protected virtual void moveFolders()
            var fileHandlerGraph = PXGraph.CreateInstance <FileHandler>();
            var tokenHandler     = PXGraph.CreateInstance <UserTokenHandler>();

            PXLongOperation.StartOperation(this, () =>
                EntityHelper entityHelper = new EntityHelper(this);

                var screenFolderCache = (BoxFolderCache)fileHandlerGraph.FoldersByScreen.Select(Screens.Current.ScreenID);

                var list = new List <BoxUtils.FileFolderInfo>();
                //For each subfolders of a screen found on box server
                    list = BoxUtils.GetFolderList(tokenHandler, screenFolderCache.FolderID, (int)BoxUtils.RecursiveDepth.FirstSubLevel).Result;
                catch (AggregateException ae)
                    ScreenUtils.HandleAggregateException(ae, HttpStatusCode.NotFound, (exception) => {
                        ScreenUtils.TraceAndThrowException(Messages.BoxFolderNotFoundRunSynchAgain, screenFolderCache.FolderID);

                foreach (var folder in list)
                    //If folder has a RefNoteID, it contains files and might need to be moved
                    BoxFolderCache bfc = (BoxFolderCache)fileHandlerGraph.FoldersByFolderID.Select(folder.ID);
                    if (bfc != null && bfc.RefNoteID.HasValue)
                        string presumedParentFolderID = screenFolderCache.FolderID;
                        if (fileHandlerGraph.FieldsGroupingByScreenID.Select(Screens.Current.ScreenID).Any())
                            presumedParentFolderID = fileHandlerGraph.GetOrCreateSublevelFolder(tokenHandler, Screens.Current.ScreenID, screenFolderCache.FolderID, bfc.RefNoteID.Value, false);

                        //if nested under the wrong folder
                        if (presumedParentFolderID != null && folder.ParentFolderID != presumedParentFolderID)
                                BoxUtils.MoveFolder(tokenHandler, folder.ID, presumedParentFolderID).Wait();
                                bfc.ParentFolderID = presumedParentFolderID;
                            catch (AggregateException ae)
                                ScreenUtils.HandleAggregateException(ae, HttpStatusCode.Conflict, (exception) => {
                                    //Skip this folder if a name conflict happens

        private void SynchronizeFolderContentsWithScreen(string screenID, string folderID, bool isForcingSync)
            // Retrieve top-level folder list
            var tokenHandler = PXGraph.CreateInstance <UserTokenHandler>();
            List <BoxUtils.FileFolderInfo> boxFolderList = new List <BoxUtils.FileFolderInfo>();

            if (FieldsGroupingByScreenID.Select(screenID).Any())
                boxFolderList = BoxUtils.GetFolderList(tokenHandler, folderID, (int)BoxUtils.RecursiveDepth.FirstSubLevel).Result;
                boxFolderList = boxFolderList.Where(x => x.Name.Contains("\\")).ToList();
                boxFolderList = BoxUtils.GetFolderList(tokenHandler, folderID, (int)BoxUtils.RecursiveDepth.NoDepth).Result;

            foreach (BoxUtils.FileFolderInfo boxFolderInfo in boxFolderList)
                BoxFolderCache bfc = FoldersByFolderID.Select(boxFolderInfo.ID);
                if (bfc != null)
                    //Make sure NoteDoc still exists
                    NoteDoc nd = NoteDocs.Select(bfc.RefNoteID);
                    if (nd == null)
                        //NoteDoc can't be found; this is likely a file coming from a record that was deleted.
                        //Since an existing folder may be renamed to something which exists, we want to force system to treat it as if it was a new folder
                        bfc = null;

                if (bfc == null)
                    // We've never seen this folder; sync it

                    if (screenID == ActivityMaintScreenId)
                        //Activity folders use custom naming defined in GetFolderNameForActivityRow() - just look for GUID inside it.
                        refNoteID = ExtractGuidFromString(boxFolderInfo.Name);
                        refNoteID = FindMatchingNoteIDForFolder(screenID, boxFolderInfo.Name);

                    if (refNoteID == null)
                        // User may have created some folder manually with a name not matching to any record, or record
                        // may have been deleted in Acumatica. We can safely ignore it, but let's write to trace.
                        PXTrace.WriteWarning(string.Format("No record found for folder {0} (screen {1}, ID {2})", boxFolderInfo.Name, screenID, boxFolderInfo.ID));

                    bfc = (BoxFolderCache)FoldersByNote.Select(refNoteID);
                    if (bfc != null)
                        // A folder existed before for this record; clear the previous entry for this refNoteID

                    // Store folder in cache for future reference
                    bfc                      = (BoxFolderCache)FoldersByFolderID.Cache.CreateInstance();
                    bfc.FolderID             = boxFolderInfo.ID;
                    bfc.ParentFolderID       = boxFolderInfo.ParentFolderID;
                    bfc.RefNoteID            = refNoteID;
                    bfc.LastModifiedDateTime = null; //To force initial sync
                    bfc                      = FoldersByFolderID.Insert(bfc);

                if (isForcingSync || bfc.LastModifiedDateTime != boxFolderInfo.ModifiedAt)
                    RefreshRecordFileList(screenID, boxFolderInfo.Name, boxFolderInfo.ID, bfc.RefNoteID, isForcingSync);
                    bfc.LastModifiedDateTime = boxFolderInfo.ModifiedAt;
                    PXContext.SetSlot <bool>("BoxDisableLoad", true);
                        PXContext.SetSlot <bool>("BoxDisableLoad", false);