public unit_name NewUnitHeading(ident unitkeyword, ident uname, LexLocation loc) { var un = new unit_name(uname, UnitHeaderKeyword.Unit, loc); if ("library")) un.HeaderKeyword = UnitHeaderKeyword.Library; return un; }
public override void visit(for_node fn) { ProcessNode(fn.statements); var b = HasStatementVisitor<yield_node>.Has(fn); if (!b) return; var gt1 = goto_statement.New; var gt2 = goto_statement.New; var endtemp = new ident(newVarName()); var ass1 = new var_statement(fn.loop_variable, fn.type_name, fn.initial_value); var ass2 = new var_statement(endtemp, fn.type_name, fn.finish_value); var if0 = new if_node(bin_expr.Greater(fn.loop_variable, fn.finish_value), gt1); var lb2 = new labeled_statement(gt2.label, if0); var lb1 = new labeled_statement(gt1.label); var Inc = new procedure_call(new method_call(new ident("Inc"),new expression_list(fn.loop_variable))); ReplaceStatement(fn, SeqStatements(ass1,ass2,lb2, fn.statements, Inc, gt2, lb1)); // в declarations ближайшего блока добавить описание labels block bl = listNodes.FindLast(x => x is block) as block; bl.defs.Add(new label_definitions(gt1.label, gt2.label)); }
public override void visit(ident value) { if (value == null) return; int pos ='`'); if (pos != -1) =; SymbolInfo si = context.find(; if (si == null) return; //ничего не нашли => переменная совсем локальная, никуда добавлять не нужно if ((si.sym_info is SemanticTree.ICommonParameterNode) //параметр или || (si.sym_info is SemanticTree.ILocalVariableNode) //локальная переменная || (si.sym_info is SemanticTree.ICommonClassFieldNode) //поле класса || (si.sym_info is SemanticTree.ILocalBlockVariableNode)//локальная блочная переменная || isLoopVariable) //счетчик цикла { if (!Variables.Contains(si.sym_info as SemanticTree.IVAriableDefinitionNode)) Variables.Add(si.sym_info as SemanticTree.IVAriableDefinitionNode); } else if ((si.sym_info is SemanticTree.ICommonFunctionConstantDefinitionNode)//константа из функции ||(si.sym_info is SemanticTree.IClassConstantDefinitionNode)) //константа из класса { if (!Constants.Contains(si.sym_info as SemanticTree.IConstantDefinitionNode)) Constants.Add(si.sym_info as SemanticTree.IConstantDefinitionNode); } }
public ReplaceCapturedVariablesVisitor(IEnumerable<string> locals, IEnumerable<string> formalParams, IEnumerable<string> classFields, IEnumerable<string> classMethods, IEnumerable<string> classProperties, IEnumerable<string> unitGlobals, IDictionary<string, string> localsMap, IDictionary<string, string> formalParamsMap, bool isInClassMethod, bool isStaticMethod, ident className) { CollectedLocals = new HashSet<string>(locals); CollectedFormalParams = new HashSet<string>(formalParams); CollectedClassFields = new HashSet<string>(classFields); CollectedUnitGlobals = new HashSet<string>(unitGlobals); CapturedLocalsMap = new Dictionary<string, string>(localsMap); CapturedFormalParamsMap = new Dictionary<string, string>(formalParamsMap); IsInClassMethod = isInClassMethod; ClassName = className; // Methods hack CollectedClassFields.UnionWith(classMethods); // Properties hack CollectedClassFields.UnionWith(classProperties); }
public override void visit(ident id) { // Check dot node var upper = UpperNode(1); //if (upper is dot_node) // return; var idName =; var idSourceContext = id.source_context; if (idName.ToLower() == "self") { var newSelf = new dot_node(new ident("self"), new ident(Consts.Self)); Replace(id, newSelf); } // Detect where is id from if (CollectedLocals.Contains(idName)) { Replace(id, new ident(CapturedLocalsMap[idName], idSourceContext)); } else if (CollectedFormalParams.Contains(idName)) { Replace(id, new ident(CapturedFormalParamsMap[idName], idSourceContext)); } else if (IsInClassMethod) { // In class -> check fields if (CollectedClassFields.Contains(idName)) { // Good // Name in class fields -> capture as class field var capturedId = new dot_node(new dot_node(new ident("self"), new ident(Consts.Self)), id); Replace(id, capturedId); } else { // Bad // At syntax we don't know if the name is class field or not coz of e.g. base .NET classes // HERE WE SHOULD REPLACE TO yield_unknown_reference -> so decision is passed to semantic // Check for globals will be processed at semantic, too } } else { // Not in class -> check globals if (CollectedUnitGlobals.Contains(idName)) { // Global -> just do nothing } else { // What about static classes - search at semantic // HERE WE SHOULD REPLACE TO yield_unknown_reference -> so decision is passed to semantic } } }
private VarNames NewVarNames(ident name) { _varnum++; return new VarNames() { VarName = "$" + + _varnum, VarEndName = "<>varLV" + _varnum }; }
public override void visit(ident id) { if ( != { return; } var upperNode = UpperNode(); if ( (object)upperNode != null && (object)(upperNode as dot_node) == null) { Replace(id, _newName); } }
public override void visit(ident id) { int? paramNameLevel = null; var paramName =; // Ищем с какого уровня имя for (int level = formalParametersStack.Count - 1; level >= 0; --level) { if (formalParametersStack[level].ContainsKey(paramName)) { // Нашли! paramNameLevel = level; break; } } bool isField = false; // Локальные параметры обрабатываются в другом визиторе // Параметр функции if ((object)paramNameLevel != null) { var upper = UpperNode(); // Подозреваем обращение к параметру метода if ((object)upper == null || (object)upper != null && (upper as dot_node) == null) { // Это не self.paramName - поле класса и не что-то другое? // Нашли обращение к параметру? var self = new ident("self", id.source_context); // Заменяем paramName -> self.hoistedParamName: <>num__paramName var hoistedParamName = new ident(formalParametersStack[(int)paramNameLevel][paramName], id.source_context); var selfId = new dot_node(self, hoistedParamName); Replace(id, selfId); } // Иначе проверить что это поле класса! self.paramName или какой-то другой очень извращенный вариант вроде (someMethod: self).paramName } // Поле класса // Параметр внешней функции (если наша - вложенная) // Глобальная переменная }
public method_name NewQualifiedIdentifier(method_name qualified_identifier, ident identifier, LexLocation loc) { var nqi = qualified_identifier; nqi.class_name = nqi.meth_name; nqi.meth_name = identifier; nqi.source_context = loc; return nqi; }
public override void visit(ident id) { if (indef) ids.Add(; }
public override void visit(ident id) { vars.Add(; }
public statement_list NewLambdaBody(expression expr_l1, LexLocation loc) { var _statement_list = new statement_list(); var id = new ident("result"); var _op_type_node = new op_type_node(Operators.Assignment); //_op_type_node.source_context = parsertools.GetTokenSourceContext(); var _assign = new assign((addressed_value)id, expr_l1, _op_type_node.type); parsertools.create_source_context(_assign, id, expr_l1); _statement_list.subnodes.Add((statement)_assign); _statement_list.source_context = loc; //block _block = new block(null, _statement_list); return _statement_list; }
public ReplaceForVariableVisitor(ident oldName, ident newName) { _oldName = oldName; _newName = newName; }
public function_lambda_call NewFactor(ident func_decl_lambda, expression_list expr_list, LexLocation loc) { var fld = parsertools.find_pascalABC_lambda_name(; var _expression_list = expr_list; var _lambda_definition = fld; var _lambda_call = new function_lambda_call(_lambda_definition, _expression_list, loc); _lambda_call.source_context = func_decl_lambda.source_context; return _lambda_call; }
public var_def_statement NewVarOrIdentifier(ident identifier, named_type_reference fptype, LexLocation loc) { var n_t_r = fptype; var vds = new var_def_statement(); vds.vars = new ident_list(); vds.vars.idents.Add(identifier); vds.vars_type = n_t_r; vds.source_context = loc; return vds; }
private void CheckVariableAlreadyDefined(ident id) { string name =; if (IsVariableAlreadyDefined(name)) { throw new PascalABCCompiler.Errors.SyntaxError(string.Format("Var {0} is already defined", name), "", id.source_context, id); } }
public for_node NewForStmt(bool opt_var, ident identifier, type_definition for_stmt_decl_or_assign, expression expr1, for_cycle_type fc_type, expression expr2, token_info opt_tk_do, statement stmt, LexLocation loc) { var nfs = new for_node(identifier, expr1, expr2, stmt, fc_type, null, for_stmt_decl_or_assign, opt_var != false, loc); if (opt_tk_do == null) { file_position fp = expr2.source_context.end_position; syntax_tree_node err_stn = stmt; if (err_stn == null) err_stn = expr2; parsertools.errors.Add(new PABCNETUnexpectedToken(parsertools.CurrentFileName, StringResources.Get("TKDO"), new SourceContext(fp.line_num, fp.column_num + 1, fp.line_num, fp.column_num + 1, 0, 0), err_stn)); } return nfs; }
private SyntaxTree.procedure_call ConvertOperatorToProcedureCall(SyntaxTree.assign _assign) { SyntaxTree.ident operator_name = new PascalABCCompiler.SyntaxTree.ident(name_reflector.get_name(_assign.operator_type)); operator_name.source_context =; SyntaxTree.dot_node dot = new PascalABCCompiler.SyntaxTree.dot_node(, operator_name); dot.source_context =; SyntaxTree.expression_list exprlist = new SyntaxTree.expression_list(); exprlist.expressions.Add(_assign.from); exprlist.source_context =; SyntaxTree.method_call add_methcall = new SyntaxTree.method_call(exprlist); add_methcall.dereferencing_value = dot; add_methcall.source_context = _assign.source_context; SyntaxTree.procedure_call add_proccall = new SyntaxTree.procedure_call(add_methcall); add_proccall.source_context = _assign.source_context; return add_proccall; }
public void write_ident(ident _ident) { write_addressed_value_funcname(_ident); if ( == null) { bw.Write((byte)0); } else { bw.Write((byte)1); bw.Write(; } }
public CollectClassFieldsVisitor(ident className) { CollectedFields = new HashSet<ident>(); _className = className; }
public static simple_property BuildSimpleReadWriteProperty(ident name, ident field, type_definition type) { return new simple_property(name, type, new property_accessors(new read_accessor_name(field), new write_accessor_name(field))); }
private class_definition CreateHelperClassDefinition(ident className, procedure_definition pd, named_type_reference_list parents, params class_members[] cms) { if (className is template_type_name) { return SyntaxTreeBuilder.BuildClassDefinition(parents, (className as template_type_name).template_args , cms); } else if (pd.proc_header.template_args != null) { return SyntaxTreeBuilder.BuildClassDefinition(parents, pd.proc_header.template_args, cms); } return SyntaxTreeBuilder.BuildClassDefinition(parents, cms); }
/// <summary> /// Создает имя вспомогательного класса /// </summary> /// <param name="helperName">Имя вспомогательного класса</param> /// <param name="className">Имя класса</param> /// <returns></returns> private ident CreateHelperClassName(string helperName, ident className, procedure_definition pd) { if (className is template_type_name) { return new template_type_name(helperName, (className as template_type_name).template_args); } else if (pd.proc_header.template_args != null) { return new template_type_name(helperName, pd.proc_header.template_args); } return new ident(helperName); }
/// <summary> /// Создает обращение к имени класса по имени класса /// </summary> /// <param name="className">Имя класса</param> /// <returns></returns> private type_definition CreateClassReference(ident className) { if (className is template_type_name) { return new template_type_reference( new named_type_reference(className), new template_param_list(string.Join(",", (className as template_type_name).template_args.idents.Select(id => ); } return new named_type_reference(className); }
public CollectClassPropertiesVisitor(ident className) { CollectedProperties = new HashSet<ident>(); _className = className; }
public NameExprPair(ident id, expression ex) { = id; this.ex = ex; }
public void visit(ident _ident) { bw.Write((Int16)4); write_ident(_ident); }
public property_accessors NewPropertySpecifiersRead(ident tkRead, ident opt_identifier, property_accessors property_specifiers, LexLocation loc) { var nnps = property_specifiers; if (nnps == null) { nnps = new property_accessors(); } if (opt_identifier != null && == "write") { nnps.read_accessor = new read_accessor_name(null); nnps.write_accessor = new write_accessor_name(null); nnps.read_accessor.source_context = tkRead.source_context; nnps.write_accessor.source_context = opt_identifier.source_context; } else { if (opt_identifier != null) nnps.read_accessor = new read_accessor_name(opt_identifier, tkRead.source_context.Merge(opt_identifier.source_context)); else nnps.read_accessor = new read_accessor_name(opt_identifier, tkRead.source_context); } nnps.source_context = loc; return nnps; }
private void AddState(out int stateNumber, out ident resumeLabel) { stateNumber = curState++; resumeLabel = null; }
public property_accessors NewPropertySpecifiersWrite(ident tkWrite, ident opt_identifier, property_accessors property_specifiers, LexLocation loc) { var nnpsw = property_specifiers; if (nnpsw == null) { nnpsw = new property_accessors(); } if (opt_identifier != null) nnpsw.write_accessor = new write_accessor_name(opt_identifier,tkWrite.source_context.Merge(opt_identifier.source_context)); else nnpsw.write_accessor = new write_accessor_name(opt_identifier,tkWrite.source_context); nnpsw.source_context = loc; return nnpsw; }