예제 #1
 private static void AddObjectiveAssessments(PTFilesDbContext context)
     context.Database.ExecuteSqlRaw("SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.ObjectiveAssessments ON");
         new ObjectiveAssessment
         Id                = 1,
         ConsultationId    = 1,
         Observation       = "cautious movements. slow sit to stand.",
         Active            = "Standing flexion -fingertips to 1/2 thigh",
         Passive           = "",
         ResistedIsometric = "knee ext 4+/5",
         FunctionalTests   = "STS x10. pain at 7",
         NeurologicalTests = "sensation testing thigh and calf. -ve",
         SpecialTests      = "",
         Palpation         = "Slight tenderness in right lower back",
         Additional        = "poor posture"
         new ObjectiveAssessment
         Id                = 2,
         ConsultationId    = 2,
         Observation       = "swollen left knee. mild limp when walking",
         Active            = "L knee ext - 20 deg from full ext",
         Passive           = "L knee ext 15 from full ext",
         ResistedIsometric = "knee ext 4/5",
         FunctionalTests   = "step up x10. unable without arm assist. pain with arm assist",
         NeurologicalTests = "",
         SpecialTests      = "lachmans -ve. mcmurrays +ve",
         Palpation         = "Slight tenderness in all around knee. most tender medial knee joint line"
     context.Database.ExecuteSqlRaw("SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.ObjectiveAssessments OFF");
예제 #2
 private static void AddPractitioners(PTFilesDbContext context)
     context.Database.ExecuteSqlRaw("SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.Practitioners ON");
     context.Practitioners.Add(new Practitioner
         Id             = 1,
         Honorific      = Honorific.Mr,
         FirstName      = "Tim",
         LastName       = "Lee",
         DOB            = DateTime.Parse("1991-8-1"),
         Email          = "*****@*****.**",
         CountryCode    = "AUS",
         HomePhone      = "96498871",
         MobilePhone    = "0424991111",
         Gender         = Gender.Male,
         JobLevel       = "Senior",
         RegistrationID = "physio123"
     context.Database.ExecuteSqlRaw("SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.Practitioners OFF");
예제 #3
        private static void AddSubjectiveAssessments(PTFilesDbContext context)
            var now = DateTime.UtcNow;

            context.Database.ExecuteSqlRaw("SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.SubjectiveAssessments ON");
                new SubjectiveAssessment
                Id                 = 1,
                ConsultationId     = 1,
                MOI                = "stood up quickly from sitting",
                CurrentHistory     = "went to stand up at the end of the work yesterday and immediate pain show in lower back down to calf.",
                BodyChart          = "www.physiocharts.com/msk/123.jpg",
                AggravatingFactors = "predominantly forward flex motions. sometimes some turning motions, long sitting, long standing",
                EasingFactors      = "resting, hot shower, ice pack, sitting when standing, standing when sitting",
                VAS                = 5,
                PastHistory        = "had small aches in lower back in past but nothing as severe",
                SocialHistory      = "gym on and off. spends some time developing at home otherwise relaxes and watches netflix if not out with friends",
                Imaging            = "no xrays",
                GeneralHealth      = "nil"
                new SubjectiveAssessment
                Id                 = 2,
                ConsultationId     = 2,
                MOI                = "Changed direction to run back towards middle of court and knee gave way",
                CurrentHistory     = "Playing in a local tournament.",
                BodyChart          = "www.physiocharts.com/msk/345.jpg",
                AggravatingFactors = "walking long periods, running, completely straight knee",
                EasingFactors      = "rest, ice pack, flexed knee, compression",
                VAS                = 4,
                PastHistory        = "nil for left knee. right knee had acl tear as a teen 3 years ago",
                SocialHistory      = "trains 5-6x a week. jogs daily.",
                Imaging            = "MRI - moderate meniscal tear",
                GeneralHealth      = "nil"
            context.Database.ExecuteSqlRaw("SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.SubjectiveAssessments OFF");
예제 #4
        private static void AddConsultations(PTFilesDbContext context)
            var now = DateTime.UtcNow;

            context.Database.ExecuteSqlRaw("SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.Consultations ON");
                new Consultation
                Id             = 1,
                CasefileId     = 1,
                Date           = now,
                PractitionerId = 1,
                SubjectiveId   = 1,
                ObjectiveId    = 1,
                Treatments     = "L1-5 PA mobs. Each level 3 x 20sec. grade 2 comfortable. easied into grade 3 by 3rd set"
                                 + "\nTrA activation - 5x5sec"
                                 + "\nHip Flexor stretch - 3x15sec. kneel on pillow"
                                 + "\nPlank 3x20sec",
                Plans = "rv by end of week. ease into hydrotherapy when able"
                new Consultation
                Id             = 2,
                CasefileId     = 2,
                Date           = now,
                PractitionerId = 1,
                SubjectiveId   = 2,
                ObjectiveId    = 2,
                Treatments     = "glut, quad and hamstring contractions. 3x10. short of pain"
                                 + "\ncompression bandage, 1x med size"
                                 + "\nleft knee distractions. 2x30sec in sitting"
                                 + "\nelevated I/T compression with ice pack. 5 min",
                Plans = "rv daily this week. gradual increase strength and reduce swelling."
            context.Database.ExecuteSqlRaw("SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.Consultations OFF");
예제 #5
        private static void AddCasefiles(PTFilesDbContext context)
            var now = DateTime.UtcNow;

            context.Database.ExecuteSqlRaw("SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.Casefiles ON");
                new Casefile
                Id        = 1,
                PatientId = 1,
                Name      = "Lower Back Injury",
                Created   = now
                new Casefile
                Id        = 2,
                PatientId = 2,
                Name      = "Left Knee Injury",
                Created   = now
            context.Database.ExecuteSqlRaw("SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.Casefiles OFF");
예제 #6
 private static void AddPatients(PTFilesDbContext context)
     context.Database.ExecuteSqlRaw("SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.Patients ON");
         new Patient
         Id          = 1,
         Honorific   = Honorific.Mr,
         FirstName   = "Jay",
         LastName    = "Valentine",
         DOB         = DateTime.Parse("1991-9-7"),
         Email       = "*****@*****.**",
         CountryCode = "AUS",
         HomePhone   = "96498888",
         MobilePhone = "0424999999",
         Gender      = Gender.Male,
         Occupation  = "Software Developer"
         new Patient
         Id          = 2,
         Honorific   = Honorific.Miss,
         FirstName   = "Kay",
         LastName    = "Smith",
         DOB         = DateTime.Parse("1995-2-21"),
         Email       = "*****@*****.**",
         CountryCode = "AUS",
         HomePhone   = "96498877",
         MobilePhone = "0424999777",
         Gender      = Gender.Female,
         Occupation  = "Professional Tennis Player"
     context.Database.ExecuteSqlRaw("SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.Patients OFF");