElapsedCoinAmount += (int)value; AudioLib.playSoundEffect("testCoin"); state = DropState.Inactive; } } } if (isKnockedBack) { knockedBackTime += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (knockedBackTime > knockBackDuration) { isKnockedBack = false; } } else { velocity = Vector2.Zero; } Vector2 nextStep = position + (velocity * currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds); Vector2 finalPos = parentWorld.Map.reloactePosition(position, nextStep, dimensions); position = finalPos; } else { position = new Vector2(-100, -100); } break; case DropItemType.AmmoDrop: if (state == DropState.Active) { for (int i = 0; i < parentWorld.EntityList.Count; i++) { if (parentWorld.EntityList[i] is Player) { InputDevice2.PPG_Player playerIndex = ((Player)parentWorld.EntityList[i]).Index; if (hitTest(parentWorld.EntityList[i])) { AudioLib.playSoundEffect("ammoPickup"); if (ammo_value == AmmoValue.fullAmmo) { if (playerIndex == InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1) { GameCampaign.Player_Ammunition = 100; } else { GameCampaign.Player2_Ammunition = 100; } } else { if (playerIndex == InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1) { float ammo = GameCampaign.Player_Ammunition + (int)ammo_value; if (ammo > 100) { GameCampaign.Player_Ammunition = 100; } else { GameCampaign.Player_Ammunition += (int)ammo_value; } } else { float ammo = GameCampaign.Player_Ammunition + (int)ammo_value; if (ammo > 100) { GameCampaign.Player2_Ammunition = 100; } else { GameCampaign.Player2_Ammunition += (int)ammo_value; } } } state = DropState.Inactive; } } } if (isKnockedBack) { knockedBackTime += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (knockedBackTime > knockBackDuration) { isKnockedBack = false; } } else { velocity = Vector2.Zero; } Vector2 nextStep = position + (velocity * currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds); Vector2 finalPos = parentWorld.Map.reloactePosition(position, nextStep, dimensions); position = finalPos; } else { position = new Vector2(-100, -100); } break; case DropItemType.MedDrop: if (state == DropState.Active) { for (int i = 0; i < parentWorld.EntityList.Count; i++) { if (parentWorld.EntityList[i] is Player) { if (hitTest(parentWorld.EntityList[i])) { InputDevice2.PPG_Player playerIndex = ((Player)parentWorld.EntityList[i]).Index; AudioLib.playSoundEffect("healthSound"); if (med_value == MedValue.fullPack) { if (((Player)parentWorld.EntityList[i]).Index == InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1) { GameCampaign.Player_Health = 100; } else { GameCampaign.Player2_Health = 100; } } else { if (((Player)parentWorld.EntityList[i]).Index == InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1) { float health = GameCampaign.Player_Health + (int)med_value; if (health > 100) { GameCampaign.Player_Health = 100; } else { GameCampaign.Player_Health += (int)med_value; } } else { float health = GameCampaign.Player2_Health + (int)med_value; if (health > 100) { GameCampaign.Player2_Health = 100; } else { GameCampaign.Player2_Health += (int)med_value; } } } state = DropState.Inactive; } } } if (isKnockedBack) { knockedBackTime += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (knockedBackTime > knockBackDuration) { isKnockedBack = false; } } else { velocity = Vector2.Zero; } Vector2 nextStep = position + (velocity * currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds); Vector2 finalPos = parentWorld.Map.reloactePosition(position, nextStep, dimensions); position = finalPos; } else { position = new Vector2(-100, -100); } break; default: throw new System.InvalidOperationException("invalid DropItem state"); } }
public override void update(GameTime currentTime) { animation_time += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (chaserState == SlowChaserState.Idle) { state = EnemyState.Moving; timer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Animation = directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("idle"); velocity = Vector2.Zero; if (timer > idleTime) { targetEntity = null; for (int i = 0; i < parentWorld.EntityList.Count; i++) { if (parentWorld.EntityList[i].Enemy_Type == EnemyType.Player || parentWorld.EntityList[i].Enemy_Type == EnemyType.Guard || parentWorld.EntityList[i].Enemy_Type == EnemyType.Prisoner) { if (Vector2.Distance(parentWorld.EntityList[i].Position, position) < attackRadius && (targetEntity == null || Vector2.Distance(parentWorld.EntityList[i].Position, position) < Vector2.Distance(targetEntity.Position, position)) && !parentWorld.EntityList[i].Death) { targetEntity = parentWorld.EntityList[i]; } } } if (targetEntity != null && aggressionTime > maxAggressionTime) { targetPosition = targetEntity.CenterPoint; timer = 0; chaseIteration = 0; chaserState = SlowChaserState.WindUp; AudioLib.playSoundEffect("alienChaserAlert"); } else if (targetEntity != null && aggressionTime <= maxAggressionTime) { aggressionTime += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; } else if (targetEntity == null) { aggressionTime -= currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (aggressionTime < 0) { aggressionTime = 0; } } } } else if (chaserState == SlowChaserState.WindUp) { state = EnemyState.Chase; velocity = Vector2.Zero; directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Animation = directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("windUp"); timer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (timer > windUpTime) { timer = 0; chaserState = SlowChaserState.Sprint; double angle = Math.Atan2(targetPosition.Y - CenterPoint.Y, targetPosition.X - CenterPoint.X); velocity = new Vector2((float)(Math.Cos(angle)), (float)(Math.Sin(angle))) * chaseSpeed; } } else if (chaserState == SlowChaserState.Sprint) { state = EnemyState.Chase; timer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Animation = directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("charge"); if (timer > chaseTime) { chaseIteration++; if (chaseIteration >= numberOfChaseIterations) { timer = 0; targetEntity = null; chaserState = SlowChaserState.Cooldown; velocity = Vector2.Zero; } else { timer = 0; targetPosition = targetEntity.CenterPoint; chaserState = SlowChaserState.WindUp; } } } else if (chaserState == SlowChaserState.Cooldown) { state = EnemyState.Idle; timer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Animation = directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("coolDown"); if (timer > coolDownTime) { timer = 0; chaserState = SlowChaserState.Idle; aggressionTime = maxAggressionTime * 0.8f; } else if (timer > coolDownTime / 4) { velocity = Vector2.Zero; } } else if (chaserState == SlowChaserState.KnockedBack) { state = EnemyState.Moving; if (enemy_life < 1) { chaserState = SlowChaserState.Dying; parentWorld.pushCoin(this); animation_time = 0; directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Animation = directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation(Game1.rand.Next() % 2 == 0 ? "die" : Game1.rand.Next() % 2 == 0 ? "die2" : "die3"); AudioLib.playSoundEffect("alienChaserDie"); return; } knockBackTime += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (knockBackTime > knockBackDuration) { targetEntity = null; chaserState = SlowChaserState.Idle; aggressionTime = 0.95f * maxAggressionTime; } } else if (chaserState == SlowChaserState.Dying) { this.dimensions = new Vector2(2); this.velocity = Vector2.Zero; this.death = true; } else { throw new Exception("Invalid SlowChaser state"); } for (int i = 0; i < parentWorld.EntityList.Count; i++) { if (parentWorld.EntityList[i].Enemy_Type != EnemyType.Alien && chaserState != SlowChaserState.Dying) { if (Vector2.Distance(parentWorld.EntityList[i].Position, position) < 300) { if (hitTest(parentWorld.EntityList[i])) { parentWorld.EntityList[i].knockBack(parentWorld.EntityList[i].CenterPoint - CenterPoint, 6, 7); if (chaserState == SlowChaserState.Sprint && Vector2.Distance(position, targetEntity.Position) < GlobalGameConstants.TileSize.X) { timer = 0; targetEntity = null; chaserState = SlowChaserState.Cooldown; velocity *= -0.1f; } } } } } if (Math.Abs(velocity.X) > Math.Abs(velocity.Y)) { if (velocity.X > 0) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right; } else if (velocity.X < 0) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left; } } else if (Math.Abs(velocity.X) < Math.Abs(velocity.Y)) { if (velocity.Y > 0) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down; } else if (velocity.Y < 0) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up; } } Vector2 newPos = position + (this.velocity * currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds); position = parentWorld.Map.reloactePosition(position, newPos, dimensions); directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Animation.Apply(directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton, animation_time / 1000f, chaserState == SlowChaserState.Dying ? false : true); }
public override void update(GameTime currentTime) { animation_time += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds / 1000f; sound_timer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (sound_timer > 250f) { play_sound = true; } if (sound_alert && state == && entity_found == null) { state = ChargerState.alert; alert_timer = 0.0f; } if (state == ChargerState.dying) { velocity = Vector2.Zero; death = true; // may the programming gods have mercy on me hacking over this complicated state machine goto DeadSkipStates; } if (disable_movement == true) { disable_movement_time += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (disable_movement_time > 300) { disable_movement_time = 0.0f; disable_movement = false; velocity = Vector2.Zero; state = ChargerState.alert; } directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Animation = directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("hurt"); } else { switch (state) { case directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Animation = directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("idle"); change_direction_time += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; //first if state is if enemy was knocked back by a enemy of a different type if (enemy_found == false) { for (int i = 0; i < parentWorld.EntityList.Count; i++) { if (parentWorld.EntityList[i] == this || (GameCampaign.PlayerAllegiance < 0.3 && parentWorld.EntityList[i] is Player)) { continue; } else if (parentWorld.EntityList[i].Enemy_Type != enemy_type && parentWorld.EntityList[i].Enemy_Type != EnemyType.NoType && parentWorld.EntityList[i].Death == false) { component.update(this, parentWorld.EntityList[i], currentTime, parentWorld); if (enemy_found == true) { entity_found = parentWorld.EntityList[i]; break; } } } } if (enemy_found) { state = ChargerState.windUp; velocity = Vector2.Zero; } else { if (change_direction_time > 5000) { switch (direction_facing) { case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right: direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down; break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left: direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up; break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up: direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right; break; default: direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left; break; } change_direction_time = 0.0f; } entity_found = null; sound_alert = false; } break; case ChargerState.alert: directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Animation = directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("idle"); if (sound_alert && entity_found == null) { //if false then sound didn't hit a wall if (!parentWorld.Map.soundInSight(this, sound_position)) { directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Animation = directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("run"); alert_timer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; for (int i = 0; i < parentWorld.EntityList.Count; i++) { if (parentWorld.EntityList[i].Enemy_Type != enemy_type && parentWorld.EntityList[i].Enemy_Type != EnemyType.NoType && parentWorld.EntityList[i].Death == false) { float distance = Vector2.Distance(CenterPoint, parentWorld.EntityList[i].CenterPoint); if (distance <= range_distance) { enemy_found = true; entity_found = parentWorld.EntityList[i]; state = ChargerState.windUp; animation_time = 0.0f; sound_alert = false; alert_timer = 0.0f; windup_timer = 0.0f; animation_time = 0.0f; velocity = Vector2.Zero; charge_timer = 0.0f; break; } } } if (alert_timer > 3000 || ((int)CenterPoint.X == (int)sound_position.X && (int)CenterPoint.Y == (int)sound_position.Y)) { entity_found = null; enemy_found = false; sound_alert = false; state =; velocity = Vector2.Zero; animation_time = 0.0f; charge_timer = 0.0f; windup_timer = 0.0f; animation_time = 0.0f; } } else { entity_found = null; enemy_found = false; sound_alert = false; state =; velocity = Vector2.Zero; animation_time = 0.0f; charge_timer = 0.0f; windup_timer = 0.0f; animation_time = 0.0f; } } else if (entity_found != null) { sound_alert = false; float distance = Vector2.Distance(CenterPoint, entity_found.CenterPoint); if (parentWorld.Map.enemyWithinRange(entity_found, this, range_distance) && distance < range_distance && entity_found.Death == false) { state = ChargerState.windUp; animation_time = 0.0f; } else { entity_found = null; enemy_found = false; state =; velocity = Vector2.Zero; animation_time = 0.0f; charge_timer = 0.0f; windup_timer = 0.0f; animation_time = 0.0f; } } break; case ChargerState.windUp: directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Animation = directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("windUp"); windup_timer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; angle = (float)Math.Atan2(entity_found.CenterPoint.Y - CenterPoint.Y, entity_found.CenterPoint.X - CenterPoint.X); if (windup_timer > 300) { animation_time = 0.0f; state = ChargerState.charge; velocity = new Vector2(8.0f * (float)(Math.Cos(angle)), 8.0f * (float)(Math.Sin(angle))); charge_timer = 0.0f; } break; case ChargerState.charge: directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Animation = directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("charge"); charge_timer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; for (int i = 0; i < parentWorld.EntityList.Count; i++) { if (parentWorld.EntityList[i] == this) { continue; } if (hitTest(parentWorld.EntityList[i])) { if (play_sound) { AudioLib.playSoundEffect("chargerImpact"); sound_timer = 0.0f; play_sound = false; } Vector2 direction = parentWorld.EntityList[i].CenterPoint - CenterPoint; parentWorld.EntityList[i].knockBack(direction, knockback_magnitude, enemy_damage); } } if (charge_timer > 800) { if (entity_found.Death == true) { entity_found = null; } sound_alert = false; state = ChargerState.alert; velocity = Vector2.Zero; animation_time = 0.0f; charge_timer = 0.0f; windup_timer = 0.0f; animation_time = 0.0f; enemy_found = false; } break; default: break; } } DeadSkipStates: Vector2 pos = new Vector2(position.X, position.Y); Vector2 nextStep = new Vector2(position.X + velocity.X, position.Y + velocity.Y); Vector2 finalPos = parentWorld.Map.reloactePosition(pos, nextStep, dimensions); position.X = finalPos.X; position.Y = finalPos.Y; directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Animation.Apply(directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton, animation_time, state == ChargerState.dying ? false : true); if (enemy_life <= 0 && state != ChargerState.dying && death == false) { directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Animation = directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation(Game1.rand.Next() % 3 == 0 ? "die" : Game1.rand.Next() % 2 == 0 ? "die2" : "die3"); death = true; state = ChargerState.dying; animation_time = 0; parentWorld.pushCoin(this); } }
public override void knockBack(Vector2 direction, float magnitude, int damage, Entity attacker) { if (guardState == PatrolGuardState.KnockBack) { return; } health -= damage; if (health <= 0 && guardState != PatrolGuardState.Dying) { if (attacker is Player) { GameCampaign.AlterAllegiance(-0.01f); } guardState = PatrolGuardState.Dying; animation_time = 0; velocity = Vector2.Zero; dimensions /= 8; parentWorld.pushCoin(this); death = true; return; } else if (guardState == PatrolGuardState.Dying) { parentWorld.Particles.pushBloodParticle(CenterPoint); parentWorld.Particles.pushBloodParticle(CenterPoint); parentWorld.Particles.pushBloodParticle(CenterPoint); if (deadCushySoundTimer > 500f) { AudioLib.playSoundEffect("fleshyKnockBack"); deadCushySoundTimer = 0; } return; } direction.Normalize(); velocity = direction * (magnitude / 2); knockBackTime = 0.0f; guardState = PatrolGuardState.KnockBack; animation_time = 0; parentWorld.Particles.pushBloodParticle(CenterPoint); parentWorld.Particles.pushBloodParticle(CenterPoint); parentWorld.Particles.pushBloodParticle(CenterPoint); AudioLib.playSoundEffect("fleshyKnockBack"); //where you look in the entity's direction and start chasing them if (attacker != null && (attacker.Enemy_Type != EnemyType.NoType && attacker.Enemy_Type != enemy_type)) { target = attacker; } }
public override void update(GameTime currentTime) { animation_time += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (sound_alert && molotovState == MolotovState.MoveWait && entity_found == null) { molotovState = MolotovState.Alert; animation_time = 0.0f; } if (molotovState == MolotovState.InvalidState) { throw new Exception("Invalid State handling"); } else if (molotovState == MolotovState.MoveWait) { moveWaitTimer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; // check if player is in front of enemy within range. if so throw a molotov if ( == false) { MolotovFlame f = new MolotovFlame(); if (direction_facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up || direction_facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down) { f.dimensions = new Vector2(GlobalGameConstants.TileSize.X * 3, GlobalGameConstants.TileSize.Y * 4); } else { f.dimensions = new Vector2(GlobalGameConstants.TileSize.X * 4, GlobalGameConstants.TileSize.Y * 3); } switch (direction_facing) { case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up: f.position = position + new Vector2(-GlobalGameConstants.TileSize.X, -GlobalGameConstants.TileSize.Y * 4); break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down: f.position = position + new Vector2(-GlobalGameConstants.TileSize.X, dimensions.Y); break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left: f.position = position + new Vector2(-(GlobalGameConstants.TileSize.X * 4), -GlobalGameConstants.TileSize.Y); break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right: f.position = position + new Vector2(dimensions.X, -GlobalGameConstants.TileSize.Y); break; } for (int i = 0; i < parentWorld.EntityList.Count; i++) { if (parentWorld.EntityList[i] == this) { continue; } if (parentWorld.EntityList[i] is Player || parentWorld.EntityList[i] is Enemy) { if (parentWorld.EntityList[i] is Enemy) { if (((Enemy)parentWorld.EntityList[i]).Enemy_Type == Enemy.EnemyType.Prisoner) { continue; } } if (GameCampaign.PlayerAllegiance < 0.3 && parentWorld.EntityList[i] is Player) { continue; } else if (f.hitTestWithEntity(parentWorld.EntityList[i])) { animation_time = 0.0f; entity_found = parentWorld.EntityList[i]; molotovState = MolotovState.WindUp; windUpTimer = 0.0f; break; } } } } if (moveWaitStepping) { switch (direction_facing) { case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up: velocity = new Vector2(0.0f, -molotovMovementSpeed); break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down: velocity = new Vector2(0.0f, molotovMovementSpeed); break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left: velocity = new Vector2(-molotovMovementSpeed, 0.0f); break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right: velocity = new Vector2(molotovMovementSpeed, 0.0f); break; } directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Animation = directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("run"); } else { velocity = Vector2.Zero; directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Animation = directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("idle"); } if (moveWaitTimer > moveStepTime) { moveWaitStepping = !moveWaitStepping; moveWaitTimer = 0.0f; if (moveWaitStepping) { direction_facing = (GlobalGameConstants.Direction)(Game1.rand.Next() % 4); } } } else if (molotovState == MolotovState.Alert) { if (sound_alert && entity_found == null) { directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Animation = directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("run"); if (!parentWorld.Map.soundInSight(this, sound_position)) { if ( == false) { alert_timer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; for (int i = 0; i < parentWorld.EntityList.Count; i++) { if (parentWorld.EntityList[i].Enemy_Type != enemy_type && parentWorld.EntityList[i].Enemy_Type != EnemyType.NoType && parentWorld.EntityList[i].Death == false) { float distance = Vector2.Distance(CenterPoint, parentWorld.EntityList[i].CenterPoint); if (distance <= range_distance) { enemy_found = true; entity_found = parentWorld.EntityList[i]; molotovState = MolotovState.WindUp; animation_time = 0.0f; sound_alert = false; alert_timer = 0.0f; windUpTimer = 0.0f; animation_time = 0.0f; velocity = Vector2.Zero; break; } } } if (alert_timer > 3000 || ((int)CenterPoint.X == (int)sound_position.X && (int)CenterPoint.Y == (int)sound_position.Y)) { entity_found = null; enemy_found = false; sound_alert = false; molotovState = MolotovState.MoveWait; velocity = Vector2.Zero; animation_time = 0.0f; windUpTimer = 0.0f; } } } else { entity_found = null; enemy_found = false; sound_alert = false; molotovState = MolotovState.MoveWait; velocity = Vector2.Zero; animation_time = 0.0f; windUpTimer = 0.0f; } } else if (entity_found != null) { sound_alert = false; directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Animation = directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("idle"); float distance = Vector2.Distance(CenterPoint, entity_found.CenterPoint); if ( == false) { if (parentWorld.Map.enemyWithinRange(entity_found, this, range_distance) && distance < range_distance) { molotovState = MolotovState.WindUp; windUpTimer = 0.0f; animation_time = 0.0f; } else { entity_found = null; enemy_found = false; molotovState = MolotovState.MoveWait; velocity = Vector2.Zero; animation_time = 0.0f; windUpTimer = 0.0f; animation_time = 0.0f; } } else { float angle = (float)(Math.Atan2(entity_found.CenterPoint.Y - CenterPoint.Y, entity_found.CenterPoint.X - CenterPoint.X)); if ((angle > (-1 * Math.PI / 4) && angle < (Math.PI / 4))) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right; } else if (((angle > (3 * Math.PI / 4) || angle < (-3 * Math.PI / 4)))) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left; } else if ((angle > (-3 * Math.PI / 4) && angle < (-1 * Math.PI / 4))) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up; } else if ((angle > Math.PI / 4 && angle < 3 * Math.PI / 4)) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down; } } } } else if (molotovState == MolotovState.WindUp) { directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Animation = directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("windUp"); windUpTimer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; angle = (float)(Math.Atan2(entity_found.CenterPoint.Y - CenterPoint.Y, entity_found.CenterPoint.X - CenterPoint.X)); if (windUpTimer > windUpDuration) { animation_time = 0.0f; molotovState = MolotovState.Throwing; throwingTimer = 0.0f; throwPosition = position; } velocity = Vector2.Zero; } else if (molotovState == MolotovState.Throwing) { directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Animation = directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("attack"); throwingTimer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; Vector2 throwDirection = Vector2.Zero; /*switch (direction_facing) * { * case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up: * throwDirection = new Vector2(0, -1); * break; * case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down: * throwDirection = new Vector2(0, 1); * break; * case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left: * throwDirection = new Vector2(-1, 0); * break; * case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right: * throwDirection = new Vector2(1, 0); * break; * }*/ throwDirection = new Vector2((float)(Math.Cos(angle)), (float)(Math.Sin(angle))); throwPosition = position + (throwVelocity * throwingTimer * throwDirection); flame.position = throwPosition; if (parentWorld.Map.hitTestWall(flame.position) || parentWorld.Map.hitTestWall(flame.position + flame.dimensions)) { throwingTimer = 999f; } else { for (int i = 0; i < parentWorld.EntityList.Count; i++) { if (parentWorld.EntityList[i] is Player) { if (flame.hitTestWithEntity(parentWorld.EntityList[i])) { throwingTimer = 999f; break; } } } } if (throwingTimer > throwDuration) { animation_time = 0.0f; AudioLib.playSoundEffect("molotovExplode"); flame = new MolotovFlame(throwPosition); molotovState = MolotovState.Alert; moveWaitTimer = 0.0f; alert_timer = 0.0f; } } else if (molotovState == MolotovState.KnockedBack) { knockBackTime += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Animation = directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("hurt"); if (knockBackTime > knockBackDuration) { molotovState = MolotovState.MoveWait; entity_found = null; animation_time = 0.0f; } } else if (molotovState == MolotovState.Dying) { velocity = Vector2.Zero; death = true; // } else { throw new NotImplementedException("Need to complete other states first"); } if ( { flame.update(parentWorld, currentTime); } Vector2 newPos = position + (velocity); Vector2 finalPos = parentWorld.Map.reloactePosition(position, newPos, dimensions); position = finalPos; directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Animation.Apply(directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton, animation_time / 1000f, molotovState == MolotovState.MoveWait ? true : false); }
public override void update(GameTime currentTime) { if (enemy_life <= 0 && death == false) { death = true; state = ChaseState.death; animation_time = 0.0f; current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation(death_anim[(int)(Game1.rand.Next()) % 3]); parentWorld.pushCoin(this); } switch (state) { case change_direction_time += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("run"); for (int i = 0; i < parentWorld.EntityList.Count; i++) { if (parentWorld.EntityList[i] == this || (parentWorld.EntityList[i] is Player && GameCampaign.PlayerAllegiance < 0.3)) { continue; } if (parentWorld.EntityList[i].Enemy_Type != enemy_type && parentWorld.EntityList[i].Enemy_Type != EnemyType.NoType && !parentWorld.EntityList[i].Death) { component.update(this, parentWorld.EntityList[i], currentTime, parentWorld); if (enemy_found) { component = chaseComponent; state =; animation_time = 0.0f; chase_target = parentWorld.EntityList[i]; break; } } } break; case //checks to see if player was hit //wind up //component won't update when the swing is in effect float distance = Vector2.Distance(chase_target.CenterPoint, CenterPoint); current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("chase"); if (distance > 300.0f || chase_target.Death) { state =; component = searchComponent; enemy_found = false; wind_anim = 0.0f; animation_time = 0.0f; } else { component.update(this, chase_target, currentTime, parentWorld); if (distance < 64.0f) { current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("windUp"); state = ChaseState.windUp; wind_anim = 0.0f; animation_time = 0.0f; } } break; case ChaseState.windUp: wind_anim += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; //animation_time = 0.0f; velocity = Vector2.Zero; switch (direction_facing) { case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right: sword_position.X = position.X + dimensions.X; sword_position.Y = position.Y; break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left: sword_position.X = position.X - sword_hitbox.X; sword_position.Y = position.Y; break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up: sword_position.Y = position.Y - sword_hitbox.Y; sword_position.X = CenterPoint.X - sword_hitbox.X / 2; break; default: sword_position.Y = CenterPoint.Y + dimensions.Y / 2; sword_position.X = CenterPoint.X - sword_hitbox.X / 2; break; } if (wind_anim > 300) { state = ChaseState.attack; wind_anim = 0.0f; animation_time = 0.0f; } break; case ChaseState.attack: wind_anim += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("attack"); if (swordSlashHitTest(chase_target)) { Vector2 direction = chase_target.CenterPoint - CenterPoint; if (play_sound) { AudioLib.playSoundEffect("swordHit"); play_sound = false; } chase_target.knockBack(direction, knockback_magnitude, enemy_damage); } else { if (play_sound) { AudioLib.playSoundEffect("testSword"); play_sound = false; } } if (wind_anim > 500) { play_sound = true; dimensions = new Vector2(48f, 48f); wind_anim = 0.0f; animation_time = 0.0f; state =; current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("chase"); } break; case ChaseState.knockback: if (death == false) { disable_movement_time += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("hurt"); if (disable_movement_time > 300) { state =; velocity = Vector2.Zero; component = searchComponent; disable_movement = false; disable_movement_time = 0; animation_time = 0.0f; } } break; case ChaseState.death: velocity = Vector2.Zero; break; default: break; } Vector2 pos = new Vector2(position.X, position.Y); Vector2 nextStep = new Vector2(position.X + velocity.X, position.Y + velocity.Y); Vector2 finalPos = parentWorld.Map.reloactePosition(pos, nextStep, dimensions); position.X = finalPos.X; position.Y = finalPos.Y; animation_time += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds / 1000f; //decides if the animation loops or not current_skeleton.Animation.Apply(current_skeleton.Skeleton, animation_time, (wind_anim == 0 && !death) ? true : false); }
public override void update(GameTime currentTime) { if (sound_alert && state == mutantBallState.Search && entity_found == null && !death) { state = mutantBallState.Alert; alert_timer = 0.0f; } if (enemy_life <= 0 && !death) { velocity = Vector2.Zero; death = true; AudioLib.playSoundEffect("alienChaserDie"); current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation(deathAnim[Game1.rand.Next() % 3]); state = mutantBallState.Death; animation_time = 0.0f; parentWorld.pushCoin(this); } switch (state) { case mutantBallState.Search: current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("idle"); change_direction_time += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (!enemy_found) { for (int i = 0; i < parentWorld.EntityList.Count; i++) { if (parentWorld.EntityList[i] == this) { continue; } else if (parentWorld.EntityList[i].Enemy_Type != enemy_type && parentWorld.EntityList[i].Enemy_Type != EnemyType.NoType) { component.update(this, parentWorld.EntityList[i], currentTime, parentWorld); if (enemy_found) { entity_found = parentWorld.EntityList[i]; break; } } } } if (enemy_found) { state = mutantBallState.Agressive; velocity = Vector2.Zero; animation_time = 0.0f; } else { if (change_direction_time > 5000) { switch (direction_facing) { case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right: direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down; break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left: direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up; break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up: direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right; break; default: direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left; break; } change_direction_time = 0.0f; } } switch (direction_facing) { case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right: current_skeleton = walk_right; break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left: current_skeleton = walk_right; break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up: current_skeleton = walk_up; break; default: current_skeleton = walk_down; break; } break; /*case mutantBallState.Alert: * if (sound_alert && entity_found == null) * { * //if false then sound didn't hit a wall * if (!parentWorld.Map.soundInSight(this, sound_position)) * { * current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("run"); * alert_timer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; * for (int i = 0; i < parentWorld.EntityList.Count; i++) * { * if (parentWorld.EntityList[i].Enemy_Type != enemy_type && parentWorld.EntityList[i].Enemy_Type != EnemyType.NoType && parentWorld.EntityList[i].Death == false) * { * float distance = Vector2.Distance(CenterPoint, parentWorld.EntityList[i].CenterPoint); * if (distance <= range_distance) * { * enemy_found = true; * entity_found = parentWorld.EntityList[i]; * state = mutantBallState.Search; * animation_time = 0.0f; * sound_alert = false; * animation_time = 0.0f; * velocity = Vector2.Zero; * agressive_timer = 0.0f; * break; * } * } * } * * if (alert_timer > 3000 || ((int)CenterPoint.X == (int)sound_position.X && (int)CenterPoint.Y == (int)sound_position.Y)) * { * entity_found = null; * enemy_found = false; * sound_alert = false; * state = mutantBallState.Search; * velocity = Vector2.Zero; * animation_time = 0.0f; * agressive_timer = 0.0f; * animation_time = 0.0f; * } * } * else * { * entity_found = null; * enemy_found = false; * sound_alert = false; * state = mutantBallState.Search; * velocity = Vector2.Zero; * animation_time = 0.0f; * agressive_timer = 0.0f; * animation_time = 0.0f; * } * } * else if (entity_found != null) * { * sound_alert = false; * float distance = Vector2.Distance(CenterPoint, entity_found.CenterPoint); * if (parentWorld.Map.enemyWithinRange(entity_found, this, range_distance) && distance < range_distance) * { * state = mutantBallState.Search; * animation_time = 0.0f; * } * else * { * entity_found = null; * enemy_found = false; * state = mutantBallState.Search; * velocity = Vector2.Zero; * animation_time = 0.0f; * agressive_timer = 0.0f; * animation_time = 0.0f; * } * } * break;*/ case mutantBallState.Agressive: agressive_timer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("attack"); sound_timer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (sound_timer > 30) { play_sound = true; } float angle_from_entity = (float)Math.Atan2(entity_found.CenterPoint.Y - CenterPoint.Y, entity_found.CenterPoint.X - CenterPoint.X); switch (direction_facing) { case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right: if (angle_from_entity > Math.PI / 4) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down; current_skeleton = walk_down; } else if (angle_from_entity < -1 * Math.PI / 4) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up; current_skeleton = walk_up; } break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left: if (angle_from_entity > -3 * Math.PI / 4 && angle_from_entity < 0) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up; current_skeleton = walk_up; } else if (angle_from_entity < 3 * Math.PI / 4 && angle_from_entity > 0) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down; current_skeleton = walk_down; } break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up: if (angle_from_entity > -1 * Math.PI / 4) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right; current_skeleton = walk_right; } else if (angle_from_entity < -3 * Math.PI / 4) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left; current_skeleton = walk_right; } break; default: if (angle_from_entity > 3 * Math.PI / 4) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left; current_skeleton = walk_right; } else if (angle_from_entity < Math.PI / 4) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right; current_skeleton = walk_right; } break; } velocity = new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(angle_from_entity), (float)Math.Sin(angle_from_entity)); angle += 0.1f; if (angle >= (float)(2 * Math.PI)) { angle = 0; } float temp_radius = 0.0f; while (temp_radius <= radius) { ball_coordinate.X = CenterPoint.X + temp_radius * (float)(Math.Cos(angle)); ball_coordinate.Y = CenterPoint.Y + temp_radius * (float)(Math.Sin(angle)); for (int i = 0; i < parentWorld.EntityList.Count; i++) { if (parentWorld.EntityList[i] == this) { continue; } else if (parentWorld.EntityList[i].Death == false && hitTestBall(parentWorld.EntityList[i], ball_coordinate.X, ball_coordinate.Y)) { if (play_sound) { AudioLib.playSoundEffect("chargerImpact"); play_sound = false; sound_timer = 0.0f; } float distance = Vector2.Distance(ball_coordinate, CenterPoint); Vector2 direction = new Vector2(distance * (float)(Math.Cos(angle)), distance * (float)(Math.Sin(angle))); float temp_knockback_magnitude = knockback_magnitude / (radius / temp_radius); parentWorld.EntityList[i].knockBack(direction, temp_knockback_magnitude, enemy_damage, this); } } temp_radius++; } if (agressive_timer > 4000) { state = mutantBallState.Search; velocity = Vector2.Zero; agressive_timer = 0.0f; enemy_found = false; entity_found = null; animation_time = 0.0f; } break; case mutantBallState.KnockBack: disable_movement_time += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("hurt"); if (disable_movement_time > 300) { state = mutantBallState.Search; disable_movement_time = 0.0f; velocity = Vector2.Zero; animation_time = 0.0f; } break; case mutantBallState.Death: velocity = Vector2.Zero; break; default: break; } Vector2 pos = new Vector2(position.X, position.Y); Vector2 nextStep = new Vector2(position.X + velocity.X, position.Y + velocity.Y); Vector2 finalPos = parentWorld.Map.reloactePosition(pos, nextStep, dimensions); position.X = finalPos.X; position.Y = finalPos.Y; animation_time += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds / 1000f; current_skeleton.Animation.Apply(current_skeleton.Skeleton, animation_time, (state == mutantBallState.Death)? false:true); }
public override void knockBack(Vector2 direction, float magnitude, int damage, Entity attacker) { if (!death) { if (disable_movement == false) { AudioLib.playSoundEffect("fleshyKnockBack"); state = mutantBallState.KnockBack; if (Math.Abs(direction.X) > (Math.Abs(direction.Y))) { if (direction.X < 0) { velocity = new Vector2(-5.51f * magnitude, direction.Y / 100 * magnitude); } else { velocity = new Vector2(5.51f * magnitude, direction.Y / 100 * magnitude); } } else { if (direction.Y < 0) { velocity = new Vector2(direction.X / 100f * magnitude, -5.51f * magnitude); } else { velocity = new Vector2((direction.X / 100f) * magnitude, 5.51f * magnitude); } } enemy_life = enemy_life - damage; } if (attacker == null) { return; } else if (attacker.Enemy_Type != enemy_type && attacker.Enemy_Type != EnemyType.NoType) { switch (attacker.Direction_Facing) { case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right: direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left; break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left: direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right; break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up: direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down; break; default: direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up; break; } } animation_time = 0.0f; } parentWorld.Particles.pushBloodParticle(CenterPoint); parentWorld.Particles.pushBloodParticle(CenterPoint); parentWorld.Particles.pushBloodParticle(CenterPoint); }
protected override void doUpdate(GameTime currentTime) { button_pressed_timer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; zoom += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; switch (zoom_state) { case popUpZoomState.zoomIn: if (zoom > zoom_duration) { pop_up_menu = true; zoom_state = popUpZoomState.zoomStay; zoom = 0.0f; } break; case popUpZoomState.zoomStay: zoom = 0.0f; break; case popUpZoomState.zoomOut: if (zoom > zoom_duration) { zoom_state = popUpZoomState.zoomStay; pop_up_menu = false; pop_up_screen = false; zoom = 0.0f; } break; } if (!pop_up_menu) { if (InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.DownDirection)) { if (!down_pressed) { button_pressed_timer = 0.0f; } down_pressed = true; } if ((down_pressed && !InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.DownDirection)) || (down_pressed && InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.DownDirection) && button_pressed_timer > max_button_pressed_timer)) { button_pressed_timer = 0.0f; down_pressed = false; AudioLib.playSoundEffect(menuBlipSound); menu_item_select++; if (menu_item_select >= options_list.Count()) { menu_item_select = menu_item_select % options_list.Count(); } else if (menu_item_select < 0) { menu_item_select += options_list.Count(); } } if (InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.UpDirection)) { if (!up_pressed) { button_pressed_timer = 0.0f; } up_pressed = true; } if ((up_pressed && !InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.UpDirection)) || (up_pressed && InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.UpDirection) && button_pressed_timer > max_button_pressed_timer)) { button_pressed_timer = 0.0f; up_pressed = false; AudioLib.playSoundEffect(menuBlipSound); menu_item_select--; if (menu_item_select > 0) { menu_item_select = menu_item_select % options_list.Count(); } else if (menu_item_select < 0) { menu_item_select += options_list.Count(); } } if (InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.Confirm)) { confirm_pressed = true; } else if (confirm_pressed) { confirm_pressed = false; switch (options_list[menu_item_select].text) { case "HIGH SCORE": isComplete = true; break; case "ERASE HIGH SCORE": pop_up_screen = true; popup_item_selected = 0; zoom_state = popUpZoomState.zoomIn; HighScoresState.ResetHighScores(); SaveGameModule.saveGame(); break; case "CREDITS": isComplete = true; break; case "BACK": isComplete = true; break; default: break; } } for (int i = 0; i < options_list.Count(); i++) { if (i == menu_item_select) { options_list[menu_item_select].select = true; } else { options_list[i].select = false; } options_list[i].update(currentTime); } } /*************************************************************************************************************/ else { if (InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.LeftDirection)) { if (!down_pressed) { button_pressed_timer = 0.0f; } down_pressed = true; } if ((down_pressed && !InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.LeftDirection)) || (down_pressed && InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.LeftDirection) && button_pressed_timer > max_button_pressed_timer)) { button_pressed_timer = 0.0f; down_pressed = false; popup_item_selected++; if (popup_item_selected >= popup_options.Count()) { popup_item_selected = popup_item_selected % popup_options.Count(); } else if (menu_item_select < 0) { popup_item_selected += popup_options.Count(); } } if (InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.RightDirection)) { if (!up_pressed) { button_pressed_timer = 0.0f; } up_pressed = true; } if ((up_pressed && !InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.RightDirection)) || (up_pressed && InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.RightDirection) && button_pressed_timer > max_button_pressed_timer)) { button_pressed_timer = 0.0f; up_pressed = false; popup_item_selected--; if (popup_item_selected > 0) { popup_item_selected = popup_item_selected % popup_options.Count(); } else if (popup_item_selected < 0) { popup_item_selected += popup_options.Count(); } } if (InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.Confirm)) { confirm_pressed = true; } else if (confirm_pressed) { confirm_pressed = false; switch (popup_options[popup_item_selected].text) { case "NO": zoom_state = popUpZoomState.zoomOut; break; case "YES": zoom_state = popUpZoomState.zoomOut; break; default: break; } } for (int i = 0; i < popup_options.Count(); i++) { if (i == popup_item_selected) { popup_options[popup_item_selected].select = true; } else { popup_options[i].select = false; } popup_options[i].update(currentTime); } } }
public void update(Player parent, GameTime currentTime, LevelState parentWorld) { updateRocketAndExplosion(parent, currentTime, parentWorld); if (state == RocketLauncherState.IdleWait) { if ((parent.Index == InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1 ? GameCampaign.Player_Ammunition : GameCampaign.Player2_Ammunition) >= 20) { if (! && ! { parent.Velocity = Vector2.Zero; timer = 0; state = RocketLauncherState.WindUp; if ((parent.Index == InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1 ? GameCampaign.Player_Right_Item : GameCampaign.Player2_Item_1) == ItemType() && InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(parent.Index, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.UseItem1)) { slot1 = true; parent.LoadAnimation.Animation = parent.LoadAnimation.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation(parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left ? "lRocket" : "rRocket"); } else if ((parent.Index == InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1 ? GameCampaign.Player_Left_Item : GameCampaign.Player2_Item_2) == ItemType() && InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(parent.Index, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.UseItem2)) { slot1 = false; parent.LoadAnimation.Animation = parent.LoadAnimation.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation(parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left ? "rRocket" : "lRocket"); } if (parent.Index == InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1) { GameCampaign.Player_Ammunition -= ammo_consumption; } else { GameCampaign.Player2_Ammunition -= ammo_consumption; } parent.Animation_Time = 0; parent.LoopAnimation = false; } else { parent.Disable_Movement = false; parent.State = Player.playerState.Moving; } } else { parent.Disable_Movement = false; parent.State = Player.playerState.Moving; } } else if (state == RocketLauncherState.WindUp) { timer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (timer > windUpDuration) { timer = 0; state = RocketLauncherState.Shooting; AudioLib.playSoundEffect(rocketSound); parentWorld.Particles.pushRocketCasing(new Vector2(parent.LoadAnimation.Skeleton.FindBone(parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left ? "rGun" : "lGun").WorldX, parent.LoadAnimation.Skeleton.FindBone(parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left ? "rGun" : "lGun").WorldY)); if (slot1) { rocket = new Rocket(new Vector2(parent.LoadAnimation.Skeleton.FindBone(parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left ? "lGunMuzzle" : "rGunMuzzle").WorldX, parent.LoadAnimation.Skeleton.FindBone(parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left ? "lGunMuzzle" : "rGunMuzzle").WorldY), parent.Direction_Facing); } else { rocket = new Rocket(new Vector2(parent.LoadAnimation.Skeleton.FindBone(parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left ? "lGunMuzzle" : "rGunMuzzle").WorldX, parent.LoadAnimation.Skeleton.FindBone(parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left ? "rGunMuzzle" : "lGunMuzzle").WorldY), parent.Direction_Facing); } } for (int i = 0; i < parentWorld.EntityList.Count; i++) { float distance = Vector2.Distance(parentWorld.EntityList[i].Position, new Vector2(parent.LoadAnimation.Skeleton.FindBone(parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left ? "lGunMuzzle" : "rGunMuzzle").WorldX, parent.LoadAnimation.Skeleton.FindBone(parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left ? "lGunMuzzle" : "rGunMuzzle").WorldY)); if (distance <= 1000 && parentWorld.EntityList[i] is Enemy) { ((Enemy)parentWorld.EntityList[i]).Sound_Alert = true; ((Enemy)parentWorld.EntityList[i]).Sound_Position = new Vector2(parent.LoadAnimation.Skeleton.FindBone(parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left ? "lGunMuzzle" : "rGunMuzzle").WorldX, parent.LoadAnimation.Skeleton.FindBone(parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left ? "lGunMuzzle" : "rGunMuzzle").WorldY); } } } else if (state == RocketLauncherState.Shooting) { timer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (timer > shootDuration) { timer = 0; state = RocketLauncherState.CoolDown; } } else if (state == RocketLauncherState.CoolDown) { parent.Disable_Movement = false; parent.State = Player.playerState.Moving; timer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (timer > coolDownDuration) { timer = 0; state = RocketLauncherState.IdleWait; } } else if (state == RocketLauncherState.InvalidState) { throw new Exception("Invalid Rocket Launcher State"); } }
public void popExplosion(Vector2 position) { AudioLib.playSoundEffect(explosionSound); explosion = new Explosion(position); }
public void update(LevelState parentWorld, GameTime currentTime, Entity parent) { active_timer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (active) { switch (state) { case GrenadeState.Travel: if (active_timer > max_active_time) { state = GrenadeState.Explosion; active_timer = 0.0f; dimensions = new Vector2(96, 96); position = CenterPoint - (dimensions / 2); } else { nextStep_temp = new Vector2(position.X - (dimensions.X / 2) + velocity.X, (position.Y + velocity.X)); on_wall = parentWorld.Map.hitTestWall(nextStep_temp); int check_corners = 0; while (check_corners != 4) { if (on_wall == false) { if (check_corners == 0) { nextStep_temp = new Vector2(position.X + (dimensions.X / 2) + velocity.X, position.Y + velocity.Y); } else if (check_corners == 1) { nextStep_temp = new Vector2(position.X + velocity.X, position.Y - (dimensions.Y / 2) + velocity.Y); } else if (check_corners == 2) { nextStep_temp = new Vector2(position.X + velocity.X, position.Y + dimensions.Y + velocity.Y); } else { position += velocity; } on_wall = parentWorld.Map.hitTestWall(nextStep_temp); } else { state = GrenadeState.Explosion; AudioLib.playSoundEffect("testExplosion"); active_timer = 0.0f; dimensions = new Vector2(96, 96); position = position - (dimensions / 2); break; } check_corners++; } } if (on_wall == false) { foreach (Entity en in parentWorld.EntityList) { if (en == parent) { continue; } else if (grenadeHitTest(en)) { state = GrenadeState.Explosion; active_timer = 0.0f; dimensions = new Vector2(96, 96); position = position - (dimensions / 2); AudioLib.playSoundEffect("testExplosion"); break; } } } position += velocity; break; case GrenadeState.Explosion: explosion_timer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; foreach (Entity en in parentWorld.EntityList) { if (grenadeHitTest(en)) { Vector2 direction = en.CenterPoint - CenterPoint; en.knockBack(direction, 3.0f, 10); } } if (explosion_timer > max_explosion_timer) { active_timer = 0.0f; state = GrenadeState.Reset; } break; case GrenadeState.Reset: dimensions = new Vector2(16, 16); position = new Vector2(0, 0); active = false; break; } } }
public override void update(GameTime currentTime) { float distance = float.MaxValue; if (disable_movement == true) { disable_movement_time += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (disable_movement_time > 300) { disable_movement = false; disable_movement_time = 0.0f; velocity = Vector2.Zero; } } else { switch (mech_state) { case MechState.Moving: current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("idle"); tank_hull_animation_time += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; change_direction_time += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (enemy_found == false) { for (int i = 0; i < parentWorld.EntityList.Count; i++) { if (parentWorld.EntityList[i] == this || (parentWorld.EntityList[i] is Player && GameCampaign.PlayerAllegiance > 0.7)) { continue; } else if (parentWorld.EntityList[i].Enemy_Type != enemy_type && parentWorld.EntityList[i].Enemy_Type != EnemyType.NoType && parentWorld.EntityList[i].Death == false) { component.update(this, parentWorld.EntityList[i], currentTime, parentWorld); if (enemy_found) { entity_found = parentWorld.EntityList[i]; break; } } } } switch (direction_facing) { case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right: velocity = new Vector2(0.5f, 0f); dimensions = new Vector2(120, 96); angle = 0.0f; break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left: velocity = new Vector2(-0.5f, 0f); dimensions = new Vector2(120, 96); angle = (float)(Math.PI); break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up: velocity = new Vector2(0f, -0.5f); dimensions = new Vector2(96, 120); angle = (float)(-1 * Math.PI / 2); break; default: velocity = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.5f); dimensions = new Vector2(96, 120); angle = (float)(Math.PI / 2); break; } if (enemy_found) { distance = Vector2.Distance(CenterPoint, entity_found.CenterPoint); tank_hull_animation_time = 0.0f; if (Math.Abs(distance) < range_distance) { if (Math.Abs(distance) > 192 && Math.Abs(distance) < range_distance) { mech_state = MechState.Firing; } else { mech_state = MechState.MeleeWindUp; } } } int corner_check = 0; bool is_on_wall = false; while (corner_check != 4) { if (corner_check == 0) { is_on_wall = parentWorld.Map.hitTestWall(position); } else if (corner_check == 1) { is_on_wall = parentWorld.Map.hitTestWall(position + new Vector2(dimensions.X, 0)); } else if (corner_check == 2) { is_on_wall = parentWorld.Map.hitTestWall(position + new Vector2(0, dimensions.Y)); } else if (corner_check == 3) { is_on_wall = parentWorld.Map.hitTestWall(position + dimensions); } if (is_on_wall) { if (direction_facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right || direction_facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left) { dimensions = new Vector2(96, 120); if (Game1.rand.NextDouble() > 0.5) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up; } else { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down; } } else { dimensions = new Vector2(120, 96); if (Game1.rand.NextDouble() > 0.5) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right; } else { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left; } } break; } corner_check++; } break; case MechState.Firing: windup_timer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; angle = (float)Math.Atan2(entity_found.CenterPoint.Y - current_skeleton.Skeleton.FindBone("muzzle").WorldY, entity_found.CenterPoint.X - current_skeleton.Skeleton.FindBone("muzzle").WorldX); distance = Vector2.Distance(position, entity_found.Position); velocity = Vector2.Zero; bool enemy_in_sight = parentWorld.Map.playerInSight(angle, distance, this, entity_found); if (Math.Abs(distance) > 600 || entity_found.Remove_From_List == true || enemy_in_sight) { mech_state = MechState.Moving; windup_timer = 0.0f; enemy_found = false; return; } else if (Math.Abs(distance) < 192) { windup_timer = 0.0f; mech_state = MechState.MeleeWindUp; } if (windup_timer > 2000) { if ( == false) { AudioLib.playSoundEffect("tankFire"); rocket_angle = (float)Math.Atan2(entity_found.CenterPoint.Y - current_skeleton.Skeleton.FindBone("muzzle").WorldY, entity_found.CenterPoint.X - current_skeleton.Skeleton.FindBone("muzzle").WorldX); current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("attack"); grenade = new Grenades(new Vector2(current_skeleton.Skeleton.FindBone("muzzle").WorldX, current_skeleton.Skeleton.FindBone("muzzle").WorldY), angle); = true; } } if (windup_timer > 2100) { windup_timer = 0.0f; current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("idle"); } switch (direction_facing) { case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right: if (angle < -1 * Math.PI / 3.27) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up; dimensions = new Vector2(96, 120); } else if (angle > Math.PI / 3.27) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down; dimensions = new Vector2(96, 120); } break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left: if (angle < Math.PI / 1.44 && angle > Math.PI / 1.5) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down; dimensions = new Vector2(96, 120); } else if (angle > -1 * Math.PI / 1.44 && angle < -1 * Math.PI / 1.5) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up; dimensions = new Vector2(96, 120); } break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up: if (angle < -1 * Math.PI / 1.24) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left; dimensions = new Vector2(120, 96); } else if (angle > -1 * Math.PI / 5.14) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right; dimensions = new Vector2(120, 96); } break; default: if (angle < Math.PI / 5.14) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right; dimensions = new Vector2(120, 96); //current_skeleton = walk_right; } else if (angle > Math.PI / 1.24) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left; dimensions = new Vector2(120, 96); //current_skeleton = walk_right; } break; } break; case MechState.MeleeWindUp: windup_timer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; angle = (float)Math.Atan2(entity_found.CenterPoint.Y - CenterPoint.Y, entity_found.CenterPoint.X - CenterPoint.X); if (windup_timer > 1000) { mech_state = MechState.Melee; windup_timer = 0.0f; melee_active = true; } switch (direction_facing) { case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right: if (angle < -1 * Math.PI / 3.27) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up; dimensions = new Vector2(96, 120); //current_skeleton = walk_up; } else if (angle > Math.PI / 3.27) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down; dimensions = new Vector2(96, 120); //current_skeleton = walk_down; } break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left: if (angle < Math.PI / 1.44 && angle > Math.PI / 1.5) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down; dimensions = new Vector2(96, 120); //current_skeleton = walk_down; } else if (angle > -1 * Math.PI / 1.44 && angle < -1 * Math.PI / 1.5) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up; dimensions = new Vector2(96, 120); //current_skeleton = walk_up; } break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up: if (angle < -1 * Math.PI / 1.24) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left; dimensions = new Vector2(120, 96); //current_skeleton = walk_right; } else if (angle > -1 * Math.PI / 5.14) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right; dimensions = new Vector2(120, 96); //current_skeleton = walk_right; } break; default: if (angle < Math.PI / 5.14) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right; dimensions = new Vector2(120, 96); //current_skeleton = walk_right; } else if (angle > Math.PI / 1.24) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left; dimensions = new Vector2(120, 96); //current_skeleton = walk_right; } break; } break; case MechState.Melee: //current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("idle"); windup_timer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; AudioLib.playTankFlameSoundEffect(true); Vector2 flame_displacement = Vector2.Zero; if (direction_facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left || direction_facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right) { flame_displacement = new Vector2(tankAnim.FrameDimensions.X / 2, 0); } else { flame_displacement = new Vector2(0, tankAnim.FrameDimensions.X / 2); } parentWorld.Particles.pushFlame(CenterPoint + ((direction_facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left || direction_facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up)?-1 * flame_displacement : flame_displacement), (float)((int)direction_facing * Math.PI / 2)); parentWorld.Particles.pushFlame(CenterPoint + ((direction_facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left || direction_facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up) ? -1 * flame_displacement : flame_displacement), (float)((int)direction_facing * Math.PI / 2)); switch (direction_facing) { case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right: melee_position = position + new Vector2(dimensions.X, melee_hitbox.Y / 4); break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left: melee_position = position + new Vector2(-1 * melee_hitbox.X, dimensions.Y / 4); break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up: melee_position = position + new Vector2(dimensions.X / 4, -1 * melee_hitbox.Y); break; default: melee_position = position + new Vector2(dimensions.X / 4, dimensions.Y); break; } foreach (Entity en in parentWorld.EntityList) { if (en == this) { continue; } else if (meleeHitTest(en)) { Vector2 direction = en.CenterPoint - CenterPoint; en.knockBack(direction, 3.5f, 10, this); } } velocity = Vector2.Zero; if (windup_timer > 1500) { windup_timer = 0.0f; melee_active = false; if (Math.Abs(distance) > 300 || entity_found.Remove_From_List) { enemy_found = false; mech_state = MechState.Moving; } else if (Math.Abs(distance) > 192 && Math.Abs(distance) < 300) { mech_state = MechState.Firing; } else { mech_state = MechState.MeleeWindUp; } AudioLib.stopTankFlameSoundEffect(); } break; case MechState.Reset: windup_timer = 0.0f; enemy_found = false; mech_state = MechState.Moving; break; case MechState.Death: death = true; explode_timer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; velocity = Vector2.Zero; break; default: break; } } if ( { grenade.update(parentWorld, currentTime, this); } if (enemy_life <= 0 && death == false) { AudioLib.stopFlameSoundEffect(); explode_timer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; animation_time = 0.0f; death = true; mech_state = MechState.Death; velocity = Vector2.Zero; parentWorld.pushCoin(this); } Vector2 pos = new Vector2(position.X, position.Y); Vector2 nextStep = new Vector2(position.X + velocity.X, position.Y + velocity.Y); Vector2 finalPos = parentWorld.Map.reloactePosition(pos, nextStep, dimensions); position.X = finalPos.X; position.Y = finalPos.Y; animation_time += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds / 1000f; current_skeleton.Animation.Apply(current_skeleton.Skeleton, animation_time, true); }
public void update(Player parent, GameTime currentTime, LevelState parentWorld) { updateBullets(parentWorld, currentTime); if (state == WaveMotionState.Wait) { if (GameCampaign.Player_Ammunition >= 5) { shotTime = 0.0f; parent.Disable_Movement = true; parent.Velocity = Vector2.Zero; float shotDirection = 0.0f; switch (parent.Direction_Facing) { case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up: shotDirection = (float)Math.PI / -2; break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down: shotDirection = (float)Math.PI / 2; break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left: shotDirection = (float)Math.PI; break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right: shotDirection = 0.0f; break; } Vector2 bulletPos = Vector2.Zero; if (GameCampaign.Player_Right_Item == ItemType() && InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(parent.Index, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.UseItem1)) { if (parent.Index == InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1) { GameCampaign.Player_Ammunition -= ammo_consumption; } else { GameCampaign.Player2_Ammunition -= ammo_consumption; } parent.LoadAnimation.Animation = parent.LoadAnimation.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation(parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left ? "lRayGun" : "rRayGun"); bulletPos = new Vector2(parent.LoadAnimation.Skeleton.FindBone(parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left ? "lGunMuzzle" : "rGunMuzzle").WorldX, parent.LoadAnimation.Skeleton.FindBone(parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left ? "lGunMuzzle" : "rGunMuzzle").WorldY); } else if (GameCampaign.Player_Left_Item == ItemType() && InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(parent.Index, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.UseItem2)) { GameCampaign.Player_Ammunition -= ammo_consumption; parent.LoadAnimation.Animation = parent.LoadAnimation.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation(parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left ? "rRayGun" : "lRayGun"); bulletPos = new Vector2(parent.LoadAnimation.Skeleton.FindBone(parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left ? "rGunMuzzle" : "lGunMuzzle").WorldX, parent.LoadAnimation.Skeleton.FindBone(parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left ? "rGunMuzzle" : "lGunMuzzle").WorldY); } if (! { bullet1 = new WaveMotionBullet(bulletPos, shotDirection); } else if (! { bullet2 = new WaveMotionBullet(bulletPos, shotDirection); } else if (! { bullet3 = new WaveMotionBullet(bulletPos, shotDirection); } AudioLib.playSoundEffect("waveShot"); state = WaveMotionState.Shooting; parent.Animation_Time = 0.0f; parent.LoopAnimation = false; } else { parent.State = Player.playerState.Moving; return; } } else if (state == WaveMotionState.Shooting) { shotTime += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (shotTime > shotWaitTime) { parent.Disable_Movement = false; parent.State = Player.playerState.Moving; state = WaveMotionState.Wait; } } }
private void gameLogicUpdate(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime currentTime) { if (InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.PauseButton) && !player1Dead) { state = LoadingState.LevelPaused; pauseDialogMinimumTime = 0; pauseMenuItem = 0; AudioLib.playSoundEffect("monitorOpening"); } if (GameCampaign.Player_Ammunition < 0) { GameCampaign.Player_Ammunition = 0; } if (GameCampaign.Player2_Ammunition < 0) { GameCampaign.Player2_Ammunition = 0; } if (GameCampaign.Player_Ammunition > 100) { GameCampaign.Player_Ammunition = 100; } if (GameCampaign.Player2_Ammunition > 100) { GameCampaign.Player2_Ammunition = 100; } if (messageQueueState == PushMessageQueueState.Wait) { if (pushMessageQueue.Count > 0) { messageQueueState = PushMessageQueueState.FadeIn; queueTimer = 0; } } else if (messageQueueState == PushMessageQueueState.ShowMessage) { queueTimer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (queueTimer > 1000f + (25 * pushMessageQueue.Peek().Length)) { messageQueueState = PushMessageQueueState.FadeOut; queueTimer = 0; } } else if (messageQueueState == PushMessageQueueState.FadeIn) { queueTimer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (queueTimer > 200f) { messageQueueState = PushMessageQueueState.ShowMessage; queueTimer = 0; } } else if (messageQueueState == PushMessageQueueState.FadeOut) { queueTimer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (queueTimer > 200f) { messageQueueState = PushMessageQueueState.Wait; queueTimer = 0; pushMessageQueue.Dequeue(); } } for (int i = 0; i < entityList.Count; i++) { if (Vector2.Distance(cameraFocus.CenterPoint, entityList[i].CenterPoint) < 800 || entityList[i] is Player) { entityList[i].update(currentTime); } } elapsedLevelTime += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; particleSet.update(currentTime); #if WINDOWS entityList.RemoveAll(en => en.Remove_From_List == true); #elif XBOX XboxTools.RemoveAll(entityList, XboxTools.IsEntityToBeRemoved); XboxTools.RemoveAll(acidSpitters, XboxTools.IsEntityToBeRemoved); #endif if (cameraFocus != null) { int pointX = (int)cameraFocus.CenterPoint.X; int pointY = (int)cameraFocus.CenterPoint.Y; camera = Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3((pointX * -1) + (GlobalGameConstants.GameResolutionWidth / 2), (pointY * -1) + (GlobalGameConstants.GameResolutionHeight / 2), 0.0f)); //camera = Matrix.CreateScale(0.1f); } gui.update(currentTime); if (player1Dead) { fadeOutTime += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; gui.BlackFadeOverlay = fadeOutTime / fadeOutDuration; if (fadeOutTime >= fadeOutDuration) { BackGroundAudio.stopAllSongs(); isComplete = true; } } if (endFlagReached) { BackGroundAudio.stopAllSongs(); isComplete = true; } #if DEBUG if (InputDevice2.IsAnyControllerButtonDown(InputDevice2.PlayerButton.SwitchItem2) != InputDevice2.PlayerPad.NoPad) { showStats = true; } else { showStats = false; } #endif }
public override void knockBack(Vector2 direction, float magnitude, int damage, Entity attacker) { if (death == false) { if (molotovState == MolotovState.KnockedBack) { return; } if (molotovState == MolotovState.Dying) { parentWorld.Particles.pushBloodParticle(CenterPoint); parentWorld.Particles.pushBloodParticle(CenterPoint); parentWorld.Particles.pushBloodParticle(CenterPoint); return; } direction.Normalize(); velocity = direction * magnitude; health -= damage; if (health < 1 && !death && attacker != null & attacker is Player) { GameCampaign.AlterAllegiance(0.015f); } knockBackTime = 0.0f; animation_time = 0; parentWorld.Particles.pushBloodParticle(CenterPoint); parentWorld.Particles.pushBloodParticle(CenterPoint); parentWorld.Particles.pushBloodParticle(CenterPoint); AudioLib.playSoundEffect("fleshyKnockBack"); if (health > 0) { molotovState = MolotovState.KnockedBack; } else { molotovState = MolotovState.Dying; death = true; //parentWorld.pushCoin(CenterPoint, Coin.DropItemType.CoinDrop, (int)Coin.CoinValue.Laurier); //parentWorld.pushCoin(CenterPoint, Coin.DropItemType.CoinDrop, (int)Coin.CoinValue.MacDonald); dimensions /= 8; directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Animation = directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation(deathAnims[Game1.rand.Next() % 3]); parentWorld.pushCoin(this); } if (attacker == null) { return; } else if (attacker.Enemy_Type != enemy_type && attacker.Enemy_Type != EnemyType.NoType) { entity_found = attacker; enemy_found = true; } } }
private void pausedUpdate(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime currentTime) { pauseDialogMinimumTime += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (!player1DownPressed && InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.DownDirection)) { player1DownPressed = true; } else if (player1DownPressed && !InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.DownDirection)) { player1DownPressed = false; pauseMenuItem = (pauseMenuItem + 1) % 2; AudioLib.playSoundEffect("menuSelect"); } if (!player1UpPressed && InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.UpDirection)) { player1UpPressed = true; } else if (player1UpPressed && !InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.UpDirection)) { player1UpPressed = false; pauseMenuItem--; if (pauseMenuItem < 0) { pauseMenuItem = 1; } AudioLib.playSoundEffect("menuSelect"); } if (!player1ConfirmPressed && InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.Confirm)) { player1ConfirmPressed = true; } else if (player1ConfirmPressed && !InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.Confirm)) { player1ConfirmPressed = false; if (pauseMenuItem == 0) { state = LoadingState.LevelRunning; } else if (pauseMenuItem == 1) { returnToTitle = true; isComplete = true; } } if (!pauseButtonDown && InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.PauseButton)) { pauseButtonDown = true; } else if (pauseButtonDown && !InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.PauseButton)) { pauseButtonDown = false; if (pauseDialogMinimumTime > 300) { state = LoadingState.LevelRunning; } } }
public override void update(GameTime currentTime) { animation_time += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; deadCushySoundTimer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (guardState == PatrolGuardState.InvalidState) { throw new Exception("Patrol Guard went into invalid state"); } else if (guardState == PatrolGuardState.MoveWait) { moveWaitTimer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (moveWaitStepping) { switch (direction_facing) { case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up: velocity = new Vector2(0.0f, -patrolMoveSpeed); break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down: velocity = new Vector2(0.0f, patrolMoveSpeed); break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left: velocity = new Vector2(-patrolMoveSpeed, 0.0f); break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right: velocity = new Vector2(patrolMoveSpeed, 0.0f); break; } directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Animation = directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("run"); } else { velocity = Vector2.Zero; directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Animation = directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("idle"); } if (moveWaitTimer > (moveWaitStepping ? moveStepTime : moveStepWaitTime)) { moveWaitStepping = !moveWaitStepping; moveWaitTimer = 0.0f; if (moveWaitStepping) { direction_facing = (GlobalGameConstants.Direction)(((int)direction_facing + ((Game1.rand.Next() % 3) - 1) + 4) % 4); } } if (target == null) { sightBox = new GunBullet(); sightBox.hitbox = new Vector2(100, 100); switch (direction_facing) { case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down: sightBox.position.X = CenterPoint.X - 50; sightBox.position.Y = position.Y + dimensions.Y; sightBox.hitbox.Y = 150; break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up: sightBox.position.X = CenterPoint.X - 50; sightBox.position.Y = position.Y - 120; sightBox.hitbox.Y = 150; break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right: sightBox.position.X = position.X + dimensions.X; sightBox.position.Y = CenterPoint.Y - 50; sightBox.hitbox.X = 120; break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left: sightBox.position.X = position.X - 120; sightBox.position.Y = CenterPoint.Y - 50; sightBox.hitbox.X = 120; break; } for (int it = 0; it < parentWorld.EntityList.Count; it++) { if (parentWorld.EntityList[it].Enemy_Type == Entity.EnemyType.Guard || parentWorld.EntityList[it] is Coin || parentWorld.EntityList[it] is Pickup || parentWorld.EntityList[it] is BetaEndLevelFag) { continue; } if (Vector2.Distance(parentWorld.EntityList[it].CenterPoint, chunkCenter) > 1000) { continue; } if (Vector2.Distance(parentWorld.EntityList[it].CenterPoint, CenterPoint) > GlobalGameConstants.TileSize.X * 10) { continue; } if (!sightBox.hitTestBullet(parentWorld.EntityList[it])) { continue; } if (parentWorld.EntityList[it].Enemy_Type != enemy_type || parentWorld.EntityList[it].Enemy_Type != EnemyType.NoType) { if (GameCampaign.PlayerAllegiance > 0.7f && parentWorld.EntityList[it] is Player) { continue; } else { target = parentWorld.EntityList[it]; } } else if (parentWorld.EntityList[it] is ShopKeeper) { target = parentWorld.EntityList[it]; } } if (target != null) { chaseWaitTime = 0f; guardState = PatrolGuardState.Chase; } } else { target = null; } if (Vector2.Distance(CenterPoint, chunkCenter) > 1000) { guardState = PatrolGuardState.RetreatToCenter; } } else if (guardState == PatrolGuardState.RetreatToCenter) { retreatTimer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (Vector2.Distance(CenterPoint, chunkCenter) < 350 || retreatTimer > retreatMaxTime) { guardState = PatrolGuardState.MoveWait; retreatTimer = 0; return; } double theta = Math.Atan2(CenterPoint.Y - chunkCenter.Y, CenterPoint.X - chunkCenter.X); if (theta < Math.PI / 4 || theta > (Math.PI * 2) - (Math.PI / 4)) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down; } else if (theta > Math.PI / 4 && theta < Math.PI - (Math.PI / 4)) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left; } else if (theta > Math.PI - (Math.PI / 4) / 4 && theta < Math.PI + (Math.PI / 4)) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right; } else if (theta > Math.PI + (Math.PI / 4) / 4 && theta < (Math.PI * 2) - (Math.PI / 4)) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up; } velocity = -patrolMoveSpeed * new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(theta), (float)Math.Sin(theta)); directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Animation = directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("run"); } else if (guardState == PatrolGuardState.Chase) { //this employs short-circut evaluation for safe code, which I'm not sure if is a good idea if (target == null || target.Remove_From_List == true || target.Death == true) { guardState = PatrolGuardState.MoveWait; target = null; return; } if (Vector2.Distance(target.CenterPoint, chunkCenter) > 1000) { guardState = PatrolGuardState.RetreatToCenter; target = null; return; } double theta = Math.Atan2(target.CenterPoint.Y - CenterPoint.Y, target.CenterPoint.X - CenterPoint.X); if (Math.Abs(Math.Sin(theta)) > Math.Abs(Math.Cos(theta))) { if (Math.Sin(theta) < 0) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up; } else { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down; } } else { if (Math.Cos(theta) < 0) { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left; } else { direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right; } } //approach player, but keep a distance float dist = Vector2.Distance(CenterPoint, target.CenterPoint); if (dist < GlobalGameConstants.TileSize.X * 3) { //chaseWaitTime -= currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; velocity = -patrolChaseSpeed * new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(theta), (float)Math.Sin(theta)); if (direction_facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up || direction_facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down) { if (Math.Abs(CenterPoint.X - target.CenterPoint.X) > 10.0f) { if (CenterPoint.X < target.CenterPoint.X) { velocity.X += patrolChaseSpeed / 8; } else if (CenterPoint.X > target.CenterPoint.X) { velocity.X -= patrolChaseSpeed / 8; } } } if (direction_facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left || direction_facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right) { if (Math.Abs(CenterPoint.Y - target.CenterPoint.Y) > 10.0f) { if (CenterPoint.Y < target.CenterPoint.Y) { velocity.Y += patrolChaseSpeed / 8; } else if (CenterPoint.Y > target.CenterPoint.Y) { velocity.Y -= patrolChaseSpeed / 8; } } } } else if (dist > GlobalGameConstants.TileSize.X * 4) { //chaseWaitTime -= currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; velocity = patrolChaseSpeed * new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(theta), (float)Math.Sin(theta)); if (direction_facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up || direction_facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down) { if (Math.Abs(CenterPoint.X - target.CenterPoint.X) > 10.0f) { if (CenterPoint.X < target.CenterPoint.X) { velocity.X += patrolChaseSpeed / 8; } else if (CenterPoint.X > target.CenterPoint.X) { velocity.X -= patrolChaseSpeed / 8; } } } if (direction_facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left || direction_facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right) { if (Math.Abs(CenterPoint.Y - target.CenterPoint.Y) > 10.0f) { if (CenterPoint.Y < target.CenterPoint.Y) { velocity.Y += patrolChaseSpeed / 8; } else if (CenterPoint.Y > target.CenterPoint.Y) { velocity.Y -= patrolChaseSpeed / 8; } } } } else { chaseWaitTime += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; velocity = Vector2.Zero; if (chaseWaitTime > chaseWaitDuration) { chaseWaitTime = 0.0f; guardState = PatrolGuardState.WindUp; animation_time = 0.0f; } } if (chaseWaitTime < 0) { chaseWaitTime = 0f; } directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Animation = directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("chase"); } else if (guardState == PatrolGuardState.WindUp) { velocity = Vector2.Zero; windUpTime += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (windUpTime > windUpDuration) { windUpTime = 0.0f; animation_time = 0.0f; guardState = PatrolGuardState.Shooting; for (int i = 0; i < bulletSupply; i++) { if (!(bullets[i].active)) { AudioLib.playSoundEffect("pistolTEST"); parentWorld.Particles.pushBulletCasing(new Vector2(directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton.FindBone("gun").WorldX, directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton.FindBone("gun").WorldY)); Vector2 muzzleLocation = new Vector2(directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton.FindBone("muzzle").WorldX, directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton.FindBone("muzzle").WorldY); bullets[i] = new GunBullet(muzzleLocation, direction_facing, this); parentWorld.Particles.pushPistolFlash(muzzleLocation, Color.White, direction_facing); break; } } } directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Animation = directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("windUp"); } else if (guardState == PatrolGuardState.Shooting) { windUpTime += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Animation = directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("attack"); if (windUpTime > windUpDuration) { windUpTime = 0.0f; animation_time = 0.0f; guardState = PatrolGuardState.Chase; directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Animation = directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("chase"); } } else if (guardState == PatrolGuardState.KnockBack) { if (health < 0) { remove_from_list = true; return; } directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Animation = directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("hurt"); knockBackTime += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (knockBackTime > knockBackDuration) { //target = null; guardState = PatrolGuardState.Chase; } } else if (guardState == PatrolGuardState.Dying) { directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Animation = directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("die"); death = true; velocity = Vector2.Zero; } Vector2 newPos = position + (currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds * velocity); Vector2 finalPos = parentWorld.Map.reloactePosition(position, newPos, dimensions); position = finalPos; for (int i = 0; i < bulletSupply; i++) { bullets[i].update(parentWorld, currentTime); } directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Animation.Apply(directionAnims[(int)direction_facing].Skeleton, animation_time / 1000f, (guardState == PatrolGuardState.MoveWait || guardState == PatrolGuardState.Chase || guardState == PatrolGuardState.RetreatToCenter) ? true : false); }
public void pushCoin(Entity parent) { int total_coin_count = 0; int value = 0; Coin.DropItemType drop_type = Coin.DropItemType.CoinDrop; if (parent.Enemy_Type == GameCampaign.currentContract.killTarget) { particleSet.pushContractParticle(parent.CenterPoint); particleSet.pushContractParticle(parent.CenterPoint); particleSet.pushContractParticle(parent.CenterPoint); particleSet.pushContractParticle(parent.CenterPoint); particleSet.pushContractParticle(parent.CenterPoint); AudioLib.playSoundEffect("chaching"); total_coin_count = GameCampaign.currentContract.goldPerKill; drop_type = Coin.DropItemType.CoinDrop; while (total_coin_count != 0) { double coin_value = Game1.rand.NextDouble(); if (coin_value < 0.20) { if ((int)Coin.CoinValue.Borden <= total_coin_count) { total_coin_count -= (int)Coin.CoinValue.Borden; value = (int)Coin.CoinValue.Borden; } else { continue; } } else if (coin_value < 0.35) { if ((int)Coin.CoinValue.Mackenzie <= total_coin_count) { value = (int)Coin.CoinValue.Mackenzie; total_coin_count -= value; } else { continue; } } else if (coin_value < 0.45) { if ((int)Coin.CoinValue.Elizabeth <= total_coin_count) { value = (int)Coin.CoinValue.Elizabeth; total_coin_count -= value; } else { continue; } } else if (coin_value < 0.55) { if ((int)Coin.CoinValue.MacDonald <= total_coin_count) { value = (int)Coin.CoinValue.MacDonald; total_coin_count -= value; } else { continue; } } else if (coin_value < 0.70) { if ((int)Coin.CoinValue.Laurier <= total_coin_count) { value = (int)Coin.CoinValue.Laurier; total_coin_count -= value; } else { continue; } } else if (coin_value < 0.85) { if ((int)Coin.CoinValue.Twoonie <= total_coin_count) { value = (int)Coin.CoinValue.Twoonie; total_coin_count -= value; } else { continue; } } else if (coin_value <= 1.0) { if ((int)Coin.CoinValue.Loonie <= total_coin_count) { value = (int)Coin.CoinValue.Loonie; total_coin_count -= value; } else { continue; } } int lastAt = freeCoinIndex; do { freeCoinIndex = (freeCoinIndex + 1) % coinPoolSize; if (coinPool[freeCoinIndex].State == Coin.DropState.Inactive) { coinPool[freeCoinIndex].activate(parent.CenterPoint, drop_type, value); break; } }while (freeCoinIndex != lastAt); } } else { int number_of_items_drop = parent.numberDropItems; while (number_of_items_drop > 0) { double drop_type_value = Game1.rand.NextDouble(); if (drop_type_value < parent.probItemDrop) { double health_or_ammo = Game1.rand.NextDouble(); drop_type_value = Game1.rand.NextDouble(); if (health_or_ammo < 0.5) { drop_type = Coin.DropItemType.MedDrop; if (drop_type_value < 0.10) { value = (int)Coin.MedValue.fullPack; } else if (drop_type_value < 0.25) { value = (int)Coin.MedValue.largePack; } else if (drop_type_value < 0.50) { value = (int)Coin.MedValue.mediumPack; } else if (drop_type_value <= 1.0) { value = (int)Coin.MedValue.smallPack; } } else { drop_type = Coin.DropItemType.AmmoDrop; if (drop_type_value < 0.10) { value = (int)Coin.AmmoValue.fullAmmo; } else if (drop_type_value < 0.25) { value = (int)Coin.AmmoValue.largeAmmo; } else if (drop_type_value < 0.50) { value = (int)Coin.AmmoValue.mediumAmmo; } else if (drop_type_value <= 1.0) { value = (int)Coin.AmmoValue.smallAmmo; } } } else { drop_type = Coin.DropItemType.CoinDrop; drop_type_value = Game1.rand.NextDouble(); if (drop_type_value < 0.1) { value = (int)Coin.CoinValue.Borden; } else if (drop_type_value < 0.2) { value = (int)Coin.CoinValue.Mackenzie; } else if (drop_type_value < 0.35) { value = (int)Coin.CoinValue.Elizabeth; } else if (drop_type_value < 0.50) { value = (int)Coin.CoinValue.MacDonald; } else if (drop_type_value < 0.65) { value = (int)Coin.CoinValue.Laurier; } else if (drop_type_value < 0.80) { value = (int)Coin.CoinValue.Twoonie; } else if (drop_type_value <= 1.0) { value = (int)Coin.CoinValue.Loonie; } } int lastAt = freeCoinIndex; do { freeCoinIndex = (freeCoinIndex + 1) % coinPoolSize; if (coinPool[freeCoinIndex].State == Coin.DropState.Inactive) { coinPool[freeCoinIndex].activate(parent.CenterPoint, drop_type, value); break; } }while (freeCoinIndex != lastAt); number_of_items_drop--; } } }
public override void knockBack(Vector2 direction, float magnitude, int damage, Entity attacker) { if (!death) { if (disable_movement_time == 0.0) { if (state != ChargerState.windUp && state != ChargerState.charge) { disable_movement = true; animation_time = 0; AudioLib.playSoundEffect("fleshyKnockBack"); if (Math.Abs(direction.X) > (Math.Abs(direction.Y))) { if (direction.X < 0) { velocity = new Vector2(-5.51f * magnitude, direction.Y / 100 * magnitude); } else { velocity = new Vector2(5.51f * magnitude, direction.Y / 100 * magnitude); } } else { if (direction.Y < 0) { velocity = new Vector2(direction.X / 100f * magnitude, -5.51f * magnitude); } else { velocity = new Vector2((direction.X / 100f) * magnitude, 5.51f * magnitude); } } } enemy_life = enemy_life - damage; if (enemy_life < 1 && !death) { if (attacker != null & attacker is Player) { GameCampaign.AlterAllegiance(0.1f); } } } if (attacker == null) { return; } if (attacker.Enemy_Type != enemy_type && attacker.Enemy_Type != EnemyType.NoType) { enemy_found = true; entity_found = attacker; switch (attacker.Direction_Facing) { case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right: direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left; break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left: direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right; break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up: direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down; break; default: direction_facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up; break; } } } parentWorld.Particles.pushBloodParticle(CenterPoint); parentWorld.Particles.pushBloodParticle(CenterPoint); parentWorld.Particles.pushBloodParticle(CenterPoint); }
protected override void doUpdate(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime currentTime) { CampaignLobbyState.lineOffset += (currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds * lineMoveSpeed); if (CampaignLobbyState.lineOffset > 16.0f) { CampaignLobbyState.lineOffset -= 16.0f; } if (!openingSoundMade) { AudioLib.playSoundEffect("monitorOpening"); openingSoundMade = true; } if (state == LevelSelectStateState.AnimateIn && cursorAnimationTime > 500f) { state = LevelSelectStateState.Idle; } if (state == LevelSelectStateState.Idle) { if (InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.DownDirection) && !downPressed) { downPressed = true; } else if (!InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.DownDirection) && downPressed) { downPressed = false; if (selectedLevelY < GameCampaign.levelMap.GetLength(1) - 1 && GameCampaign.levelMap[selectedLevelX, selectedLevelY + 1].visible && selectedLevelY - GameCampaign.PlayerFloorHeight < 1) { selectedLevelY++; AudioLib.playSoundEffect(menuBlipSound); } } if (InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.UpDirection) && !upPressed) { upPressed = true; } else if (!InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.UpDirection) && upPressed) { upPressed = false; if (selectedLevelY > 0 && GameCampaign.levelMap[selectedLevelX, selectedLevelY - 1].visible && selectedLevelY - GameCampaign.PlayerFloorHeight > -1) { selectedLevelY--; AudioLib.playSoundEffect(menuBlipSound); } } selectedLevelX = GameCampaign.PlayerLevelProgress + 1; if (InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.Confirm) && !confirmPressed) { confirmPressed = true; } else if (!InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.Confirm) && confirmPressed) { confirmPressed = false; GameCampaign.CurrentAlienRate = GameCampaign.levelMap[selectedLevelX, selectedLevelY].alienRates; GameCampaign.CurrentGuardRate = GameCampaign.levelMap[selectedLevelX, selectedLevelY].guardRates; GameCampaign.CurrentPrisonerRate = GameCampaign.levelMap[selectedLevelX, selectedLevelY].prisonerRates; GameCampaign.currentContract = GameCampaign.levelMap[selectedLevelX, selectedLevelY].contract; GameCampaign.PlayerLevelProgress = GameCampaign.PlayerLevelProgress + 1; GameCampaign.PlayerFloorHeight = selectedLevelY; GameCampaign.floorProgress[GameCampaign.PlayerLevelProgress] = GameCampaign.PlayerFloorHeight; state = LevelSelectStateState.AnimateOut; isComplete = true; } } double cursorDir = Math.Atan2(((selectedLevelY * 96) + drawMapTestOffset.Y) - cursorPosition.Y, ((selectedLevelX * 128) + drawMapTestOffset.X) - cursorPosition.X); cursorPosition += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds * cursorVelocity * new Vector2((float)(Math.Cos(cursorDir)), (float)(Math.Sin(cursorDir))); if (Vector2.Distance(cursorPosition, new Vector2(((selectedLevelX * 128) + drawMapTestOffset.X), ((selectedLevelY * 96) + drawMapTestOffset.Y))) < 10f) { cursorPosition = new Vector2(((selectedLevelX * 128) + drawMapTestOffset.X), ((selectedLevelY * 96) + drawMapTestOffset.Y)); } cursorAnimationTime += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; }
public void update(Player parent, GameTime currentTime, LevelState parentWorld) { updateBullets(parent, currentTime, parentWorld); if ((parent.Index == InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1 ? GameCampaign.Player_Ammunition : GameCampaign.Player2_Ammunition) >= 0.5) { if ((parent.Index == InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1 ? GameCampaign.Player_Right_Item : GameCampaign.Player2_Item_1) == ItemType() && InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(parent.Index, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.UseItem1)) { fireTimer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (fireTimer > durationBetweenShots) { GameCampaign.Player_Ammunition -= energy_consumption; fireTimer = 0; parent.Animation_Time = 0; pushBullet(new Vector2(parent.LoadAnimation.Skeleton.FindBone(parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left ? "lGunMuzzle" : "rGunMuzzle").WorldX, parent.LoadAnimation.Skeleton.FindBone(parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left ? "lGunMuzzle" : "rGunMuzzle").WorldY), (float)((int)(parent.Direction_Facing) * (Math.PI / 2))); AudioLib.playSoundEffect("pistolTEST"); parent.LoadAnimation.Animation = parent.LoadAnimation.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation(parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left ? "lPistol" : "rPistol"); parentWorld.Particles.pushBulletCasing(new Vector2(parent.LoadAnimation.Skeleton.FindBone(parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left ? "lGun" : "rGun").WorldX, parent.LoadAnimation.Skeleton.FindBone(parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left ? "lGun" : "rGun").WorldY)); parent.Velocity = Vector2.Zero; } } else if ((parent.Index == InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1 ? GameCampaign.Player_Left_Item : GameCampaign.Player2_Item_2) == ItemType() && InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(parent.Index, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.UseItem2)) { fireTimer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (fireTimer > durationBetweenShots) { if (parent.Index == InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1) { GameCampaign.Player_Ammunition -= energy_consumption; } else { GameCampaign.Player2_Ammunition -= energy_consumption; } fireTimer = 0; parent.Animation_Time = 0; pushBullet(new Vector2(parent.LoadAnimation.Skeleton.FindBone(parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left ? "rGunMuzzle" : "lGunMuzzle").WorldX, parent.LoadAnimation.Skeleton.FindBone(parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left ? "rGunMuzzle" : "lGunMuzzle").WorldY), (float)((int)(parent.Direction_Facing) * (Math.PI / 2))); AudioLib.playSoundEffect("pistolTEST"); parent.LoadAnimation.Animation = parent.LoadAnimation.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation(parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left ? "rPistol" : "lPistol"); parent.Velocity = Vector2.Zero; } } else { fireTimer = float.MaxValue; parent.Disable_Movement = false; parent.State = Player.playerState.Moving; parent.LoadAnimation.Animation = parent.LoadAnimation.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("idle"); } } else { parent.State = Player.playerState.Moving; return; } }
public void daemonupdate(Player parent, GameTime currentTime, LevelState parentWorld) { time_explosion += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; bomb_timer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; switch (bomb_state) { case Bomb_State.placed: animation_time += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if ((parent.Index == InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1 ? GameCampaign.Player_Ammunition : GameCampaign.Player2_Ammunition) >= 10) { if (bomb_timer > 1500f / time_explosion * 50.0f) { bomb_timer = 0.0f; AudioLib.playSoundEffect("bombBeep"); } if (time_explosion > 1500) { if (parent.Index == InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1) { GameCampaign.Player_Ammunition -= ammo_consumption; } else { GameCampaign.Player2_Ammunition -= ammo_consumption; } hitbox = hitbox_exploded; position = new Vector2(center_placed_bomb.X - hitbox.X / 2, center_placed_bomb.Y - hitbox.Y / 2); bomb_state = Bomb_State.exploded; time_explosion = 0.0f; AudioLib.playSoundEffect("testExplosion"); animation_time = 0.0f; } } else { parent.State = Player.playerState.Moving; bomb_state = Bomb_State.none; return; } break; case Bomb_State.exploded: //where hit test is done if (time_explosion > 700) { bomb_state = Bomb_State.reset; time_explosion = 0.0f; } else { foreach (Entity en in parentWorld.EntityList) { if (en is Player) { if (hitTest(en)) { Vector2 direction = en.CenterPoint - center_placed_bomb; float bomb_knockback_power = Vector2.Distance(center_placed_bomb, en.CenterPoint) / hitbox.X; if (bomb_knockback_power < 1) { bomb_knockback_power = 1.0f; } float temp_knockback_magnitude = knockback_magnitude / bomb_knockback_power; en.knockBack(direction, temp_knockback_magnitude, bomb_damage, parent); } } else if (en is Enemy || en is ShopKeeper) { if (hitTest(en)) { Vector2 direction = en.CenterPoint - center_placed_bomb; float bomb_knockback_power = Vector2.Distance(center_placed_bomb, en.CenterPoint) / hitbox.X; if (bomb_knockback_power < 1) { bomb_knockback_power = 1.0f; } float temp_knockback_magnitude = knockback_magnitude / bomb_knockback_power; en.knockBack(direction, temp_knockback_magnitude, bomb_damage); } } } } animation_time += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; break; case Bomb_State.none: break; default: hitbox = hitbox_placed; animation_time = 0.0f; break; } }
public override void update(GameTime currentTime) { if (disable_movement == true) { disable_movement_time += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (disable_movement_time > 300) { disable_movement = false; disable_movement_time = 0.0f; velocity = Vector2.Zero; } } else { if (leader.Death == true && (state == SquadSoldierState.Patrol || state == SquadSoldierState.MoveIntoPosition)) { state = SquadSoldierState.IndividualPatrol; } switch (state) { case SquadSoldierState.Patrol: change_direction_time += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; reset_state_flag = false; float distance = Vector2.Distance(Leader.CenterPoint, CenterPoint); if (leader != null && death == false) { direction_facing = Leader.Direction_Facing; } switch (direction_facing) { case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up: current_skeleton = walk_up; break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down: current_skeleton = walk_down; break; default: current_skeleton = walk_right; break; } if (distance > 96) { current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("run"); distance_from_follow_pt = Vector2.Distance(follow_point, CenterPoint); angle = (float)(Math.Atan2(follow_point.Y - CenterPoint.Y, follow_point.X - CenterPoint.X)); velocity = new Vector2(distance_from_follow_pt * (float)(Math.Cos(angle)) / 100.0f, distance_from_follow_pt * (float)(Math.Sin(angle)) / 100.0f); if (Math.Abs(velocity.X) > (Math.Abs(velocity.Y))) { //enemy facing left if (velocity.X < 0) { velocity = new Vector2(-1.5f, velocity.Y); } //enemy facing right else { velocity = new Vector2(1.5f, velocity.Y); } } else { //enemy facing up if (velocity.Y < 0) { velocity = new Vector2(velocity.X, -1.5f); } //enemy facing down else { velocity = new Vector2(velocity.X, 1.5f); } } } else { //current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("idle"); velocity = Vector2.Zero; } if (enemy_found == true) { state = SquadSoldierState.MoveIntoPosition; move_timer = 0.0f; switch (direction_facing) { case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up: current_skeleton = walk_up; break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down: current_skeleton = walk_down; break; default: current_skeleton = walk_right; break; } animation_time = 0.0f; } break; case SquadSoldierState.MoveIntoPosition: distance_from_follow_pt = Vector2.Distance(follow_point, CenterPoint); angle = (float)(Math.Atan2(follow_point.Y - CenterPoint.Y, follow_point.X - CenterPoint.X)); current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("run"); move_timer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if ((int)distance_from_follow_pt > 5 || move_timer < 1000) { velocity = new Vector2(distance_from_follow_pt * (float)(Math.Cos(angle)) / 100.0f, distance_from_follow_pt * (float)(Math.Sin(angle)) / 100.0f); if (Math.Abs(velocity.X) > (Math.Abs(velocity.Y))) { //enemy facing left if (velocity.X < 0) { velocity = new Vector2(-2.5f, velocity.Y); } //enemy facing right else { velocity = new Vector2(2.5f, velocity.Y); } } else { //enemy facing up if (velocity.Y < 0) { velocity = new Vector2(velocity.X, -2.5f); } //enemy facing down else { velocity = new Vector2(velocity.X, 2.5f); } } } else { velocity = Vector2.Zero; state = SquadSoldierState.WindUp; direction_facing = Leader.Direction_Facing; animation_time = 0.0f; move_timer = 0.0f; wind_up_timer = 0.0f; } break; case SquadSoldierState.WindUp: current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("windUp"); wind_up_timer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (wind_up_timer > 300) { state = SquadSoldierState.Fire; animation_time = 0.0f; firing_timer = 0.0f; bullet_timer = 0.0f; wind_up_timer = 0.0f; } break; case SquadSoldierState.Fire: switch (direction_facing) { case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up: current_skeleton = walk_up; break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down: current_skeleton = walk_down; break; default: current_skeleton = walk_right; break; } current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("attack"); bullet_timer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; firing_timer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; angle = (float)Math.Atan2(current_skeleton.Skeleton.FindBone("muzzle").WorldY - current_skeleton.Skeleton.FindBone("gun").WorldY, current_skeleton.Skeleton.FindBone("muzzle").WorldX - current_skeleton.Skeleton.FindBone("gun").WorldX); if (bullet_timer > 100) { for (int i = 0; i < max_bullet_count; i++) { if (!bullets[i].active) { AudioLib.playSoundEffect("machineGun"); parentWorld.Particles.pushBulletCasing(new Vector2(current_skeleton.Skeleton.FindBone("gun").WorldX, current_skeleton.Skeleton.FindBone("gun").WorldY)); bullets[i] = new SquadBullet(new Vector2(current_skeleton.Skeleton.FindBone("muzzle").WorldX, current_skeleton.Skeleton.FindBone("muzzle").WorldY), angle); bullets[i].velocity = new Vector2((float)(12.0 * Math.Cos(angle)), (float)(12.0 * Math.Sin(angle))); bullet_timer = 0.0f; break; } } } if (firing_timer > 3000) { reset_state_flag = true; enemy_found = false; firing_timer = 0.0f; bullet_timer = 0.0f; current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("idle"); if (leader != null) { state = SquadSoldierState.Patrol; } else { state = SquadSoldierState.IndividualPatrol; } } break; case SquadSoldierState.IndividualPatrol: change_direction_time += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("run"); if (enemy_found == true) { state = SquadSoldierState.WindUp; velocity = Vector2.Zero; animation_time = 0.0f; } else { //checks where the player is for (int i = 0; i < parentWorld.EntityList.Count; i++) { if (parentWorld.EntityList[i] == this || (parentWorld.EntityList[i] is Player && GameCampaign.PlayerAllegiance > 0.7)) { continue; } if (parentWorld.EntityList[i].Enemy_Type != enemy_type && parentWorld.EntityList[i].Enemy_Type != EnemyType.NoType) { component.update(this, parentWorld.EntityList[i], currentTime, parentWorld); } } } switch (direction_facing) { case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up: current_skeleton = walk_up; break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down: current_skeleton = walk_down; break; default: current_skeleton = walk_right; break; } break; case SquadSoldierState.Dying: velocity = Vector2.Zero; break; default: break; } } Vector2 pos = new Vector2(position.X, position.Y); Vector2 nextStep = new Vector2(position.X + velocity.X, position.Y + velocity.Y); Vector2 finalPos = parentWorld.Map.reloactePosition(pos, nextStep, dimensions); position.X = finalPos.X; position.Y = finalPos.Y; animation_time += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds / 1000f; current_skeleton.Animation.Apply(current_skeleton.Skeleton, animation_time, loop); for (int i = 0; i < max_bullet_count; i++) { if (bullets[i].active) { bullets[i].update(parentWorld, currentTime, this); } } if (enemy_life <= 0 && death == false) { //remove_from_list = true; death = true; current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation(deathAnims[Game1.rand.Next() % 3]); loop = false; animation_time = 0.0f; state = SquadSoldierState.Dying; parentWorld.pushCoin(this); } }
public void update(Player parent, GameTime currentTime, LevelState parentWorld) { for (int i = 0; i < laser_projectile.Count(); i++) { if (laser_projectile[i].active) { laser_projectile[i].update(parentWorld, currentTime, parent); } } item_direction = parent.Direction_Facing; if (fire_projectile) { for (int i = 0; i < laser_projectile.Count(); i++) { if (laser_projectile[i].active) { continue; } else { float bullet_angle = 0.0f; if (item_direction == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right || item_direction == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left) { bullet_angle = 0.0f; } else { bullet_angle = (float)Math.PI / 2; } if ((GameCampaign.Player_Right_Item == ItemType() && InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(parent.Index, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.UseItem1))) { if ((parent.Index == InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1 ? GameCampaign.Player_Ammunition : GameCampaign.Player2_Ammunition) >= ammo_consumption) { AudioLib.playSoundEffect("lazorFire"); laser_projectile[i] = new laserProjectile(new Vector2(parent.LoadAnimation.Skeleton.FindBone(parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left ? "lGunMuzzle" : "rGunMuzzle").WorldX, parent.LoadAnimation.Skeleton.FindBone(parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left ? "lGunMuzzle" : "rGunMuzzle").WorldY), (parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right) ? new Vector2(10, 0) : (parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left) ? new Vector2(-10, 0) : (parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up) ? new Vector2(0, -10) : new Vector2(0, 10), bullet_angle); if (parent.Index == InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1) { GameCampaign.Player_Ammunition -= ammo_consumption; } else { GameCampaign.Player2_Ammunition -= ammo_consumption; } } } else if ((GameCampaign.Player_Left_Item == ItemType() && InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(parent.Index, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.UseItem2))) { if ((parent.Index == InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1 ? GameCampaign.Player_Ammunition : GameCampaign.Player2_Ammunition) >= ammo_consumption) { AudioLib.playSoundEffect("lazorFire"); laser_projectile[i] = new laserProjectile(new Vector2(parent.LoadAnimation.Skeleton.FindBone(parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left ? "rGunMuzzle" : "lGunMuzzle").WorldX, parent.LoadAnimation.Skeleton.FindBone(parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left ? "rGunMuzzle" : "lGunMuzzle").WorldY), (parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right) ? new Vector2(15, 0) : (parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left) ? new Vector2(-15, 0) : (parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up) ? new Vector2(0, -15) : new Vector2(0, 15), bullet_angle); if (parent.Index == InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1) { GameCampaign.Player_Ammunition -= ammo_consumption; } else { GameCampaign.Player2_Ammunition -= ammo_consumption; } } } parent.State = Player.playerState.Moving; parent.LoadAnimation.Animation = parent.LoadAnimation.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation(parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left ? "lLaser" : "rLaser"); fire_timer = 0.0f; fire_projectile = false; return; } } } else { parent.State = Player.playerState.Moving; } }
public override void update(GameTime currentTime) { if (bullet_number > 0) { bullet_inactive_number = 0; for (int i = 0; i < bullet_number; i++) { if (bullets[i].active) { bullets[i].update(parentWorld, this, currentTime); } else { bullet_inactive_number++; } } if (bullet_inactive_number == max_number_bullets) { bullet_number = 0; bullet_inactive_number = 0; } } if (sound_alert && state == SquadLeaderState.Patrol && entity_found == null) { state = SquadLeaderState.Alert; } if (death) { velocity = Vector2.Zero; } if (death == false) { if (disable_movement == true) { disable_movement_time += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (disable_movement_time > 300) { disable_movement = false; disable_movement_time = 0.0f; velocity = Vector2.Zero; } } else { switch (state) { case SquadLeaderState.Patrol: change_direction_time += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("run"); loop = true; if (enemy_found == false) { for (int i = 0; i < parentWorld.EntityList.Count; i++) { if (parentWorld.EntityList[i] == this || (parentWorld.EntityList[i] is Player && GameCampaign.PlayerAllegiance > 0.7)) { continue; } else if (parentWorld.EntityList[i].Enemy_Type != enemy_type && parentWorld.EntityList[i].Enemy_Type != EnemyType.NoType && parentWorld.EntityList[i].Death == false) { component.update(this, parentWorld.EntityList[i], currentTime, parentWorld); if (enemy_found) { entity_found = parentWorld.EntityList[i]; break; } } } } switch (direction_facing) { case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right: follow_point_1 = new Vector2((float)(CenterPoint.X + 64 * Math.Cos(-3 * Math.PI / 4)), (float)(CenterPoint.Y + 64 * Math.Sin(-3 * Math.PI / 4))); follow_point_2 = new Vector2((float)(CenterPoint.X + 64 * Math.Cos(3 * Math.PI / 4)), (float)(CenterPoint.Y + 64 * Math.Sin(3 * Math.PI / 4))); current_skeleton = walk_right; break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left: follow_point_1 = new Vector2((float)(CenterPoint.X + 64 * Math.Cos(Math.PI / 4)), (float)(CenterPoint.Y + 64 * Math.Sin(Math.PI / 4))); follow_point_2 = new Vector2((float)(CenterPoint.X + 64 * Math.Cos(-1 * Math.PI / 4)), (float)(CenterPoint.Y + 64 * Math.Sin(-1 * Math.PI / 4))); current_skeleton = walk_right; break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up: follow_point_1 = new Vector2((float)(CenterPoint.X + 64 * Math.Cos(3 * Math.PI / 4)), (float)(CenterPoint.Y + 64 * Math.Sin(3 * Math.PI / 4))); follow_point_2 = new Vector2((float)(CenterPoint.X + 64 * Math.Cos(Math.PI / 4)), (float)(CenterPoint.Y + 64 * Math.Sin(Math.PI / 4))); current_skeleton = walk_up; break; default: follow_point_1 = new Vector2((float)(CenterPoint.X + 64 * Math.Cos(-1 * Math.PI / 4)), (float)(CenterPoint.Y + 64 * Math.Sin(-1 * Math.PI / 4))); follow_point_2 = new Vector2((float)(CenterPoint.X + 64 * Math.Cos(-3 * Math.PI / 4)), (float)(CenterPoint.Y + 64 * Math.Sin(-3 * Math.PI / 4))); current_skeleton = walk_down; break; } if (squad_mates[0] != null) { squad_mates[0].Follow_Point = follow_point_1; } if (squad_mates[1] != null) { squad_mates[1].Follow_Point = follow_point_2; } if (enemy_found) { if ((squad_mates[0] != null && !squad_mates[0].Death) || (squad_mates[1] != null && !squad_mates[1].Death)) { state = SquadLeaderState.Direct; switch (direction_facing) { case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right: follow_point_1.X = 128 + follow_point_1.X; follow_point_2.X = 128 + follow_point_2.X; break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left: follow_point_1.X = follow_point_1.X - 128; follow_point_2.X = follow_point_2.X - 128; break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up: follow_point_1.Y = follow_point_1.Y - 128; follow_point_2.Y = follow_point_2.Y - 128; break; default: follow_point_1.Y = follow_point_1.Y + 128; follow_point_2.Y = follow_point_2.Y + 128; break; } squad_mates[0].Enemy_Found = true; squad_mates[0].Entity_Found = entity_found; squad_mates[1].Enemy_Found = true; squad_mates[1].Entity_Found = entity_found; velocity = Vector2.Zero; } else { state = SquadLeaderState.WindUp; current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("idle"); animation_time = 0.0f; velocity = Vector2.Zero; } } break; case SquadLeaderState.Alert: current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("idle"); alert_timer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (sound_alert && entity_found == null) { //if false then sound didn't hit a wall if (!parentWorld.Map.soundInSight(this, sound_position)) { current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("run"); alert_timer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; for (int i = 0; i < parentWorld.EntityList.Count; i++) { if (parentWorld.EntityList[i].Enemy_Type != enemy_type && parentWorld.EntityList[i].Enemy_Type != EnemyType.NoType && parentWorld.EntityList[i].Death == false) { float distance = Vector2.Distance(CenterPoint, parentWorld.EntityList[i].CenterPoint); if (distance <= range_distance) { enemy_found = true; entity_found = parentWorld.EntityList[i]; state = SquadLeaderState.Patrol; animation_time = 0.0f; sound_alert = false; alert_timer = 0.0f; windup_timer = 0.0f; animation_time = 0.0f; velocity = Vector2.Zero; break; } } } if (alert_timer > 3000 || ((int)CenterPoint.X == (int)sound_position.X && (int)CenterPoint.Y == (int)sound_position.Y)) { entity_found = null; enemy_found = false; sound_alert = false; state = state = SquadLeaderState.Patrol; velocity = Vector2.Zero; animation_time = 0.0f; windup_timer = 0.0f; animation_time = 0.0f; } } else { entity_found = null; enemy_found = false; sound_alert = false; state = SquadLeaderState.Patrol; velocity = Vector2.Zero; animation_time = 0.0f; windup_timer = 0.0f; animation_time = 0.0f; } } else if (entity_found != null) { sound_alert = false; float distance = Vector2.Distance(CenterPoint, entity_found.CenterPoint); if (parentWorld.Map.enemyWithinRange(entity_found, this, range_distance) && distance < range_distance) { state = SquadLeaderState.Patrol; animation_time = 0.0f; } else { entity_found = null; enemy_found = false; state = SquadLeaderState.Patrol; velocity = Vector2.Zero; animation_time = 0.0f; windup_timer = 0.0f; animation_time = 0.0f; } } break; case SquadLeaderState.Direct: current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("idle"); float angle = (float)(Math.Atan2(entity_found.CenterPoint.Y - CenterPoint.Y, entity_found.CenterPoint.X - CenterPoint.X)); if (squad_mates[0] != null) { squad_mates[0].Follow_Point = follow_point_1; } if (squad_mates[1] != null) { squad_mates[1].Follow_Point = follow_point_2; } switch (direction_facing) { case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right: if (angle < -1 * Math.PI / 4) { squad_mates[0].Direction_Facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up; squad_mates[1].Direction_Facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right; } else if (angle > -1 * Math.PI / 4 && angle < Math.PI / 4) { squad_mates[0].Direction_Facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right; squad_mates[1].Direction_Facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right; } else if (angle > Math.PI / 4) { squad_mates[0].Direction_Facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right; squad_mates[1].Direction_Facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down; } break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left: if (angle > -3 * Math.PI / 4 && angle < 0) { squad_mates[0].Direction_Facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left; squad_mates[1].Direction_Facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up; } else if (angle > 3 * Math.PI / 4 || angle < -3 * Math.PI / 4) { squad_mates[0].Direction_Facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left; squad_mates[1].Direction_Facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left; } else if (angle < 3 * Math.PI / 4 && angle > 0) { squad_mates[0].Direction_Facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down; squad_mates[1].Direction_Facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left; } break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up: if (angle < -3 * Math.PI / 4) { squad_mates[0].Direction_Facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up; squad_mates[1].Direction_Facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right; } else if (angle < -1 * Math.PI / 4 && angle > -3 * Math.PI / 4) { squad_mates[0].Direction_Facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up; squad_mates[1].Direction_Facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up; } else if (angle > -1 * Math.PI / 4) { squad_mates[0].Direction_Facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left; squad_mates[1].Direction_Facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up; } break; default: if (angle < Math.PI / 4) { squad_mates[0].Direction_Facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right; squad_mates[1].Direction_Facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down; } else if (angle > Math.PI / 4 && angle < 3 * Math.PI / 4) { squad_mates[0].Direction_Facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down; squad_mates[1].Direction_Facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down; } else if (angle > 3 * Math.PI / 4) { squad_mates[0].Direction_Facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down; squad_mates[1].Direction_Facing = GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left; } break; } if ((squad_mates[0] != null && squad_mates[1] != null && squad_mates[0].Reset_State_Flag == true && squad_mates[1].Reset_State_Flag == true) || squad_mates[0] != null && squad_mates[0].Reset_State_Flag == true || squad_mates[1] != null && squad_mates[1].Reset_State_Flag == true) { state = SquadLeaderState.Alert; } if ((squad_mates[0] != null && squad_mates[1] != null && squad_mates[0].Death == true && squad_mates[1].Death == true)) { state = SquadLeaderState.Alert; } float distance_from_enemy = Vector2.Distance(position, entity_found.Position); break; case SquadLeaderState.WindUp: windup_timer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("windUp"); if (windup_timer > 400) { state = SquadLeaderState.Fight; animation_time = 0.0f; } break; case SquadLeaderState.Fight: //firing bullet animation_time = 0.0f; time_between_shots += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; reset_timer += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("idleAim"); if (bullet_number < max_number_bullets && time_between_shots > time_between_shots_threshold) { current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation("attack"); loop = false; Vector2 bullet_velocity; switch (direction_facing) { case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right: bullet_velocity = new Vector2(10, 0); break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left: bullet_velocity = new Vector2(-10, 0); break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down: bullet_velocity = new Vector2(0, 10); break; default: bullet_velocity = new Vector2(0, -10); break; } AudioLib.playSoundEffect("magnum"); parentWorld.Particles.pushBulletCasing(new Vector2(current_skeleton.Skeleton.FindBone("gun").WorldX, current_skeleton.Skeleton.FindBone("gun").WorldY)); bullets[bullet_number] = new Bullet(new Vector2(current_skeleton.Skeleton.FindBone("muzzle").WorldX, current_skeleton.Skeleton.FindBone("muzzle").WorldY), bullet_velocity); bullet_number++; time_between_shots = 0.0f; animation_time = 0.0f; } if (reset_timer > 1000) { reset_timer = 0.0f; state = SquadLeaderState.Patrol; time_between_shots = 0.0f; loop = true; enemy_found = false; switch (direction_facing) { case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right: velocity = new Vector2(1, 0); break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left: velocity = new Vector2(-1, 0); break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Down: velocity = new Vector2(0, 1); break; default: velocity = new Vector2(0, -1); break; } } break; default: break; } } } if (squad_mates[0] != null && squad_mates[0].Death == false) { squad_mates[0].Follow_Point = follow_point_1; } if (squad_mates[1] != null && squad_mates[1].Death == false) { squad_mates[1].Follow_Point = follow_point_2; } Vector2 pos = new Vector2(position.X, position.Y); Vector2 nextStep = new Vector2(position.X + velocity.X, position.Y + velocity.Y); Vector2 finalPos = parentWorld.Map.reloactePosition(pos, nextStep, dimensions); position.X = finalPos.X; position.Y = finalPos.Y; animation_time += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds / 1000f; current_skeleton.Animation.Apply(current_skeleton.Skeleton, animation_time, loop); for (int i = 0; i < max_number_bullets; i++) { if (bullets[i].active == true) { bullets[i].update(parentWorld, this, currentTime); } } if (enemy_life <= 0 && death == false) { current_skeleton.Animation = current_skeleton.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation(deathAnims[Game1.rand.Next() % 3]); state = SquadLeaderState.Dying; animation_time = 0.0f; loop = false; death = true; parentWorld.pushCoin(this); //remove_from_list = true; } }
public void update(Player parent, GameTime currentTime, LevelState parentWorld) { item_direction = parent.Direction_Facing; parent.Velocity = Vector2.Zero; item_state_time += currentTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (sword_state == Sword_State.preslash) { //sword is on the right hand side of the player, if hitboxes are different dimensions, need to adjust the position of sword. parent.Animation_Time = 0.0f; if ((parent.Index == InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1 ? GameCampaign.Player_Right_Item : GameCampaign.Player2_Item_1) == ItemType() && InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(parent.Index, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.UseItem1)) { parent.LoadAnimation.Animation = parent.LoadAnimation.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation(parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left ? "lSlash" : "rSlash"); } else if ((parent.Index == InputDevice2.PPG_Player.Player_1 ? GameCampaign.Player_Left_Item : GameCampaign.Player2_Item_2) == ItemType() && InputDevice2.IsPlayerButtonDown(parent.Index, InputDevice2.PlayerButton.UseItem2)) { parent.LoadAnimation.Animation = parent.LoadAnimation.Skeleton.Data.FindAnimation(parent.Direction_Facing == GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left ? "rSlash" : "lSlash"); } switch (item_direction) { case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Right: position.X = parent.Position.X + parent.Dimensions.X; position.Y = parent.Position.Y; break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Left: position.X = parent.Position.X - hitbox.X; position.Y = parent.Position.Y; break; case GlobalGameConstants.Direction.Up: position.Y = parent.Position.Y - hitbox.Y; position.X = parent.CenterPoint.X - hitbox.X / 2; break; default: position.Y = parent.CenterPoint.Y + parent.Dimensions.Y / 2; position.X = parent.CenterPoint.X - hitbox.X / 2; break; } if (item_state_time > delay) { sword_state = Sword_State.slash; sword_swing = true; AudioLib.playSoundEffect(swordSound); } } else if (sword_state == Sword_State.slash) { for (int i = 0; i < parentWorld.EntityList.Count; i++) { if (parentWorld.EntityList[i] is Enemy || parentWorld.EntityList[i] is ShopKeeper || parentWorld.EntityList[i] is Key || parentWorld.EntityList[i] is Coin || parentWorld.EntityList[i] is Pickup) { if (hitTest(parentWorld.EntityList[i])) { Vector2 direction = parentWorld.EntityList[i].CenterPoint - parent.CenterPoint; parentWorld.EntityList[i].knockBack(direction, knockback_magnitude, sword_damage, parent); AudioLib.playSoundEffect(hitSound); } } } sword_state = Sword_State.endslash; } //time delay for the player to be in this state else if (sword_state == Sword_State.endslash) { parent.State = Player.playerState.Moving; item_state_time = 0.0f; parent.Disable_Movement = true; sword_swing = false; sword_state = Sword_State.preslash; } }