public Monitor(string comName, string comName2, bool english, bool showingLog, bool calibrationEnabled, decimal timerDelay, bool timerToggle, int timerTime) { InitializeComponent(); this.DataHandler = new PPG_Data_Handler(this, calibrationEnabled, timerDelay); this.timerEnabled = timerToggle; this.timerTotalTime = timerTime; this.english = english; chartTimer.Interval = (int)(timerDelay); PPG1.PortName = comName; PPG2.PortName = comName2; initialize_chart_manager(); initialize_English(english); initialize_buttons(); initialize_timer(timerToggle); update_ComboBox(); resize(); if (showingLog) { PPGLogger.setOutputTextBox(ref debuggingTextBox); PPGLogger.log("PPGLogger to textbox enabled."); } try { initialize_com_ports(); } catch (Exception e1) { MessageBox.Show("Could not connect with glove, please try again. If the problem stays, please reset the device.", "Connection error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); PPGLogger.log("Opening port error " + e1.StackTrace); this.Dispose(); return; } if (!showingLog) { disable_debug_textbox(); } }