예제 #1
        /// <summary>Async method for moving the graph</summary>
        IEnumerator UpdateGraphCoroutine()
            // Find the direction that we want to move the graph in.
            // Calcuculate this in graph space (where a distance of one is the size of one node)
            Vector3 dir = PointToGraphSpace(target.position) - PointToGraphSpace(graph.center);

            // Snap to a whole number of nodes
            dir.x = Mathf.Round(dir.x);
            dir.z = Mathf.Round(dir.z);
            dir.y = 0;

            // Nothing do to
            if (dir == Vector3.zero)
                yield break;

            // Number of nodes to offset in each direction
            Int2 offset = new Int2(-Mathf.RoundToInt(dir.x), -Mathf.RoundToInt(dir.z));

            // Move the center (this is in world units, so we need to convert it back from graph space)
            graph.center += graph.transform.TransformVector(dir);

            // Cache some variables for easier access
            int width = graph.width;
            int depth = graph.depth;

            GridNodeBase[] nodes = graph.nodes;
            // Layers are required when handling LayeredGridGraphs
            int layers = graph.LayerCount;

            // Create a temporary buffer required for the calculations
            Memory.Realloc(ref buffer, width * depth);

            // Check if we have moved less than a whole graph width all directions
            // If we have moved more than this we can just as well recalculate the whole graph
            if (Mathf.Abs(offset.x) <= width && Mathf.Abs(offset.y) <= depth)
                // Note: the upper limits are treated as exclusive limits (xmax, ymax)
                IntRect recalculateRect = new IntRect(0, 0, offset.x, offset.y);

                // If offset.x < 0, adjust the rect
                if (recalculateRect.xmin > recalculateRect.xmax)
                    int tmp2 = recalculateRect.xmax;
                    recalculateRect.xmax = width + recalculateRect.xmin;
                    recalculateRect.xmin = width + tmp2;

                // If offset.y < 0, adjust the rect
                if (recalculateRect.ymin > recalculateRect.ymax)
                    int tmp2 = recalculateRect.ymax;
                    recalculateRect.ymax = depth + recalculateRect.ymin;
                    recalculateRect.ymin = depth + tmp2;

                // Offset each node by the #offset variable
                // nodes which would end up outside the graph
                // will wrap around to the other side of it
                for (int l = 0; l < layers; l++)
                    int layerOffset = l * width * depth;
                    for (int z = 0; z < depth; z++)
                        int pz = z * width;
                        int tz = ((z + offset.y + depth) % depth) * width;
                        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                            buffer[tz + ((x + offset.x + width) % width)] = nodes[layerOffset + pz + x];

                    yield return(null);

                    // Copy the nodes back to the graph
                    // and set the correct indices
                    for (int z = 0; z < depth; z++)
                        int pz = z * width;
                        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                            int newIndex = pz + x;
                            var node     = buffer[newIndex];
                            if (node != null)
                                node.NodeInGridIndex = newIndex;
                            nodes[layerOffset + newIndex] = node;

                        // Calculate the limits for the region that has been wrapped
                        // to the other side of the graph.
                        // This part is made up of a couple of rows and a couple of columns
                        // So depending on the row we are in (z) we should either iterate over the whole row
                        // or only the relevant columns.
                        int xmin, xmax;
                        if (z >= recalculateRect.ymin && z < recalculateRect.ymax)
                            xmin = 0;
                            xmax = width;
                            xmin = recalculateRect.xmin;
                            xmax = recalculateRect.xmax;

                        for (int x = xmin; x < xmax; x++)
                            var node = buffer[pz + x];
                            if (node != null)
                                // Clear connections on all nodes that are wrapped and placed on the other side of the graph.
                                // This is both to clear any custom connections (which do not really make sense after moving the node)
                                // and to prevent possible exceptions when the node will later (possibly) be destroyed because it was
                                // not needed anymore (only for layered grid graphs).

                    yield return(null);

                // Recalculate the nodes
                // Take a look at the image in the docs for the UpdateGraph method
                // to see which nodes are being recalculated.
                var dependencyTracker = ObjectPool <Jobs.JobDependencyTracker> .Claim();

                var updateNodesJob1 = graph.UpdateRegion(new IntRect(0, recalculateRect.ymin, width, recalculateRect.ymax), dependencyTracker, Unity.Collections.Allocator.Persistent);

                // Note: It is important the the main thread work is completed before the second update begins.
                // Otherwise if we give updateNodesJob1 as a dependency the code might call .Complete on a the handle and block indefinitely
                // since it requires work to complete in the main thread.
                foreach (var _ in updateNodesJob1.CompleteTimeSliced(MaxMillisPerFrame))
                    yield return(null);

                IntRect job2rect;
                if (recalculateRect.ymin == 0)
                    job2rect = new IntRect(recalculateRect.xmin, recalculateRect.ymax, recalculateRect.xmax, depth);
                else if (recalculateRect.ymax == depth)
                    job2rect = new IntRect(recalculateRect.xmin, 0, recalculateRect.xmax, recalculateRect.ymin - 1);
                    throw new System.Exception("Should not happen");

                var updateNodesJob2 = graph.UpdateRegion(job2rect, dependencyTracker, Unity.Collections.Allocator.Persistent);
                foreach (var _ in updateNodesJob2.CompleteTimeSliced(MaxMillisPerFrame))
                    yield return(null);
                ObjectPool <Jobs.JobDependencyTracker> .Release(ref dependencyTracker);

                // Calculate all connections for the nodes along the boundary
                // of the graph, these always need to be updated
                /// <summary>TODO: Optimize to not traverse all nodes in the graph, only those at the edges</summary>
                for (int z = 0; z < depth; z++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                        if (x == 0 || z == 0 || x == width - 1 || z == depth - 1)
                            graph.CalculateConnections(x, z);

                yield return(null);
                var dependencyTracker = ObjectPool <Jobs.JobDependencyTracker> .Claim();

                var updateNodesJob = graph.UpdateRegion(new IntRect(0, 0, width, depth), dependencyTracker, Unity.Collections.Allocator.Persistent);
                foreach (var _ in updateNodesJob.CompleteTimeSliced(MaxMillisPerFrame))
                    yield return(null);
                ObjectPool <Jobs.JobDependencyTracker> .Release(ref dependencyTracker);