public void _003CCallOpenBook_003Eb__25() { MVWindow mVWindow = new MVWindow(cbBooksData, new Home_OpenBookFromReader_Function(Home_Window.OpenBookFromReader), _bookPath, _bookId); mVWindow.WindowStyle = WindowStyle.None; mVWindow.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen; mVWindow.WindowState = WindowState.Maximized; Settings.Default.AssemblyName.Contains("TPI4F"); mVWindow.Show(); }
private void CallOpenBook(bool HasOpenFinishedFileVersion = false) { MouseTool.ShowLoading(); try { Home Home_Window = Application.Current.Windows.OfType <Home>().FirstOrDefault(); if (Home_Window.IsInSync == true && Home_Window.IsSyncOwner == false) { AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("同步中需由主控人員進行操作"); return; } // string filePath = ClickOnceTool.GetFilePath(); //string _bookPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(filePath, fileItem.UnZipFilePath); string UnZipFileFolder = PaperLess_Emeeting.Properties.Settings.Default.File_UnZipFileFolder; //string _bookPath = filePath + "\\" + UnZipFileFolder + "\\" + UserID + "\\" + MeetingID + "\\"+ fileItem.ID +"\\"+fileItem.FileVersion.ToString(); // 等於上面那個路徑 string _bookPath = fileItem.UnZipFilePath; // 從資料庫查詢上一次完成的檔案版本 if (HasOpenFinishedFileVersion == true) { DataTable dt = MSCE.GetDataTable("SELECT FinishedFileVersion FROM FileRow where ID=@1 and UserID=@2 and MeetingID=@3" , meetingDataDownloadFileFile.ID , UserID , MeetingID); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { _bookPath = filePath + "\\" + UnZipFileFolder + "\\" + UserID + "\\" + MeetingID + "\\" + fileItem.ID + "\\" + dt.Rows[0]["FinishedFileVersion"].ToString(); } } string _bookId = fileItem.ID; string _account = UserID; string _userName = UserName; string _email = UserEmail; string _meetingId = MeetingID; string _watermark = ""; if (MeetingDataCT_GetWatermark_Event != null) { _watermark = MeetingDataCT_GetWatermark_Event(); } string _dbPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(ClickOnceTool.GetDataPath(), PaperLess_Emeeting.Properties.Settings.Default.bookInfo_Path); bool _isSync = Home_Window.IsInSync; bool _isSyncOwner = Home_Window.IsSyncOwner; string _webServiceUrl = WsTool.GetUrl() + "/AnnotationUpload"; string _socketMessage = ""; SocketClient _socket = null; SocketClient tmpSocket = Singleton_Socket.GetInstance(MeetingID, UserID, UserName, Home_Window.IsInSync); if (tmpSocket != null && tmpSocket.GetIsConnected() == true) { _socket = tmpSocket; } //if (_socket.GetIsConnected() == false) // _socket = null; //if (Home_Window.IsInSync == false) // _socket = null; // 呼叫一個事件取得 BookVMs Dictionary <string, BookVM> cbBooksData = new Dictionary <string, BookVM>(); if (MeetingDataCT_GetBookVMs_ByMeetingFileCate_Event != null) { cbBooksData = MeetingDataCT_GetBookVMs_ByMeetingFileCate_Event(fileItem); } // debug //BooksData["cAF6-P"] = new BookVM("cAF6-P", filePath + "\\" + UnZipFileFolder + "\\" + UserID + "\\" + MeetingID + "\\" + "cAF6-P"); //BooksData["cAF3-P"] = new BookVM("cAF3-P", filePath + "\\" + UnZipFileFolder + "\\" + UserID + "\\" + MeetingID + "\\" + "cAF3-P"); Home_Window.CloseAllWindow("", true); switch (fileItem.FileCate) { case MeetingFileCate.電子書: InitSyncCenter(_dbPath, _bookId, _account, _meetingId); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => { byte[] ReaderKey = new byte[1]; try { if (fileItem.EncryptionKey.Equals("") == false) { ReaderKey = ReaderDecodeTool.GetReaderKey(fileItem.EncryptionKey); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogTool.Debug(ex); } ReadWindow rw = new ReadWindow(cbBooksData, Home_Window.OpenBookFromReader, _bookPath, _bookId, _account , _userName, _email, _meetingId , _watermark, _dbPath, _isSync , _isSyncOwner, _webServiceUrl, ReaderKey, _socketMessage, _socket); //ReadWindow rw = new ReadWindow(cbBooksData, Home_Window.OpenBookFromReader, _bookPath, _bookId, _account // , _userName, _email, _meetingId // , _watermark, _dbPath, _isSync // , _isSyncOwner, _webServiceUrl, _socketMessage, _socket); rw.FolderID = this.FolderID; rw.WindowStyle = WindowStyle.None; rw.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen; rw.WindowState = WindowState.Maximized; if (PaperLess_Emeeting.Properties.Settings.Default.AssemblyName.Contains("TPI4F") == true) { //rw.WindowStyle = WindowStyle.SingleBorderWindow; } rw.Show(); })); }); break; case MeetingFileCate.Html5投影片: _bookPath = _bookPath + @"\" + new FileInfo(Directory.GetFiles(_bookPath)[0]).Name; InitSyncCenter(_dbPath, _bookId, _account, _meetingId); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => { HTML5ReadWindow Html5rw = new HTML5ReadWindow(cbBooksData, Home_Window.OpenBookFromReader, _bookPath, _bookId, _account , _userName, _email, _meetingId , _watermark, _dbPath, _isSync , _isSyncOwner, _webServiceUrl, _socketMessage, _socket); Html5rw.FolderID = this.FolderID; Html5rw.WindowStyle = WindowStyle.None; Html5rw.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen; Html5rw.WindowState = WindowState.Maximized; if (PaperLess_Emeeting.Properties.Settings.Default.AssemblyName.Contains("TPI4F") == true) { //Html5rw.WindowStyle = WindowStyle.SingleBorderWindow; } Html5rw.Show(); })); }); break; case MeetingFileCate.影片檔: _bookPath = _bookPath + @"\" + new FileInfo(Directory.GetFiles(_bookPath)[0]).Name; Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => { MVWindow mvWindow = new MVWindow(cbBooksData, Home_Window.OpenBookFromReader, _bookPath, _bookId); mvWindow.WindowStyle = WindowStyle.None; mvWindow.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen; mvWindow.WindowState = WindowState.Maximized; if (PaperLess_Emeeting.Properties.Settings.Default.AssemblyName.Contains("TPI4F") == true) { //mvWindow.WindowStyle = WindowStyle.SingleBorderWindow; } mvWindow.Show(); })); }); break; } if (Home_Window.IsInSync == true && Home_Window.IsSyncOwner == true) { SocketClient socketClient = Singleton_Socket.GetInstance(MeetingID, UserID, UserName, Home_Window.IsInSync); Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { if (socketClient != null && socketClient.GetIsConnected() == true) { string OB = "{\"bookId\":\"" + meetingDataDownloadFileFile.ID + "\",\"cmd\":\"R.OB\"}"; socketClient.broadcast(OB); } else { //AutoClosingMessageBox.Show("同步伺服器尚未啟動,請聯絡議事管理員開啟同步"); } }); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogTool.Debug(ex); } MouseTool.ShowArrow(); }