private void UpdateMinDistance(IntDouble newlyfoundpIndex) { List <IntDouble> nlist = GetNeigboursList(newlyfoundpIndex.X, newlyfoundpIndex.Y); for (int i = 0; i < nlist.Count; i++) { IntDouble nindex = nlist[i]; visited[nindex.X, nindex.Y] = true; if (flagMap_Close[nindex.X, nindex.Y]) { continue; } int gPassp = gMap[newlyfoundpIndex.X, newlyfoundpIndex.Y] + GetWeight(newlyfoundpIndex.X, newlyfoundpIndex.Y, nindex.X, nindex.Y); if (set_Open.Exist(nindex)) { if (gPassp < gMap[nindex.X, nindex.Y]) { int oldvalue = fMap[nindex.X, nindex.Y]; gMap[nindex.X, nindex.Y] = gPassp; fMap[nindex.X, nindex.Y] = gPassp + GetH(nindex); set_Open.UpdateKey(nindex, oldvalue); prev[nindex.X, nindex.Y] = newlyfoundpIndex; } } else { gMap[nindex.X, nindex.Y] = gPassp; fMap[nindex.X, nindex.Y] = gPassp + GetH(nindex); prev[nindex.X, nindex.Y] = newlyfoundpIndex; set_Open.Add(nindex); } } }
public ResultCollection GetResult() { ResultCollection ret = new ResultCollection(); this.FindShortestPath(); resultPath = GetPath(); ret.distanceMap = this.distanceMap; int[,] retMap = Consts.Init2dArray <int>(size, 0); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { if (map[i, j] == 1) { retMap[i, j] = 1; } if (map[i, j] == 2) { retMap[i, j] = 2; } if (map[i, j] == 3) { retMap[i, j] = 3; } if (map[i, j] == 0 && visited[i, j]) { retMap[i, j] = 5; } } } for (int i = 0; i < resultPath.Count; i++) { IntDouble p = resultPath[i]; if (retMap[p.X, p.Y] == 5) { retMap[p.X, p.Y] = 4; } } ret.resultMap = retMap; ret.inputMap = map; int[,] parent = Consts.Init2dArray <int>(size, -1); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { IntDouble parentDir = prev[i, j]; if (parentDir.X != -1 && parentDir.Y != -1) { int index = Consts.OffsetToIndex[parentDir.X - i + 1, parentDir.Y - j + 1]; parent[i, j] = index; } else { parent[i, j] = -1; } } } ret.parentMap = parent; return(ret); }
public BFS_Manhattan(int[,] map, int size) { = map; this.size = size; this.start = GetStartPos(); this.end = GetEndPos(); InitDistanceMap(); }
public IntDouble ExtractMin() { int insetIndex = GetMinIndex(); IntDouble ret = reachedSet[insetIndex]; RemoveAt(insetIndex); return(ret); }
private void Swap(int i, int j) { IntDouble temp = heapArray[i]; heapArray[i] = heapArray[j]; heapArray[j] = temp; setIndexMap[heapArray[i].X, heapArray[i].Y] = i; //record new position setIndexMap[heapArray[j].X, heapArray[j].Y] = j; //record new position }
private void FindShortestPath() { bool[,] visited = new bool[size, size]; pathmap = new IntDouble[size, size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { pathmap[i, j].X = -1; pathmap[i, j].Y = -1; visited[i, j] = false; } } records_passedblocks = new List <IntDouble>(); Queue <IntDouble> queue = new Queue <IntDouble>(); queue.Enqueue(start); visited[start.X, start.Y] = true; distanceMap[start.X, start.Y] = 0; IntDouble[] aroundPArray = new IntDouble[4]; path = new List <IntDouble>(); while (queue.Count != 0) { IntDouble p = queue.Dequeue(); InitAroundPos(aroundPArray, p); for (int i = 0; i < aroundPArray.Length; i++) { IntDouble t = aroundPArray[i]; if (t.X == end.X && t.Y == end.Y) { pathmap[t.X, t.Y].X = p.X; pathmap[t.X, t.Y].Y = p.Y; distanceMap[t.X, t.Y] = distanceMap[p.X, p.Y] + 10; IntDouble cur = p; path.Add(end); while (!(cur.X == start.X && cur.Y == start.Y)) { path.Add(cur); cur = pathmap[cur.X, cur.Y]; } path.Add(start); path.Reverse(); return; } if (InMap(t.X, t.Y) && !visited[t.X, t.Y] && map[t.X, t.Y] == 0) { visited[t.X, t.Y] = true; distanceMap[t.X, t.Y] = distanceMap[p.X, p.Y] + 10; queue.Enqueue(t); pathmap[t.X, t.Y].X = p.X; pathmap[t.X, t.Y].Y = p.Y; records_passedblocks.Add(t); } } } }
public void UpdateKey(IntDouble pindex, int oldValue) { if (values[pindex.X, pindex.Y] > oldValue) { ShiftDown(setIndexMap[pindex.X, pindex.Y]); } else { ShiftUp(setIndexMap[pindex.X, pindex.Y]); } }
private List <IntDouble> GetPath() { IntDouble cur = end; while (!(cur.X == start.X && cur.Y == start.Y)) { resultPath.Add(cur); cur = prev[cur.X, cur.Y]; } resultPath.Add(start); resultPath.Reverse(); return(resultPath); }
public IntDouble ExtractMin() { if (GetCount() == 0) { return(new IntDouble(-1, -1)); } IntDouble pindex = heapArray[0]; Swap(0, heapArray.Count - 1); heapArray.RemoveAt(heapArray.Count - 1); ShiftDown(0); setIndexMap[pindex.X, pindex.Y] = -1; return(pindex); }
public DijkstraProcessor(int[,] map, int size) { = map; this.size = size; this.tempList = new List <IntDouble>(); this.tempArray = new IntDouble[8]; this.resultPath = new List <IntDouble>(); this.start = GetStartPos(); this.end = GetEndPos(); this.prev = Consts.Init2dArray <IntDouble>(size, new IntDouble(-1, -1)); this.flagMap_Close = Consts.Init2dArray <bool>(size, false); this.distanceMap = Consts.Init2dArray <int>(size, int.MaxValue); this.set_Open = new DijkstraSet_Heap(size * size, distanceMap); this.visited = Consts.Init2dArray <bool>(size, false); }
public ResultCollection GetResult() { this.FindShortestPath(); ResultCollection ret = new ResultCollection(); ret.inputMap = map; int[,] retMap = new int[size, size]; int[,] parentMap = new int[size, size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { retMap[i, j] = map[i, j]; parentMap[i, j] = -1; } } for (int i = 0; i < records_passedblocks.Count; i++) { IntDouble p = records_passedblocks[i]; if (map[p.X, p.Y] == 0) { retMap[p.X, p.Y] = 5; } } for (int i = 0; i < path.Count; i++) { IntDouble p = path[i]; if (map[p.X, p.Y] == 0) { retMap[p.X, p.Y] = 4; } } ret.resultMap = retMap; for (int i = 0; i < records_passedblocks.Count; i++) { IntDouble p = records_passedblocks[i]; IntDouble parentPos = pathmap[p.X, p.Y]; int index = Consts.OffsetToIndex[parentPos.X - p.X + 1, parentPos.Y - p.Y + 1]; parentMap[p.X, p.Y] = index; } int index2 = Consts.OffsetToIndex[pathmap[end.X, end.Y].X - end.X + 1, pathmap[end.X, end.Y].Y - end.Y + 1]; parentMap[end.X, end.Y] = index2; ret.parentMap = parentMap; ret.distanceMap = distanceMap; return(ret); }
private bool FindShortestPath() { set_Open.Add(start); distanceMap[start.X, start.Y] = 0; while (set_Open.GetCount() != 0) { IntDouble pindexnewlyfound = set_Open.ExtractMin(); // vertex with index "pindexnewlyfound" found its s-path flagMap_Close[pindexnewlyfound.X, pindexnewlyfound.Y] = true; //mark it if (pindexnewlyfound.X == end.X && pindexnewlyfound.Y == end.Y) { return(true); } UpdateMinDistance(pindexnewlyfound);// update its neighbour's s-distance } return(false); }
private void InitAroundPos(IntDouble[] aroundPArray, IntDouble p) { aroundPArray[0].X = p.X - 1; aroundPArray[0].Y = p.Y; aroundPArray[1].X = p.X + 1; aroundPArray[1].Y = p.Y; aroundPArray[2].X = p.X; aroundPArray[2].Y = p.Y - 1; aroundPArray[3].X = p.X; aroundPArray[3].Y = p.Y + 1; if (aroundPArray.Length > 4) { aroundPArray[4].X = p.X - 1; aroundPArray[4].Y = p.Y - 1; aroundPArray[5].X = p.X + 1; aroundPArray[5].Y = p.Y - 1; aroundPArray[6].X = p.X - 1; aroundPArray[6].Y = p.Y + 1; aroundPArray[7].X = p.X + 1; aroundPArray[7].Y = p.Y + 1; } }
private void UpdateMinDistance(IntDouble newlyfoundpIndex) { List <IntDouble> nlist = GetNeigboursList(newlyfoundpIndex.X, newlyfoundpIndex.Y); for (int i = 0; i < nlist.Count; i++) { IntDouble nindex = nlist[i]; visited[nindex.X, nindex.Y] = true; if (!flagMap_Close[nindex.X, nindex.Y]) { if (distanceMap[nindex.X, nindex.Y] == int.MaxValue) { set_Open.Add(nindex);//newly approached vertex is pushed into set } if (distanceMap[nindex.X, nindex.Y] > distanceMap[newlyfoundpIndex.X, newlyfoundpIndex.Y] + GetWeight(newlyfoundpIndex.X, newlyfoundpIndex.Y, nindex.X, nindex.Y)) { distanceMap[nindex.X, nindex.Y] = distanceMap[newlyfoundpIndex.X, newlyfoundpIndex.Y] + GetWeight(newlyfoundpIndex.X, newlyfoundpIndex.Y, nindex.X, nindex.Y); set_Open.DecreaseKey(nindex);// vertex with index "nindex" update its s-distance,so it's position in heap should also be updated. prev[nindex.X, nindex.Y] = newlyfoundpIndex; } } } }
private int GetH(IntDouble p) { return(Consts.GetEvaDistance_Euro(p.X, p.Y, end.X, end.Y)); }
public void Add(IntDouble pindex) { this.heapArray.Add(pindex); setIndexMap[pindex.X, pindex.Y] = heapArray.Count - 1; ShiftUp(heapArray.Count - 1); }
public void DecreaseKey(IntDouble pindex) { //do nothing cuz this element distribution won't change with the key }
public bool Exist(IntDouble pindex) { return(setIndexMap[pindex.X, pindex.Y] != -1); }
public void Add(IntDouble p) { this.reachedSet.Add(p); }
public void DecreaseKey(IntDouble pindex) { ShiftUp(setIndexMap[pindex.X, pindex.Y]); }