private static void TestEpidemicSimulator() { // TODO | dj | remove this! Process.GetCurrentProcess().MaxWorkingSet = new IntPtr(4294967296); // should limit the RAM to ~4GB. FactorContainer fc = new FactorContainer(new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }); var sim = EpidemicSimulator.Create(new Disease() { Name = "TestDisease", HealingFactor = fc, ResistanceFactor = fc, MortalityRate = fc, Transferability = 75 }, "../../../EpidemicSim_InputDataParsers/germany.dep", new ConsoleOutputTarget(), DateTime.Now, new DebugInfectionComponent()); sim.SetSimulationIntervall(1); sim.SetSnapshotIntervall(1); sim.ProcessFinished += (_, __) => { ReviewManager sm = new ReviewManager(); sm.OpenSimFile(DESKTOP_PATH + "\\TestDisease.sim"); sm.LoadTickSnapshot(sm.Entries[0]); sm.CreateGraphics((EStatField)255, EColorPalette.Red, "testmap"); Console.WriteLine("DONE!"); }; sim.StartSimulation(DESKTOP_PATH + "\\dat.sim", InfectionInitState.Empty, 1); }
public static void TestStats() { var manager = new ReviewManager(); Console.WriteLine("Please enter the name of your .sim file:"); string file = Console.ReadLine(); if (file.EndsWith(".sim")) file = file.Remove(file.Length - 4); manager.OpenSimFile( Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) + "/" + file + ".sim"); var entries = manager.Entries; while (true) // I am Evil, I know |T| { foreach (string s in entries) { Console.WriteLine(s); } Console.WriteLine("Please type a entryname:"); string name = Console.ReadLine(); if (!entries.Contains(name)) foreach (string entry in entries) if (entry.StartsWith(name)) { name = entry; break; } Console.WriteLine("Please enter number of Field to paint (AllHumans is 255)"); int num = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); EStatField field = (EStatField)num; Console.WriteLine("Please type a color scheme (Red, Blue, RedGreen[default]):"); string palette = Console.ReadLine(); EColorPalette pal = EColorPalette.RedGreen; if (palette.ToLower().Equals("red")) pal = EColorPalette.Red; else if (palette.ToLower().Equals("blue")) pal = EColorPalette.Blue; Console.WriteLine("Please insert desired File-Prefix:"); string prefix = Console.ReadLine(); manager.LoadTickSnapshot(name); Console.WriteLine("Normal(0) or Deathmap (1)"); int op = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); switch (op) { case 0: manager.CreateGraphics(field, pal, prefix); break; case 1: manager.CreateDeathGraphics(field, pal, prefix); break; default: manager.CreateGraphics(field, pal, prefix); break; } Dictionary<string, Color> legend = manager.GetCaption(); foreach (string str in legend.Keys) { Console.WriteLine(str + " with " + legend[str].ToString()); } Console.WriteLine("Finished!"); } }