void TurnSnapshotIntoBaselinePrivate(VolumeSnapshotDirectory parentDir, ref List <VolumeSnapshotRevision> revisionsThatCanBeRemoved)
            VolumeSnapshotRevision currentRevision = parentDir.Snapshot.Revision;

            foreach (VolumeSnapshotFile file in parentDir.Files)
                if (file.Revision.Value < currentRevision.Value)

                    // file is older than current snapshot, copy it into the current snapshot
                    // Use Move for speed - the file will be deleted in the next step anyway and
                    // will no longer be needed
                    mArchive.MoveFileFromRevision(file.Revision, currentRevision, file.RelativePath);

                    // update revision id in .xml file
                    file.Revision = currentRevision;

            foreach (VolumeSnapshotDirectory dir in parentDir.Directories)
                if (dir.Revision.Value < currentRevision.Value)
                    dir.Revision = currentRevision;
                TurnSnapshotIntoBaselinePrivate(dir, ref revisionsThatCanBeRemoved);