예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="forceToApply">basic force</param>
        /// <param name="basicVelocity">basic Velocity</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected TSVector ApplySeperateForce(TSVector toAcc, List <IAgentBehaviour> agents, bool bSkipStatic)//,out bool isTminStaticAgent
            int      count         = agents.Count;
            TSVector boidsVelocity = TSVector.zero;
            TSVector forceToApply  = TSVector.zero;
                TSVector totalForce         = TSVector.zero;
                int      neighboursCountSep = 0;
                FP       radius             = _behaviour.colliderRadius * 4;
                FP       sepSqr             = radius * radius;//
                FP       nrSqr = _behaviour.baseData.neighbourRadiusSqr * FP.EN2 * 25;
                for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
                    IAgentBehaviour a = agents[j];// _behaviour.neighbours
                    Boids.BoidsBehaviourSeparation(_behaviour, a, sepSqr, ref totalForce, ref neighboursCountSep, bSkipStatic);

                if (count > 0)
                    TSVector sep = totalForce * (_behaviour.baseData.maxForce) / count;

                    FP lenSqr = sep.sqrMagnitude;
                    if (lenSqr > _behaviour.baseData.maxForceSqr)
                        FP fval = _behaviour.baseData.maxForce / TSMath.Sqrt(lenSqr);
                        sep = sep * fval;
                    forceToApply = sep;
                    if (PathFindingManager.DEBUG)
                        if (FP.Abs(forceToApply.x) > GridMap.SCALE * 1000 || FP.Abs(forceToApply.z) > GridMap.SCALE * 1000)
                            UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("forceToApply error!");

            if (forceToApply != TSVector.zero)
                FP max = TSMath.Max(TSMath.Abs(forceToApply.x), TSMath.Abs(forceToApply.z));
                if (max > _behaviour.baseData.maxForce * FP.EN1 * 7)
                    forceToApply = forceToApply / max;
                    forceToApply = _behaviour.baseData.maxForce * forceToApply.normalized * FP.EN1 * 6;
                return((forceToApply + toAcc) * _behaviour.baseData.invMass);//
            return(forceToApply + toAcc);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="forceToApply">basic force</param>
        /// <param name="basicVelocity">basic Velocity</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected TSVector ApplyForce(FP deltaTime, TSVector desiredDirection, TSVector basicVelocity, TSVector pos, List <IAgentBehaviour> agents, bool bUsePreForce, bool bSkipStatic)//
            // isTminStaticAgent = false;
            int      count         = agents.Count;
            TSVector boidsVelocity = TSVector.zero;
            //TSVector forceToApply = TSVector.zero;
            TSVector forceToApply   = TSVector.zero;
            TSVector avoidObstacle  = TSVector.zero;
            FP       mAvoidObstacle = FP.Zero;

            if (IsBoisTypeActive(EBoidsActiveType.terrainSeperation) && false)
                avoidObstacle = Boids.BoidsBehaviourAvoidObstacle(pos, _behaviour.map, basicVelocity);
                //desiredDirection = (desiredDirection + dir * S_terrainSepFactor);
                //    desiredDirection = desiredDirection.normalized;
                avoidObstacle = CustomMath.Normalize(avoidObstacle, out mAvoidObstacle);
            if (desiredDirection != TSVector.zero)
                desiredDirection = CustomMath.Normalize(desiredDirection);
                forceToApply    += Boids.SteerTowards(_behaviour, desiredDirection, basicVelocity);
            if (mAvoidObstacle > FP.Zero)
                forceToApply += Boids.SteerTowards(_behaviour, avoidObstacle, basicVelocity);
            if (PathFindingManager.c_useAvoidUnit)
                if (IsBoisTypeActive(EBoidsActiveType.avoidUnit))
                    TSVector avoidVector = SteerForUnitAvoidance.GetDesiredSteering(_behaviour);
                    TSVector force       = TSVector.ClampMagnitude(avoidVector / deltaTime * _behaviour.baseData.invMass, _behaviour.baseData.maxForce);
                    forceToApply += force;
                //else if (IsBoisTypeActive(EBoidsActiveType.collisionAvoidance))
                // //   bool isTminStaticAgent = false;
                //    forceToApply += CustomMath.TSVec2ToVec(ForceBasedAgent.computeForces(_behaviour, basicVelocity,out isTminStaticAgent));

            if (_activeBoids > 0 && !bUsePreForce &&
                (IsBoisTypeActive(EBoidsActiveType.seperation) || IsBoisTypeActive(EBoidsActiveType.cohesion) ||
                // int count =(i%3== _updateStart)? this.neighbours.Count:0;//_group._thiss
                TSVector totalForce          = TSVector.zero;
                TSVector averageHeading      = TSVector.zero;
                TSVector centerOfMass        = TSVector.zero;
                int      neighboursCountSep  = 0;
                int      neighboursCountAlig = 0;
                int      neighboursCountCoh  = 0;
                FP       radius = _behaviour.colliderRadius * 4;
                FP       sepSqr = radius * radius;//
                FP       nrSqr  = _behaviour.baseData.neighbourRadiusSqr * FP.EN2 * 25;
                for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
                    IAgentBehaviour a = agents[j];// _behaviour.neighbours
                    if (IsBoisTypeActive(EBoidsActiveType.seperation))
                        Boids.BoidsBehaviourSeparation(_behaviour, a, sepSqr, ref totalForce, ref neighboursCountSep, bSkipStatic);
                    if (IsBoisTypeActive(EBoidsActiveType.alignment))
                        Boids.BoidsBehaviourAlignment(_behaviour, a, nrSqr, ref averageHeading, ref neighboursCountAlig);
                    if (IsBoisTypeActive(EBoidsActiveType.cohesion))
                        Boids.BoidsBehaviourCohesion(_behaviour, a, nrSqr, ref centerOfMass, ref neighboursCountCoh);
                    if (a.enabled && a.agent == null) //the ally neighbour has a target,
                                                      //cause this agent change type to atar type targeted to the same target
                        PathFindingAgentBehaviour agent = _behaviour as PathFindingAgentBehaviour;
                        if (agent.AgentType == EAgentType.flowFiled)
                            TSVector target         = (a as PathFindingAgentBehaviour).targetPos;
                            bool     isDefaultTaget = target == a.baseData.defaultTargetPos;
                            if (target != TSVector.MaxValue && target != TSVector.MinValue && !isDefaultTaget)
                                agent.stopMoving = false;
                                agent._hasNeighbourTargetedDefaultPos = true;
                                target.y = 0;
                                agent.SetNewTargetPos(target, true);
                            if (!isDefaultTaget)
                                agent.preVelocity = TSVector.zero;
                                forceToApply      = TSVector.zero;
                                // agent.velocity = TSVector.zero;
                                // agent.ChangeAgentType(EAgentType.astar);

                if (count > 0)
                    TSVector sep = TSVector.zero;
                    if (totalForce != TSVector.zero)
                        //totalForce.Multiply(agent.maxForce / neighboursCount)
                        sep = totalForce * (_behaviour.baseData.maxForce) / neighboursCountSep;
                        //sep=Boids.SteerTowards(_behaviour, sep, basicVelocity);
                        FP lenSqr = sep.sqrMagnitude;
                        if (lenSqr > _behaviour.baseData.maxForceSqr)
                            FP fval = _behaviour.baseData.maxForce / TSMath.Sqrt(lenSqr);
                            sep = sep * fval;
                    TSVector avh = TSVector.zero;
                    if (averageHeading != TSVector.zero) //average heading
                        averageHeading = averageHeading / (neighboursCountAlig);
                        avh            = Boids.SteerTowards(_behaviour, CustomMath.Normalize(averageHeading), basicVelocity);
                    //average position
                    TSVector coh = TSVector.zero;
                    if (centerOfMass != TSVector.zero)// seek that position
                        centerOfMass = centerOfMass + _behaviour.position;
                        centerOfMass = centerOfMass / neighboursCountCoh;
                        coh          = Boids.BoidsBehaviourSeek(_behaviour, basicVelocity, centerOfMass);
                    _preBoidsForce = sep * S_seperationFactor + avh * S_alignmentFactor + coh * S_cohesionFactor;
                    forceToApply  += _preBoidsForce;
                    if (PathFindingManager.DEBUG)
                        if (FP.Abs(forceToApply.x) > GridMap.SCALE * 1000 || FP.Abs(forceToApply.z) > GridMap.SCALE * 1000)
                            UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("forceToApply error!");
            else if (bUsePreForce)
                forceToApply += _preBoidsForce;

            if (forceToApply != TSVector.zero)
                if (TSMath.Abs(forceToApply.x) > _behaviour.baseData.maxForce ||
                    TSMath.Abs(forceToApply.z) > _behaviour.baseData.maxForce)
                //FP lengthSquared = forceToApply.sqrMagnitude;
                //if (lengthSquared > _behaviour.baseData.maxForceSqr)//&& _activeBoids!=(byte)EBoidsActiveType.seperation)
                    forceToApply = forceToApply * FP.EN3;
                    forceToApply = _behaviour.baseData.maxForce * forceToApply.normalized;
                return(forceToApply * _behaviour.baseData.invMass);//