public ImageWithName(ImageWithName original) { image = original.image; name =; height = original.height; width = original.width; }
public static ImageWithName[] LoadImages(string imageSourcePath, string[] imgNameList) { var SourceImageList = new ImageWithName[imgNameList.Length]; Parallel.For(0, imgNameList.Length, (i) => { Bitmap img = new Bitmap(imageSourcePath + imgNameList[i]); SourceImageList[i] = new ImageWithName(img, imgNameList[i]); }); return(SourceImageList); }
public static ImageWithName InvertImage(ImageWithName img) { Parallel.For(0, img.height, (y) => { Parallel.For(0, img.width, (x) => { img.image[x, y] = ImageProcessor.InvertPixel(img.image[x, y]); }); }); return(img); }
public static ImageWithName InvertImage(ImageWithName img) { Gpu gpu = Gpu.Default; gpu.For(0, img.height, (y) => { gpu.For(0, img.width, (x) => { img.image[x, y] = ImageProcessor.InvertPixel(img.image[x, y]); }); }); return(img); }
public static ImageWithName InvertImage(ImageWithName img) { Console.WriteLine("ooo"); using (MemoryBuffer<SimplePixel> buffer = gpu.Allocate<SimplePixel>(img.image.Length)) { buffer.CopyFrom(img.Get1DArr(), 0, Index1.Zero, img.image.Length); kernel(img.image.Length, buffer.View); // Wait for the kernel to finish... gpu.Synchronize(); return new ImageWithName(buffer.GetAsArray(), img.width, img.height,; ; } }
public static void RunILGPU(string[] imgNameList) { Console.WriteLine("Loading"); ImageWithName[] SourceImageList = LoadImages(imageSourcePath, imgNameList); ImageWithName[] OutImageList = new ImageWithName[imgNameList.Length]; //imageProcessingData = new string[SourceImageList.Length]; Console.WriteLine("Processing"); for (int i = 0; i < SourceImageList.Length; i++) { OutImageList[i] = ILGPUInverter.InvertImage(new ImageWithName()); } Console.WriteLine("Saving"); SaveImages(imageOutPath, OutImageList); }