static int GetHTarget(IntPtr L)
         ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 1);
         Pathfinding.Path obj = (Pathfinding.Path)ToLua.CheckObject <Pathfinding.Path>(L, 1);
         Pathfinding.Int3 o   = obj.GetHTarget();
         ToLua.PushValue(L, o);
     catch (Exception e)
         return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e));
예제 #2
 public static float DistancePointSegment(Int3 a, Int3 b, Int3 p)
     float num = (float)(b.x - a.x);
     float num2 = (float)(b.z - a.z);
     float num3 = (float)(p.x - a.x);
     float num4 = (float)(p.z - a.z);
     float num5 = num * num + num2 * num2;
     float num6 = num * num3 + num2 * num4;
     if (num5 > 0f)
         num6 /= num5;
     if (num6 < 0f)
         num6 = 0f;
     else if (num6 > 1f)
         num6 = 1f;
     num3 = (float)a.x + num6 * num - (float)p.x;
     num4 = (float)a.z + num6 * num2 - (float)p.z;
     return num3 * num3 + num4 * num4;
예제 #3
		public override bool ContainsPoint (Int3 p) {
			// Get the object holding the vertex data for this node
			// This is usually a graph or a recast graph tile
			INavmeshHolder navmeshHolder = GetNavmeshHolder(GraphIndex);

			// Get all 3 vertices for this node
			Int3 a = navmeshHolder.GetVertex(v0);
			Int3 b = navmeshHolder.GetVertex(v1);
			Int3 c = navmeshHolder.GetVertex(v2);

			if ((long)(b.x - a.x) * (long)(p.z - a.z) - (long)(p.x - a.x) * (long)(b.z - a.z) > 0) return false;

			if ((long)(c.x - b.x) * (long)(p.z - b.z) - (long)(p.x - b.x) * (long)(c.z - b.z) > 0) return false;

			if ((long)(a.x - c.x) * (long)(p.z - c.z) - (long)(p.x - c.x) * (long)(a.z - c.z) > 0) return false;

			return true;
			// Equivalent code, but the above code is faster
			//return Polygon.IsClockwiseMargin (a,b, p) && Polygon.IsClockwiseMargin (b,c, p) && Polygon.IsClockwiseMargin (c,a, p);

			//return Polygon.ContainsPoint(g.GetVertex(v0),g.GetVertex(v1),g.GetVertex(v2),p);
예제 #4
        /** This performs a linear search through all polygons returning the closest one.
         * This will fill the NNInfo with .node for the closest node not necessarily complying with the NNConstraint, and .constrainedNode with the closest node
         * complying with the NNConstraint.
         * \see GetNearestForce(Node[],Int3[],Vector3,NNConstraint,bool)
        public static NNInfo GetNearestForceBoth(NavGraph graph, INavmeshHolder navmesh, Vector3 position, NNConstraint constraint, bool accurateNearestNode)
            Int3 pos = (Int3)position;

            float     minDist = -1;
            GraphNode minNode = null;

            float     minConstDist = -1;
            GraphNode minConstNode = null;

            float maxDistSqr = constraint.constrainDistance ? : float.PositiveInfinity;

            GraphNodeDelegateCancelable del = delegate(GraphNode _node) {
                TriangleMeshNode node = _node as TriangleMeshNode;

                if (accurateNearestNode)
                    Vector3 closest = node.ClosestPointOnNode(position);
                    float   dist    = ((Vector3)pos - closest).sqrMagnitude;

                    if (minNode == null || dist < minDist)
                        minDist = dist;
                        minNode = node;

                    if (dist < maxDistSqr && constraint.Suitable(node))
                        if (minConstNode == null || dist < minConstDist)
                            minConstDist = dist;
                            minConstNode = node;
                    if (!node.ContainsPoint((Int3)position))
                        float dist = (node.position - pos).sqrMagnitude;
                        if (minNode == null || dist < minDist)
                            minDist = dist;
                            minNode = node;

                        if (dist < maxDistSqr && constraint.Suitable(node))
                            if (minConstNode == null || dist < minConstDist)
                                minConstDist = dist;
                                minConstNode = node;
                        int dist = AstarMath.Abs(node.position.y - pos.y);

                        if (minNode == null || dist < minDist)
                            minDist = dist;
                            minNode = node;

                        if (dist < maxDistSqr && constraint.Suitable(node))
                            if (minConstNode == null || dist < minConstDist)
                                minConstDist = dist;
                                minConstNode = node;


            NNInfo nninfo = new NNInfo(minNode);

            //Find the point closest to the nearest triangle

            if (nninfo.node != null)
                TriangleMeshNode node = nninfo.node as TriangleMeshNode;                //minNode2 as MeshNode;

                Vector3 clP = node.ClosestPointOnNode(position);

                nninfo.clampedPosition = clP;

            nninfo.constrainedNode = minConstNode;
            if (nninfo.constrainedNode != null)
                TriangleMeshNode node = nninfo.constrainedNode as TriangleMeshNode;                //minNode2 as MeshNode;

                Vector3 clP = node.ClosestPointOnNode(position);

                nninfo.constClampedPosition = clP;

예제 #5
파일: Node.cs 프로젝트: klobodnf/st1
		/** Opens the nodes connected to this node. This is a base call and can be called by node classes overriding the Open function to open all connections in the #connections array.
		 * \see #connections
		 * \see Open */
		public void BaseOpen (NodeRunData nodeRunData, NodeRun nodeR, Int3 targetPosition, Path path) {
			if (connections == null) return;
			for (int i=0;i<connections.Length;i++) {
				Node conNode = connections[i];
				if (!path.CanTraverse (conNode)) {
				NodeRun nodeR2 = conNode.GetNodeRun (nodeRunData);
				if (nodeR2.pathID != nodeRunData.pathID) {
					nodeR2.parent = nodeR;
					nodeR2.pathID = nodeRunData.pathID;
					nodeR2.cost = (uint)connectionCosts[i];
					conNode.UpdateH (targetPosition, path.heuristic, path.heuristicScale, nodeR2);
					conNode.UpdateG (nodeR2, nodeRunData);
					//Debug.DrawLine (position,node.position,Color.cyan);
					//Debug.Log ("Opening	Node "+node.position.ToString ()+" "+g+" "+node.cost+" "+node.g+" "+node.f);
				} else {
					//If not we can test if the path from the current node to this one is a better one then the one already used
					uint tmpCost = (uint)connectionCosts[i];
					if (nodeR.g+tmpCost+conNode.penalty
#if !ASTAR_NoTagPenalty
				+ path.GetTagPenalty(conNode.tags)
					    	< nodeR2.g) {
						nodeR2.cost = tmpCost;
						nodeR2.parent = nodeR;
						conNode.UpdateAllG (nodeR2,nodeRunData);
					 else if (nodeR2.g+tmpCost+penalty
#if !ASTAR_NoTagPenalty
				+ path.GetTagPenalty(tags)
					         < nodeR.g) {//Or if the path from this node ("node") to the current ("current") is better
						bool contains = conNode.ContainsConnection (this);
						//Make sure we don't travel along the wrong direction of a one way link now, make sure the Current node can be moved to from the other Node.
						/*if (node.connections != null) {
							for (int y=0;y<node.connections.Length;y++) {
								if (node.connections[y] == this) {
									contains = true;
						if (!contains) {
						nodeR.parent = nodeR2;
						nodeR.cost = tmpCost;
						UpdateAllG (nodeR,nodeRunData);
예제 #6
        /** Prepares the path. Searches for start and end nodes and does some simple checking if a path is at all possible */
        public virtual void Prepare()
            System.DateTime startTime = System.DateTime.Now;

            //@pathStartTime = startTime;

            maxFrameTime =;

            //maxAngle = NmaxAngle;
            //angleCost = NangleCost;
            //stepByStep = NstepByStep;
            //unitRadius = 0;//BETA, Not used
            NNInfo startNNInfo =, nnConstraint, startHint);

            //Tell the NNConstraint which node was found as the start node if it is a PathNNConstraint and not a normal NNConstraint
            PathNNConstraint pathNNConstraint = nnConstraint as PathNNConstraint;
            if (pathNNConstraint != null)

            startPoint = startNNInfo.clampedPosition;
            startIntPoint = (Int3)startPoint;
            startNode = startNNInfo.node;

            if (hasEndPoint)
                NNInfo endNNInfo =, nnConstraint, endHint);
                endPoint = endNNInfo.clampedPosition;
                hTarget = (Int3)endPoint;
                endNode = endNNInfo.node;

            if (startNode == null || (hasEndPoint == true && endNode == null))
                LogError("Couldn't find close nodes to either the start or the end (start = " + (startNode != null) + " end = " + (endNode != null) + ")");
                duration += (System.DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime.Ticks) * 0.0001F;

            if (!startNode.walkable)
                LogError("The node closest to the start point is not walkable");

                duration += (System.DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime.Ticks) * 0.0001F;

            if (hasEndPoint && !endNode.walkable)
                LogError("The node closest to the start point is not walkable");

                duration += (System.DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime.Ticks) * 0.0001F;

            if (hasEndPoint && startNode.area != endNode.area)
                LogError("There is no valid path to the target (start area: " + startNode.area + ", target area: " + endNode.area + ")");
                //Debug.DrawLine (startNode.position,endNode.position,Color.cyan);
                duration += (System.DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime.Ticks) * 0.0001F;

            duration += (System.DateTime.Now.Ticks - startTime.Ticks) * 0.0001F;
        public new override void Open(NodeRunData nodeRunData, NodeRun nodeR, Int3 targetPosition, Path path)
            BaseOpen (nodeRunData, nodeR, targetPosition, path);

            LayerGridGraph graph = gridGraphs[indices >> 24];
            int[] neighbourOffsets = graph.neighbourOffsets;
            int[] neighbourCosts = graph.neighbourCosts;
            Node[] nodes = graph.nodes;

            int index = GetIndex();//indices & 0xFFFFFF;

            for (int i=0;i<4;i++) {
                int conn = GetConnectionValue(i);//(gridConnections >> i*4) & 0xF;
                if (conn != LevelGridNode.NoConnection) {

                    Node node = nodes[index+neighbourOffsets[i] + graph.width*graph.depth*conn];

                    if (!path.CanTraverse (node)) {

                    NodeRun nodeR2 = node.GetNodeRun (nodeRunData);

                    if (nodeR2.pathID != nodeRunData.pathID) {

                        nodeR2.parent = nodeR;
                        nodeR2.pathID = nodeRunData.pathID;

                        nodeR2.cost = (uint)neighbourCosts[i];

                        node.UpdateH (targetPosition, path.heuristic, path.heuristicScale, nodeR2);
                        node.UpdateG (nodeR2, nodeRunData);


                    } else {
                        //If not we can test if the path from the current node to this one is a better one then the one already used
                        uint tmpCost = (uint)neighbourCosts[i];

                        if (nodeR.g+tmpCost+node.penalty
            #if !NoTagPenalty
                    + path.GetTagPenalty(node.tags)
                                < nodeR2.g) {

                            nodeR2.cost = tmpCost;
                            nodeR2.parent = nodeR;

                            //TODO!!!!! ??
                            node.UpdateAllG (nodeR2,nodeRunData);


                         else if (nodeR2.g+tmpCost+penalty
            #if !NoTagPenalty
                    + path.GetTagPenalty(tags)
                                 < nodeR.g) {//Or if the path from this node ("node") to the current ("current") is better

                            bool contains = node.ContainsConnection (this);

                            //Make sure we don't travel along the wrong direction of a one way link now, make sure the Current node can be moved to from the other Node.
                            /*if (node.connections != null) {
                                for (int y=0;y<node.connections.Length;y++) {
                                    if (node.connections[y] == this) {
                                        contains = true;

                            if (!contains) {

                            nodeR.parent = nodeR2;
                            nodeR.cost = tmpCost;

                            //TODO!!!!!!! ??
                            UpdateAllG (nodeR,nodeRunData);

	    public Vector3 ClosestPoint (Vector3 p, Int3[] vertices) {
	    	return Polygon.ClosesPointOnTriangle (vertices[v1],vertices[v2],vertices[v3],p);
예제 #9
        /** Generates a navmesh. Based on the supplied vertices and triangles. Memory usage is about O(n) */
        public void GenerateNodes(Vector3[] vectorVertices, int[] triangles, out Vector3[] originalVertices, out Int3[] vertices)

            if (vectorVertices.Length == 0 || triangles.Length == 0)
                originalVertices = vectorVertices;
                vertices         = new Int3[0];
                //graph.CreateNodes (0);
                nodes = new TriangleMeshNode[0];

            vertices = new Int3[vectorVertices.Length];

            //Backup the original vertices
            //for (int i=0;i<vectorVertices.Length;i++) {
            //	vectorVertices[i] = graph.matrix.MultiplyPoint (vectorVertices[i]);

            int c = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
                vertices[i] = (Int3)matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(vectorVertices[i]);

            Dictionary <Int3, int> hashedVerts = new Dictionary <Int3, int> ();

            int[] newVertices = new int[vertices.Length];


            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
                if (!hashedVerts.ContainsKey(vertices[i]))
                    newVertices[c] = i;
                    hashedVerts.Add(vertices[i], c);
                }                // else {
                //Debug.Log ("Hash Duplicate "+hash+" "+vertices[i].ToString ());

            /*newVertices[c] = vertices.Length-1;
             * if (!hashedVerts.ContainsKey (vertices[newVertices[c]])) {
             *      hashedVerts.Add (vertices[newVertices[c]], c);
             *      c++;
             * }*/

            for (int x = 0; x < triangles.Length; x++)
                Int3 vertex = vertices[triangles[x]];

                triangles[x] = hashedVerts[vertex];

            /*for (int i=0;i<triangles.Length;i += 3) {
             *      Vector3 offset = Vector3.forward*i*0.01F;
             *      Debug.DrawLine (newVertices[triangles[i]]+offset,newVertices[triangles[i+1]]+offset,;
             *      Debug.DrawLine (newVertices[triangles[i+1]]+offset,newVertices[triangles[i+2]]+offset,;
             *      Debug.DrawLine (newVertices[triangles[i+2]]+offset,newVertices[triangles[i]]+offset,;
             * }*/

            Int3[] totalIntVertices = vertices;
            vertices         = new Int3[c];
            originalVertices = new Vector3[c];
            for (int i = 0; i < c; i++)
                vertices[i]         = totalIntVertices[newVertices[i]];        //(Int3)graph.matrix.MultiplyPoint (vectorVertices[i]);
                originalVertices[i] = (Vector3)vectorVertices[newVertices[i]]; //vectorVertices[newVertices[i]];

            UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.BeginSample("Constructing Nodes");

            //graph.CreateNodes (triangles.Length/3);//new Node[triangles.Length/3];
            nodes = new TriangleMeshNode[triangles.Length / 3];

            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++)
                nodes[i] = new TriangleMeshNode(active);
                TriangleMeshNode node = nodes[i];                //new MeshNode ();

                node.Penalty  = initialPenalty;
                node.Walkable = true;

                node.v0 = triangles[i * 3];
                node.v1 = triangles[i * 3 + 1];
                node.v2 = triangles[i * 3 + 2];

                if (!Polygon.IsClockwise(vertices[node.v0], vertices[node.v1], vertices[node.v2]))
                    //Debug.DrawLine (vertices[node.v0],vertices[node.v1],;
                    //Debug.DrawLine (vertices[node.v1],vertices[node.v2],;
                    //Debug.DrawLine (vertices[node.v2],vertices[node.v0],;

                    int tmp = node.v0;
                    node.v0 = node.v2;
                    node.v2 = tmp;

                if (Polygon.IsColinear(vertices[node.v0], vertices[node.v1], vertices[node.v2]))
                    Debug.DrawLine((Vector3)vertices[node.v0], (Vector3)vertices[node.v1],;
                    Debug.DrawLine((Vector3)vertices[node.v1], (Vector3)vertices[node.v2],;
                    Debug.DrawLine((Vector3)vertices[node.v2], (Vector3)vertices[node.v0],;

                // Make sure position is correctly set


            Dictionary <Int2, TriangleMeshNode> sides = new Dictionary <Int2, TriangleMeshNode>();

            for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < triangles.Length; j += 1, i += 3)
                sides[new Int2(triangles[i + 0], triangles[i + 1])] = nodes[j];
                sides[new Int2(triangles[i + 1], triangles[i + 2])] = nodes[j];
                sides[new Int2(triangles[i + 2], triangles[i + 0])] = nodes[j];

            UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.BeginSample("Connecting Nodes");

            List <MeshNode> connections     = new List <MeshNode> ();
            List <uint>     connectionCosts = new List <uint> ();

            int identicalError = 0;

            for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < triangles.Length; j += 1, i += 3)

                //Int3 indices = new Int3(triangles[i],triangles[i+1],triangles[i+2]);

                TriangleMeshNode node = nodes[j];

                for (int q = 0; q < 3; q++)
                    TriangleMeshNode other;
                    if (sides.TryGetValue(new Int2(triangles[i + ((q + 1) % 3)], triangles[i + q]), out other))
                        connectionCosts.Add((uint)(node.position - other.position).costMagnitude);

                node.connections     = connections.ToArray();
                node.connectionCosts = connectionCosts.ToArray();

            if (identicalError > 0)
                Debug.LogError("One or more triangles are identical to other triangles, this is not a good thing to have in a navmesh\nIncreasing the scale of the mesh might help\nNumber of triangles with error: " + identicalError + "\n");

            UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.BeginSample("Rebuilding BBTree");



            //Debug.Log ("Graph Generation - NavMesh - Time to compute graph "+((Time.realtimeSinceStartup-startTime)*1000F).ToString ("0")+"ms");
        public bool GetPortal(GraphNode toNode, System.Collections.Generic.List <Vector3> left,
                              System.Collections.Generic.List <Vector3> right, bool backwards, out int aIndex, out int bIndex)
            aIndex = -1;
            bIndex = -1;

            //If the nodes are in different graphs, this function has no idea on how to find a shared edge.
            if (backwards || toNode.GraphIndex != GraphIndex)

            // Since the nodes are in the same graph, they are both TriangleMeshNodes
            // So we don't need to care about other types of nodes
            var toTriNode = toNode as TriangleMeshNode;
            var edge      = SharedEdge(toTriNode);

            // A connection was found, but it specifically didn't use an edge
            if (edge == 0xFF)

            // No connection was found between the nodes
            // Check if there is a node link that connects them
            if (edge == -1)
                if (connections != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < connections.Length; i++)
                        if (connections[i].node.GraphIndex != GraphIndex)
                            var mid = connections[i].node as NodeLink3Node;
                            if (mid != null && mid.GetOther(this) == toTriNode)
                                // We have found a node which is connected through a NodeLink3Node
                                mid.GetPortal(toTriNode, left, right, false);


            aIndex = edge;
            bIndex = (edge + 1) % GetVertexCount();

            // Get the vertices of the shared edge for the first node
            Int3 v1a = GetVertex(edge);
            Int3 v1b = GetVertex((edge + 1) % GetVertexCount());

            // Get tile indices
            int tileIndex1 = (GetVertexIndex(0) >> NavmeshBase.TileIndexOffset) & NavmeshBase.TileIndexMask;
            int tileIndex2 = (toTriNode.GetVertexIndex(0) >> NavmeshBase.TileIndexOffset) & NavmeshBase.TileIndexMask;

            if (tileIndex1 != tileIndex2)
                // When the nodes are in different tiles, the edges might not be completely identical
                // so another technique is needed.

                // Get the tile coordinates, from them we can figure out which edge is going to be shared
                int            x1, x2, z1, z2, coord;
                INavmeshHolder nm = GetNavmeshHolder(GraphIndex);
                nm.GetTileCoordinates(tileIndex1, out x1, out z1);
                nm.GetTileCoordinates(tileIndex2, out x2, out z2);

                if (System.Math.Abs(x1 - x2) == 1)
                    coord = 2;
                else if (System.Math.Abs(z1 - z2) == 1)
                    coord = 0;
                    return(false); // Tiles are not adjacent. This is likely a custom connection between two nodes.
                var otherEdge = toTriNode.SharedEdge(this);

                // A connection was found, but it specifically didn't use an edge. This is odd since the connection in the other direction did use an edge
                if (otherEdge == 0xFF)
                    throw new System.Exception(
                              "Connection used edge in one direction, but not in the other direction. Has the wrong overload of AddConnection been used?");

                // If it is -1 then it must be a one-way connection. Fall back to using the whole edge
                if (otherEdge != -1)
                    // When the nodes are in different tiles, they might not share exactly the same edge
                    // so we clamp the portal to the segment of the edges which they both have.
                    int mincoord = System.Math.Min(v1a[coord], v1b[coord]);
                    int maxcoord = System.Math.Max(v1a[coord], v1b[coord]);

                    // Get the vertices of the shared edge for the second node
                    Int3 v2a = toTriNode.GetVertex(otherEdge);
                    Int3 v2b = toTriNode.GetVertex((otherEdge + 1) % toTriNode.GetVertexCount());

                    mincoord = System.Math.Max(mincoord, System.Math.Min(v2a[coord], v2b[coord]));
                    maxcoord = System.Math.Min(maxcoord, System.Math.Max(v2a[coord], v2b[coord]));

                    if (v1a[coord] < v1b[coord])
                        v1a[coord] = mincoord;
                        v1b[coord] = maxcoord;
                        v1a[coord] = maxcoord;
                        v1b[coord] = mincoord;

            if (left != null)
                // All triangles should be laid out in clockwise order so v1b is the rightmost vertex (seen from this node)

예제 #11
        public new bool SnappedLinecast(Vector3 _a, Vector3 _b, GraphNode hint, out GraphHitInfo hit)
            hit = default(GraphHitInfo);
            LevelGridNode levelGridNode  = base.GetNearest(_a, NNConstraint.None).node as LevelGridNode;
            LevelGridNode levelGridNode2 = base.GetNearest(_b, NNConstraint.None).node as LevelGridNode;

            if (levelGridNode == null || levelGridNode2 == null)
                hit.node  = null;
                hit.point = _a;
            _a    = this.inverseMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4((Vector3)levelGridNode.position);
            _a.x -= 0.5f;
            _a.z -= 0.5f;
            _b    = this.inverseMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4((Vector3)levelGridNode2.position);
            _b.x -= 0.5f;
            _b.z -= 0.5f;
            Int3 ob   = new Int3(Mathf.RoundToInt(_a.x), Mathf.RoundToInt(_a.y), Mathf.RoundToInt(_a.z));
            Int3 @int = new Int3(Mathf.RoundToInt(_b.x), Mathf.RoundToInt(_b.y), Mathf.RoundToInt(_b.z));

            hit.origin = (Vector3)ob;
            if (!levelGridNode.Walkable)
                hit.node    = levelGridNode;
                hit.point   = this.matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(new Vector3((float)ob.x + 0.5f, 0f, (float)ob.z + 0.5f));
                hit.point.y = ((Vector3)hit.node.position).y;
            int           num  = Mathf.Abs(ob.x - @int.x);
            int           num2 = Mathf.Abs(ob.z - @int.z);
            LevelGridNode levelGridNode4;

            for (LevelGridNode levelGridNode3 = levelGridNode; levelGridNode3 != levelGridNode2; levelGridNode3 = levelGridNode4)
                if (levelGridNode3.NodeInGridIndex == levelGridNode2.NodeInGridIndex)
                    hit.node  = levelGridNode3;
                    hit.point = (Vector3)levelGridNode3.position;
                num  = Math.Abs(ob.x - @int.x);
                num2 = Math.Abs(ob.z - @int.z);
                int num3 = 0;
                if (num >= num2)
                    num3 = ((@int.x <= ob.x) ? 3 : 1);
                else if (num2 > num)
                    num3 = ((@int.z <= ob.z) ? 0 : 2);
                if (!this.CheckConnection(levelGridNode3, num3))
                    hit.node  = levelGridNode3;
                    hit.point = (Vector3)levelGridNode3.position;
                levelGridNode4 = this.nodes[levelGridNode3.NodeInGridIndex + this.neighbourOffsets[num3] + this.width * this.depth * levelGridNode3.GetConnectionValue(num3)];
                if (!levelGridNode4.Walkable)
                    hit.node  = levelGridNode4;
                    hit.point = (Vector3)levelGridNode4.position;
                ob = (Int3)this.inverseMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4((Vector3)levelGridNode4.position);
예제 #12
파일: ABPath.cs 프로젝트: lidan921/xyolgm
        /** Prepares the path. Searches for start and end nodes and does some simple checking if a path is at all possible */
        public override void Prepare()
            AstarProfiler.StartProfile("Get Nearest");

            //Initialize the NNConstraint
            nnConstraint.tags = enabledTags;
            NNInfo startNNInfo =, nnConstraint, startHint);

            //Tell the NNConstraint which node was found as the start node if it is a PathNNConstraint and not a normal NNConstraint
            var pathNNConstraint = nnConstraint as PathNNConstraint;

            if (pathNNConstraint != null)

            startPoint = startNNInfo.clampedPosition;

            startIntPoint = (Int3)startPoint;
            startNode     = startNNInfo.node;

            //If it is declared that this path type has an end point
            //Some path types might want to use most of the ABPath code, but will not have an explicit end point at this stage
            if (hasEndPoint)
                NNInfo endNNInfo =, nnConstraint, endHint);
                endPoint = endNNInfo.clampedPosition;

                // Note, other methods assume hTarget is (Int3)endPoint
                hTarget     = (Int3)endPoint;
                endNode     = endNNInfo.node;
                hTargetNode = endNode;


            if (startNode != null)
                Debug.DrawLine((Vector3)startNode.position, startPoint,;
            if (endNode != null)
                Debug.DrawLine((Vector3)endNode.position, endPoint,;

            if (startNode == null && (hasEndPoint && endNode == null))
                LogError("Couldn't find close nodes to the start point or the end point");

            if (startNode == null)
                LogError("Couldn't find a close node to the start point");

            if (endNode == null && hasEndPoint)
                LogError("Couldn't find a close node to the end point");

            if (!startNode.Walkable)
                Debug.DrawRay(startPoint, Vector3.up,;
                Debug.DrawLine(startPoint, (Vector3)startNode.position,;
                LogError("The node closest to the start point is not walkable");

            if (hasEndPoint && !endNode.Walkable)
                LogError("The node closest to the end point is not walkable");

            if (hasEndPoint && startNode.Area != endNode.Area)
                LogError("There is no valid path to the target (start area: " + startNode.Area + ", target area: " + endNode.Area + ")");
예제 #13
        public static void UpdateArea(GraphUpdateObject o, INavmeshHolder graph)
            Bounds bounds = graph.transform.InverseTransform(o.bounds);

            // Bounding rectangle with integer coordinates
            var irect = new IntRect(
                Mathf.FloorToInt(bounds.min.x * Int3.Precision),
                Mathf.FloorToInt(bounds.min.z * Int3.Precision),
                Mathf.CeilToInt(bounds.max.x * Int3.Precision),
                Mathf.CeilToInt(bounds.max.z * Int3.Precision)

            // Corners of the bounding rectangle
            var a = new Int3(irect.xmin, 0, irect.ymin);
            var b = new Int3(irect.xmin, 0, irect.ymax);
            var c = new Int3(irect.xmax, 0, irect.ymin);
            var d = new Int3(irect.xmax, 0, irect.ymax);

            var ymin = ((Int3)bounds.min).y;
            var ymax = ((Int3)bounds.max).y;

            // Loop through all nodes and check if they intersect the bounding box
            graph.GetNodes(_node => {
                var node = _node as TriangleMeshNode;

                bool inside = false;

                int allLeft   = 0;
                int allRight  = 0;
                int allTop    = 0;
                int allBottom = 0;

                // Check bounding box rect in XZ plane
                for (int v = 0; v < 3; v++)
                    Int3 p = node.GetVertexInGraphSpace(v);

                    if (irect.Contains(p.x, p.z))
                        inside = true;

                    if (p.x < irect.xmin)
                    if (p.x > irect.xmax)
                    if (p.z < irect.ymin)
                    if (p.z > irect.ymax)

                if (!inside && (allLeft == 3 || allRight == 3 || allTop == 3 || allBottom == 3))

                // Check if the polygon edges intersect the bounding rect
                for (int v = 0; v < 3; v++)
                    int v2 = v > 1 ? 0 : v + 1;

                    Int3 vert1 = node.GetVertexInGraphSpace(v);
                    Int3 vert2 = node.GetVertexInGraphSpace(v2);

                    if (VectorMath.SegmentsIntersectXZ(a, b, vert1, vert2))
                        inside = true; break;
                    if (VectorMath.SegmentsIntersectXZ(a, c, vert1, vert2))
                        inside = true; break;
                    if (VectorMath.SegmentsIntersectXZ(c, d, vert1, vert2))
                        inside = true; break;
                    if (VectorMath.SegmentsIntersectXZ(d, b, vert1, vert2))
                        inside = true; break;

                // Check if the node contains any corner of the bounding rect
                if (inside || node.ContainsPointInGraphSpace(a) || node.ContainsPointInGraphSpace(b) || node.ContainsPointInGraphSpace(c) || node.ContainsPointInGraphSpace(d))
                    inside = true;

                if (!inside)

                int allAbove = 0;
                int allBelow = 0;

                // Check y coordinate
                for (int v = 0; v < 3; v++)
                    Int3 p = node.GetVertexInGraphSpace(v);
                    if (p.y < ymin)
                    if (p.y > ymax)

                // Polygon is either completely above the bounding box or completely below it
                if (allBelow == 3 || allAbove == 3)

                // Triangle is inside the bounding box!
                // Update it!
        // Token: 0x060022FE RID: 8958 RVA: 0x00192AE0 File Offset: 0x00190CE0
        public void Apply(bool forceNewCheck)
            NNConstraint none = NNConstraint.None;

            none.distanceXZ = true;
            int graphIndex = (int)this.startNode.GraphIndex;

            none.graphMask = ~(1 << graphIndex);
            bool   flag    = true;
            NNInfo nearest =, none);

            flag &= (nearest.node == this.connectedNode1 && nearest.node != null);
            this.connectedNode1 = (nearest.node as MeshNode);
            this.clamped1       = nearest.position;
            if (this.connectedNode1 != null)
                Debug.DrawRay((Vector3)this.connectedNode1.position, Vector3.up * 5f,;
            NNInfo nearest2 =, none);

            flag &= (nearest2.node == this.connectedNode2 && nearest2.node != null);
            this.connectedNode2 = (nearest2.node as MeshNode);
            this.clamped2       = nearest2.position;
            if (this.connectedNode2 != null)
                Debug.DrawRay((Vector3)this.connectedNode2.position, Vector3.up * 5f, Color.cyan);
            if (this.connectedNode2 == null || this.connectedNode1 == null)
            if (flag && !forceNewCheck)
            uint cost = (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt((float)((Int3)(this.StartTransform.position - this.EndTransform.position)).costMagnitude * this.costFactor);

            this.startNode.AddConnection(this.endNode, cost);
            this.endNode.AddConnection(this.startNode, cost);
            Int3 rhs = this.connectedNode2.position - this.connectedNode1.position;

            for (int i = 0; i < this.connectedNode1.GetVertexCount(); i++)
                Int3 vertex  = this.connectedNode1.GetVertex(i);
                Int3 vertex2 = this.connectedNode1.GetVertex((i + 1) % this.connectedNode1.GetVertexCount());
                if (Int3.DotLong((vertex2 - vertex).Normal2D(), rhs) <= 0L)
                    for (int j = 0; j < this.connectedNode2.GetVertexCount(); j++)
                        Int3 vertex3 = this.connectedNode2.GetVertex(j);
                        Int3 vertex4 = this.connectedNode2.GetVertex((j + 1) % this.connectedNode2.GetVertexCount());
                        if (Int3.DotLong((vertex4 - vertex3).Normal2D(), rhs) >= 0L && (double)Int3.Angle(vertex4 - vertex3, vertex2 - vertex) > 2.967059810956319)
                            float num  = 0f;
                            float num2 = 1f;
                            num2 = Math.Min(num2, VectorMath.ClosestPointOnLineFactor(vertex, vertex2, vertex3));
                            num  = Math.Max(num, VectorMath.ClosestPointOnLineFactor(vertex, vertex2, vertex4));
                            if (num2 >= num)
                                Vector3 vector  = (Vector3)(vertex2 - vertex) * num + (Vector3)vertex;
                                Vector3 vector2 = (Vector3)(vertex2 - vertex) * num2 + (Vector3)vertex;
                                this.startNode.portalA = vector;
                                this.startNode.portalB = vector2;
                                this.endNode.portalA   = vector2;
                                this.endNode.portalB   = vector;
                                this.connectedNode1.AddConnection(this.startNode, (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt((float)((Int3)(this.clamped1 - this.StartTransform.position)).costMagnitude * this.costFactor));
                                this.connectedNode2.AddConnection(this.endNode, (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt((float)((Int3)(this.clamped2 - this.EndTransform.position)).costMagnitude * this.costFactor));
                                this.startNode.AddConnection(this.connectedNode1, (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt((float)((Int3)(this.clamped1 - this.StartTransform.position)).costMagnitude * this.costFactor));
                                this.endNode.AddConnection(this.connectedNode2, (uint)Mathf.RoundToInt((float)((Int3)(this.clamped2 - this.EndTransform.position)).costMagnitude * this.costFactor));
                            Debug.LogError(string.Concat(new object[]
                                "Something went wrong! ",
                                " ",
                                " ",
                                " ",
                                " ",
                                " ",
                                "\nTODO, how can this happen?"
예제 #15
        public static Vector3 IntPointToV3(IntPoint p)
            Int3 ob = new Int3((int)p.X, 0, (int)p.Y);

예제 #16
        public static IntPoint V3ToIntPoint(Vector3 p)
            Int3 @int = (Int3)p;

            return(new IntPoint((long)@int.x, (long)@int.z));
예제 #17
		/** This performs a linear search through all polygons returning the closest one */
		public static NNInfo GetNearestForce (Node[] nodes, Int3[] vertices, Vector3 position, NNConstraint constraint) {
			Int3 pos = (Int3)position;
			//Replacement for Infinity, the maximum value a int can hold
			int minDist = -1;
			Node minNode = null;
			float minDist2 = -1;
			Node minNode2 = null;
			int minConstDist = -1;
			Node minNodeConst = null;
			float minConstDist2 = -1;
			Node minNodeConst2 = null;
			//int rnd = (int)Random.Range (0,10000);
			//int skipped = 0;
			for (int i=0;i<nodes.Length;i++) {
				MeshNode node = nodes[i] as MeshNode;
				if (!Polygon.IsClockwise (vertices[node.v1],vertices[node.v2],pos) || !Polygon.IsClockwise (vertices[node.v2],vertices[node.v3],pos) || !Polygon.IsClockwise (vertices[node.v3],vertices[node.v1],pos))
				//Polygon.TriangleArea2 (vertices[node.v1],vertices[node.v2],pos) >= 0 || Polygon.TriangleArea2 (vertices[node.v2],vertices[node.v3],pos) >= 0 || Polygon.TriangleArea2 (vertices[node.v3],vertices[node.v1],pos) >= 0) {
					/*if (minDist2 != -1) {
						float d1 = (node.position-vertices[node.v1]).sqrMagnitude;
						d1 = Mathf.Min (d1,(node.position-vertices[node.v1]).sqrMagnitude);
						d1 = Mathf.Min (d1,(node.position-vertices[node.v1]).sqrMagnitude);
						//The closest distance possible from the current node to 'pos'
						d1 = (node.position-pos).sqrMagnitude-d1;
						if (d1 > minDist2) {
					/*float dist2 = Mathfx.DistancePointSegment2 (pos.x,pos.z,vertices[node.v1].x,vertices[node.v1].z,vertices[node.v2].x,vertices[node.v2].z);
					dist2 = Mathfx.Min (dist2,Mathfx.DistancePointSegment2 (pos.x,pos.z,vertices[node.v1].x,vertices[node.v1].z,vertices[node.v3].x,vertices[node.v3].z));
					dist2 = Mathfx.Min (dist2,Mathfx.DistancePointSegment2 (pos.x,pos.z,vertices[node.v3].x,vertices[node.v3].z,vertices[node.v2].x,vertices[node.v2].z));*/
					float dist2 = (node.position-pos).sqrMagnitude;
					if (minDist2 == -1 || dist2 < minDist2) {
						minDist2 = dist2;
						minNode2 = node;
					if (constraint.Suitable (node)) {
						if (minConstDist2 == -1 || dist2 < minConstDist2) {
							minConstDist2 = dist2;
							minNodeConst2 = node;
				int dist = Mathfx.Abs (node.position.y-pos.y);
				if (minDist == -1 || dist < minDist) {
					minDist = dist;
					minNode = node;
				if (constraint.Suitable (node)) {
					if (minConstDist == -1 || dist < minConstDist) {
						minConstDist = dist;
						minNodeConst = node;
			NNInfo nninfo = new NNInfo (minNode == null ? minNode2 : minNode, minNode == null ? NearestNodePriority.Low : NearestNodePriority.High);
			//Find the point closest to the nearest triangle
			//if (minNode == null) {
			if (nninfo.node != null) {
				MeshNode node = nninfo.node as MeshNode;//minNode2 as MeshNode;
				Vector3[] triangle = new Vector3[3] {vertices[node.v1],vertices[node.v2],vertices[node.v3]};
				Vector3 clP = Polygon.ClosesPointOnTriangle (triangle,position);
				nninfo.clampedPosition = clP;
			nninfo.constrainedNode = minNodeConst == null ? minNodeConst2 : minNodeConst;
			if (nninfo.constrainedNode != null) {
				MeshNode node = nninfo.constrainedNode as MeshNode;//minNode2 as MeshNode;
				Vector3[] triangle = new Vector3[3] {vertices[node.v1],vertices[node.v2],vertices[node.v3]};
				Vector3 clP = Polygon.ClosesPointOnTriangle (triangle,position);
				nninfo.constClampedPosition = clP;
			return nninfo;
예제 #18
		/** Returns if the point is inside the node in XZ space */
		public static bool ContainsPoint (TriangleMeshNode node, Vector3 pos, Int3[] vertices) {
			if (!Polygon.IsClockwiseMargin ((Vector3)vertices[node.v0],(Vector3)vertices[node.v1], (Vector3)vertices[node.v2])) {
				Debug.LogError ("Noes!");
			if ( 	Polygon.IsClockwiseMargin ((Vector3)vertices[node.v0],(Vector3)vertices[node.v1], pos)
			    && 	Polygon.IsClockwiseMargin ((Vector3)vertices[node.v1],(Vector3)vertices[node.v2], pos)
			    && 	Polygon.IsClockwiseMargin ((Vector3)vertices[node.v2],(Vector3)vertices[node.v0], pos)) {
				return true;
			return false;
예제 #19
		/** Returns if the point is inside the node in XZ space */
		public static bool ContainsPoint (MeshNode node, Vector3 pos, Int3[] vertices) {
			if (Polygon.IsClockwiseMargin ((Vector3)vertices[node.v1],(Vector3)vertices[node.v2], pos) && Polygon.IsClockwiseMargin ((Vector3)vertices[node.v2],(Vector3)vertices[node.v3], pos) && Polygon.IsClockwiseMargin ((Vector3)vertices[node.v3],(Vector3)vertices[node.v1], pos)) {
				return true;
			return false;
예제 #20
		/** Reset all values to their default values.
		 * All inheriting path types must implement this function, resetting ALL their variables to enable recycling of paths.
		 * Call this base function in inheriting types with base.Reset ();
		public override void Reset () {
			base.Reset ();

			startNode = null;
			endNode = null;
			startHint = null;
			endHint = null;
			originalStartPoint =;
			originalEndPoint =;
			startPoint =;
			endPoint =;
			calculatePartial = false;
			partialBestTarget = null;
			startIntPoint = new Int3();
			hTarget = new Int3();

			endNodeCosts = null;
예제 #21
		public static void UpdateArea (GraphUpdateObject o, INavmesh graph) {
			//System.DateTime startTime = System.DateTime.UtcNow;
			Bounds bounds = o.bounds;
			Rect r = Rect.MinMaxRect (bounds.min.x,bounds.min.z,bounds.max.x,bounds.max.z);
			IntRect r2 = new IntRect(
			/*Vector3 a = new Vector3 (r.xMin,0,r.yMin);//	-1 	-1
			Vector3 b = new Vector3 (r.xMin,0,r.yMax);//	-1	 1 
			Vector3 c = new Vector3 (r.xMax,0,r.yMin);//	 1 	-1
			Vector3 d = new Vector3 (r.xMax,0,r.yMax);//	 1 	 1
			Int3 a = new Int3(r2.xmin,0,r2.ymin);
			Int3 b = new Int3(r2.xmin,0,r2.ymax);
			Int3 c = new Int3(r2.xmax,0,r2.ymin);
			Int3 d = new Int3(r2.xmax,0,r2.ymax);
			Int3 ia = (Int3)a;
			Int3 ib = (Int3)b;
			Int3 ic = (Int3)c;
			Int3 id = (Int3)d;
			Debug.DrawLine (a,b,Color.white);
			Debug.DrawLine (a,c,Color.white);
			Debug.DrawLine (c,d,Color.white);
			Debug.DrawLine (d,b,Color.white);
			//for (int i=0;i<nodes.Length;i++) {
			graph.GetNodes (delegate (GraphNode _node) {
				TriangleMeshNode node = _node as TriangleMeshNode;
				bool inside = false;
				int allLeft = 0;
				int allRight = 0;
				int allTop = 0;
				int allBottom = 0;
				for (int v=0;v<3;v++) {
					Int3 p = node.GetVertex(v);
					Vector3 vert = (Vector3)p;
					//Vector2 vert2D = new Vector2 (vert.x,vert.z);
					if (r2.Contains (p.x,p.z)) {
						//Debug.DrawRay (vert,Vector3.up*10,Color.yellow);
						inside = true;
					if (vert.x < r.xMin) allLeft++;
					if (vert.x > r.xMax) allRight++;
					if (vert.z < r.yMin) allTop++;
					if (vert.z > r.yMax) allBottom++;
					//if (!bounds.Contains (node[v]) {
					//	inside = false;
					//	break;
				if (!inside) {
					if (allLeft == 3 || allRight == 3 || allTop == 3 || allBottom == 3) {
						return true;
				//Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)node.GetVertex(0),(Vector3)node.GetVertex(1),Color.yellow);
				//Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)node.GetVertex(1),(Vector3)node.GetVertex(2),Color.yellow);
				//Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)node.GetVertex(2),(Vector3)node.GetVertex(0),Color.yellow);
				for (int v=0;v<3;v++) {
					int v2 = v > 1 ? 0 : v+1;
					Int3 vert1 = node.GetVertex(v);
					Int3 vert2 = node.GetVertex(v2);
					if (Polygon.Intersects (a,b,vert1,vert2)) { inside = true; break; }
					if (Polygon.Intersects (a,c,vert1,vert2)) { inside = true; break; }
					if (Polygon.Intersects (c,d,vert1,vert2)) { inside = true; break; }
					if (Polygon.Intersects (d,b,vert1,vert2)) { inside = true; break; }
				if (node.ContainsPoint (ia) || node.ContainsPoint (ib) || node.ContainsPoint (ic) || node.ContainsPoint (id)) {
					inside = true;
				if (!inside) {
					return true;
				o.Apply (node);
				/*Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)node.GetVertex(0),(Vector3)node.GetVertex(1),;
				Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)node.GetVertex(1),(Vector3)node.GetVertex(2),;
				Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)node.GetVertex(2),(Vector3)node.GetVertex(0),;
				Debug.Break ();*/
				return true;
			//System.DateTime endTime = System.DateTime.UtcNow;
			//float theTime = (endTime-startTime).Ticks*0.0001F;
			//Debug.Log ("Intersecting bounds with navmesh took "+theTime.ToString ("0.000")+" ms");
예제 #22
        public static void UpdateArea(GraphUpdateObject o, INavmesh graph)
            //System.DateTime startTime = System.DateTime.UtcNow;

            Bounds bounds = o.bounds;

            Rect r = Rect.MinMaxRect(bounds.min.x, bounds.min.z, bounds.max.x, bounds.max.z);

            IntRect r2 = new IntRect(
                Mathf.FloorToInt(bounds.min.x * Int3.Precision),
                Mathf.FloorToInt(bounds.min.z * Int3.Precision),
                Mathf.FloorToInt(bounds.max.x * Int3.Precision),
                Mathf.FloorToInt(bounds.max.z * Int3.Precision)

            /*Vector3 a = new Vector3 (r.xMin,0,r.yMin);//	-1  -1
             * Vector3 b = new Vector3 (r.xMin,0,r.yMax);//	-1	 1
             * Vector3 c = new Vector3 (r.xMax,0,r.yMin);//	 1  -1
             * Vector3 d = new Vector3 (r.xMax,0,r.yMax);//	 1   1
            Int3 a = new Int3(r2.xmin, 0, r2.ymin);
            Int3 b = new Int3(r2.xmin, 0, r2.ymax);
            Int3 c = new Int3(r2.xmax, 0, r2.ymin);
            Int3 d = new Int3(r2.xmax, 0, r2.ymax);

            Int3 ia = (Int3)a;
            Int3 ib = (Int3)b;
            Int3 ic = (Int3)c;
            Int3 id = (Int3)d;

            //for (int i=0;i<nodes.Length;i++) {
            graph.GetNodes(delegate(GraphNode _node) {
                TriangleMeshNode node = _node as TriangleMeshNode;

                bool inside = false;

                int allLeft   = 0;
                int allRight  = 0;
                int allTop    = 0;
                int allBottom = 0;

                for (int v = 0; v < 3; v++)
                    Int3 p       = node.GetVertex(v);
                    Vector3 vert = (Vector3)p;
                    //Vector2 vert2D = new Vector2 (vert.x,vert.z);

                    if (r2.Contains(p.x, p.z))
                        //Debug.DrawRay (vert,Vector3.up*10,Color.yellow);
                        inside = true;

                    if (vert.x < r.xMin)
                    if (vert.x > r.xMax)
                    if (vert.z < r.yMin)
                    if (vert.z > r.yMax)

                    //if (!bounds.Contains (node[v]) {
                    //	inside = false;
                    //	break;
                if (!inside)
                    if (allLeft == 3 || allRight == 3 || allTop == 3 || allBottom == 3)

                //Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)node.GetVertex(0),(Vector3)node.GetVertex(1),Color.yellow);
                //Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)node.GetVertex(1),(Vector3)node.GetVertex(2),Color.yellow);
                //Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)node.GetVertex(2),(Vector3)node.GetVertex(0),Color.yellow);

                for (int v = 0; v < 3; v++)
                    int v2 = v > 1 ? 0 : v + 1;

                    Int3 vert1 = node.GetVertex(v);
                    Int3 vert2 = node.GetVertex(v2);

                    if (Polygon.Intersects(a, b, vert1, vert2))
                        inside = true; break;
                    if (Polygon.Intersects(a, c, vert1, vert2))
                        inside = true; break;
                    if (Polygon.Intersects(c, d, vert1, vert2))
                        inside = true; break;
                    if (Polygon.Intersects(d, b, vert1, vert2))
                        inside = true; break;

                if (node.ContainsPoint(ia) || node.ContainsPoint(ib) || node.ContainsPoint(ic) || node.ContainsPoint(id))
                    inside = true;

                if (!inside)


                /*Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)node.GetVertex(0),(Vector3)node.GetVertex(1),;
                 * Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)node.GetVertex(1),(Vector3)node.GetVertex(2),;
                 * Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)node.GetVertex(2),(Vector3)node.GetVertex(0),;
                 * Debug.Break ();*/

            //System.DateTime endTime = System.DateTime.UtcNow;
            //float theTime = (endTime-startTime).Ticks*0.0001F;
            //Debug.Log ("Intersecting bounds with navmesh took "+theTime.ToString ("0.000")+" ms");
예제 #23
파일: Path.cs 프로젝트: GameDiffs/TheForest
 public virtual void Reset()
     if (object.ReferenceEquals(, null))
         throw new NullReferenceException("No AstarPath object found in the scene. Make sure there is one or do not create paths in Awake");
     this.hasBeenReset = true;
     this.state = PathState.Created;
     this.releasedNotSilent = false;
     this.pathHandler = null;
     this.callback = null;
     this._errorLog = string.Empty;
     this.pathCompleteState = PathCompleteState.NotCalculated;
     this.path = ListPool<GraphNode>.Claim();
     this.vectorPath = ListPool<Vector3>.Claim();
     this.currentR = null;
     this.duration = 0f;
     this.searchIterations = 0;
     this.searchedNodes = 0;
     this.nnConstraint = PathNNConstraint.Default; = null;
     this.heuristic =;
     this.heuristicScale =;
     this.enabledTags = -1;
     this.tagPenalties = null;
     this.callTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
     this.pathID =;
     this.hTarget =;
     this.hTargetNode = null;
예제 #24
        public static void UpdateArea(GraphUpdateObject o, INavmesh graph)
            Bounds bounds = o.bounds;

            // Bounding rectangle with floating point coordinates
            Rect r = Rect.MinMaxRect(bounds.min.x, bounds.min.z, bounds.max.x, bounds.max.z);

            // Bounding rectangle with int coordinates
            var r2 = new IntRect(
                Mathf.FloorToInt(bounds.min.x * Int3.Precision),
                Mathf.FloorToInt(bounds.min.z * Int3.Precision),
                Mathf.FloorToInt(bounds.max.x * Int3.Precision),
                Mathf.FloorToInt(bounds.max.z * Int3.Precision)

            // Corners of the bounding rectangle
            var a = new Int3(r2.xmin, 0, r2.ymin);
            var b = new Int3(r2.xmin, 0, r2.ymax);
            var c = new Int3(r2.xmax, 0, r2.ymin);
            var d = new Int3(r2.xmax, 0, r2.ymax);

            var ymin = ((Int3)bounds.min).y;
            var ymax = ((Int3)bounds.max).y;

            // Loop through all nodes
            graph.GetNodes(_node => {
                var node = _node as TriangleMeshNode;

                bool inside = false;

                int allLeft   = 0;
                int allRight  = 0;
                int allTop    = 0;
                int allBottom = 0;

                // Check bounding box rect in XZ plane
                for (int v = 0; v < 3; v++)
                    Int3 p   = node.GetVertex(v);
                    var vert = (Vector3)p;

                    if (r2.Contains(p.x, p.z))
                        inside = true;

                    if (vert.x < r.xMin)
                    if (vert.x > r.xMax)
                    if (vert.z < r.yMin)
                    if (vert.z > r.yMax)

                if (!inside)
                    if (allLeft == 3 || allRight == 3 || allTop == 3 || allBottom == 3)

                // Check if the polygon edges intersect the bounding rect
                for (int v = 0; v < 3; v++)
                    int v2 = v > 1 ? 0 : v + 1;

                    Int3 vert1 = node.GetVertex(v);
                    Int3 vert2 = node.GetVertex(v2);

                    if (VectorMath.SegmentsIntersectXZ(a, b, vert1, vert2))
                        inside = true; break;
                    if (VectorMath.SegmentsIntersectXZ(a, c, vert1, vert2))
                        inside = true; break;
                    if (VectorMath.SegmentsIntersectXZ(c, d, vert1, vert2))
                        inside = true; break;
                    if (VectorMath.SegmentsIntersectXZ(d, b, vert1, vert2))
                        inside = true; break;

                // Check if the node contains any corner of the bounding rect
                if (inside || node.ContainsPoint(a) || node.ContainsPoint(b) || node.ContainsPoint(c) || node.ContainsPoint(d))
                    inside = true;

                if (!inside)

                int allAbove = 0;
                int allBelow = 0;

                // Check y coordinate
                for (int v = 0; v < 3; v++)
                    Int3 p = node.GetVertex(v);
                    if (p.y < ymin)
                    if (p.y > ymax)

                // Polygon is either completely above the bounding box or completely below it
                if (allBelow == 3 || allAbove == 3)

                // Triangle is inside the bounding box!
                // Update it!
		public void SetPosition (Int3 position) {
			this.position = position;
예제 #26
        /** Generates a navmesh. Based on the supplied vertices and triangles */
        void GenerateNodes(Vector3[] vectorVertices, int[] triangles, out Vector3[] originalVertices, out Int3[] vertices)

            if (vectorVertices.Length == 0 || triangles.Length == 0)
                originalVertices = vectorVertices;
                vertices         = new Int3[0];
                nodes            = new TriangleMeshNode[0];

            vertices = new Int3[vectorVertices.Length];

            int c = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
                vertices[i] = (Int3)matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(vectorVertices[i]);

            var hashedVerts = new Dictionary <Int3, int>();

            var newVertices = new int[vertices.Length];


            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
                if (!hashedVerts.ContainsKey(vertices[i]))
                    newVertices[c] = i;
                    hashedVerts.Add(vertices[i], c);

            for (int x = 0; x < triangles.Length; x++)
                Int3 vertex = vertices[triangles[x]];

                triangles[x] = hashedVerts[vertex];

            Int3[] totalIntVertices = vertices;
            vertices         = new Int3[c];
            originalVertices = new Vector3[c];
            for (int i = 0; i < c; i++)
                vertices[i]         = totalIntVertices[newVertices[i]];
                originalVertices[i] = vectorVertices[newVertices[i]];

            Profiler.BeginSample("Constructing Nodes");

            nodes = new TriangleMeshNode[triangles.Length / 3];

            int graphIndex = active.astarData.GetGraphIndex(this);

            // Does not have to set this, it is set in ScanInternal
            //TriangleMeshNode.SetNavmeshHolder ((int)graphIndex,this);

            for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++)
                nodes[i] = new TriangleMeshNode(active);
                TriangleMeshNode node = nodes[i];                //new MeshNode ();

                node.GraphIndex = (uint)graphIndex;
                node.Penalty    = initialPenalty;
                node.Walkable   = true;

                node.v0 = triangles[i * 3];
                node.v1 = triangles[i * 3 + 1];
                node.v2 = triangles[i * 3 + 2];

                if (!VectorMath.IsClockwiseXZ(vertices[node.v0], vertices[node.v1], vertices[node.v2]))
                    //Debug.DrawLine (vertices[node.v0],vertices[node.v1],;
                    //Debug.DrawLine (vertices[node.v1],vertices[node.v2],;
                    //Debug.DrawLine (vertices[node.v2],vertices[node.v0],;

                    int tmp = node.v0;
                    node.v0 = node.v2;
                    node.v2 = tmp;

                if (VectorMath.IsColinearXZ(vertices[node.v0], vertices[node.v1], vertices[node.v2]))
                    Debug.DrawLine((Vector3)vertices[node.v0], (Vector3)vertices[node.v1],;
                    Debug.DrawLine((Vector3)vertices[node.v1], (Vector3)vertices[node.v2],;
                    Debug.DrawLine((Vector3)vertices[node.v2], (Vector3)vertices[node.v0],;

                // Make sure position is correctly set


            var sides = new Dictionary <Int2, TriangleMeshNode>();

            for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < triangles.Length; j += 1, i += 3)
                sides[new Int2(triangles[i + 0], triangles[i + 1])] = nodes[j];
                sides[new Int2(triangles[i + 1], triangles[i + 2])] = nodes[j];
                sides[new Int2(triangles[i + 2], triangles[i + 0])] = nodes[j];

            Profiler.BeginSample("Connecting Nodes");

            var connections     = new List <MeshNode>();
            var connectionCosts = new List <uint>();

            for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < triangles.Length; j += 1, i += 3)

                TriangleMeshNode node = nodes[j];

                for (int q = 0; q < 3; q++)
                    TriangleMeshNode other;
                    if (sides.TryGetValue(new Int2(triangles[i + ((q + 1) % 3)], triangles[i + q]), out other))
                        connectionCosts.Add((uint)(node.position - other.position).costMagnitude);

                node.connections     = connections.ToArray();
                node.connectionCosts = connectionCosts.ToArray();

            Profiler.BeginSample("Rebuilding BBTree");


예제 #27
		/** Reset all values to their default values.
		 * \note All inheriting path types (e.g ConstantPath, RandomPath, etc.) which declare their own variables need to
		 * override this function, resetting ALL their variables to enable recycling of paths.
		 * If this is not done, trying to use that path type for pooling might result in weird behaviour.
		 * The best way is to reset to default values the variables declared in the extended path type and then
		 * call this base function in inheriting types with base.Reset ().
		 * \warning This function should not be called manually.
		public virtual void Reset () {

			if (System.Object.ReferenceEquals (, null))
				throw new System.NullReferenceException ("No AstarPath object found in the scene. " +
					"Make sure there is one or do not create paths in Awake");

			hasBeenReset = true;
			state = (int)PathState.Created;
			releasedNotSilent = false;

			pathHandler = null;
			callback = null;
			_errorLog = "";
			pathCompleteState = PathCompleteState.NotCalculated;

			path = Pathfinding.Util.ListPool<GraphNode>.Claim();
			vectorPath = Pathfinding.Util.ListPool<Vector3>.Claim();

			currentR = null;

			duration = 0;
			searchIterations = 0;
			searchedNodes = 0;

			nnConstraint = PathNNConstraint.Default;
			next = null;

			heuristic =;
			heuristicScale =;

			enabledTags = -1;
			tagPenalties = null;

			callTime = System.DateTime.UtcNow;
			pathID = ();

			hTarget =;
			hTargetNode = null;
예제 #28
 public virtual int[] InitialOpen(BinaryHeapM open, Int3 targetPosition, Int3 position, Path path, bool doOpen)
     return(BaseInitialOpen(open, targetPosition, position, path, doOpen));
예제 #29
		//public override Int3 Position {get { return position; } }
		public void SetPosition (Int3 value) {
			position = value;
예제 #30
 public virtual void Open(NodeRunData nodeRunData, NodeRun nodeR, Int3 targetPosition, Path path)
     BaseOpen(nodeRunData, nodeR, targetPosition, path);
예제 #31
파일: Node.cs 프로젝트: klobodnf/st1
		public virtual void Open (NodeRunData nodeRunData, NodeRun nodeR, Int3 targetPosition, Path path) {
			BaseOpen (nodeRunData,nodeR, targetPosition,path);
예제 #32
        /** Opens the nodes connected to this node. This is a base call and can be called by node classes overriding the Open function to open all connections in the #connections array.
         * \see #connections
         * \see Open */
        public void BaseOpen(NodeRunData nodeRunData, NodeRun nodeR, Int3 targetPosition, Path path)
            if (connections == null)

            for (int i = 0; i < connections.Length; i++)
                Node conNode = connections[i];

                if (!path.CanTraverse(conNode))

                NodeRun nodeR2 = conNode.GetNodeRun(nodeRunData);

                if (nodeR2.pathID != nodeRunData.pathID)
                    nodeR2.parent = nodeR;
                    nodeR2.pathID = nodeRunData.pathID;

                    nodeR2.cost = (uint)connectionCosts[i];

                    conNode.UpdateH(targetPosition, path.heuristic, path.heuristicScale, nodeR2);
                    conNode.UpdateG(nodeR2, nodeRunData);


                    //Debug.DrawLine (position,node.position,Color.cyan);
                    //Debug.Log ("Opening	Node "+node.position.ToString ()+" "+g+" "+node.cost+" "+node.g+" "+node.f);
                    //If not we can test if the path from the current node to this one is a better one then the one already used
                    uint tmpCost = (uint)connectionCosts[i];

                    if (nodeR.g + tmpCost + conNode.penalty
                        + path.GetTagPenalty(conNode.tags)
                        < nodeR2.g)
                        nodeR2.cost   = tmpCost;
                        nodeR2.parent = nodeR;

                        conNode.UpdateAllG(nodeR2, nodeRunData);


                    else if (nodeR2.g + tmpCost + penalty
                             + path.GetTagPenalty(tags)
                             < nodeR.g)                      //Or if the path from this node ("node") to the current ("current") is better

                        bool contains = conNode.ContainsConnection(this);

                        //Make sure we don't travel along the wrong direction of a one way link now, make sure the Current node can be moved to from the other Node.

                        /*if (node.connections != null) {
                         *      for (int y=0;y<node.connections.Length;y++) {
                         *              if (node.connections[y] == this) {
                         *                      contains = true;
                         *                      break;
                         *              }
                         *      }
                         * }*/

                        if (!contains)

                        nodeR.parent = nodeR2;
                        nodeR.cost   = tmpCost;

                        UpdateAllG(nodeR, nodeRunData);

예제 #33
파일: ABPath.cs 프로젝트: jlonardi/igp-DnM
        /** Prepares the path. Searches for start and end nodes and does some simple checking if a path is at all possible */
        public override void Prepare()
            AstarProfiler.StartProfile ("Get Nearest");

            //Initialize the NNConstraint
            nnConstraint.tags = enabledTags;
            NNInfo startNNInfo 	= (startPoint,nnConstraint, startHint);

            //Tell the NNConstraint which node was found as the start node if it is a PathNNConstraint and not a normal NNConstraint
            PathNNConstraint pathNNConstraint = nnConstraint as PathNNConstraint;
            if (pathNNConstraint != null) {
                pathNNConstraint.SetStart (startNNInfo.node);

            startPoint = startNNInfo.clampedPosition;
            startIntPoint = (Int3)startPoint;
            startNode = startNNInfo.node;

            //If it is declared that this path type has an end point
            //Some path types might want to use most of the ABPath code, but will not have an explicit end point at start
            if (hasEndPoint) {
                NNInfo endNNInfo = (endPoint,nnConstraint, endHint);
                endPoint = endNNInfo.clampedPosition;
                hTarget = (Int3)endPoint;
                endNode = endNNInfo.node;

            AstarProfiler.EndProfile ();

            if (startNode == null && (hasEndPoint && endNode == null)) {
                Error ();
                LogError ("Couldn't find close nodes to the start point or the end point");
            if (startNode == null) {
                Error ();
                LogError ("Couldn't find a close node to the start point");
            if (endNode == null && hasEndPoint) {
                Error ();
                LogError ("Couldn't find a close node to the end point");

            if (!startNode.walkable) {
                Error ();
                LogError ("The node closest to the start point is not walkable");

            if (hasEndPoint && !endNode.walkable) {
                Error ();
                LogError ("The node closest to the end point is not walkable");

            if (hasEndPoint && startNode.area != endNode.area) {
                Error ();
                LogError ("There is no valid path to the target (start area: "+startNode.area+", target area: "+endNode.area+")");
예제 #34
 /** Add a node to the graph at the specified position.
  * \note Vector3 can be casted to Int3 using (Int3)myVector.
  * \note This needs to be called when it is safe to update nodes, which is
  * - when scanning
  * - during a graph update
  * - inside a callback registered using AstarPath.RegisterSafeUpdate
 public PointNode AddNode(Int3 position)
     return(AddNode(new PointNode(active), position));
예제 #35
		public void SetPosition (Int3 p) {
			position = p;
예제 #36
 public static long SignedTriangleAreaTimes2XZ(Int3 a, Int3 b, Int3 c)
     return((long)(b.x - a.x) * (long)(c.z - a.z) - (long)(c.x - a.x) * (long)(b.z - a.z));
예제 #37
		/** Returns the closest point of the node */
		public static Vector3 ClosestPointOnNode (MeshNode node, Int3[] vertices, Vector3 pos) {
			return Polygon.ClosesPointOnTriangle (vertices[node[0]],vertices[node[1]],vertices[node[2]],pos);
예제 #38
 public static bool RightXZ(Int3 a, Int3 b, Int3 p)
     return((long)(b.x - a.x) * (long)(p.z - a.z) - (long)(p.x - a.x) * (long)(b.z - a.z) < 0L);
예제 #39
		/** Generates a navmesh. Based on the supplied vertices and triangles. Memory usage is about O(n) */
		public static void GenerateNodes (NavGraph graph, Vector3[] vectorVertices, int[] triangles, out Vector3[] originalVertices, out Int3[] vertices) {
			if (!(graph is INavmesh)) {
				Debug.LogError ("The specified graph does not implement interface 'INavmesh'");
				originalVertices = vectorVertices;
				vertices = new Int3[0];
				graph.nodes = graph.CreateNodes (0);
			if (vectorVertices.Length == 0 || triangles.Length == 0) {
				originalVertices = vectorVertices;
				vertices = new Int3[0];
				graph.nodes = graph.CreateNodes (0);
			vertices = new Int3[vectorVertices.Length];
			//Backup the original vertices
			//for (int i=0;i<vectorVertices.Length;i++) {
			//	vectorVertices[i] = graph.matrix.MultiplyPoint (vectorVertices[i]);
			int c = 0;
			/*int maxX = 0;
			int maxZ = 0;
			//Almost infinity
			int minX = 0xFFFFFFF;
			int minZ = 0xFFFFFFF;*/
			for (int i=0;i<vertices.Length;i++) {
				vertices[i] = (Int3)graph.matrix.MultiplyPoint (vectorVertices[i]);
				/*maxX = Mathfx.Max (vertices[i].x, maxX);
				maxZ = Mathfx.Max (vertices[i].z, maxZ);
				minX = Mathfx.Min (vertices[i].x, minX);
				minZ = Mathfx.Min (vertices[i].z, minZ);*/
			//maxX = maxX-minX;
			//maxZ = maxZ-minZ;
			Dictionary<Int3,int> hashedVerts = new Dictionary<Int3,int> ();
			int[] newVertices = new int[vertices.Length];
			for (int i=0;i<vertices.Length-1;i++) {
				//int hash = Mathfx.ComputeVertexHash (vertices[i].x,vertices[i].y,vertices[i].z);
				//if (sortedVertices[i] != sortedVertices[i+1]) {
				if (!hashedVerts.ContainsKey (vertices[i])) {
					newVertices[c] = i;
					hashedVerts.Add (vertices[i], c);
				}// else {
					//Debug.Log ("Hash Duplicate "+hash+" "+vertices[i].ToString ());
			newVertices[c] = vertices.Length-1;
			//int hash2 = (newVertices[c].x-minX)+(newVertices[c].z-minX)*maxX+newVertices[c].y*maxX*maxZ;
			//int hash2 = Mathfx.ComputeVertexHash (newVertices[c].x,newVertices[c].y,newVertices[c].z);
			if (!hashedVerts.ContainsKey (vertices[newVertices[c]])) {
				hashedVerts.Add (vertices[newVertices[c]], c);
			for (int x=0;x<triangles.Length;x++) {
				Int3 vertex = vertices[triangles[x]];
				//int hash3 = (vertex.x-minX)+(vertex.z-minX)*maxX+vertex.y*maxX*maxZ;
				//int hash3 = Mathfx.ComputeVertexHash (vertex.x,vertex.y,vertex.z);
				//for (int y=0;y<newVertices.Length;y++) {
				triangles[x] = hashedVerts[vertex];
			/*for (int i=0;i<triangles.Length;i += 3) {
				Vector3 offset = Vector3.forward*i*0.01F;
				Debug.DrawLine (newVertices[triangles[i]]+offset,newVertices[triangles[i+1]]+offset,;
				Debug.DrawLine (newVertices[triangles[i+1]]+offset,newVertices[triangles[i+2]]+offset,;
				Debug.DrawLine (newVertices[triangles[i+2]]+offset,newVertices[triangles[i]]+offset,;
			//Debug.Log ("NavMesh - Old vertice count "+vertices.Length+", new vertice count "+c+" "+maxX+" "+maxZ+" "+maxX*maxZ);
			Int3[] totalIntVertices = vertices;
			vertices = new Int3[c];
			originalVertices = new Vector3[c];
			for (int i=0;i<c;i++) {
				vertices[i] = totalIntVertices[newVertices[i]];//(Int3)graph.matrix.MultiplyPoint (vectorVertices[i]);
				originalVertices[i] = vertices[i];//vectorVertices[newVertices[i]];
			Node[] nodes = graph.CreateNodes (triangles.Length/3);//new Node[triangles.Length/3];
			graph.nodes = nodes;
			for (int i=0;i<nodes.Length;i++) {
				MeshNode node = (MeshNode)nodes[i];//new MeshNode ();
				node.walkable = true;
				node.position = (vertices[triangles[i*3]] + vertices[triangles[i*3+1]] + vertices[triangles[i*3+2]])/3F;
				node.v1 = triangles[i*3];
				node.v2 = triangles[i*3+1];
				node.v3 = triangles[i*3+2];
				if (!Polygon.IsClockwise (vertices[node.v1],vertices[node.v2],vertices[node.v3])) {
					//Debug.DrawLine (vertices[node.v1],vertices[node.v2],;
					//Debug.DrawLine (vertices[node.v2],vertices[node.v3],;
					//Debug.DrawLine (vertices[node.v3],vertices[node.v1],;
					int tmp = node.v1;
					node.v1 = node.v3;
					node.v3 = tmp;
				if (Polygon.IsColinear (vertices[node.v1],vertices[node.v2],vertices[node.v3])) {
					Debug.DrawLine (vertices[node.v1],vertices[node.v2],;
					Debug.DrawLine (vertices[node.v2],vertices[node.v3],;
					Debug.DrawLine (vertices[node.v3],vertices[node.v1],;
				nodes[i] = node;
			List<Node> connections = new List<Node> ();
			List<int> connectionCosts = new List<int> ();
			int identicalError = 0;
			for (int i=0;i<triangles.Length;i+=3) {
				connections.Clear ();
				connectionCosts.Clear ();
				//Int3 indices = new Int3(triangles[i],triangles[i+1],triangles[i+2]);
				Node node = nodes[i/3];
				for (int x=0;x<triangles.Length;x+=3) {
					if (x == i) {
					int count = 0;
					if (triangles[x] 	== 	triangles[i]) { count++; }
					if (triangles[x+1]	== 	triangles[i]) { count++; }
					if (triangles[x+2] 	== 	triangles[i]) { count++; }
					if (triangles[x] 	== 	triangles[i+1]) { count++; }
					if (triangles[x+1] 	== 	triangles[i+1]) { count++; }
					if (triangles[x+2] 	== 	triangles[i+1]) { count++; }
					if (triangles[x] 	== 	triangles[i+2]) { count++; }
					if (triangles[x+1] 	== 	triangles[i+2]) { count++; }
					if (triangles[x+2] 	== 	triangles[i+2]) { count++; }
					if (count >= 3) {
						Debug.DrawLine (vertices[triangles[x]],vertices[triangles[x+1]],;
						Debug.DrawLine (vertices[triangles[x]],vertices[triangles[x+2]],;
						Debug.DrawLine (vertices[triangles[x+2]],vertices[triangles[x+1]],;
					if (count == 2) {
						Node other = nodes[x/3];
						connections.Add (other);
						connectionCosts.Add (Mathf.RoundToInt ((node.position-other.position).magnitude));
				node.connections = connections.ToArray ();
				node.connectionCosts = connectionCosts.ToArray ();
			if (identicalError > 0) {
				Debug.LogError ("One or more triangles are identical to other triangles, this is not a good thing to have in a navmesh\nIncreasing the scale of the mesh might help\nNumber of triangles with error: "+identicalError+"\n");
			RebuildBBTree (graph);
			//Debug.Log ("Graph Generation - NavMesh - Time to compute graph "+((Time.realtimeSinceStartup-startTime)*1000F).ToString ("0")+"ms");
예제 #40
 public static bool RightOrColinearXZ(Int3 a, Int3 b, Int3 p)
     return((long)(b.x - a.x) * (long)(p.z - a.z) - (long)(p.x - a.x) * (long)(b.z - a.z) <= 0L);
예제 #41
		public override void DeserializeExtraInfo (GraphSerializationContext ctx)
			uint graphIndex = (uint)active.astarData.GetGraphIndex(this);
			TriangleMeshNode.SetNavmeshHolder ((int)graphIndex,this);
			int c1 = ctx.reader.ReadInt32();
			int c2 = ctx.reader.ReadInt32();
			if (c1 == -1) {
				nodes = new TriangleMeshNode[0];
				_vertices = new Int3[0];
				originalVertices = new Vector3[0];
			nodes = new TriangleMeshNode[c1];
			_vertices = new Int3[c2];
			originalVertices = new Vector3[c2];
			for (int i=0;i<c2;i++) {
				_vertices[i] = new Int3(ctx.reader.ReadInt32(), ctx.reader.ReadInt32(), ctx.reader.ReadInt32());
				originalVertices[i] = new Vector3(ctx.reader.ReadSingle(), ctx.reader.ReadSingle(), ctx.reader.ReadSingle());
			bbTree = new BBTree(this);
			for (int i=0;i<c1;i++) {
				nodes[i] = new TriangleMeshNode(active);
				TriangleMeshNode node = nodes[i];
				node.GraphIndex = graphIndex;
				bbTree.Insert (node);
예제 #42
 public static bool IsClockwiseOrColinearXZ(Int3 a, Int3 b, Int3 c)
     return(VectorMath.RightOrColinearXZ(a, b, c));
예제 #43
		/** Returns the closest point of the node */
		public static Vector3 ClosestPointOnNode (TriangleMeshNode node, Int3[] vertices, Vector3 pos) {
			return Polygon.ClosestPointOnTriangle ((Vector3)vertices[node.v0],(Vector3)vertices[node.v1],(Vector3)vertices[node.v2],pos);
예제 #44
 public static bool IsColinearXZ(Int3 a, Int3 b, Int3 c)
     return((long)(b.x - a.x) * (long)(c.z - a.z) - (long)(c.x - a.x) * (long)(b.z - a.z) == 0L);
예제 #45
		/** Generates a navmesh. Based on the supplied vertices and triangles. Memory usage is about O(n) */
		public void GenerateNodes (Vector3[] vectorVertices, int[] triangles, out Vector3[] originalVertices, out Int3[] vertices) {
			if (vectorVertices.Length == 0 || triangles.Length == 0) {
				originalVertices = vectorVertices;
				vertices = new Int3[0];
				//graph.CreateNodes (0);
				nodes = new TriangleMeshNode[0];
			vertices = new Int3[vectorVertices.Length];
			//Backup the original vertices
			//for (int i=0;i<vectorVertices.Length;i++) {
			//	vectorVertices[i] = graph.matrix.MultiplyPoint (vectorVertices[i]);
			int c = 0;
			/*int maxX = 0;
			int maxZ = 0;
			//Almost infinity
			int minX = 0xFFFFFFF;
			int minZ = 0xFFFFFFF;*/
			for (int i=0;i<vertices.Length;i++) {
				vertices[i] = (Int3)matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (vectorVertices[i]);
				/*maxX = Mathfx.Max (vertices[i].x, maxX);
				maxZ = Mathfx.Max (vertices[i].z, maxZ);
				minX = Mathfx.Min (vertices[i].x, minX);
				minZ = Mathfx.Min (vertices[i].z, minZ);*/
			//maxX = maxX-minX;
			//maxZ = maxZ-minZ;
			Dictionary<Int3,int> hashedVerts = new Dictionary<Int3,int> ();
			int[] newVertices = new int[vertices.Length];
			for (int i=0;i<vertices.Length-1;i++) {
				//int hash = Mathfx.ComputeVertexHash (vertices[i].x,vertices[i].y,vertices[i].z);
				//if (sortedVertices[i] != sortedVertices[i+1]) {
				if (!hashedVerts.ContainsKey (vertices[i])) {
					newVertices[c] = i;
					hashedVerts.Add (vertices[i], c);
				}// else {
					//Debug.Log ("Hash Duplicate "+hash+" "+vertices[i].ToString ());
			newVertices[c] = vertices.Length-1;
			//int hash2 = (newVertices[c].x-minX)+(newVertices[c].z-minX)*maxX+newVertices[c].y*maxX*maxZ;
			//int hash2 = Mathfx.ComputeVertexHash (newVertices[c].x,newVertices[c].y,newVertices[c].z);
			if (!hashedVerts.ContainsKey (vertices[newVertices[c]])) {
				hashedVerts.Add (vertices[newVertices[c]], c);
			for (int x=0;x<triangles.Length;x++) {
				Int3 vertex = vertices[triangles[x]];
				//int hash3 = (vertex.x-minX)+(vertex.z-minX)*maxX+vertex.y*maxX*maxZ;
				//int hash3 = Mathfx.ComputeVertexHash (vertex.x,vertex.y,vertex.z);
				//for (int y=0;y<newVertices.Length;y++) {
				triangles[x] = hashedVerts[vertex];
			/*for (int i=0;i<triangles.Length;i += 3) {
				Vector3 offset = Vector3.forward*i*0.01F;
				Debug.DrawLine (newVertices[triangles[i]]+offset,newVertices[triangles[i+1]]+offset,;
				Debug.DrawLine (newVertices[triangles[i+1]]+offset,newVertices[triangles[i+2]]+offset,;
				Debug.DrawLine (newVertices[triangles[i+2]]+offset,newVertices[triangles[i]]+offset,;
			//Debug.Log ("NavMesh - Old vertice count "+vertices.Length+", new vertice count "+c+" "+maxX+" "+maxZ+" "+maxX*maxZ);
			Int3[] totalIntVertices = vertices;
			vertices = new Int3[c];
			originalVertices = new Vector3[c];
			for (int i=0;i<c;i++) {
				vertices[i] = totalIntVertices[newVertices[i]];//(Int3)graph.matrix.MultiplyPoint (vectorVertices[i]);
				originalVertices[i] = (Vector3)vectorVertices[newVertices[i]];//vectorVertices[newVertices[i]];
			//graph.CreateNodes (triangles.Length/3);//new Node[triangles.Length/3];
			nodes = new TriangleMeshNode[triangles.Length/3];
			for (int i=0;i<nodes.Length;i++) {
				nodes[i] = new TriangleMeshNode(active);
				TriangleMeshNode node = nodes[i];//new MeshNode ();
				node.Penalty = initialPenalty;
				node.Walkable = true;
				node.v0 = triangles[i*3];
				node.v1 = triangles[i*3+1];
				node.v2 = triangles[i*3+2];
				if (!Polygon.IsClockwise (vertices[node.v0],vertices[node.v1],vertices[node.v2])) {
					//Debug.DrawLine (vertices[node.v0],vertices[node.v1],;
					//Debug.DrawLine (vertices[node.v1],vertices[node.v2],;
					//Debug.DrawLine (vertices[node.v2],vertices[node.v0],;
					int tmp = node.v0;
					node.v0 = node.v2;
					node.v2 = tmp;
				if (Polygon.IsColinear (vertices[node.v0],vertices[node.v1],vertices[node.v2])) {
					Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)vertices[node.v0],(Vector3)vertices[node.v1],;
					Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)vertices[node.v1],(Vector3)vertices[node.v2],;
					Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)vertices[node.v2],(Vector3)vertices[node.v0],;
				// Make sure position is correctly set
			List<MeshNode> connections = new List<MeshNode> ();
			List<uint> connectionCosts = new List<uint> ();
			int identicalError = 0;
			for (int i=0;i<triangles.Length;i+=3) {
				connections.Clear ();
				connectionCosts.Clear ();
				//Int3 indices = new Int3(triangles[i],triangles[i+1],triangles[i+2]);
				TriangleMeshNode node = nodes[i/3];
				for (int x=0;x<triangles.Length;x+=3) {
					if (x == i) {
					int count = 0;
					if (triangles[x] 	== 	triangles[i]) { count++; }
					if (triangles[x+1]	== 	triangles[i]) { count++; }
					if (triangles[x+2] 	== 	triangles[i]) { count++; }
					if (triangles[x] 	== 	triangles[i+1]) { count++; }
					if (triangles[x+1] 	== 	triangles[i+1]) { count++; }
					if (triangles[x+2] 	== 	triangles[i+1]) { count++; }
					if (triangles[x] 	== 	triangles[i+2]) { count++; }
					if (triangles[x+1] 	== 	triangles[i+2]) { count++; }
					if (triangles[x+2] 	== 	triangles[i+2]) { count++; }
					if (count >= 3) {
						Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)vertices[triangles[x]],(Vector3)vertices[triangles[x+1]],;
						Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)vertices[triangles[x]],(Vector3)vertices[triangles[x+2]],;
						Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)vertices[triangles[x+2]],(Vector3)vertices[triangles[x+1]],;
					if (count == 2) {
						GraphNode other = nodes[x/3];
						connections.Add (other as MeshNode);
						connectionCosts.Add ((uint)(node.position-other.position).costMagnitude);
				node.connections = connections.ToArray ();
				node.connectionCosts = connectionCosts.ToArray ();
			if (identicalError > 0) {
				Debug.LogError ("One or more triangles are identical to other triangles, this is not a good thing to have in a navmesh\nIncreasing the scale of the mesh might help\nNumber of triangles with error: "+identicalError+"\n");
			RebuildBBTree (this);
			for (int i=0;i<nodes.Length;i++) {
				TriangleMeshNode node = nodes[i] as TriangleMeshNode;
				float a1 = Polygon.TriangleArea2 ((Vector3)vertices[node.v0],(Vector3)vertices[node.v1],(Vector3)vertices[node.v2]);
				long a2 = Polygon.TriangleArea2 (vertices[node.v0],vertices[node.v1],vertices[node.v2]);
				if (a1 * a2 < 0) Debug.LogError (a1+ " " + a2);
				if (Polygon.IsClockwise (vertices[node.v0],vertices[node.v1],vertices[node.v2])) {
					Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)vertices[node.v0],(Vector3)vertices[node.v1],;
					Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)vertices[node.v1],(Vector3)vertices[node.v2],;
					Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)vertices[node.v2],(Vector3)vertices[node.v0],;
				} else {
					Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)vertices[node.v0],(Vector3)vertices[node.v1],;
					Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)vertices[node.v1],(Vector3)vertices[node.v2],;
					Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)vertices[node.v2],(Vector3)vertices[node.v0],;
			//Debug.Log ("Graph Generation - NavMesh - Time to compute graph "+((Time.realtimeSinceStartup-startTime)*1000F).ToString ("0")+"ms");
예제 #46
        public static bool IsColinearAlmostXZ(Int3 a, Int3 b, Int3 c)
            long num = (long)(b.x - a.x) * (long)(c.z - a.z) - (long)(c.x - a.x) * (long)(b.z - a.z);

            return(num > -1L && num < 1L);
예제 #47
        /** Checks if \a p is inside the node in XZ space
         * The default implementation uses XZ space and is in large part got from the website linked below
         * \author (Eric5h5)
         * The TriangleMeshNode overrides this and implements faster code for that case.
        public virtual bool ContainsPoint(Int3 p)
            bool inside = false;

            int count = GetVertexCount();
            for (int i = 0, j=count-1; i < count; j = i++) {
              if ( ((GetVertex(i).z <= p.z && p.z < GetVertex(j).z) || (GetVertex(j).z <= p.z && p.z < GetVertex(i).z)) &&
                 (p.x < (GetVertex(j).x - GetVertex(i).x) * (p.z - GetVertex(i).z) / (GetVertex(j).z - GetVertex(i).z) + GetVertex(i).x))
                 inside = !inside;
            return inside;
예제 #48
 public static bool SegmentsIntersectXZ(Int3 start1, Int3 end1, Int3 start2, Int3 end2)
     return(VectorMath.RightOrColinearXZ(start1, end1, start2) != VectorMath.RightOrColinearXZ(start1, end1, end2) && VectorMath.RightOrColinearXZ(start2, end2, start1) != VectorMath.RightOrColinearXZ(start2, end2, end1));
예제 #49
		/** Prepares the path. Searches for start and end nodes and does some simple checking if a path is at all possible */
		public override void Prepare () {

			AstarProfiler.StartProfile ("Get Nearest");

			//Initialize the NNConstraint
			nnConstraint.tags = enabledTags;
			NNInfo startNNInfo 	= (startPoint,nnConstraint, startHint);

			//Tell the NNConstraint which node was found as the start node if it is a PathNNConstraint and not a normal NNConstraint
			var pathNNConstraint = nnConstraint as PathNNConstraint;
			if (pathNNConstraint != null) {
				pathNNConstraint.SetStart (startNNInfo.node);

			startPoint = startNNInfo.clampedPosition;

			startIntPoint = (Int3)startPoint;
			startNode = startNNInfo.node;

			//If it is declared that this path type has an end point
			//Some path types might want to use most of the ABPath code, but will not have an explicit end point at this stage
			if (hasEndPoint) {
				NNInfo endNNInfo = (endPoint,nnConstraint, endHint);
				endPoint = endNNInfo.clampedPosition;

				// Note, other methods assume hTarget is (Int3)endPoint
				hTarget = (Int3)endPoint;
				endNode = endNNInfo.node;
				hTargetNode = endNode;

			AstarProfiler.EndProfile ();

			if (startNode != null)
				Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)startNode.position,startPoint,;
			if (endNode != null)
				Debug.DrawLine ((Vector3)endNode.position,endPoint,;

			if (startNode == null && (hasEndPoint && endNode == null)) {
				Error ();
				LogError ("Couldn't find close nodes to the start point or the end point");

			if (startNode == null) {
				Error ();
				LogError ("Couldn't find a close node to the start point");

			if (endNode == null && hasEndPoint) {
				Error ();
				LogError ("Couldn't find a close node to the end point");

			if (!startNode.Walkable) {
				Debug.DrawRay (startPoint,Vector3.up,;
				Debug.DrawLine (startPoint,(Vector3)startNode.position,;
				Error ();
				LogError ("The node closest to the start point is not walkable");

			if (hasEndPoint && !endNode.Walkable) {
				Error ();
				LogError ("The node closest to the end point is not walkable");

			if (hasEndPoint && startNode.Area != endNode.Area) {
				Error ();
				LogError ("There is no valid path to the target (start area: "+startNode.Area+", target area: "+endNode.Area+")");
예제 #50
        public static bool RaySegmentIntersectXZ(Int3 start1, Int3 end1, Int3 start2, Int3 end2)
            Int3 @int = end1 - start1;
            Int3 int2 = end2 - start2;
            long num  = (long)(int2.z * @int.x - int2.x * @int.z);

            if (num == 0L)
            long num2 = (long)(int2.x * (start1.z - start2.z) - int2.z * (start1.x - start2.x));
            long num3 = (long)(@int.x * (start1.z - start2.z) - @int.z * (start1.x - start2.x));

            return((num2 < 0L ^ num < 0L) && (num3 < 0L ^ num < 0L) && (num < 0L || num3 <= num) && (num >= 0L || num3 > num));
		public override void DeserializeNode (GraphSerializationContext ctx)
			base.DeserializeNode (ctx);
			position = new Int3(ctx.reader.ReadInt32(), ctx.reader.ReadInt32(), ctx.reader.ReadInt32());
			gridFlags = ctx.reader.ReadUInt16();
			gridConnections = ctx.reader.ReadUInt16();
			gridConnections = ctx.reader.ReadUInt32();
예제 #52
        public static bool LineIntersectionFactorXZ(Int3 start1, Int3 end1, Int3 start2, Int3 end2, out float factor1, out float factor2)
            Int3 @int = end1 - start1;
            Int3 int2 = end2 - start2;
            long num  = (long)(int2.z * @int.x - int2.x * @int.z);

            if (num == 0L)
                factor1 = 0f;
                factor2 = 0f;
            long num2 = (long)(int2.x * (start1.z - start2.z) - int2.z * (start1.x - start2.x));
            long num3 = (long)(@int.x * (start1.z - start2.z) - @int.z * (start1.x - start2.x));

            factor1 = (float)num2 / (float)num;
            factor2 = (float)num3 / (float)num;
예제 #53
        /** Sets the start and end points.
         * Sets #originalStartPoint, #originalEndPoint, #startPoint, #endPoint, #startIntPoint and #hTarget (to \a end ) */
        public virtual void UpdateStartEnd(Vector3 start, Vector3 end)
            originalStartPoint = start;
            originalEndPoint = end;

            startPoint = start;
            endPoint = end;

            startIntPoint = (Int3)start;
            hTarget = (Int3)end;
예제 #54
        public static float LineRayIntersectionFactorXZ(Int3 start1, Int3 end1, Int3 start2, Int3 end2)
            Int3 @int = end1 - start1;
            Int3 int2 = end2 - start2;
            int  num  = int2.z * @int.x - int2.x * @int.z;

            if (num == 0)
            int num2 = int2.x * (start1.z - start2.z) - int2.z * (start1.x - start2.x);
            int num3 = @int.x * (start1.z - start2.z) - @int.z * (start1.x - start2.x);

            if ((float)num3 / (float)num < 0f)
            return((float)num2 / (float)num);
예제 #55
        /** Returns if \a _b is visible from \a _a on the graph.
         * This function is different from the other Linecast functions since it 1) snaps the start and end positions directly to the graph
         * and it uses Bresenham's line drawing algorithm as opposed to the others which use sampling at fixed intervals.
         * If you only care about if one \b node can see another \b node, then this function is great, but if you need more precision than one node,
         * use the normal linecast functions
         * \param [in] _a Point to linecast from
         * \param [in] _b Point to linecast to
         * \param [out] hit Contains info on what was hit, see GraphHitInfo
         * \param [in] hint (deprecated) If you have some idea of what the start node might be (the one close to \a _a), pass it to hint since it can enable faster lookups.
         * This is not the same as Physics.Linecast, this function traverses the graph and looks for collisions.
         * \astarpro */
        public new bool SnappedLinecast(Vector3 _a, Vector3 _b, Node hint, out GraphHitInfo hit)
            hit = new GraphHitInfo ();

            //System.DateTime startTime = System.DateTime.UtcNow;

            LevelGridNode n1 = GetNearest (_a,NNConstraint.None).node as LevelGridNode;
            LevelGridNode n2 = GetNearest (_b,NNConstraint.None).node as LevelGridNode;

            if (n1 == null || n2 == null) {
                hit.node = null;
                hit.point = _a;
                return true;

            _a = inverseMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 ((Vector3)n1.position);
            _a.x -= 0.5F;
            _a.z -= 0.5F;

            _b = inverseMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 ((Vector3)n2.position);
            _b.x -= 0.5F;
            _b.z -= 0.5F;

            Int3 a = new Int3 (Mathf.RoundToInt (_a.x),Mathf.RoundToInt (_a.y),Mathf.RoundToInt (_a.z));
            Int3 b = new Int3 (Mathf.RoundToInt (_b.x),Mathf.RoundToInt (_b.y),Mathf.RoundToInt (_b.z));

            hit.origin = (Vector3)a;

            //Debug.DrawLine (matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (a*100),matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (b*100),Color.yellow);

            if (!n1.walkable) {//nodes[a.z*width+a.x].walkable) {
                hit.node = n1;//nodes[a.z*width+a.x];
                hit.point = matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (new Vector3 (a.x+0.5F,0,a.z+0.5F));
                hit.point.y = ((Vector3)hit.node.position).y;
                return true;

            int dx = Mathf.Abs (a.x-b.x);
            int dz = Mathf.Abs (a.z-b.z);

            LevelGridNode currentNode = n1;

            while (true) {

                if (currentNode == n2) { //a.x == b.x && a.z == b.z) {

                    //System.DateTime endTime2 = System.DateTime.UtcNow;
                    //float theTime2 = (endTime2-startTime).Ticks*0.0001F;

                    //Debug.Log ("Grid Linecast : Time "+theTime2.ToString ("0.00"));

                    return false;

                //The nodes are at the same position in the graph when seen from above
                if (currentNode.GetIndex() == n2.GetIndex()) {
                    hit.node = currentNode;
                    hit.point = (Vector3)currentNode.position;
                    return true;

                dx = System.Math.Abs(a.x-b.x);
                dz = System.Math.Abs(a.z-b.z);

                int dir = 0;

                if (dx >= dz) {
                    dir = b.x>a.x ? 1 : 3;
                } else if (dz > dx) {
                    dir = b.z>a.z  ? 2 : 0;

                if (CheckConnection (currentNode,dir)) {
                    LevelGridNode other = nodes[currentNode.GetIndex()+neighbourOffsets[dir] + width*depth*currentNode.GetConnectionValue(dir)] as LevelGridNode;

                    if (!other.walkable) {
                        hit.node = other;
                        hit.point = (Vector3)other.position;
                        return true;

                    //Debug.DrawLine (matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (a*100),matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (newPos*100));
                    a = (Int3)inverseMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 ((Vector3)other.position);
                    currentNode = other;
                } else {

                    hit.node = currentNode;
                    hit.point = (Vector3)currentNode.position;//matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (new Vector3 (a.x+0.5F,0,a.z+0.5F));
                    return true;

                /*int e2 = err*2;

                Int3 newPos = a;

                if (e2 > -dz) {
                    err = err-dz;
                    dir = sx;
                    newPos.x += sx;

                if (e2 < dx) {
                    err = err+dx;
                    dir += width*sz;
                    newPos.z += sz;

                if (dir == 0) {
                    Debug.LogError ("Offset is zero, this should not happen");
                    return false;

                for (int i=0;i<neighbourOffsets.Length;i++) {
                    if (neighbourOffsets[i] == dir) {
                        if (CheckConnection (nodes[a.z*width+a.x] as LevelGridNode,i)) {
                            if (!nodes[newPos.z*width+newPos.x].walkable) {
                                hit.node = nodes[a.z*width+a.x];
                                hit.point = matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (new Vector3 (a.x+0.5F,0,a.z+0.5F));
                                hit.point.y = ((Vector3)hit.node.position).y;
                                return true;

                            //Debug.DrawLine (matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (a*100),matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (newPos*100));
                            a = newPos;
                        } else {

                            hit.node = nodes[a.z*width+a.x];
                            hit.point = matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (new Vector3 (a.x+0.5F,0,a.z+0.5F));
                            hit.point.y = ((Vector3)hit.node.position).y;
                            return true;

            //Debug.DrawLine (_a,_b,;
            //hit.success = true;
예제 #56
 public void SetPosition(Int3 value)
     position = value;
예제 #57
		/** Returns if \a _b is visible from \a _a on the graph.
		 * This function is different from the other Linecast functions since it 1) snaps the start and end positions directly to the graph
		 * and it uses Bresenham's line drawing algorithm as opposed to the others which use sampling at fixed intervals.
		 * If you only care about if one \b node can see another \b node, then this function is great, but if you need more precision than one node,
		 * use the normal linecast functions
		 * \param [in] _a Point to linecast from
		 * \param [in] _b Point to linecast to
		 * \param [out] hit Contains info on what was hit, see GraphHitInfo
		 * \param [in] hint If you have some idea of what the start node might be (the one close to \a _a), pass it to hint since it can enable faster lookups
		 * This is not the same as Physics.Linecast, this function traverses the graph and looks for collisions.
		 * \astarpro */
		public bool SnappedLinecast (Vector3 _a, Vector3 _b, GraphNode hint, out GraphHitInfo hit) {
			hit = new GraphHitInfo ();
			//System.DateTime startTime = System.DateTime.UtcNow;
			GraphNode n1 = GetNearest (_a,NNConstraint.None).node;
			GraphNode n2 = GetNearest (_b,NNConstraint.None).node;
			_a = inverseMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 ((Vector3)n1.position);
			_a.x -= 0.5F;
			_a.z -= 0.5F;
			_b = inverseMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 ((Vector3)n2.position);
			_b.x -= 0.5F;
			_b.z -= 0.5F;
			Int3 a = new Int3 (Mathf.RoundToInt (_a.x),Mathf.RoundToInt (_a.y),Mathf.RoundToInt (_a.z));
			Int3 b = new Int3 (Mathf.RoundToInt (_b.x),Mathf.RoundToInt (_b.y),Mathf.RoundToInt (_b.z));
			hit.origin = (Vector3)a;
			//Debug.DrawLine (matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (a*100),matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (b*100),Color.yellow);
			if (!nodes[a.z*width+a.x].Walkable) {
				hit.node = nodes[a.z*width+a.x];
				hit.point = matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (new Vector3 (a.x+0.5F,0,a.z+0.5F));
				hit.point.y = ((Vector3)hit.node.position).y;
				return true;
			int dx = Mathf.Abs (a.x-b.x);
			int dz = Mathf.Abs (a.z-b.z);
			int sx = 0;
			int sz = 0;
			if (a.x < b.x) {
				sx = 1;
			} else {
				sx = -1;
			if (a.z < b.z) {
				sz = 1;
			} else {
				sz = -1;
			int err = dx-dz;
			while (true) {
				if (a.x == b.x && a.z == b.z) {
					//System.DateTime endTime2 = System.DateTime.UtcNow;
					//float theTime2 = (endTime2-startTime).Ticks*0.0001F;
					//Debug.Log ("Grid Linecast : Time "+theTime2.ToString ("0.00"));
					return false;
				int e2 = err*2;
				int dir = 0;
				Int3 newPos = a;
				if (e2 > -dz) {
					err = err-dz;
					dir = sx;
					newPos.x += sx;
				if (e2 < dx) {
					err = err+dx;
					dir += width*sz;
					newPos.z += sz;
				if (dir == 0) {
					Debug.LogError ("Offset is zero, this should not happen");
					return false;
				for (int i=0;i<neighbourOffsets.Length;i++) {
					if (neighbourOffsets[i] == dir) {
						if (CheckConnection (nodes[a.z*width+a.x] as GridNode,i)) {
							if (!nodes[newPos.z*width+newPos.x].Walkable) {
								hit.node = nodes[a.z*width+a.x];
								hit.point = matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (new Vector3 (a.x+0.5F,0,a.z+0.5F));
								hit.point.y = ((Vector3)hit.node.position).y;
								return true;
							//Debug.DrawLine (matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (a*100),matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (newPos*100));
							a = newPos;
						} else {
							hit.node = nodes[a.z*width+a.x];
							hit.point = matrix.MultiplyPoint3x4 (new Vector3 (a.x+0.5F,0,a.z+0.5F));
							hit.point.y = ((Vector3)hit.node.position).y;
							return true;
			//Debug.DrawLine (_a,_b,;
			//hit.success = true;
			//return false;
예제 #58
        public static void UpdateArea(GraphUpdateObject o, INavmesh graph)
            Bounds  bounds = o.bounds;
            Rect    rect   = Rect.MinMaxRect(bounds.min.x, bounds.min.z, bounds.max.x, bounds.max.z);
            IntRect irect  = new IntRect(Mathf.FloorToInt(bounds.min.x * 1000f), Mathf.FloorToInt(bounds.min.z * 1000f), Mathf.FloorToInt(bounds.max.x * 1000f), Mathf.FloorToInt(bounds.max.z * 1000f));
            Int3    a      = new Int3(irect.xmin, 0, irect.ymin);
            Int3    b      = new Int3(irect.xmin, 0, irect.ymax);
            Int3    c      = new Int3(irect.xmax, 0, irect.ymin);
            Int3    d      = new Int3(irect.xmax, 0, irect.ymax);
            int     ymin   = ((Int3)bounds.min).y;
            int     ymax   = ((Int3)bounds.max).y;

            graph.GetNodes(delegate(GraphNode _node)
                TriangleMeshNode triangleMeshNode = _node as TriangleMeshNode;
                bool flag = false;
                int num   = 0;
                int num2  = 0;
                int num3  = 0;
                int num4  = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    Int3 vertex    = triangleMeshNode.GetVertex(i);
                    Vector3 vector = (Vector3)vertex;
                    if (irect.Contains(vertex.x, vertex.z))
                        flag = true;
                    if (vector.x < rect.xMin)
                    if (vector.x > rect.xMax)
                    if (vector.z < rect.yMin)
                    if (vector.z > rect.yMax)
                if (!flag && (num == 3 || num2 == 3 || num3 == 3 || num4 == 3))
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    int i2       = (j <= 1) ? (j + 1) : 0;
                    Int3 vertex2 = triangleMeshNode.GetVertex(j);
                    Int3 vertex3 = triangleMeshNode.GetVertex(i2);
                    if (VectorMath.SegmentsIntersectXZ(a, b, vertex2, vertex3))
                        flag = true;
                    if (VectorMath.SegmentsIntersectXZ(a, c, vertex2, vertex3))
                        flag = true;
                    if (VectorMath.SegmentsIntersectXZ(c, d, vertex2, vertex3))
                        flag = true;
                    if (VectorMath.SegmentsIntersectXZ(d, b, vertex2, vertex3))
                        flag = true;
                if (flag || triangleMeshNode.ContainsPoint(a) || triangleMeshNode.ContainsPoint(b) || triangleMeshNode.ContainsPoint(c) || triangleMeshNode.ContainsPoint(d))
                    flag = true;
                if (!flag)
                int num5 = 0;
                int num6 = 0;
                for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                    Int3 vertex4 = triangleMeshNode.GetVertex(k);
                    if (vertex4.y < ymin)
                    if (vertex4.y > ymax)
                if (num6 == 3 || num5 == 3)
예제 #59
		public override void DeserializeNode (GraphSerializationContext ctx)
			base.DeserializeNode (ctx);
			position = new Int3 (ctx.reader.ReadInt32(), ctx.reader.ReadInt32(), ctx.reader.ReadInt32());
예제 #60
        protected override void Prepare()
            AstarProfiler.StartProfile("Get Nearest");

            nnConstraint.tags = enabledTags;
            var startNNInfo =, nnConstraint);

            //Tell the NNConstraint which node was found as the start node if it is a PathNNConstraint and not a normal NNConstraint
            var pathNNConstraint = nnConstraint as PathNNConstraint;

            if (pathNNConstraint != null)

            startPoint = startNNInfo.position;

            startIntPoint = (Int3)startPoint;
            startNode     = startNNInfo.node;

            if (startNode == null)
                FailWithError("Couldn't find a node close to the start point");

            if (!CanTraverse(startNode))
                FailWithError("The node closest to the start point could not be traversed");

            // If it is declared that this path type has an end point
            if (hasEndPoint)
                var endNNInfo =, nnConstraint);
                endPoint = endNNInfo.position;
                endNode  = endNNInfo.node;

                if (endNode == null)
                    FailWithError("Couldn't find a node close to the end point");

                // This should not trigger unless the user has modified the NNConstraint
                if (!CanTraverse(endNode))
                    FailWithError("The node closest to the end point could not be traversed");

                // This should not trigger unless the user has modified the NNConstraint
                if (startNode.Area != endNode.Area)
                    FailWithError("There is no valid path to the target");

                if (!EndPointGridGraphSpecialCase(endNNInfo.node))
                    // Note, other methods assume hTarget is (Int3)endPoint
                    hTarget     = (Int3)endPoint;
                    hTargetNode = endNode;

                    // Mark end node with flag1 to mark it as a target point
                    pathHandler.GetPathNode(endNode).flag1 = true;
