// Creates an ImmutableAdjacencyMatrix by transferring the internals from this builder. The builder must // not be used after this function is called. public ImmutableAdjacencyMatrix MoveToImmutable() { var mat = new ImmutableAdjacencyMatrix(_matrix); _matrix = null; return(mat); }
public BoardState(ImmutableArray <Continent> continents, ImmutableAdjacencyMatrix adjacency, ImmutableArray <Territory> territories, bool maxPlayerTurn) { Continents = continents; Adjacency = adjacency; Territories = territories; IsMaxPlayerTurn = maxPlayerTurn; }
// Creates an ImmutableAdjacencyMatrix by copying the internals from this builder. The builder is safe to // use to create anoher adjacency matrix. public ImmutableAdjacencyMatrix ToImmutable() { bool[,] copy = (bool[, ])_matrix.Clone(); var mat = new ImmutableAdjacencyMatrix(copy); return(mat); }
// Returns an adjacency matrix representing the territory connections in the standard Risk board. private static ImmutableAdjacencyMatrix AdjacencyMatrix() { ImmutableAdjacencyMatrix.Builder builder = ImmutableAdjacencyMatrix.CreateBuilder(42); /* Comment note: * // comments represent countries already attached to + the name of the current * Multi line ones represent the current continent. */ /* **North America** */ // Alaska -> First AddConnection(builder, Id.Alaska, Id.Kamchatka); AddConnection(builder, Id.Alaska, Id.NorthwestTerritory); AddConnection(builder, Id.Alaska, Id.Alberta); // NW Terrority -> Hooked to Alaska AddConnection(builder, Id.NorthwestTerritory, Id.Greenland); AddConnection(builder, Id.NorthwestTerritory, Id.Ontario); AddConnection(builder, Id.NorthwestTerritory, Id.Alberta); // Alberta -> Hooked to NW Territory / Alaska AddConnection(builder, Id.Alberta, Id.Ontario); AddConnection(builder, Id.Alberta, Id.WesternUnitedStates); // Greenland -> Hooked to NW Territory/Alberta AddConnection(builder, Id.Greenland, Id.Ontario); AddConnection(builder, Id.Greenland, Id.Quebec); AddConnection(builder, Id.Greenland, Id.Iceland); // Ontario -> Hooked to Greenland/Alberta/NW Territories AddConnection(builder, Id.Ontario, Id.Quebec); AddConnection(builder, Id.Ontario, Id.WesternUnitedStates); AddConnection(builder, Id.Ontario, Id.EasternUnitedStates); // Quebec -> Already hooked to Ontario/Greenland AddConnection(builder, Id.Quebec, Id.EasternUnitedStates); // Western US -> Hooked to Alberta/Ontario AddConnection(builder, Id.WesternUnitedStates, Id.EasternUnitedStates); AddConnection(builder, Id.WesternUnitedStates, Id.CentralAmerica); // Eastern US -> Hooked to Ontario / Quebec / Eastern US AddConnection(builder, Id.EasternUnitedStates, Id.CentralAmerica); // Central America -> Hooked to USA AddConnection(builder, Id.CentralAmerica, Id.Venezuela); /* **South America** */ // Venezuela -> Hooked to CAmerica AddConnection(builder, Id.Venezuela, Id.Brazil); AddConnection(builder, Id.Venezuela, Id.Peru); // Brazil -> Hooked to Venezuela AddConnection(builder, Id.Brazil, Id.Peru); AddConnection(builder, Id.Brazil, Id.Argentina); AddConnection(builder, Id.Brazil, Id.NorthAfrica); // Peru: Hooked to Venezuela/Brazil AddConnection(builder, Id.Peru, Id.Argentina); // Argentina: Hooked to all others /* **Europe** */ // Iceland -> Hooked to Greenland AddConnection(builder, Id.Iceland, Id.GreatBritain); AddConnection(builder, Id.Iceland, Id.Scandinavia); // Scandinavia -> Hooked to Iceland AddConnection(builder, Id.Scandinavia, Id.Ukraine); AddConnection(builder, Id.Scandinavia, Id.GreatBritain); AddConnection(builder, Id.Scandinavia, Id.NorthernEurope); // Ukraine -> Hooked to Scandinavia AddConnection(builder, Id.Ukraine, Id.NorthernEurope); AddConnection(builder, Id.Ukraine, Id.SouthernEurope); AddConnection(builder, Id.Ukraine, Id.Ural); AddConnection(builder, Id.Ukraine, Id.Afghanistan); AddConnection(builder, Id.Ukraine, Id.MiddleEast); // Great Britain -> Hooked to Iceland / Scandinavia AddConnection(builder, Id.GreatBritain, Id.NorthernEurope); AddConnection(builder, Id.GreatBritain, Id.WesternEurope); // North Europe -> Hooked to GB, Ukraine, Scandinavia AddConnection(builder, Id.NorthernEurope, Id.SouthernEurope); AddConnection(builder, Id.NorthernEurope, Id.WesternEurope); // Western Europe -> Hooked to GB/Northern Europe AddConnection(builder, Id.WesternEurope, Id.SouthernEurope); AddConnection(builder, Id.WesternEurope, Id.NorthAfrica); // Southern Europe: Connected to all of Europe AddConnection(builder, Id.SouthernEurope, Id.NorthAfrica); AddConnection(builder, Id.SouthernEurope, Id.Egypt); AddConnection(builder, Id.SouthernEurope, Id.MiddleEast); /* **Africa** */ // North Africa: Connected to other countries AddConnection(builder, Id.NorthAfrica, Id.Egypt); AddConnection(builder, Id.NorthAfrica, Id.EastAfrica); AddConnection(builder, Id.NorthAfrica, Id.Congo); // Egypt: Connected to NAfrica + Europe AddConnection(builder, Id.Egypt, Id.MiddleEast); AddConnection(builder, Id.Egypt, Id.EastAfrica); // East Africa: Connected to NAfrica / Egypt AddConnection(builder, Id.EastAfrica, Id.MiddleEast); AddConnection(builder, Id.EastAfrica, Id.Congo); AddConnection(builder, Id.EastAfrica, Id.Madagascar); AddConnection(builder, Id.EastAfrica, Id.SouthAfrica); // Congo: Connected to North/East Africa AddConnection(builder, Id.Congo, Id.SouthAfrica); // South Africa: Connected to all mainland Africa AddConnection(builder, Id.SouthAfrica, Id.Madagascar); // Madagascar: Already connected to South/East Africa /* **Asia** */ // Ural: Connected to Ukraine already AddConnection(builder, Id.Ural, Id.Siberia); AddConnection(builder, Id.Ural, Id.Afghanistan); AddConnection(builder, Id.Ural, Id.China); // Siberia: Connected to Ural AddConnection(builder, Id.Siberia, Id.Yakutsk); AddConnection(builder, Id.Siberia, Id.Irkutsk); AddConnection(builder, Id.Siberia, Id.Mongolia); AddConnection(builder, Id.Siberia, Id.China); // Yakutsk: Connected to Siberia AddConnection(builder, Id.Yakutsk, Id.Kamchatka); AddConnection(builder, Id.Yakutsk, Id.Irkutsk); // Kamchatka: Connnected to Yakutsk / Alaska AddConnection(builder, Id.Kamchatka, Id.Irkutsk); AddConnection(builder, Id.Kamchatka, Id.Japan); AddConnection(builder, Id.Kamchatka, Id.Mongolia); // Irkutsk: Connected to Siberia/Yak/Kamchatka AddConnection(builder, Id.Irkutsk, Id.Mongolia); // Mongolia: Connected to Kamchat/Irk/Siberia AddConnection(builder, Id.Mongolia, Id.Japan); AddConnection(builder, Id.Mongolia, Id.China); // Afghanistan: connected to Ukraine AddConnection(builder, Id.Afghanistan, Id.China); AddConnection(builder, Id.Afghanistan, Id.India); AddConnection(builder, Id.Afghanistan, Id.MiddleEast); // China: Connected to Mognolia/Afgha AddConnection(builder, Id.China, Id.India); AddConnection(builder, Id.China, Id.Siam); // Middle East: Connected to Europe/Africa/Afgha AddConnection(builder, Id.MiddleEast, Id.India); // India: Connected to Afgha/China/ME AddConnection(builder, Id.India, Id.Siam); // Siam: Connected to Asia. AddConnection(builder, Id.Siam, Id.Indonesia); /* **Australia** */ // Indonesia: Connected to Siam AddConnection(builder, Id.Indonesia, Id.NewGuinea); AddConnection(builder, Id.Indonesia, Id.WesternAustralia); // New Guinea: Connected to Indonesia AddConnection(builder, Id.NewGuinea, Id.EasternAustralia); AddConnection(builder, Id.NewGuinea, Id.WesternAustralia); // Western Australia: Connected to Indonesia/New Guinea AddConnection(builder, Id.WesternAustralia, Id.EasternAustralia); // Eastern Australia connecteed to New Guinea/Westenr Australia already. // All done initialization of connections! return(builder.MoveToImmutable()); }