public static FloodPath Construct(Vector3 start, OnPathDelegate callback = null) { FloodPath path = PathPool.GetPath <FloodPath>(); path.Setup(start, callback); return(path); }
// Token: 0x06002741 RID: 10049 RVA: 0x001B035C File Offset: 0x001AE55C public static FloodPathTracer Construct(Vector3 start, FloodPath flood, OnPathDelegate callback = null) { FloodPathTracer path = PathPool.GetPath <FloodPathTracer>(); path.Setup(start, flood, callback); return(path); }
public static FloodPath Construct(Vector3 start, OnPathDelegate callback = null) { FloodPath p = PathPool <FloodPath> .GetPath(); p.Setup(start, callback); return(p); }
public static FloodPath Construct(Vector3 start, [Optional, DefaultParameterValue(null)] OnPathDelegate callback) { FloodPath path = PathPool.GetPath <FloodPath>(); path.Setup(start, callback); return(path); }
//Good Game //public static FloodPathTracer Construct (Vector3 start, FloodPath flood, OnPathDelegate callback = null) { public static FloodPathTracer Construct(VInt3 start, FloodPath flood, OnPathDelegate callback = null) { var p = PathPool.GetPath <FloodPathTracer>(); p.Setup(start, flood, callback); return(p); }
public FloodPathConstraint(FloodPath path) { if (path == null) { Debug.LogWarning("FloodPathConstraint should not be used with a NULL path"); } this.path = path; }
public FloodPathTracer(Vector3 start, FloodPath flood, OnPathDelegate callbackDelegate) : base(start,flood.originalStartPoint,callbackDelegate) { this.flood = flood; if (flood == null || !flood.processed) throw new System.ArgumentNullException ("You must supply a calculated FloodPath to the 'flood' argument"); hasEndPoint = false; nnConstraint = new PathIDConstraint (); }
public FloodPathTracer(Vector3 start, FloodPath flood, OnPathDelegate callbackDelegate) : base(start, flood.originalStartPoint, callbackDelegate) { this.flood = flood; if (flood == null || !flood.processed) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException("You must supply a calculated FloodPath to the 'flood' argument"); } hasEndPoint = false; nnConstraint = new PathIDConstraint(); }
// Token: 0x06002742 RID: 10050 RVA: 0x001B036C File Offset: 0x001AE56C protected void Setup(Vector3 start, FloodPath flood, OnPathDelegate callback) { this.flood = flood; if (flood == null || flood.PipelineState < PathState.Returned) { throw new ArgumentException("You must supply a calculated FloodPath to the 'flood' argument"); } base.Setup(start, flood.originalStartPoint, callback); this.nnConstraint = new FloodPathConstraint(flood); }
protected void Setup (Vector3 start, FloodPath flood, OnPathDelegate callback) { this.flood = flood; if (flood == null || flood.GetState () < PathState.Returned) { throw new System.ArgumentException ("You must supply a calculated FloodPath to the 'flood' argument"); } base.Setup (start, flood.originalStartPoint, callback); nnConstraint = new FloodPathConstraint (flood); }
protected void Setup(Vector3 start, FloodPath flood, OnPathDelegate callback) { this.flood = flood; if (flood == null || flood.GetState() < PathState.Returned) { throw new System.ArgumentNullException("You must supply a calculated FloodPath to the 'flood' argument"); } base.Setup(start, flood.originalStartPoint, callback); nnConstraint = new FloodPathConstraint(flood); hasEndPoint = false; }
public static FloodPath Construct(GraphNode start, [Optional, DefaultParameterValue(null)] OnPathDelegate callback) { if (start == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("start"); } FloodPath path = PathPool.GetPath <FloodPath>(); path.Setup(start, callback); return(path); }
public static FloodPath Construct(GraphNode start, OnPathDelegate callback = null) { if (start == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("start"); } FloodPath path = PathPool <FloodPath> .GetPath(); path.Setup(start, callback); return(path); }
/** Starts a path specified by PathTypesDemo.activeDemo */ public void DemoPath() { Path p = null; if (activeDemo == 0) { p = ABPath.Construct (start.position,end.position, OnPathComplete); } else if (activeDemo == 1) { MultiTargetPath mp = MultiTargetPath.Construct (multipoints.ToArray (), end.position, null, OnPathComplete); p = mp; } else if (activeDemo == 2) { RandomPath rp = RandomPath.Construct (start.position,searchLength, OnPathComplete); rp.spread = spread; rp.aimStrength = aimStrength; rp.aim = end.position; rp.replaceChance = replaceChance; p = rp; } else if (activeDemo == 3) { FleePath fp = FleePath.Construct (start.position, end.position, searchLength, OnPathComplete); fp.aimStrength = aimStrength; fp.replaceChance = replaceChance; fp.spread = spread; p = fp; } else if (activeDemo == 4) { ConstantPath constPath = ConstantPath.Construct (end.position, searchLength, OnPathComplete); p = constPath; } else if (activeDemo == 5) { FloodPath fp = FloodPath.Construct (end.position, null); lastFlood = fp; p = fp; } else if (activeDemo == 6 && lastFlood != null) { FloodPathTracer fp = FloodPathTracer.Construct (end.position, lastFlood, OnPathComplete); p = fp; } if (p != null) { AstarPath.StartPath (p); lastPath = p; } }
private void DemoPath() { Path path = null; if (this.activeDemo == PathTypesDemo.DemoMode.ABPath) { path = ABPath.Construct(this.start.position, this.end.position, new OnPathDelegate(this.OnPathComplete)); if (this.agents != null && this.agents.Length > 0) { List<Vector3> list = ListPool<Vector3>.Claim(this.agents.Length); Vector3 vector =; for (int i = 0; i < this.agents.Length; i++) { list.Add(this.agents[i].transform.position); vector += list[i]; } vector /= (float)list.Count; for (int j = 0; j < this.agents.Length; j++) { List<Vector3> list2; List<Vector3> expr_B8 = list2 = list; int index; int expr_BD = index = j; Vector3 a = list2[index]; expr_B8[expr_BD] = a - vector; } PathUtilities.GetPointsAroundPoint(this.end.position,[0] as IRaycastableGraph, list, 0f, 0.2f); for (int k = 0; k < this.agents.Length; k++) { if (!(this.agents[k] == null)) { this.agents[k].target.position = list[k]; this.agents[k].UpdatePath(); } } } } else if (this.activeDemo == PathTypesDemo.DemoMode.MultiTargetPath) { MultiTargetPath multiTargetPath = MultiTargetPath.Construct(this.multipoints.ToArray(), this.end.position, null, new OnPathDelegate(this.OnPathComplete)); path = multiTargetPath; } else if (this.activeDemo == PathTypesDemo.DemoMode.RandomPath) { RandomPath randomPath = RandomPath.Construct(this.start.position, this.searchLength, new OnPathDelegate(this.OnPathComplete)); randomPath.spread = this.spread; randomPath.aimStrength = this.aimStrength; randomPath.aim = this.end.position; path = randomPath; } else if (this.activeDemo == PathTypesDemo.DemoMode.FleePath) { FleePath fleePath = FleePath.Construct(this.start.position, this.end.position, this.searchLength, new OnPathDelegate(this.OnPathComplete)); fleePath.aimStrength = this.aimStrength; fleePath.spread = this.spread; path = fleePath; } else if (this.activeDemo == PathTypesDemo.DemoMode.ConstantPath) { base.StartCoroutine(this.CalculateConstantPath()); path = null; } else if (this.activeDemo == PathTypesDemo.DemoMode.FloodPath) { FloodPath floodPath = FloodPath.Construct(this.end.position, null); this.lastFlood = floodPath; path = floodPath; } else if (this.activeDemo == PathTypesDemo.DemoMode.FloodPathTracer && this.lastFlood != null) { FloodPathTracer floodPathTracer = FloodPathTracer.Construct(this.end.position, this.lastFlood, new OnPathDelegate(this.OnPathComplete)); path = floodPathTracer; } if (path != null) { AstarPath.StartPath(path, false); this.lastPath = path; } }
public FloodPathTracer(Vector3 start, FloodPath flood, OnPathDelegate callbackDelegate) { throw new Exception("This constructor is obsolete"); }
public void RecalculateCosts() { if (this.pivots == null) { this.RecalculatePivots(); } if (this.mode == HeuristicOptimizationMode.None) { return; } this.pivotCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < this.pivots.Length; i++) { if (this.pivots[i] != null && (this.pivots[i].Destroyed || !this.pivots[i].Walkable)) { throw new Exception("Invalid pivot nodes (destroyed or unwalkable)"); } } if (this.mode != HeuristicOptimizationMode.RandomSpreadOut) { for (int j = 0; j < this.pivots.Length; j++) { if (this.pivots[j] == null) { throw new Exception("Invalid pivot nodes (null)"); } } } Debug.Log("Recalculating costs..."); this.pivotCount = this.pivots.Length; Action <int> startCostCalculation = null; int numComplete = 0; OnPathDelegate onComplete = delegate(Path path) { numComplete++; if (numComplete == this.pivotCount) { Debug.Log("Grid graph special case!"); this.ApplyGridGraphEndpointSpecialCase(); } }; startCostCalculation = delegate(int pivotIndex) { GraphNode pivot = this.pivots[pivotIndex]; FloodPath floodPath = null; floodPath = FloodPath.Construct(pivot, onComplete); floodPath.immediateCallback = delegate(Path _p) { _p.Claim(this); MeshNode meshNode = pivot as MeshNode; uint costOffset = 0u; if (meshNode != null && meshNode.connections != null) { for (int l = 0; l < meshNode.connections.Length; l++) { costOffset = Math.Max(costOffset, meshNode.connections[l].cost); } } NavGraph[] graphs =; for (int m = graphs.Length - 1; m >= 0; m--) { graphs[m].GetNodes(delegate(GraphNode node) { int num6 = node.NodeIndex * this.pivotCount + pivotIndex; this.EnsureCapacity(num6); PathNode pathNode = ((IPathInternals)floodPath).PathHandler.GetPathNode(node); if (costOffset > 0u) { this.costs[num6] = ((pathNode.pathID != floodPath.pathID || pathNode.parent == null) ? 0u : Math.Max(pathNode.parent.G - costOffset, 0u)); } else { this.costs[num6] = ((pathNode.pathID != floodPath.pathID) ? 0u : pathNode.G); } }); } if (this.mode == HeuristicOptimizationMode.RandomSpreadOut && pivotIndex < this.pivots.Length - 1) { if (this.pivots[pivotIndex + 1] == null) { int num = -1; uint num2 = 0u; int num3 = this.maxNodeIndex / this.pivotCount; for (int n = 1; n < num3; n++) { uint num4 = 1073741824u; for (int num5 = 0; num5 <= pivotIndex; num5++) { num4 = Math.Min(num4, this.costs[n * this.pivotCount + num5]); } GraphNode node2 = ((IPathInternals)floodPath).PathHandler.GetPathNode(n).node; if ((num4 > num2 || num == -1) && node2 != null && !node2.Destroyed && node2.Walkable) { num = n; num2 = num4; } } if (num == -1) { Debug.LogError("Failed generating random pivot points for heuristic optimizations"); return; } this.pivots[pivotIndex + 1] = ((IPathInternals)floodPath).PathHandler.GetPathNode(num).node; } startCostCalculation(pivotIndex + 1); } _p.Release(this, false); }; AstarPath.StartPath(floodPath, true); }; if (this.mode != HeuristicOptimizationMode.RandomSpreadOut) { for (int k = 0; k < this.pivots.Length; k++) { startCostCalculation(k); } } else { startCostCalculation(0); } this.dirty = false; }
public static FloodPathTracer Construct(Vector3 start, FloodPath flood, OnPathDelegate callback = null) { FloodPathTracer path = PathPool<FloodPathTracer>.GetPath(); path.Setup(start, flood, callback); return path; }
public void RecalculateCosts() { if (pivots == null) { RecalculatePivots(); } if (mode == HeuristicOptimizationMode.None) { return; } pivotCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pivots.Length; i++) { if (pivots[i] != null && (pivots[i].Destroyed || !pivots[i].Walkable)) { throw new System.Exception("Invalid pivot nodes (destroyed or unwalkable)"); } } if (mode != HeuristicOptimizationMode.RandomSpreadOut) { for (int i = 0; i < pivots.Length; i++) { if (pivots[i] == null) { throw new System.Exception("Invalid pivot nodes (null)"); } } } Debug.Log("Recalculating costs..."); pivotCount = pivots.Length; System.Action <int> startCostCalculation = null; startCostCalculation = delegate(int k) { GraphNode pivot = pivots[k]; FloodPath fp = null; fp = FloodPath.Construct(pivot); fp.immediateCallback = delegate(Path _p) { // Handle path pooling _p.Claim(this); // When paths are calculated on navmesh based graphs // the costs are slightly modified to match the actual target and start points // instead of the node centers // so we have to remove the cost for the first and last connection // in each path var mn = pivot as MeshNode; uint costOffset = 0; if (mn != null && mn.connectionCosts != null) { for (int i = 0; i < mn.connectionCosts.Length; i++) { costOffset = System.Math.Max(costOffset, mn.connectionCosts[i]); } } var graphs =; // Process graphs in reverse order to raise probability that we encounter large NodeIndex values quicker // to avoid resizing the internal array too often for (int j = graphs.Length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { graphs[j].GetNodes(delegate(GraphNode node) { int idx = node.NodeIndex * pivotCount + k; EnsureCapacity(idx); PathNode pn = fp.pathHandler.GetPathNode(node); if (costOffset > 0) { costs[idx] = pn.pathID == fp.pathID && pn.parent != null ? System.Math.Max(pn.parent.G - costOffset, 0) : 0; } else { costs[idx] = pn.pathID == fp.pathID ? pn.G : 0; } return(true); }); } if (mode == HeuristicOptimizationMode.RandomSpreadOut && k < pivots.Length - 1) { int best = -1; uint bestScore = 0; // Actual number of nodes int totCount = maxNodeIndex / pivotCount; // Loop through all nodes for (int j = 1; j < totCount; j++) { // Find the minimum distance from the node to all existing pivot points uint mx = 1 << 30; for (int p = 0; p <= k; p++) { mx = System.Math.Min(mx, costs[j * pivotCount + p]); } // Pick the node which has the largest minimum distance to the existing pivot points // (i.e pick the one furthest away from the existing ones) GraphNode node = fp.pathHandler.GetPathNode(j).node; if ((mx > bestScore || best == -1) && node != null && !node.Destroyed && node.Walkable) { best = j; bestScore = mx; } } if (best == -1) { Debug.LogError("Failed generating random pivot points for heuristic optimizations"); return; } pivots[k + 1] = fp.pathHandler.GetPathNode(best).node; Debug.Log("Found node at " + pivots[k + 1].position + " with score " + bestScore); startCostCalculation(k + 1); } // Handle path pooling _p.Release(this); }; AstarPath.StartPath(fp, true); }; if (mode != HeuristicOptimizationMode.RandomSpreadOut) { // All calculated in paralell for (int i = 0; i < pivots.Length; i++) { startCostCalculation(i); } } else { // Recursive and serial startCostCalculation(0); } dirty = false; }
public override void Reset() { base.Reset(); flood = null; }
public static FloodPathTracer Construct (Vector3 start, FloodPath flood, OnPathDelegate callback = null) { var p = PathPool.GetPath<FloodPathTracer>(); p.Setup(start, flood, callback); return p; }
protected override void Reset() { base.Reset(); flood = null; }
public FloodPathConstraint (FloodPath path) { if (path == null) { Debug.LogWarning ("FloodPathConstraint should not be used with a NULL path"); } this.path = path; }
public void RecalculateCosts() { #if !AstarFree && !ASTAR_NO_EUCLIDEAN_EMBEDDING if (pivots == null) { RecalculatePivots(); } if (mode == HeuristicOptimizationMode.None) { return; } pivotCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pivots.Length; i++) { if (pivots[i] != null && (pivots[i].Destroyed || !pivots[i].Walkable)) { throw new System.Exception("Invalid pivot nodes (destroyed or unwalkable)"); } } if (mode != HeuristicOptimizationMode.RandomSpreadOut) { for (int i = 0; i < pivots.Length; i++) { if (pivots[i] == null) { throw new System.Exception("Invalid pivot nodes (null)"); } } } Debug.Log("Recalculating costs..."); pivotCount = pivots.Length; System.Action <int> startCostCalculation = null; int numComplete = 0; OnPathDelegate onComplete = (Path path) => { numComplete++; if (numComplete == pivotCount) { // Last completed path ApplyGridGraphEndpointSpecialCase(); } }; startCostCalculation = (int pivotIndex) => { GraphNode pivot = pivots[pivotIndex]; FloodPath floodPath = null; floodPath = FloodPath.Construct(pivot, onComplete); floodPath.immediateCallback = (Path _p) => { // Handle path pooling _p.Claim(this); // When paths are calculated on navmesh based graphs // the costs are slightly modified to match the actual target and start points // instead of the node centers // so we have to remove the cost for the first and last connection // in each path var meshNode = pivot as MeshNode; uint costOffset = 0; if (meshNode != null && meshNode.connections != null) { for (int i = 0; i < meshNode.connections.Length; i++) { costOffset = System.Math.Max(costOffset, meshNode.connections[i].cost); } } var graphs =; // Process graphs in reverse order to raise probability that we encounter large NodeIndex values quicker // to avoid resizing the internal array too often for (int j = graphs.Length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { graphs[j].GetNodes(node => { int idx = node.NodeIndex * pivotCount + pivotIndex; EnsureCapacity(idx); PathNode pn = ((IPathInternals)floodPath).PathHandler.GetPathNode(node); if (costOffset > 0) { costs[idx] = pn.pathID == floodPath.pathID && pn.parent != null ? System.Math.Max(pn.parent.G - costOffset, 0) : 0; } else { costs[idx] = pn.pathID == floodPath.pathID ? pn.G : 0; } }); } if (mode == HeuristicOptimizationMode.RandomSpreadOut && pivotIndex < pivots.Length - 1) { // If the next pivot is null // then find the node which is furthest away from the earlier // pivot points if (pivots[pivotIndex + 1] == null) { int best = -1; uint bestScore = 0; // Actual number of nodes int totCount = maxNodeIndex / pivotCount; // Loop through all nodes for (int j = 1; j < totCount; j++) { // Find the minimum distance from the node to all existing pivot points uint mx = 1 << 30; for (int p = 0; p <= pivotIndex; p++) { mx = System.Math.Min(mx, costs[j * pivotCount + p]); } // Pick the node which has the largest minimum distance to the existing pivot points // (i.e pick the one furthest away from the existing ones) GraphNode node = ((IPathInternals)floodPath).PathHandler.GetPathNode(j).node; if ((mx > bestScore || best == -1) && node != null && !node.Destroyed && node.Walkable) { best = j; bestScore = mx; } } if (best == -1) { Debug.LogError("Failed generating random pivot points for heuristic optimizations"); return; } pivots[pivotIndex + 1] = ((IPathInternals)floodPath).PathHandler.GetPathNode(best).node; } // Start next path startCostCalculation(pivotIndex + 1); } // Handle path pooling _p.Release(this); }; AstarPath.StartPath(floodPath, true); }; if (mode != HeuristicOptimizationMode.RandomSpreadOut) { // All calculated in parallel for (int i = 0; i < pivots.Length; i++) { startCostCalculation(i); } } else { // Recursive and serial startCostCalculation(0); } #endif dirty = false; }
public void RecalculateCosts() { if (this.pivots == null) { this.RecalculatePivots(); } if (this.mode == HeuristicOptimizationMode.None) { return; } this.pivotCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < this.pivots.Length; i++) { if (this.pivots[i] != null && (this.pivots[i].Destroyed || !this.pivots[i].Walkable)) { throw new Exception("Invalid pivot nodes (destroyed or unwalkable)"); } } if (this.mode != HeuristicOptimizationMode.RandomSpreadOut) { for (int j = 0; j < this.pivots.Length; j++) { if (this.pivots[j] == null) { throw new Exception("Invalid pivot nodes (null)"); } } } Debug.Log("Recalculating costs..."); this.pivotCount = this.pivots.Length; Action <int> startCostCalculation = null; startCostCalculation = delegate(int k) { GraphNode pivot = this.pivots[k]; FloodPath fp = null; fp = FloodPath.Construct(pivot, null); fp.immediateCallback = delegate(Path _p) { _p.Claim(this); MeshNode meshNode = pivot as MeshNode; uint costOffset = 0u; int k; if (meshNode != null && meshNode.connectionCosts != null) { for (k = 0; k < meshNode.connectionCosts.Length; k++) { costOffset = Math.Max(costOffset, meshNode.connectionCosts[k]); } } NavGraph[] graphs =; for (int m = graphs.Length - 1; m >= 0; m--) { graphs[m].GetNodes(delegate(GraphNode node) { int num6 = node.NodeIndex * this.pivotCount + k; this.EnsureCapacity(num6); PathNode pathNode = fp.pathHandler.GetPathNode(node); if (costOffset > 0u) { this.costs[num6] = ((pathNode.pathID != fp.pathID || pathNode.parent == null) ? 0u : Math.Max(pathNode.parent.G - costOffset, 0u)); } else { this.costs[num6] = ((pathNode.pathID != fp.pathID) ? 0u : pathNode.G); } return(true); }); } if (this.mode == HeuristicOptimizationMode.RandomSpreadOut && k < this.pivots.Length - 1) { int num = -1; uint num2 = 0u; int num3 = this.maxNodeIndex / this.pivotCount; for (int n = 1; n < num3; n++) { uint num4 = 1073741824u; for (int num5 = 0; num5 <= k; num5++) { num4 = Math.Min(num4, this.costs[n * this.pivotCount + num5]); } GraphNode node2 = fp.pathHandler.GetPathNode(n).node; if ((num4 > num2 || num == -1) && node2 != null && !node2.Destroyed && node2.Walkable) { num = n; num2 = num4; } } if (num == -1) { Debug.LogError("Failed generating random pivot points for heuristic optimizations"); return; } this.pivots[k + 1] = fp.pathHandler.GetPathNode(num).node; Debug.Log(string.Concat(new object[] { "Found node at ", this.pivots[k + 1].position, " with score ", num2 })); startCostCalculation(k + 1); } _p.Release(this); }; AstarPath.StartPath(fp, true); }; if (this.mode != HeuristicOptimizationMode.RandomSpreadOut) { for (int l = 0; l < this.pivots.Length; l++) { startCostCalculation(l); } } else { startCostCalculation(0); } this.dirty = false; }
public FloodPathTracer (Vector3 start, FloodPath flood, OnPathDelegate callbackDelegate) { throw new System.Exception ("This constructor is obsolete"); }
public override void Reset() { base.Reset(); this.flood = null; }
/** Starts a path specified by PathTypesDemo.activeDemo */ public void DemoPath () { Path p = null; if (activeDemo == 0) { p = ABPath.Construct (start.position,end.position, OnPathComplete); if (agents != null && agents.Length > 0) { List<Vector3> pts = Pathfinding.Util.ListPool<Vector3>.Claim(agents.Length); Vector3 avg =; for (int i=0;i<agents.Length;i++) { pts.Add (agents[i].transform.position); avg += pts[i]; } avg /= pts.Count; for (int i=0;i<agents.Length;i++) pts[i] -= avg; //List<Vector3> pts = Pathfinding.PathUtilities.GetSpiralPoints (agents.Length, 0.2f); Pathfinding.PathUtilities.GetPointsAroundPoint (end.position,[0] as IRaycastableGraph, pts, 0, 0.2f); //for (int i=0;i<pts.Count;i++) pts[i] += end.position; for (int i=0;i<agents.Length;i++) { if (agents[i] == null) continue; agents[i].target.position = pts[i]; agents[i].UpdatePath(); } } } else if (activeDemo == 1) { MultiTargetPath mp = MultiTargetPath.Construct (multipoints.ToArray (), end.position, null, OnPathComplete); p = mp; } else if (activeDemo == 2) { RandomPath rp = RandomPath.Construct (start.position,searchLength, OnPathComplete); rp.spread = spread; rp.aimStrength = aimStrength; rp.aim = end.position; p = rp; } else if (activeDemo == 3) { FleePath fp = FleePath.Construct (start.position, end.position, searchLength, OnPathComplete); fp.aimStrength = aimStrength; fp.spread = spread; p = fp; } else if (activeDemo == 4) { StartCoroutine(Constant()); p = null; } else if (activeDemo == 5) { FloodPath fp = FloodPath.Construct (end.position, null); lastFlood = fp; p = fp; } else if (activeDemo == 6 && lastFlood != null) { FloodPathTracer fp = FloodPathTracer.Construct (end.position, lastFlood, OnPathComplete); p = fp; } if (p != null) { AstarPath.StartPath (p); lastPath = p; } }