예제 #1
 public static ExpenseGroupDTO CreateExpenseGroupDTO(ExpenseGroup expenseGroup)
     return(new ExpenseGroupDTO()
         Description = expenseGroup.Description,
         ExpenseGroupStatusId = expenseGroup.ExpenseGroupStatusId,
         Id = expenseGroup.Id,
         Title = expenseGroup.Title,
         Expenses = expenseGroup.Expenses.Select(e => ExpenseFactory.CreateExpenseDTO(e)).ToList()
예제 #2
        public static object CreateDataShapedObjectExpenseGroup(ExpenseGroupDTO expenseGroup, List <string> lstOfFields)
            // work with a new instance, as we'll manipulate this list in this method
            List <string> lstOfFieldsToWorkWith = new List <string>(lstOfFields);

            if (!lstOfFieldsToWorkWith.Any())
                // does it include any expense-related field?
                var lstOfExpenseFields = lstOfFieldsToWorkWith.Where(f => f.Contains("expenses")).ToList();

                // if one of those fields is "expenses", we need to ensure the FULL expense is returned.  If
                // it's only subfields, only those subfields have to be returned.

                bool returnPartialExpense = lstOfExpenseFields.Any() && !lstOfExpenseFields.Contains("expenses");

                // if we don't want to return the full expense, we need to know which fields
                if (returnPartialExpense)
                    // remove all expense-related fields from the list of fields,
                    // as we will use the CreateDateShapedObject function in ExpenseFactory
                    // for that.

                    lstOfExpenseFields = lstOfExpenseFields.Select(f => f.Substring(f.IndexOf(".") + 1)).ToList();
                    // we shouldn't return a partial expense, but the consumer might still have
                    // asked for a subfield together with the main field, ie: expense,expense.id.  We
                    // need to remove those subfields in that case.


                // create a new ExpandoObject & dynamically create the properties for this object

                // if we have an expense

                ExpandoObject objectToReturn = new ExpandoObject();
                foreach (var field in lstOfFieldsToWorkWith)
                    // need to include public and instance, b/c specifying a binding flag overwrites the
                    // already-existing binding flags.

                    var fieldValue = expenseGroup.GetType()
                                     .GetProperty(field, BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)
                                     .GetValue(expenseGroup, null);

                    // add the field to the ExpandoObject
                    ((IDictionary <String, Object>)objectToReturn).Add(field, fieldValue);

                if (returnPartialExpense)
                    // add a list of expenses, and in that, add all those expenses
                    List <object> expenses = new List <object>();
                    foreach (var expense in expenseGroup.Expenses)
                        expenses.Add(ExpenseFactory.CreateDataShapedObject(expense, lstOfExpenseFields));

                    ((IDictionary <String, Object>)objectToReturn).Add("expenses", expenses);
예제 #3
 public static ExpenseGroup CreateExpenseGroupEntity(ExpenseGroupDTO expenseGroup)
     return(new ExpenseGroup()
         Description = expenseGroup.Description,
         ExpenseGroupStatusId = expenseGroup.ExpenseGroupStatusId,
         Id = expenseGroup.Id,
         UserId = expenseGroup.UserId,
         Title = expenseGroup.Title,
         Expenses = expenseGroup.Expenses == null ? new List <Expense>() : expenseGroup.Expenses.Select(e => ExpenseFactory.CreateExpenseEntity(e)).ToList()