public static IPv4Packet CreateIpV4Packet(IPAddress sourceIpAddress, IPAddress destinationIpAddress, TcpPacket payloadPacket) { var result = new IPv4Packet(sourceIpAddress, destinationIpAddress) { PayloadPacket = payloadPacket }; payloadPacket.UpdateTCPChecksum(); result.UpdateIPChecksum(); result.UpdateCalculatedValues(); return result; }
/* public EthernetPacketType NAT_incoming_packet(ref byte[] data, PhysicalAddress dstMAC, PhysicalAddress srcMAC) { EthernetPacketType ethernet_packet_type = getEthernetPacketType(ref data); if (!isIpOrArpPacket(ethernet_packet_type)) return ethernet_packet_type; xbs_nat_entry nat_entry; lock (NAT_list) { if (!NAT_list.TryGetValue(srcMAC, out nat_entry)) { IPAddress sourceIP = getSourceIPFromRawPacketData(ref data, ethernet_packet_type); if (sourceIP.Equals(ip_zero)) return ethernet_packet_type; IPAddress destinationIP = getDestinationIPFromRawPacketData(ref data, ethernet_packet_type); nat_entry = ip_pool.requestIP( sourceIP, srcMAC ); if (nat_entry == null) { xbs_messages.addInfoMessage("!! % out of NAT IPs. Could not nat incoming packet"); return ethernet_packet_type; } NAT_list.Add(srcMAC, nat_entry); #if DEBUG xbs_messages.addDebugMessage("% new device in NAT list: " + srcMAC + " " + nat_entry.original_source_ip + "=>" + nat_entry.natted_source_ip); #endif } else { #if DEBUG xbs_messages.addDebugMessage("% found device in NAT list: " + srcMAC + " " + nat_entry.original_source_ip + "=>" + nat_entry.natted_source_ip); #endif } } replaceSourceIpWithNATSourceIP(ref data, ethernet_packet_type, ref nat_entry); if (ethernet_packet_type == EthernetPacketType.IpV4) { if (dstMAC.Equals(broadcast_mac) && nat_entry.natted_broadcast!=null) replaceBroadcastIPAddress(ref data, ref nat_entry.natted_broadcast_bytes); updateIPChecksums(ref data); } return ethernet_packet_type; } */ public EthernetPacketType NAT_incoming_packet_PacketDotNet(ref byte[] data, PhysicalAddress dstMAC, PhysicalAddress srcMAC, ref Packet p, ref IPv4Packet p_IPV4, ref ARPPacket p_ARP) { xbs_nat_entry nat_entry; EthernetPacketType p_type = ((EthernetPacket)p).Type; if (p_type != EthernetPacketType.IpV4 && p_type != EthernetPacketType.Arp) return p_type; lock (NAT_list) { if (!NAT_list.TryGetValue(srcMAC, out nat_entry)) { IPAddress sourceIP = (p_IPV4!=null) ? p_IPV4.SourceAddress : p_ARP.SenderProtocolAddress; if (sourceIP.Equals(ip_zero)) return p_type; IPAddress destinationIP = (p_IPV4 != null) ? p_IPV4.DestinationAddress : p_ARP.TargetProtocolAddress; nat_entry = ip_pool.requestIP(sourceIP, srcMAC); if (nat_entry == null) { if (!natIPpoolOverflow_warning_shown) { natIPpoolOverflow_warning_shown = true; xbs_messages.addInfoMessage("!! % out of NAT IPs. Could not NAT incoming packet", xbs_message_sender.NAT, xbs_message_type.WARNING); } return p_type; } else { natIPpoolOverflow_warning_shown = false; NAT_list.Add(srcMAC, nat_entry); #if DEBUG xbs_messages.addDebugMessage("% new device in NAT list: " + srcMAC + " " + nat_entry.original_source_ip + "=>" + nat_entry.natted_source_ip, xbs_message_sender.NAT); #endif } } else { #if DEBUG xbs_messages.addDebugMessage("% found device in NAT list: " + srcMAC + " " + nat_entry.original_source_ip + "=>" + nat_entry.natted_source_ip, xbs_message_sender.NAT); #endif } } if (p_IPV4 != null) { p_IPV4.SourceAddress = nat_entry.natted_source_ip; if (dstMAC.Equals(broadcast_mac) && nat_entry.natted_broadcast != null) p_IPV4.DestinationAddress = nat_entry.natted_broadcast; p_IPV4.UpdateIPChecksum(); if (p_IPV4.Protocol == IPProtocolType.UDP) { UdpPacket p_UDP = (UdpPacket)p_IPV4.PayloadPacket; if (NAT_enablePS3mode) { bool ret = PS3_replaceInfoResponse_hostAddr(dstMAC, ref p_UDP, nat_entry.natted_source_ip); if (!ret) ret = PS3_replaceClientAnswer_hostAddr(dstMAC, ref p_UDP, nat_entry.natted_source_ip, nat_entry.original_source_ip); } p_UDP.UpdateUDPChecksum(); } else if (p_IPV4.Protocol == IPProtocolType.TCP) ((TcpPacket)p_IPV4.PayloadPacket).UpdateTCPChecksum(); } else { p_ARP.SenderProtocolAddress = nat_entry.natted_source_ip; } data = p.BytesHighPerformance.ActualBytes(); return p_type; }
public void GenerateLLMNRResponse(Packet packet) { try { LLMNR.LLMNRPacket llmnr = new LLMNR.LLMNRPacket(); llmnr.ParsePacket(((UdpPacket)(packet.PayloadPacket.PayloadPacket)).PayloadData); if (llmnr.Query.Name.ToLower().Equals("wpad") && llmnr.Query.Type.Value == LLMNR.DNSType.A) { WinPcapDevice dev =; IPAddress ip =; byte[] ipv4Addr = ip.GetAddressBytes(); llmnr.AnswerList.Add(new LLMNR.DNSAnswer() { Class = evilfoca.LLMNR.DNSClass.IN, Name = llmnr.Query.Name, Type = evilfoca.LLMNR.DNSType.A, RData = ipv4Addr, RDLength = (short)ipv4Addr.Length, TTL = 12 }); llmnr.IsResponse = true; EthernetPacket ethDns = new EthernetPacket(dev.MacAddress, ((EthernetPacket)packet).SourceHwAddress, EthernetPacketType.IpV4); IPv4Packet ipv4Dns = new IPv4Packet(ip, ((IPv4Packet)((EthernetPacket)packet).PayloadPacket).SourceAddress); UdpPacket udpDns = new UdpPacket(((UdpPacket)(packet.PayloadPacket.PayloadPacket)).DestinationPort, ((UdpPacket)(packet.PayloadPacket.PayloadPacket)).SourcePort); udpDns.PayloadData = llmnr.BuildPacket(); ipv4Dns.PayloadPacket = udpDns; udpDns.UpdateCalculatedValues(); udpDns.UpdateUDPChecksum(); ipv4Dns.UpdateIPChecksum(); ipv4Dns.UpdateCalculatedValues(); ethDns.PayloadPacket = ipv4Dns;; } } catch (Exception) { } }